The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, November 11, 1898, Image 7

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LOCAL Uffi. Mrs. Malila Johnson hits been la Improving. Mr. and Mrs. .T. B. Foster ennui from Atlanta Sunday. irk. but up In Bad Condition Impuro Blood nnd That Tired Fool* ing — A Fow Bottles of Hood’s Sarsaparilla Wlnkoo o Comploto Change-In Now Well, “ For three yearn I suffered with a tired feeling. When I lay down I felt an though A good mule for sale cheap: cash or on 1 had done n hard day's work. I dreaded time. J. E. Bulter, McPherson, Ga. to rise in the morning. My blood w»» m I a bail condition nnd every littln sereteh DeWltt’s Colic & Cholera Cure. | or bruiso would footer and cause n great Ualckly cures Dysentery end Dlerrhwa. , ore> j wn „ a(lvlHod by my mothcr t0 uko flnf non a TWa r*lz"ir»4naTl n ° od ’ s Sarsaparilla. 1 took one bottlp VX0L yOU El iUH'Cli’IXliUSIl and saw no changa in my condition. My “ ■“* ““ ‘ mothcr InsUltd on my trying one more nmi when I had taken about ballot tbo oegond bottle I bef^an to teed tict i r. I have now taken several botilcs nnd nm well. I took Hood’s Sarsaparilla again last spring, and I know It Is n great blood purltlor." Pink Rodims, McKenzie, Tennessee. Get only Hood’s because Sarsa parilla Is tho bcstMn (Hot Hie One True Wood rnrlllor. Bold by all druggist*. $1; six for $5. Overcoat for $1.75, at J. F. Welch’s. To Purify and Knricli tho lllnod Btrengllicn the Nerves and invigoralo Hie, Hy'stem, use Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine. Mr. Emmett Higlit, if Atlanta, came up Tuesday. Ladies’and children’s Hats of all kinds at J. F. Welch’s. Monthly anil Bcarlng-Down Pains, «l- tcnilnut upon Irregular and Suppressed Menstruation, arc relieved by Hlinmnns jjJjiSipiaw Vine Wine Tuhlits. the li Scvi pal frigiv Dallas wcilLdoWU lo. At- «ttnta Wednesday lo see the circus. *** cL'Vcury women llccd an occasional dose * *° w* ,r " SlDlHM» n » Liver Medicine to Nj? n lengthen their Nerves and invigorate .houiy^ 1 ' 1 - admhJOdt fall. Millinery is now on is oXlc; ’tis complete and tasteful hne you ever saw. 1806, the fs lower than you ever ““!! Come nnd buy. Ihe whole, tt\V. P. COOPER & BltO. when it is ret istration is jll ilml no lietler place in north hi ^ar. Ji. buy goo Is Ilian Dallas. are probably^ ls " ll1 llkt ' “ f, ‘ rcr ’ 11 J, , ' s lu " •gement of II 11 11 certain course. Dure it in repnblicai ul eiTonltially with One Minnie eat argument re, the I Hist remedy for nil ages paign wee o most severe eases. We roc- wonld disort | beeatlsu It's good. A. J. eyes of foreih< 0 missioners w treaty. It. U. nnd P. C. Smith, eaule.up "It was nautu Monday. now before tb , . fal plea for hand examine our stock The people hl s ill1( ] ir C t ollr prices standard; the ’ , " with the plan /oil buy. We think they*have^no 3ilV0 >' ml monc >’ 1,1 tllis greenbacks; ( 11 AY Bit OS. ed to the trus "These quel lllr " R ' Menses, Stop Flooding the backgrount'ienl appearance of Menses, war, but they,ims Squaw Vine Wine or Tab- noon bh peace eago platform „ . , , , . eideration of'- I 1 reemnu visited relatives in Mens. Tha '* «‘<’k. *n*^96 ne ^I icmbcr the 11 ay Bros., because it [ling goods to suit the hopes and f ' ' jorHyof tJof cotton. and silver) 1 ' 1 ™”’ Derangement of Digestion, Independw 1 overwork, worry nromolinimlcx. War wonldV arc'ptiekly rtctillcd by Dr. M. to the partAmis Liver Medicine. as&tf j - 8hcnwid is vi,i,i,,s in "Neither ct Site foreign*poi]. 