The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, December 02, 1898, Image 7

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LOCAL LIKES. Kelt Tuesday li legal sale day. Col. A. J.'Catnp waa in Atlanta Mon day. ' Iloa. J. W. McUurity, af Day, waa In IMIaa Monday. The Naw Era and Weekly ‘constllu. tlon for only 91.00. A good mule for aale cheap; cash or 01. time. 1.1 Duller, McPheraon, Qa. Mr. J. W: Hay waa In Atlanta on bush Bean laat Friday. DaWItt’a Calic 4k Cholera Care A hot- light la being waged In BID county orel the liquor qvesllon. Get you a Mackintosh Overcoat for $1.75, at J. F. Welch's. Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine Iw rlnce 1840 steadily itaen In public faror, and the demand for II far exceeds that of any other Liver Medicine. Dr. Greer will be at Dallaa a few weeka, and all who need dental work done will do well to aee him at once. lie nceda all the money that la due him to pay hie cradltora. , » Ladies’ and children’s Hats of all kinds at J. F. Welch’s. Mlaaea Millie Bullock and Ethel Smith are ▼ letting frlenda In Atlanta. Our fall Millinery is now on sale; ’tis complete and tasteful as any line you ever saw. Prices loiwqr than you ever knew. Coriie and buy. W. P. Cooper & Bro. A cough l|l not like a fever. It Joes not have to run a , certain course. Cure It quickly and effectually with One Minuti Cough Cure, tlio liest remedy for all ages and for the moat severe cases. We rec ommend it hecauae it'a good. A. J. Cooper A Co. The recent cold aoap waa the death of a large number of fat tings. Call and txamine our stock of Shoes, and get our prices before you buy. We think we can s*ve you money in this line. V Hay Bros. ¥»• Erneat Rawla, of Atlanta, waa tne gueat of hla uncle, Mr. R. L. llawla, laat week. If you need a geod organ or aewlng ma chine cheap, call on us. We can and Will save you money. Remcniber the IJay Bros., are selling goods to sui} the price of cotton. Mra. R. W. Rnaaoro hai been visiting her daughter, Mr*. E. L. Allgpod, ol Villa Rica. The coRipletcst line of La- . dies’ Capes ever seen id Dal las, now on sale at W. P. Cobper & Brother’s. Twenty styles. Prices $ i .oo to .$7 .oo. Mr. .G. W. palma and daughter, Ml § Beulah, were ra Atlanta'Wedncadty shop ping* ■ ’ j, The cheapest jeans in the world, at HAT BROS. Blmmona Squkw .Vlae Wine on Tablets Prevent and curb Palpitation ojj Hairt, Dlrzinesaj Sick lies lacho, Chill Jr Serisa Uona. Dr. M. A. Owens and family am visit lug their parents near Pumpk^nvlne church. - j I Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Kedlcin searches out all impurities in the system and expels them harmlessly by the nutur. al channels. Mra. S. D. Brad well, wife of ex-stnte school commissioner, waa hurled at Mc Intosh last Tuesday. Highest market price paid for chickens, eggs and all kinds ol coun try produce. MEEK BROS. Biliousness la eaaaed by UxpM liver, vhlch pm rents dlges- Hoa and penult* food to ferment and petrify la Miestomaek. Tlwa lotto* dullness, beau: ebe, Hood’s maarnlaa, nervousneaa, and. _ . M not relieved,bilious tarer.4 or blood potsoalug. Hood’s 111S nils stlaulata tka nomaeb. ■ ■■■wW rsasa ma Urar, surf haadael DWtsAaiw Hood’s Coupon Calendar I* a perfect bean- ve ty, patriotic, up to date. Subject: “An American Girl’’ One of the hnndaomeat pieces of color work lamed this year. Lithographed, with border of army and navy emblems embossed in gold. Leave your name with your druggist and ask him to save you a copy or send 6 cent* In stumps for ono to C. I. HOOD A CO., . Lowell, Mass. [Mention this paper.) See change In ad. of Dallaa Hardware Company,. They have a complete stock and will'give you bargsins. Mrs. W. J Clarke, McRae, Gb„ writes: For years have mrely been, and hardly know how I could keep house, without Dr. M. A. Sitnmona Liver Mcdlntp. It cures me of Sour Stomach and ifclges- tlon; my husband of Dyspepsia, aaMrom personal test regard It superior MjMack Draught and Zcllln’s Liver McdioiM. Mr. J. K. Bennett and family left last Wednesday morning for