The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, November 25, 1898, Image 2

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One of the important measures to come before the New York legislature," It is said, "is a measure demanding pure beer." The Georgia legislature should drop Into line and demand purer corn. * S t AM Mutton canlMHMM can mate • combination strong enough to defy all the healing skill of the phjmicien. Common careieoeneee lets the cold root and grow. Common careleMneaa my*, between paroxyem* of cough ing, *Ut will be all right in a day or ♦wo,*' and the common end la con- tmmd long trouble, peehape con- •nmptkm. The common-eenae treat ment of n common oold ia a prompt doee of Ayert Cherry Pector^L It la the most efficient and reliable cure for oolda and coughs, and ia con stantly prescribed by physicians. A. H*rsm, M. D, Baraaao, M.Y, aer»t— "I here seed Ayst's Cherry Peetotml lassj yneltea alaea 1868, sad bar# ahraya foaad It raliabia for tbaeara of oolda, eoagba, aad V aB hag dlssaasa.” I Auer’s Cherri PecMm is now put up in half-elxe bottlee, foe half prioe—60 cento. Mr. T. Williams, Bonols, Oa., writes: For msny years my family have used in case of Biliousness, Costlvene.'.s, Indiges tion, Sick Headache and Sour Stomach, M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine, which, in my opinion, is over fifty tier cent, stronger nnd letter than Zeal in's Regulator, which I have used. United States Senator M. S. Quay, of Pennsylvania, together with hla aoa Rich ard R. Quay and some others hove been indicted by the grand Jury for the unlaw ful use of the state's money deposited in the People's National bank of Philadel phia. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE. THE BEST SALVE In the world for Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, And positively cures Piles, or no p.,y re quired.. It is guaranteed to give perfec satisfaction or moneyjrefunded. Price 2ft centa per liox., FOR BALE BY A. J Cooper Co. Ex-Governor W. Y. Atkinson’s views on the public school fund and pensions of the Confederate veterans, as presented in Saturday's Journal are clear, concise and sensible. We think it la the most sensi ble thing we have scon on the subject. TEE HEW ERA Published Every Friday. w. z. SPINKS, Advertising Rates on Application. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ONE YEAR 76c SIX MONTHS 40c THREE MONTHS SOc Entered In the Poet OCoetnt Online, On. as seoond-claaawnail matter. DALLAS, OA., Nov. SS, 1888. There ia a strike on among Ihe opera tives of the Augusta, Qs„ cotton mills. So it turns up that Kansas did not (o Republican as was first stated. Bo Br< an is nut such a hack number after all. When you ask fer Dc Will’s Witch Ha xcl Salve don't accept a counterfeit or Im tuition. There are more cases of Piles be ing cured by tills tlum all others combined A. J. Cooper A Co. Congress will couvenc within a few days. In llie mcantlniu we shall await as patleutly ns imsslble Ihe Rcpu'jilcuu wave of prosperity. Soothing, healing, cleansing, DoWllt Witch llnr.fl Salvo is the implacable une my of sores, hums and wounds. It never fails to cure Piles. You may roly upon It, A. J. Cooper A Co. So far only 1047 applicants for pensions for .vnr service lias been rendered nnd 178 for naval service in ihe late war. We do not see why the others do’nt apply at once Many a household is saddened by death because of the failure tojkecp ou hand safe and absolutely certain cure for croup such ns One Minute Cough Cure, See that your little ones are protected against emergency. A. J. Cooper & Co. Tlie Her. Sum Jones says that It’s "the hit dog Hint hollers," so cx-Gov. W Atkinson must have struck the Constltu lion a pretty hnrd blow from the way yel|ied ou last Tuesday. Late to lied und early to rise, prepares a lima for his home in the skies. But early to bed mid a Llt'le Early ltiscr, the pill that makes life long: r and better and wiser. A. J. Cooper & Co, Representative John II. Bankhead, of Alabama, is being urged by the dclegn tion of Hint slate for Ihe leadership of the Democratic party in the next Congress iu place of Bully, of Texas. Will R. Speck, editor of the Warren County Uaxettc. Blchardsville, Ky., writes The Or. J. H. McLean Medicine Co. follows: "Gentlemen—My wife’s praises of Dr. J- II. McLean's Strengthening Cor dial nnd Blood PurlHcr have overcome my antipathy to writing a testimonial for It gnd I therefore add my recommendation to tlie hundreds you are doubtless reeelv tng dally valuable remedies. Your strength lining Cordial Is truly a wonderful strength giving medicine, and did my wlfo iny good In relieving weakness and nervous prostration than one hundred dol lars'spent with our best physicians, give one physician credit, however, foi recommending your Cordial." For sale by A J. Cooper A Co.- That wonderful flood tide of prosperity that the Republicans were going to turn onto the people mutt to have disappeared in mitt. Nothing substantial so far lias been experienced on that lint. It is now time for them to renew their promises. Para Lands on Ten Tears Time I have some farm lands—40, 50, 00, und 120 acre tracts—to sell on ten years time No cash payment required. Write or call at once. Will G. Bkown, Cullman, Ala yERY-DAY HEROISM! Struggling through life, cursed, with ca tarrh, is a common experience. How ever horde tho fight catarrh gen-' erally wins. Under some name or other it gete the best- of us. Frank E. Ingalls, Waco, Tex.,and thou sands of .others have been permanently cured of catarrh by Dr. Hartman'n successful remedy Pe-ru-na. Here la Mr. Ingalls' letter: Dr. S. ft. Hartman, Co/umbm, O. Dear Sib:—“ Pe-ru-na and Man-a-lln have eared me of one of the worst cases of catarrh any one ever had. My case was so severe that I was compelled to discontinue my business, that of con ductor on a railroad; but 1 am now entirely well." Ordinary treatment of catarrh is for local relief. Cures are not expected. Dr. Hartman’s method eradicates ca tarrh absolutely. Get his latest book and learn how to combat thla insidious disease. The Pe-rn-na Medicine Co., Columbus, O., will mall Dr. Hartman's books free on application. II. A. Scott, Burt, Tcnn., Writes: " I feel very thankful to my Maker and your great medicine that I nm rod. I would not be without Pe- ru-na in the house.” Pe-ry-nn hns been curing catarrh for forty years. It plucks out tlio rftotu of catarrh and builds people up. Ail druggists sell It. Ask any druggist for a free Pe-ru-na Almanac for tlie year 1800. ACTIVE SOLICITORS WANTED KVKRY- WlUUfltfur ‘;Th# story of the Philippines" by Murat, Hn I'ttmmissl/.ne.d Ihe Govern nient isofllcisl Historian to the War Depart* ment. The hook was write:: ia army camps at San Francisco, os tho Pnclllc with General Merrill, in the hospitals at Honolulu. In Hons konx, In the American trenches st Mantis, in the insurer nt ramps with Agutnalde. on’ the deck of the'Olyniplu 4Mth llewey, and in the nuir of liattlt at the fall ef Moulin. Homing:: for agent*. Brimful u'f original pictures takeu ttpvcrnnjent photographers on the spot. Lirgcbonk. J/iwprice*, pigprnfits. Freight paid. Credit given. Drop all trashy unolhelnl was Hunt,*!' Address, F.T.. Barber, Hi'e'y,. hisr Insurance Bldg,.Chicago. $100 Reward, $too. The readers of this puptr will he pleased itahi that there is at feast one dreaded disease that science has been aide to cure instil ItsStages nnd that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh' being a constitutional disease, re quires a'chnslitutionld treatment, llnl.'s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous stir- faces tif the system, lliercby. destroying thp fpumlutloii of tlie disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its wofk. The proprietors have so much faith* curative powers, that iheyoffei One Hundred'Dollars for any case t lint it falls fo cure. Send for list of Testimoni als. Address, F. J. CllENEY & CO. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 50c. llull's Family Fills are the best. Tlie first pension to he granted on ao_ count of the late war with Spain, has been granted to Jesse F. Gates, Lieuten ant in Bnitcry A, U. 8. Artillery, His.- home Ib in Illinois, and the amount of the pension is g<17 per month. He had Ids. upper lip and six teeth shot away duriu, an assault on tlie Spanish works on July 2nd. '» Overcome evil with good. Overcome your coughs nnd colds witli Oae Minute Cough Cure. It is so good children cry for it. It cures croup, bronchitis, pnen mania, grippe and ail throat ( abd lung dis oases. A. J. Cooper A Co. Edllpr W. 8., Coleman, of the Cednr- town Standard, 1s receiving the congratu lations of bis friends on his appointment as oil inspector for that place and Home. The honor was bestowed upon a worthy man. A Sure Sign of Croup. llotrsness In a child that is subject to croup is a sure Indication of the approach of Ihe disease. If Chnmiicrlain’s Cough Remedy is givcu as soon as the child lie- comes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough has appeured, it will prevent the at- iack. Many mothers who have croupy children always keep lids remedy at hunt! and find that it saves them much trouble mid worry. It can always lie depended U|M>n nnd Is pleasant to take. For side by A. J. Cooper A Co. It is rather strange, that the ConstHu lion and n few oilier papers are so hostile. to higli taxes, yet willing and anxious fj>f the property known as the Soldiers' lloree to bo saddle 1 on tlie state, whlpjj e ery sano person knows would bo almost if not entirely, worthless so fur as lioaV- IRling tho Confederate soldier 1» concern od. ; It is true that It would lie irf much boh olit to the city of Atlanta and' a few of her ward politicians, but it burden for the state and no material benefit. The United States Commissioners have offered Spain twenty million dollars for ihe Philippine islands. That it a large sum for such an "elephant" as the Islands would undoubtedly prove to Uncle Sain. Constipation preventa tlie body from ridding Itself of waste matter. Du Witt's Little Early Risers will remove the trou ble and cure dick Headache, Biliousness, Inactive Liver and clear tlie Complexion, dmnll, sugar coated, don’t gripe or cause U"usua. A. J. Cooper A Co. Tlie sooner a cough or cold is cured - without harm to tlie sufferer tlie letter. Lingering colds are dangerous. Hacking cough is distressing. One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures it. Why suffer when Btich a cough cure is within reach? It is pleasant tp the taste. A. J. Cooper A Co. Sam Jones gives sutan rest enough to strike a blow at tho pension and school funds. His idea seems to lie that ‘’ignorance U bliss,' and that people would lie lietler off financially if they hud less education. We p *f,»r poverty and kuowlelgo to |*. norance nnd a little (ash. But wo hnv* ygt. to learn of any pc"pli! t|mt are lguur«»i nod prosperous. It Isjjiven out that Atlautn has liuou se lected as the site for a federal prison for the soulh to cost three million dollars. This will be a great Help financially to Atlanta and tho surrouuding country. Your "Uucle Lon” always keeps his eye on tlie pic, and never forgets to ask for a price for his constituents, mid he has pretty fair luck, and is about right. Temporary Derangement of Digestion, through overwork, worry orumolioiiulex. cite men, are quickly rectified by Dr. M. A. dinmmiis Liver Medicine. W. J. Bryuu says: “The weekly news paper plows the ground, sows the seed* cultivates the crop and too often is forced to step aside while those who neither planted or cultivated reap the ripened grain. The cauBe which you advocate, the candidate which you advocate, and the party you love will be immeasurably strengthened if eacli of yon will step into the office of your local newapnper tlmt !< patiently and nnolaimingly konplng alive tlie .