111 l llc teSt line Of La- peace has been es ever seen in Dal- JCW553C" s " lc « w - p - wit will raise anjlrother’s. 'I wenty eient importance to . c- _ tion away from dom cs $ 1 ’ 00 l0 ■ / ’ 00 • mains to be seen.” ... , In regard to the i" 11 ' 1 s,m of Mr ' ,lf " 1 Mrs ; he said: Wn confined for several **A light vote was o but the fuMonists ha9 v Atlllllla j OIlrn „i H nd sssart# ried in 1&06. If t feated for re-eiectic -4. senators are eleoti At yOUf OWD. stead of by the pet TTAV BROS. can senator is oho . * islatnre he will gl thankfully receiv -1, re. represent a minor: <1 credit £fvt.*n at nil hours, the state and to th [ ls . You arc welcomed m »i° ri 'y'” • mes. Hood’s Hood’s Pills y to Mr. W. II. Johns* horse ran nwny laxt week, throwing him out of tin* lmjx.rv and skinning and bruiting up his head ronshl- orubly, but w t .seriously. Now open my new stock of Millinery goods Ladies’ Capes, Dress Goods, Silks and Trim mings of all kinds. Come in and get the Biggest Bargain you ever bought. J. F. WELCH- the Flushing Eye, llunyanl lV.t -tcp and Rosy Complexion i soil from tlie us* of Dr. SI. A. Simmoie Liver Mciilr lue. •lust lo satisfy the curious we will slate, as we did uhqut IIk: icngtli ot it, wc "IliM.led" notes with which to lnilld out house, an 1 lio| o our (leiiiiqucnls will ( .oinc :i|i wllh llieir decs so ns lo enable | us to lilt'd ilium ns they become due. The cheapest jeans in the world, at HAY BROS. The Girl’s Friend, Simmons Sipnw Vine Winn 07 Tablets, eatn c natural appearance nnd Regular Monthly return of inensi s. Mr. .1. it. I.-.wmiee Wa: the Hist lo fa. vor us with the payment of his sulistrip. lion after moving. Many thunks. Many ollicis nr- inviled to follow hls laudiibic ex inplc. , Mr. T. Wll’.lains, Senoih. Ha., writes: For many years my family have used in case of Hiliousness. Cosllvem s. Imllgts- jluil, Hick Head:: li • and Sour Stomach, Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine, which, In my opinion, is over fifty per cent, stronger nnd heller than /. nlln’s Regulator, which I have u*:'d. Highest market price paid for chickens, eggs and all kinds oi coun try produce. MEEK BROS. The Best Pksicr. A piec e*of tlannel ilmnjH*1ieclwitli t’lium- l)i*rlnin’> Pain Halm ttn<l 1* )un 1 on to the ulTectcd pints i: spperior to any philter. When troubled with a pain in the chest or side, or a lame hack, give it a trial. You certain to he more than pleased with tin* prompt relief which it aIV t.’m. Pain llalin in also u certain cure for rheumatism t For sale by A. \. Cooper A: Co. Mr. A. C. Moore was a pleasant and profitable caller Monday. Mr. Moore trill teach at the Union school house east of Hiram another year, beginning next Monday, lie h*»s the reputation of being good teacher, anil that community is to •.cum.