The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, November 25, 1898, Image 7

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LOCAL LIKES. Mr. R. B. Smith win up this week. Hon. W. E. Spinks Bpcnt Sunday at borne. Kept in the Dark BecptiM Her Byes War* Too Weak to Boar the Light-Hood’s gar* saparllla Kffecta Another Oreat Cure In Tennessee. T . w . „ . „ , [ “ My little girl had aore eye* for three TheNswEiw and Weekly Constltu. yean and we eoald not got anything to lion for only *1.50. do her any good. She waa nervous and all run down. Her eyes were so woak she could not bear the light at all and r.ho had to atay In a dark room. There seomod to be a film over both'eyea and oho could no open them without taking her fingers and polling them open. We decided to give bet Hood’s Sarsaparilla and Hood’s rills. Before she finished taking the first hotels her eyes began to improve. Thanks to Hood’s Sarsaparilla she can now see to read and write and do almost any kind ot work. I have taken Hood’s Pllla myself and cannot praise them too highly.” MRS.RoaE1ALl.i8OH, Cross Plains, Tone. HOOd’S 8 paruia Is tho bdst—In fact the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists, ft; sla lor W. Got Iloou’s. Hnnri'ft Pills are the favorite rnthar. ,siuuu a rriis Uo> Ai , Jtuggiits. ita Mr. Chnrlei F. Enin, «f Atlanta, tame tip Sunday to visit Ids parents. A good nude for sale eh' up; nisi; or on time. J. K. Duller, Mcl’hcrson, Qn. DeWItt's Colic * Cholera Cure. Oatekly ceres Dyssetsry end Olarrhnm. Mrs. Lou Aides has been indisposed for the pa-t few days. , We would like for our co-respondents to send us in the news. Get you a Mackintosh Overcoat for $1.75, at J. F. Welch’s. A. Mrs. John Dunn, of noar Now Hope, did Moruiiiy of dropsy. Ladies’ and children’s Hats of all kinds at J. F. Welch’s. . Mattie and Jennie Spinks .arc visiting Atlanta this Week. Motdh’ly nnd Bonrlng-Dnwn Pains, at tendant upon Irregular and Suppressed Menstruation, are relieved by Simmons Squaw Vine Wine Tablets, Dr. Grier will lie id Dallas nfew weeks, and all who neM denial work done will (iq well to sec him at dime. He needs all tile money tha: is due him to pay his creditors. Weary women need an occasional dose ot Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medieiuc to Strengthen their Nerves and Invigorate their System. A few days of siinsidnc would he heart- ,lly welcomed by thu farmers in particular artd,eycybody In general just now. • Our fall Millinery is now on sale; ’tis complete and tasteful as; any line, you ever saw. Prices* lower tljan you ever knew. Come and buy. W. P. Cooper & Bro. r A cSiigli is not like a fever. It does not liHvc to run ■ « certain course. Cure it quickly iind efTedtiinHy with One Minute Coiigii Cure, the best remedy for nil ages and for \hc most severe cases. VVo rec ommend it because it's good. A. J. Cooper & Co, ‘ Mr. wl N.’Anderson will move to -tlie Aiiderson farm just soutli of town soon. Call .and examine our stock of Shoes, and get our prices before you buy. We think we can save you money in this line. Hay Bros. Jim Telly, tho negro who accidently shot himself lost week, died lust Tuesday- To Regulate the Menses, Stop Flooding nni) too frequent appearance of Menses, take Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tab* els. .1^1 If you need n good organ or sowing ma chine cheap, call on us. We cau anil will lave you money. Remember the I lay Bros., arc selling goods to suit the price of cotton. licvs. ,1. T. Ealtcs anil J. A. Sprnyborry arc attending the Noitli Georgia Confer ence '.his week. The completcst line of La dies' Capes ever seen in Dal- lasj now on sale at W. P. Cooper & Brother’s. Twenty styles. Prices $'i .00 to $7.00 The Girl’s Friend, Simmons Squaw Vine . Wine nr Tablets, cause natural