-p.irksof true democracy mul pay your subscription«year or su uliqid. Come in and let us sell you a suit of clothes cheaper tha‘n you ever bought one. Hay Bros. Wo think lhut most of the howliii; fpr a reduction of the public scho.ol fund comes from corporations und'their hire lings whose patriotism is ontlfcly' over shadowed by greed, and who would raUicr that the children, born in poverty', should bo reared in ignorance, and sb for ns they are concerned, lie damned eternally, ,th contribute of their menus to educate them and prepare them for tho duties of citizen ship. We believe, however, that there is enough wisdom nnd unselfishness pi the legislature to prevent any reduction of the fluid. Knows that the Peerless Remedy for Diseases of the Liver, *' Kidneys and Bladder b Dr. J. H. McLKN’S LIVER AND KIDNEY BALM.... It has Cured Thousands o£ Des perate Cases. Try ft, PRICE, |l.oo PER BOTTLE. — ^-tr. roa sale bt . ( i i ;■ ''••• - A; J; C'oiporafe Co. ;* What 20 Cents Will Do. By sending the* uliovc amount to Tha Detroit Free Press, Detroit, Midi., they will send you The Twice-a-Week Detroft Free Press, from date of receipt of your order until Januury 1, 1899. This special reduced rtite Is given to introduce the paper to new readers. Tlie Twlce-a- Wcek Free Press is a dean, up-to-date family newspaper, und every one should take advantage of this yqiecial olf< r. Tlie greatest value ever offered for 20 cents.* Send iu your order at once. New Era and Free Press for 85 cents to Jnn. 1,1899 UOOD’8 Sarsaparilla is tlie One • R Truu lilood Purifier,.Groat Nerve Tohic, Slomqcli Regulator. To thou sand* its great merit. lb KNOWN. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FWS is due not only tp the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to tiie care und skill with which it is ’ manufactured by scientific processes known to the California 'Fip Sviittp Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the Importance of pufchnslng the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs ia manufactured by‘the California Fio Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that foot will assist one in avoiding tho worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fio Svhup Co. with tho medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It ia far ia advance of all other laxatives, os it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it docs not gripe nor nauseate. Li order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company — CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN rUANClROO, Cal. LOUISVILLE. Ky. NKW YORK, If. V. Notice. Llllla McKonnoy ) Libel for divorce In v*. > ruulding Superior John MoKenney. ) court Aug. term, 1W»7. It npiteurliiK to tho Court by the return of Sheriff In the above stated cane that tho de fendant doe* not rhsldo In said county, and it further appearing that he does not rcutde In tills state. It li,therefore ordered t»y Ihe Court that service lio perfected on the defendant bjr the publication of this order once a month for four months boforo the next term of thin Court or the ease is tried In the New Kra. a iwftpapcr published in Paulding county, Go This August 0th, 1807. C. G. Jankh, J. 8. U. A CHEAT record of cures, nno* tjtiallod ill medical history, proves Hood’s Sarsaparilla possesses merit un known to auy other MEDICINE. DeWitt’n Little Early Risers. The famous tittle pills. m NUB:." N TEA auras Dyspep- I ItHllvaS-'i::, CjUStipation and Indi gestion. Regulates tbo Liver. I’ricc, 23 uts. DYSPEPSIA the cause of un- ■w tuld suffering. By taking Hood’s . Sarsaparilla the digestive organs arc touvd mill dyspepsia |R CUIfED. -a U c/> — ‘ <■ 4 -Zi f m > rh o o J’ £ Q o bo rW > a O 2 Ui < P c Vi- r£ V t/1 c <D S o .5 o <D da t/3 Lh C (T’”J oi & O s oc J to JJ E rt rT O > ? '£ Cla O O V- bo •G CO 1 U P o Cv a, p , o o r: <u U u ‘ V < k C rt 'Eh aj 'So to G O T3 uT i-> O rP G .2 ci • cJ O < S rC +J 4-> * to O V ■c- . 4)- . - •f-t cS Q M I H V *o 14 \