* rat whited in securing his sirvice. From New Zealand. Hkkktos, New Zealand, Nov. 2JI, isiat. I am very phased to stat- that since 1 t )ok the agemy of Chundwilaii.’s medi. lues the side has been very Nr^o, more spcrially «»f the Cough Homed)*. In two ears i have sold more of this particular remedy tnan cf all other nukes fur the previous five years. As to its oflV.acy, 1 have been infoimed by scores of p»r.«ons or the gofxl results they have received from it, aii«l know its value from the use or it iu Uty Own household. It is so pleas ant to take that we have to place the bot tle bey »nd the reach of the chiljtvn. K. J. 8c vxTfJiiintY. For sale by A. J. Cooper vV: Co. Wc have moved into our new quarters, win re we invite «Otr friends, neighbors and acquaintances to call nmi see us. \V p ire uot on the war path as the colors o» the front might indicate, so just drop in and see us, tell us the news, ami if you are not a subscriber become one, and we will try to give you a readable paper. A Cure for Heaalburn That burning -cnsatlon iu the stomach the pains and suflYring which Iexperieno- 1 for live long years, brought on by con tinued convtipat!6n and biliousness, art almost indescribable. I tiicdovery known r *medy without cHYct. Finally 1 tried Kumnn’s Iavic Pills Tonic Pellots u fol lowing tIu* direetioiis cnrefitlly. After taking a few doses I began to improve. 1 have not tired more than three and feel its well as 1 ever felt. My restoration to p( rfret In mIMi J ji'tribute solely to the f Ramon’s Liver Pills A: Tonic. Pel lets, and 1 only wish I could pursuade others to do as I did and he cured - Logan M. Nalls, Amsterdam. Va. NOTICE. All paraol), IndvU’d to me are ri’quost- a.l to roniv and Scttlu at onre. A. llol.I.AXI). Catarrh Can Bo Cured! Ry i radicaUng from tin. blood Ilia scrofn- lons taint.* v.lilrli . ansi! it. lloud’a Sar- upnrilln auras cularrli, promptly and par- maa. iitly. baennse It xlrlka* ul tbo root of tho tronblo. Tlia rli‘l<. pura blood wlilali it mnkos, dnbtdating tin* ogli tbo dalioal.’ paasago^ if tlia morons mamlir.inas, sonllias and '(’builds Ilia llssnca, givln:: lliam a Icnd- ■noy lo hcallli iiiataiulnf d’*saiiHa, and ul timately ruling tlio nlToclinn. At Hi*’ snmo time Hood's Sarsaparilla stronglIh’ii:', InvIgoraU's and rnorglzas the whole ay.-tom and makes tho dchililated viallm if ruUrrh feel Unit miw life lias bean imparled. Do not dully will, snnIT’, Inhalants or other lord applications, hot take Hood’s Sarsaparilla and cure ralarrh nbsolnlly and sorely by removing the rinses w|drli pro lure ll. OI.IC1TOK “FOR WORMS and other bowel com plaints to which chil dren arc liablij there is no medicine equal to AYER’S FULLS” Mas. A. CASEY, Pigott, Ark, active Wl! I,UK for "I by Murat Ifuis WAN TUI* P.VKRY of tlm riillippllies' lit. Tint hook i*noral Merritt. In tin* hospital* i Ilona Kong, ia the . nulla, la the InsurRei Ho • •lull • with .tKiihml with Dewey fall of Manila f original plct i s taki’ii by i.tpm. Jsarn eight pnltl. ognipl Big prollti iflven. Drop nil trashy OulfU free. Athlre nsufanee Illdg, Uhi La Grippe, Followed by Heart Disease, Qured bf DR. MILES' HEART CURE REW'ARD! 1 will pay a liberal reward for Ihu toe's nnd evidence to eonvlet tho party or par ties who siole a lot oT tools from the New Ku.v building, on Thursday night of last week. Description: One new shovel, covered with lime; one drawing knife, marks on handles made by