appearance and Regular Monthly return of menses. Messrs, U. W. Wheeler and G. W. Cooper were in Atlanta last week on busi ness. Tho reliable cure for Leneorrlioca. Ova. riuti Disorders and Falling of Womb, Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. The cheapest jeans in the world, at HAY BROS. Prof. W. E. Cogburn, the well 'known nn i popular penman, came up Monday. Mr. F. Paris wi.s fn Atlanta onbuslnrts l: at Friday. Mr. N. M. Moon. 1 f Hiram, w. s in Da'- ss Sun Iny. Now open my new stock of Millinery goods Ladies’ Capes, Dress Goods, Silks and Trim mings of v all kinds. Come in and get the Biggest Bargain you ever bought. j;f. WELCH. Messrs. J. B. and Thomas Turner, of Atlanta, were visiting Dallas last week, Tho Flashing Eye, Buoyant Footstci and Rosy Complexion result from tho me of Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine. Mrs. O. P. (looper visited her daugh ter, Mrs. W. E. Smith, at McPherson last Sunday. Highest market price paid for chickens, eggs and all kinds ot coun try produce. MEEK BROS. Mrs. Lou Moon, of Ilirum, who has been visiting relatives here, returned home Moudny. The Belt Piaster. A piece oftiiuncl diimpcncdwlth Cham berlain's Pain Balm and bound on to the alTcCted pints is sppcrlor lo Jnny plaster. When troubled with a pain iu the chest or side, or a lame back, give it a trial. You are certain to be more than pleased with Hie prompt relief which it alTor, j. Pain Balm is also a certain cure for rheumatism, For sale by A. J. Cooper & ”0. Mr. Lawrence Shelton, who is railroad ing iu Cherokee county, Alabama, was id Opjme last week to see bis brother, Mr. G. Shelton, wlio has been in ill health for some timo. Clocks at $2.00 for the next thirty days. Dallas Hardware Co. Prof. B. M. Zeitlcr, while in town Moody, gave un Interesting and eutcrtulng talk on educational matters to the sti - dents of tiic Dallas Institute. School books lit the Nkw Kha olllco for sale, or exchange for books i f simila grade on the same subject. 40 per cen discount allowed for old books. Terms cash. Sec? 1 Delicate (Children They do not complain of jj. anything in particular. They £ A cat enough, but keep thin and Jj S pale. They appear fairly well, 5 J£ but have no strength. You g If cannot say they are really 3 £ sick, and so you call them ■ t* delicate. B YVhatcanbedoncforthem? jj V Our answer is the same that 3 J the best physicians have been g £ giving for a quarter of a ceil- * »r tury. Give them 3s Tlie Nortli Georgia Conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, south, met in Augusta last Wednesday. The attend ance will l>o very large. Mr. Brannan, traveling salesman of the 8. P. Hlchurds Paper Company, of Atlanta, was iu town Monday looking af ter llio interest of the company. Capes at your own mice, at HAY BROS. Mr. J. K. Bennett and family will leave for tin ir new home in Ttillndega next Wednesday. Mr. Bennett is n good cltL seu and has a nice fumlly, the loss of w hich the clllzais of Duilus will greatly deplore. , Clocks tit $2.00 for tKfe nsxt thirty days. Dallas Hardware Co. Mr. R. P. Ganti’s resilience on Cartcrs- villc street Is nearing completion. Mr. L. D. McCurry is tho contractor. Mr. Gann will have 11 nice residence, nnd we are glad to welcome him back to Dallas, Worsted, Dress-goods, Silks and Trimmings of all kinds, in fact, every thing in General Mer chandise cheaper than any other house in town, at HAY BROS. Kind delinquent, you may think we arc mt serious when we toll you tlint we will need a great ileal of inouey this fnll and some especially by the first of December, but it is true. Don’t for get it, but call nud pHy 11s some, lie sure to do so. ACTIVE SOLICITORS WANTRI) KVKRV WHKRK tor “Tho Slory of tho Philippines’, By Murat Halstead, comm Inal omul liy the Gov. rnmetlt