grind-stone: one Henry Distnn saw, three fcrosi marks on handle made by penrll: one lnuul-saw wllh ”W. F. C" eul on blade; twoortbree chisels, two or three tdts, nnd two or three elaw-lmminers, one of then, covered wllh tn NT.Iinti.ooK. Clocks at $2.00 for the next thirty days. Dallas Hardware Co. OBITUARY. On Sunday morning, Fell. Mill,, IHilll, death. Hie most uigweleome visitor who reigns in all the portion,of our lime enmo with hls cold, Icy lingers nnd beckoned from our midst our dear mother, the nurse of our infancy, the guide of our youth, the eonnselor of our riper years, and our friend when all others desert us. She was horn In Washington county, On., August 14:11, 1821, died at Iter home at Nidm, Paulding county, (In., Fell. l(llh t 1 Hint. She was 74 years, II months and 2 days of age. At her death, at the home that she she so dearly loved and was so much devoted to w ill he brightened no more by her kind words and pleasant smiles, Imt lias a vacant seat Unit can ncv_ er he 1111*ul. We know II Is hard lo glvu her up, yet we ought to humbly submit to the will of God who hath said, "lllcss- e.l are the dead which die 111 the Lard." Her death threw a shadow of sorrow and bless over us and tilled nnr hearts with ief. HonenUi lids Irrrihlo bereavement t* have sweet comfort. She Imd been a I vout nnd faithful Christian for (It) yea and trusting Ihe piomises of God and leaning on his everlasting arms she feared no evil. Death sooner or Inter will conic us all equally and make us equal when dimes. Mother is delivered from pains llsappolntmcnts, miseries and who i rausfowed from (Illusive dream*, from lie region of bubbles and corroding care: n region where idl Is pure, substantial mini ing Joy and endless felicity. Ni ght nor death is there, no ern|>o on the lorkiioli nf the mansion of hli-ft I lean lraw'ii by black or while horses crowned ill* sable plumes are not seen on the golden reels: no aching heads to hold, no mid night vigils by lestless couches, no Irk some draught lo white lips, and she shall more say, I am sick, for there shall be nothing lint a blissful and dally deepen- ng realization of the blessedness of tli*" sons of God. notiicr meek spit it pure ank fair: lias gone to meet Jrsus hls glory lo share Hhc Is renting calmly resting 'llll she hear Hie glad call, Come ye blessed, enter, there Is room fo, all A loving daughter, Fannik Owns. THE BETTER PART. Worsted, Dress-goods, Silks and Trimmings of all kindB, in fact, every thing in General Mer chandise cheaper than any other house in town, at HAY BROS. GEORGIA, I County i To nil whom it may eoneern: The appraisers appointed to appraise and set apait It year’s support for the will- nv and children of L. F. Roper), late nf sold (HXinly', deceased, have tiled their report fit my oltlee. and I wIM pms upon the slope on the llrst Monday in •eei’inher next. This the fllli day of No. vemlier, lHilN. F. 1*. HUDSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Paui.iunu County. To all whom It may concern: T. .1. Owen, administrator iu the estate of Evan Parson, deceased, 1ms in due form applied to the qhdersignt’il for lot. ors of dismission ns administrator on dd est it”, and I will pass upon 1udd :q . plication .on the llrsl Monday In February, 1MIIH. Given under my hand and otilelnl signature, this Nov. 7th, tHIW. t F. P. HUDSON, Ordinary. CUBAN A88E14 lrof , )rfjCUi!orrl Bely Declileit To y Old Falling of V/omb, is fiw Vine Wine or Tablet*. A Havana displ delegates at theifn and let us sell you Cruz del Sur reJ. lf)t]R .