n* nillelul Historian lo the War Du. partiuent. The hook waa written In army |H at Man Francisco, on the Pacific with General Merritt. In the hospitals at Honolulu, In Ilong Kong, in the American tranche* a, Manila, in the insurgent camp* with Agutnal, do, on tho deck of tho Olympia with Dewey and in the roar of hatt-ie at tho fall of Manila. Bonanza for agents. Brimful of original plot- uros taken By government photographer* on thenpot. Largo Book. Low price*. Big profit#. Freight paid. Credit given. Drop all tranhy unoflleiul war Book*. Outfit tree. Address, F. T. Barbof„Bec’y, Star Insurance Bldg, Chicago. Prof. H. M. Zeitlor, who 1h now with tho 13. F. Johnson Publishing Company gave us a pleasant cull last Monday, lie is an exceedingly interesting gentleman, and thoroughly up with tho times on the subjects of of schools and school books. A Cure for Heailburn- Tbat burning sensntlon in the stomach the pains nud sulTering which I experienc ed for five long years, brought on by eou- tinned constipation nnd biliousness, arc almost Indescribable. I tried every known remedy without effect. Finally I tried Ramou’s Livir Pills & Tonic Pellets, fol-, lowing tlie directions carefully. After taking a few doses I begnu to improve. I have not used more tlinn three boxse and fee! as well ns 1 ever felt. My restoration 10 perfect health I attribute solely to the u sc of Ramon’s Liver Pills As Tonic Pel lets, and I only wish I could pursunde others to do as I did nnd lie cured—Lognn AI. Nulls, Amstcrdnin, Vn. We want lower taxes, but we doubt tlie wisdom of crippling materially tho pub lic schools of tlie state in order to get it. An ignorant populace is -dangerous to constitutional liberties. Ulvo us an edu- cated people, though poor, rather than risk tlie consequences of ignorance nnd its attendant evils. sores. "Running Boren appeared'on my leg and spread over the entire lower portion of tho limb. I got no help from medicine till I tried yours. 1 waa cured by one bottle of q \gers darsoparma. ISAAC ACKER, Comae Vs. Gazaway. the man who was shot a few days ago near Villa IUes,. by Air. Argo, die l on last Saturday, Air. Argo was ar rested this week and placed in jnln her,, to await the arrival of tl 0 sheriff of Car- ro’l county, Jn which county the shooting was done. Mr. Argn had made no at tempt to get away, lie feels that tlie killing was done in seif defense. Ho is taid to be a sober and peacfcuble man. Catarrh Can Bs Cured By eradicating from the blood tlie scrofu lous taints which enure it. Hood's Sar saparilla cures catarrh, promptly and per manently, because it strikes at tlie root of the trouble. The rich, pure blood which It makes, circulating through tlie delicate passages of the mucous membranes, soothes and rMiuitds the tissues, giving them n tend ency to health instend of disease, nnd ul timately curing tho affection. At the enma timo Hood’s Sarsaparilla strengthens, invigorates nnd euerglzos the whole sy.tem and makes the debilitated victim of catarrh feel that now life lias been imparted. Do not dally with snuffr, inhalants or other locni applications, lint take Hood’s Sarsnpnrilln and cure catarrh absolutly and surelv by removing the enusos which produce it. Air. W. F. Summorour, of Dalton, whs in Dallas this week looking after the peach Interest. It is likely that lie will succeed in getting a great innuy acres set near town this season. He lias been in the fruit business some lime, and says lie lias enough confidence in its success to invost all the monoy lie ran get In it. Should he succeed here, as hp thinks he will, it Will no. doubt be a great benefit to this town and county. Prof. B. M. Zeitlcr, while in town Mou- day, left Ills umbrella at tha court house. Judge Fain noticing It after Mr. Z- Itlcr went out, took it