‘ chcaper dm 11 men who have bj 1 Ihe date of the / bought one. SMrir Hay -Bros. of being disI Crawford left Tuesday for •rmy, provid^, ()nn| , v ) H . r( . | u , xx i 11 teach nn- .01 resident ,. ' , , . turn to tL ri “' ® ,,c,:cw ll > him called up* baa adjor ~ m “fluch in Little especially true of Hood’s Tills, for no medi ie ever contained 90 great curative power in small s 1 nice. They are a whole medicine ood’s chest, always ready, ul- ■ ■ ■ ways eflklent, always sat- SZVy a R 8 Istacturyi prevont a cold § S i ® or fever, euro all liver Ills, * " m Sink headache, jatimllco, nouatlpatlen, eto, sue. Tlioouty I’Uls to inKo with UbwI’j BnrtBparllla. triot Yra jp» Arc yo’Jr chcelcs L hollow and your lips white? Is your appetite poor and your di gestion weak? Is your flesh soft and have you lost in weight? These are symptoms of anemia or poor blood. They are just as frequent in the summer as in the winter. And you can be j, cured at one time just as x* well as another. I | EitsaSsmffd | jj of cod liver oil <with hypo- jU phosphites will certainly % help you. Almost everyone can take it, and it will not ij! disturb the weakest stom- ■ !jb jjj It changes the light color of poor blood to a healthy and rich jjf ijj red. It nourishes the brain i gives jjk jt power to the nerves, ll brings j!T pack yoyr old v/cight and strength, jP A\ Aiibruwu?*:, 500. end ei. A 31 ItdWNtti (UiMUiUi York jc oEonaiA, i PAi’i.mxo't’orNtY. ( To nil wlmm ll may concern: J. W. Moon, el. nl., having a iplled for the opening nnd vJtahllshnu’Ht of a new public road, commencing at tho railroad rosslng on the public road loading from Hiram to Powder Springs, near Ihe rest, donee of J. F. Moon’s, In Ilia lHHist Hist. G. M.. said county, nnd running almost due ansi for n distance of one and onc- Imlf miles along what Is now a private way, passing through the lamia of ,L F. Moon. J. 1). Roper, E. W. Pool, .1. L. Lookout, W. L. Meadows, and Intelsoet- pig tho Dallas and Powdor Hpilngs road noiu tho rosldoneo of I). S. Pool. Notice is liarcby given that said application will lia llntilly granted on the iilh da/of Dc- •mher. lkiiH next, If no siilllelcni eimse is shown to Ihe contrary, F. P. HUDSON, Ordinary. Just opened a line of Dry tions, Groceries, Hats,Ladies’ and Underwear, Croc Tin Ware, and other articles that ^ „ need. Call and v exan£ ine our stock, aret our./ prices and be convinced' that we will sell e:oods as cheap as t can be bought eli where. We wa.nt a share of your patron age, and hope, by fair dealings, to get it and retain it. Respt’y ITEEK BROS. ( Next door to Cooper’s drug Executor’s Sale. GEORGIA, I Paiu.dino County. I As inilliorizi’d by Hits will of \V. 11 Owen, Into of said county do* eased, will la’ sold before the court house door III Ihe town of Dallas said county, to the highest nnd best bidder the following described lands of said used, to-wlti Lots Nos, I HIM. KKIftnml lOtll! all in the Cml illslriel and ilrd