nnd hunted him up and gave it to him. Mr. Zeitlor said he would always remember Dallns from that little incident, as it was a remarkable depart ure from the custom, lie ssld it gave him a wonderfully good Impression of the town. Tlie wet weather lias damaged), cotton u great deal, nm( the damage to the crop together with tlie extrema low price will bear .heavy on tlie fanners, unit in fact, all classes of people, another year. Howev er, in tlie end it [nay prove a blessing fo r the country. It will possibly drive ninny from tlie one crop idea, which tho south ern iieoplo must quit Wore they can prosper. The newspapers throughot tb 0 south have for many years endeavored to dissuade the farmers of tills section from their course, pointing out to them the inevitable result of such a policy, but I'h^’furmdr. failed to lieed the note of warning. Tlie condition which is causing them to despair has time and again been pointed out to them as the result of their course. It seems that nothing but stern necessity will ever change thu course of n southern farmer, and it Appears to us now that that master will this time force them, IP some extent, to abnndon the ail cotton idpa,—but we may be wrong. Her Health Restored Liko biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, consti pation, sour stomach, indigestion are promptly cured by Hood's Pills. They do their work Hood’s easily and thoroughly. I I Best after dinner pills. III 95 conta. All druggists. m ■ ■ ■ Prepared By 0. I. Hood & Co.. Lowell, Mass. Tbe only Pfll to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. T HE misery of Hleeplcssness can only be realized by thoso who liavo experi enced It. Nervousness, sleeplessness, headaches, neuralgia and that miserable feeling of unrest, can surely be cured by Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine. So certain is Dr. Miles of this fact that all druggists aro authorized to refund price paid for tho first i fcottlo tried, providing it does not benefit. ! Mrs. Henry Bruns, wife of the well known blacksmith at Grand Junction, Iowa, says | *‘1 was troubled with sleeplessness, nervous* ness, headacho and irregular menstruation suffering untold misery for years. I used various advertised remedies for female e /-* it' « plaints besides being under tho care of local Ot Cod-Liver Ull Wltn tlypo- £ physicians, without help. I noticed in Dr. ' ‘ ’ Tj " 1 ““ Miles’ advertisement the testimonial of a lady cured of ailments similar to mlno, and I shall never ccaso to thunk that lady. • Her testimonial Induced me to use Dr. Miles' Nervine and Norvo and Llvfer Pills, which restored me to health. 1 cannot say enough for Dr. Miles' lie medles.' Dr. Milos’ Remedies aror.old by all drug* gists under a positive guarantee, first bottlo benefits or money re funded. Book on dis eases of the hear',- and nerves free. Address, DR. MILES MEDJGAL CO.. EUiUfirt, lull ; Scots Emulsion “ phosphites. It has most re- $ markable nourishing power. S( It gives color to the blood. It ^ $ brings strength to the mus- 3 JJ" cles. It adds power to the ® te. nerves. It means robust jj health and vigor. Even deli- cale infants rapidly gain in V flesh if given a small amount 5 three or four times each day. X 5»=- awl S'.oo; .11 dru^UM. jj SCOTT U BOWNE, ChtmUu, Ntw York. ROLL OF HONOR. Wc return our sincere thanks to following for their subscription: II. J. Barrow, Dallas. W. I*. Fuller, Nebo. E. J. Olore, Dallas. W. L. Blnfiton, Gedur Bluff, Ala. J. JI. I’almcr, Other. ThomaB Sweat, New Hope. J. O, Underwood, Dallns. ]. D. Couch, Dallas. J, B. Hamii, Guest, Ala. W. J. Smith, Afe.Phcrson. Dr. T. J. Foster, Dallas. Mr. W. W. Jordan and wife, of Tun- iicll Hill, lire down to spend it few weeks with their daughter, Mrs. T. J. Foster. HUNG HIMSELF. Mr. James II. Lee, a highly respected and wcl'-to-do clllzen living nenr High Shoals church In the north part or Ibis county, hung himself Inst Tuesday morn ing. He waa found, so we learn, by »ome of Ids children sometime during the more. Ing in nil old gin house near Ills dwelling. We have not learned how long he Its been mtksing. Tlie cause of Ids rash ae' is unknown. He Imd n good farm 01 'I neoon ereek, was out of debt, dol ig w- II, nnd regnr.leil a, one of tlie eounti’s b st citizens. He leaves a wife nnd several children and many relatives and friends who deplore his untimely dentil. We Are Sorry It’s True. We would like to say to our subscribers that any amount they enu pay on their dues will lie thankfully received. - Wo have obligations to meet nt once, nnd are depending upon our friends to help , us. We have waited patiently, hut our pa tience Just now Is suffering a severe strain. We are fully nwiire that mony is •enree and hard to get—Hint is for us to get—hut wo know that you could, nt least, pay a part of what you are due us. There are nonio whom we have Indulg ed for quite a while, nnd to whom we will say that, If you do not come up shortly with a part or nil, we shall proceed to col- loot It. There Is no excuse for you. You could have paid some, if not nil No eonsclentous person would ask something for nothing. Wo nsk you, In nil kindness and earn estness, to call at once and help us, that we may bo enabled to meet our own dues. There Is no exceptions to this Invitation, so do not mistake it. From New Zealand. Hkkfton, Now Zealand, Nov, 2(1, lSfifl. I am very pleased to state that since I took tlie agency of Chninborlniu’a tnedl. elnes the sale lias been very large, more especially of tlie Gough Remedy. In two years I Imvo sold more of this particular remoily tnan of ail other mnken for tlie previous live yenrs.. As to its efilcaoy, I have been informed hy score* of persons of the good results they liavo received from it, und know its.value from the use of It In my own household. It is so pleas ant to take that we have to place tlie bot tle beyond tlie roach of tlie children. E. J. HuAtlTI.RHIlHT. For aide by A. J. Cooper & Co. GEORGIA PAULDING COUNTY- Notlee is hereby given that nil persons having claims ngainst tlie estate of W. H, Owen, deceased, are requested to file wild claims with me within tha timo prescribed by law, and all persons indebted to said estate are requested to come forward and settle at once. T. J. Owkm, Adm’r. of W. U. Owen, dec’d. Just opened a i line of Dry Goods* tions, Groceries, Shoea, Hats,ladies’anc Underwear, Crockery, Tin Ware, and many other articles that you need. Call and exam ine our stock, ?et our * prices and be convinced .-i ■: that we will sell you goods as cheap as they? m can be bought elin- where. We want a share of ypur patron age, and hope, by fair dealings, to get it and retainit. Respt’y flEEK BROS. (NextdoortoCooper'sd r u g store.) SOUTHER! "WT RAILWAY. (oaiiMMHl Mrhfdete la Kfltot Ji*j a. im*k nWTOTJK 1 STATIONS. t,v Chutlunoflrfifc. Ar Dalton Ar Rome Ar Atlanta Lv Atlanta Ar Mhooii Ar Jnsup Ar Everett Ar Jacksonville .... LV Jesup .. ,~.T Ar JocksopvlUo.... Lv Kvorott......... Ai* Brunswick 1 Wo. 10 At loam T.ftloin P.OOom II. Akim AiiOpm 7. lupin p.^Onm I-41 m D.nUim to ..a it (Wsun ft.*' f* fcOVtn M -m 4146- rn Star. % T.AY ro 9.40am factum I.Pupm VjOnm aJOnm W ’*. _ ia I.'pra It. m j 3 No. 10 carries Pullman Stooping Car Cl t- tunootfu to Atlanta. No. 14 oarrloM Pullman Bleepin'* Ca- and V \f CoaohoH Chattanooga to Juo!rttouv!L i and Afct lunto to IJrunuwictt. No. H curries Pullman Bleeping Car Ghana* nooKn to Atlanta. ~ htatiqnhT Lv Atfuntu .....,~ Ar Homo Ar Dalton Ar jxixTtnfton... ArLoulftvlUe... XFClncfhnatr." Tax Notice—3nd and Last Round. Dallas, Tuesday, Nov. 15. Umphrey’s, Wednesday Nov. 10, Weddlngton, Thursday Nov. 17, Hiram, Friday Nov. 18, California, Saturday Nov. II). Acorntrec; Monday,Nov. 21, Twentieth. Tuesday Nov. 22, i. Biirnthlcknry, Wednesday Nov. 28, Raccoon, Thursday Nov. 24, Dallas, Friday & Saturday Nov. 25-20, I'umpHiivIne, MondoyNov. 