section nf Paulding enmity, Or. Sold rnr th*’ purpose oi distribution among ihu heirs of said deceased. Terms cash. T. .1. Owkn, Executor of W. 11. Owkn, (Uncased. store.) SOUTHERN RHiLwny. ilttNHi'ii NcIi«>4IbU Ir Kffnrl July 0. Sl'ATD»H“k \ ti». w* I Nt, 11 No. 1 Oi)un» "iMipm T. Miuu H.TJpin U. tNHuri 0.40pm ll. ROuiu It.iVOptu A.ttiplM 11 5'tpm 7.111pm l.v rimltutioogii Ar Dalton Ar Homo \r Atlanta — I * v At 1 ult t u Ar Miw in JoMitp Ar Kv Ar Jui'UNonvUlo . Lv Joaup \r .lut’UsoiivMli . Cvcnili Ar UruiiHMrlok ... M il C. C. EIIULTS, of Wlntersct, Iowa, I- van tor an’ manufacturer 1 ahnltr.’ Oafety Whiniotico Coupling, writes - f I>r. Miles’ Heart Care. "Two years ago on attack of J.aOrlpp-) left mu with weal: heart- I imd run down In flash to mei akin and t>Gne. 1 could note -ep lying down for smothering spells’, frequent sharp darting pains and palpitation raused a con slant fear of sadden death, nothing could Induce mo to romuln away from homo ov. night. My local physician proscribed Dr, Mili’ii' Heart Cure gnd in a. fa”.'.’ days I was able to sloop • 11 and tho pains gradually lessened, and finally ceruz’d. 1 reduced fho the do-.:.;, having pain, d fifteen pounds, and am now feeling lictter In every way than I have for years." Dr. Miles’ 1' ncdlos PuS^ ' fjr, : aro sold by all drug- IxY - _i gists under a t .iUvc . * guarantoc, ttr-.t bottle K^lrt ! 23It.*C! benofiu or money ro- gS funded. Hook cn dfi>- HZr w.\uHk Caere of tho heart add . narvee free. Address. . DJI, NIMvt) MEDICA t* 00., Wktmrt, Ind Hotter to smell the violet eoul, Than sip Hie glowing wine; Heller In hark a hidden brook. Than watch a diamond shine. Heller Hie love of a penile heart, Than beauty's favors proud; Heller the rose’s living seed; Than roses In a crowd, lieltcr to love in loneliness, Than husk in love all day; Hi tter Ihe fountain in'lhu heart. Than the fountain by the way. IJeilWr lie fell by mother's hand, Than cat alone id will; Halter lo (rust in God. I him say, M v goods my storehouse till. Hotter to he u little wise,'* Th in in knowledge to abound: Hi tter to tru h a i hil l than loiJ To till pirfcctlon’s r mud. Heller to sit at a master’s feet, Than thrill a listening slate: llettcrjsiispee.t that thou art proud, Than he sure tbit thou art great. Belter Id walk Hie realm unseen, Than watch the hour's event; Belter the "well done” ill the last, Than the air with shouting rent. Heller to have quiet grief, Than u hurrying delight; Better the twilight of the dawn, | Tlmn the noonday burning bright. —George MacDonald, in Atlanta Jourmtl, I Clocks iit $2.00 for the nsxt thirty cln.ys, | Diillns Hardware Co. NOTICE, ro ALL HY FRIENDS. I have opened up business ;it West Mitchell Street, and will be glad to furnish you with all kinds of good tilings to drink, such as line Rye whiskey, from $2 to $8 per gallon. Corm from $ 1.50 to $2 per gallon, and all kinds of Beer and Wines. Mail orders given special attention. When in the City, call on me, and when you want anything in my line, write me. Respectfully Yours, J. E. BROWN. tiLlum 7 25a m t* 40am to.oi am l.oojmi 7.40itm H.So:un 10. toprn 12. Hhim I.’l4:un AOium h-'Hirn K'iUam 133 u 3 NUB ia Iop in liopin 4:10pm No. 10 cnrrluH Pullman Hlosplng Oar Chat* Um< Og'U to Atlnuta. Nn. II rjirrii'H Tullmun Rlttoplnu C-ur an«l* D#| rottfhnm.’htt.iunooifo to Jmwwmvfllo ami Ihiiih to lliimswlck. No. Hcurrlca I'ulimnn Hlwplnji Our Ohattn* nuniMi to AtluiDii , SI ATIONss. 