28, Utah, Tuesday Nov. 29, Urltoil, Wcdncsdiiy-fiov. 30, Tallapoosa, Thursday Dec. 1, Nineteenth, Fiiday Dec. 2, Cains, Saturday Dec. 8, Dallas, Monday & Tuesday Dec. 5-0, Braswell, Wednesday Dee. 7. A. L. Woiituan, T. C. NOTICE, TO ALL nY FRIENDS. 1 have opened up business at 23 West Mitchell Street, and will be glad to furnish you with all kinds of good things to drink, such as fine Rye whiskey, from $2 to $S per gallon. Corm from $ 1.50 to $2 per gallon, and all kinds of Beer and Wines. Mail orders given special attention. When in the City, call on me, and when you want anything in my line, write me. Respectfully Yours, J. E. BROWN. Wo. it rwrur tfo. ‘T&iiim 455pm Tis > .m Aaouin: fi.#)pu) liU''’ T.ttum 7.ftlptn lU m ft.40ufn< Afiopir* 1.0 : tn B.6Tinm O.l'i imi........ itopS, Wwini : 7 60pm t.'VHiin .. Titfpm T SOutn |......T t.itSpm ll^utn lifApm fl.6r»pml 440am 1 &Mpn> No. 13 currier Putlmun Blwplng Cur Atlanta to Chattanooga und Chattanooga to ClnoinnatL No. 9 oarrloH Pullman Blooplng Cur Atlanta to Cincinnati nnd Chattanooga to LouhvlUo. Skin Diseases. For the npeedy and permanent care of tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Cham berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment is without an equal. It relieves the itch ing and smarting almost Instantly and its continued use effects a permanent cure. It also euros itch, barber% itch, scald head, sore nipples, itching piles, chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and granulated lids. Dr. Cady's Condition Powders for horses are the best tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. Price, 85 ceuts. Sold by For rale by A, J. Cooper & Co. STATIONS. Cv I'lmUunougu Ar Knoxville Ar Morristown. Ar Hot Spring* Ar AtthfivlUe Ar .Salisbury Ar GreonHboro ArKulelgh.... Ar Norfolk.. Ar Washington Ar New York. ’6.40am 11-66am l.LMptn 3 13pm 436pm No.'t* 41 bum 6.06am O.Nhun 1l.4Sum 1.16pm C.40]nn W.Y.’pin 1.40am 7 6<)um Miam •l. 13pm NoT iS id bo pm u.86pm - ■ TVwan Vlo. li eiirfioN Pullman Drawing Hoorn Sloop- log Car Chattanooga to New York via Ashe ville nnd Hall*bury to Hichmond, arriving Rich mond 6.40 o.m. uImo Pullman Sleeping Car GrcenuBoro to Norfolk. No. 10 i* uolifl train Chattanooga to Bull*- bury, with Pullman BWmplng Car.Chattanooga to Salisbury and Salf$UUrf to' Hof York With out change. J ; NoTT Lv Chatutnopira ft. l.. Ar Knoxville.. j.L J Ar MorrlNtdwn.i.V Ar IlriAtol Ar Washington.... Ar New York 'i' AUbjim 8.46pm Z. 16am 7.00am tfoTT %«>um ...... ll.Man 2.16am l -Mpit ft.66pn ,66pm 7.40am J.sopjm No. 0. carries Pullman Btooplng Car Chatta nooga to WaHhlngton und Chattanooga to New York without change. No. 4 carrion Pullman Blooplng Car Knoi- fillo toBrl-toL S.lOam ) toliri'tol. "btationbT Lv Horne Ar Annliitdn.... Ar Birmingham Ar Selma Ar Meridian...., Ar New (Ji biiitiH Ar Jacknon tNo. 16 I |No. 9 I tNo. 10 Toopin 4.60pm Lv Rome ... ar 8.50am 6.40pm 6.67pm Ar Gud'den. ar 0.00am 0.Wpmi 7. luprm Ar Attalla. lv 6.45am * t bully except .Sunday. | Sunday only, r. S. GANNON, *dv.p. A a.M.,Wa*hlngton. D.C J. M. CULP, Traf. Mgr., Washington. D. C. 10.00pm 3..v,pm 7.30pm maoum TSi5 U-X&nm 7.20pm |Wo.iO ♦ '8.36am 0.S mm 0.20am W. A. TURK. 0. P. Am Wasblactuo, 0. C C A. UENSCOTER. A.a.rA.,ChatutDOOgs,T«A We Club * THE NEW ERA with Tlie Weekly Constitution, The Weekly Journal, *1.G0 The Thr!cu-u-WuoU World, *1.45 The Twlcu-u.week Globe-Democrat, *1.50 1 he Twlee.a.week Courier-Jouruul, *1.2 0 Twioe-a-weck Detroit Free 1’ioir, !*n.'0 Homo mid Fiirtn, *1-10