13 >Jo. V I No. r Lv Atl.mUi Ar Home Ar Dulton Ar < hultuiiooua. Lv ChiiUutiOfiKa. Ar llun/ln . . . Ar I.<*xlntfU>ii.. . Ar Loulnvlllf .. Ar Olni'lnnail Lv Ciiailiinootfa. Ar NumIivMp . 4.8t>um loopin' 7.M)uiH il.Kdiiin, ik?;.|ni),lu.v‘ihtm 7.srw'iini 7.34piu|li »ium H. lo.un H JWprr. I.iwpm H.6.'>nini 0.10pm 4.‘"•pm! | ,V jupni" 4. VhifU’ .... 7 hoptu 7.AUniu : . 7 llujiin 7.3".»ni iT l.iApm; i.i^ttm l -Spm fl.ftftpm ft. IQuin 1 0.56 pm No. IH oarrlo* Pullmun SJIeoplna Cur Atlanta t" < ’huttnnu tK’i nn<1 L'lmltartootfa to ClnoInnutL No. 9 ftirrloV Pullman Sluoplnu Cur Atlunt* to Cincinnati and Chatlanoowa to Loulnvlllo. iTATlQWw. No. rt. I No. W ; No. lj Lr dhaUunooKu 'k*40ftm 4. lOani 1 lOOUpiS Ar Knoxville II Main ROAnmi 1.10am \r Morrim. .wn I.SBpin! ABOnm 2.XAam j-prlmr-t B 14pm I.I.4Wutn 4.00atn 4-HApm 1.15pm! 6.10UCU ... I 0.40pm o.Huam .: M.57pin liiopm 1 l.ioam d.T.tpin 1 7 fiOam I liriitn'i; iu.Jhpin 'L'^Spmi il'Mani Drawlnw Room Hie Norfolk Ar Wn hiii/ton A1 N< a York *~No. iJ ciirrlnH Pullm: Yi»rk via A^ho- mm Richmond, arriving Klfh- mniid 0.80 nm. alno Pullmun Hleeplna Car nrnonalioro to Norfolk. N«). 10 1ft Molld train Chattanoojra to HulU- bury. *vlth Pnllrnan Sleeping Car Chattau »<*tia to SallNbury and 8ulUbur> to N'*w York with out clianm ’ htatTunm. _ 1 No. 4 1 N'>r«r Lv ChattanooKa 5.00pm M&UB Ar Knoxvlllo 8.45pm ll.Mu«a Ar Morristown | 2-l5ainl l ilpUl Ar llrlntol ’ 7.ooum h Mpm Ar WuNhlnjrton I . j7.4ih»m Ar N«.*w York 1 ' -’Opip ~No. 0. carrion Pullman HU-oplna t;ar CbttUA- ■ytnuu n WaNhlu«u>n and Ohuttanooga to Now York without ebanga No. 1 iwrlo.1 Ptillvnan Rlooplng Cur Knou- rllle to llrl tol. | vsrnr 9 10am Skin Diseases. For the speedy and permanent enre of tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Cham berlain’s Eye and Skin Ointment is without an equal. It relieves the itch ing and smarting alinoat instantly and its continued nse efforts a permanent cure. It also cures itch, barber's itch, scald head, sore nipples, itching piles, chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and granulated lids. Dr. Cady’s rendition Powders for horses are the best tonic, blood purifier und vermifuge. Price. 2.1 cents. Sold by For sale by A. -I. Cooper* Co. HTATIOWH. Ar Anniston Ar lllrmlnghnm... Ar Snlin;. Ar Mfrrldiun Ar Now Or Ioann... >r‘jiw0r' n Ar VmmburK Ar Shr^voporL ♦No. 18 ll.Ulnm lO/Klprn з. 55pm 7.30pm laiuinm 9.45am n .Crnia 7.»)pm и. 35am 8.60am ikooum 'ISmra lvl 5.45am 8.C0am tN<»: IftVfNo: 9l 2.oopm 4 ; M)pm|Lv ftomo ... 5 40pm <1.57pm Ar God'don. a.Kipinl 7. |i/])mlAr_Attalla. VDully uxoopt Hundoy. | Sunday only. F. H. GANNON. Aiv.p. Ao.M .Washington. D.(7 .7 M. CULP. Trnf. Mgr.. Washington. D. a W. A. TUltK. G. P A.. Wanblngton. D. C. C A. IJKNSCOTER. A.a.P. A.,Ch»ttunooga,Tem We Club THE NEW ERA with Ttie Weekly Constitution, 81.90 The Weekly Journal, ’J'-.Zo Tin: Thrii'i'rii.Wenk World, 81.4(1 The Twl('c.a,w*(ik Globe.)Jeinoyrst, 81.f:0 The Twlcp.g.week Cnurier.Juurjinl, 8 l.t'ft Twlre.n.week fJotrnlt Er#v Pro**, Jl-fl iITmiUi m*il t’arnti 8*1.10