tlielr new home la Talladega, Ala. We regret to lose them from our midst, but wish them hap piness aud prosperity In their new Jome. Remember Hood’s Sarsaparilla is America’s Greatest Medi cine for the Blood and the best that Money Can Buy. Hence take only Hood’s. But a few more days until Clirlslmns. Don’t let that day tlml you Without hav ing y°»r subscription account credited. Hour Btomanhc Troubles, Cold Feet and Hands, Excessive Menstrual Flow, with Simmons Sqnaw Vine Wine or Tablet*. Now open my new stock of Millinery goods Ladies’ Capes, Dress Goods, Silks and Trim mings of all kinds. Come in and get the. Biggest Bargain ydu ever bought. J. F. WELCH- If you* feel Dull, Languid, Broken- Down, Debilitated, liavo Weak Stomach or Iudigcslion, use Dr. M.. A. Simmons Liver Medicine. School books at the New Eli a office for sale, or exc|iango for books of slmila grade on the same subject. 40 per cen discount allowed for old liooks. Terms caih. See? There Is more cotton In the Acids than usual at this season of the year, owing to the continued had weather. Fains In Head, Neck, Shoulders, Back, Frout, Sides, Hips and Limbs arc read Jy cured by Simmons Squaw Vlao Wine or Tablets. Prof. W. E. Cogburn will tcaeh a claas in penmanship at Hew Hope church about four miles from town. To settle tho Stomach aud Overcome the Nausea of Prospective Mothers, take Simmons Squaw Vine W|ne or Tablets. Capes at yonr own mice, at HAY BROS. ^The North Georgia Conference which was held at Augusta adjourned last Tues day. Rev. J. F. M’xon h the presiding elder of the Rome district. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy can always lie depended upon and is pleasunt and safe to take. Sold by A. J. Cooler & Co. Rev. F. G. Golden will serve the Dallas circuit another year. Hev. J. T. Eake will go to Coweta. Mr. Eakca |s a good preaches and, we think, a con sclentlous Christian gentleman, and will do good wherever his lot is east. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McBrnyor visile reiatives near Drakctowu this week. Worsted, Dress-goods, Silks and Trimmings of all kinds, in fact, every thing in General Mer chandise cheaper than any other house in town, at HAT BROS. It seems that It is hard for us to make some understand that we are serious shout needing money. Wa need It and need It badly, and It appears ts' us that any nmu, woman or child could pay some on their subscription within two or three years. We are not running the paper for fun or glory, but for the money, and there are nouc we love so well as to work for so long far nothing.. Wo need money bow to pay our dubta. Come and pay us so we can da ao. Pains In the cheat when i\ person has a cold Indicate a tendency toward pneurao- ula. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Palo Balm and bound on to the chest over the seat of pain will promptly relieve the pain and prevent the threatened attack of pneumonia. This same treatment will curs a lame back In a few hours. Sold by A. J. Cooper A Co. Mr. J. Wesley Smith, of Tidings, Chat* tooga county, came down last Saturday to vMt his daughter, Mrs. Plnkard, and his mkny friends around Dallas. Two Pointed Questions Answered. What Is the use of making a belter ar- tie than your competitor If you can not get a I teller price for It? Ans.—As there Is no difference In the price the public will buy only the better, so that while our profits may lie smaller on a single sale they will be ranch greater in the aggregate. How can you get the public to know your make-is the best? If both articles are brought prominently before the public both are certain to he tried and the public will very qnlckly piss judgment on them and use only the b itter one. This explains the large sale of Cham- berlslnt Cough Remedy. Tho people have been using It for years and have found that It can always be depended upon. They may occasionally take up with some fash ionable novelty put forth with. exaggera ted claims, but are certain to return to the one remedy that they know to be reliable' and fur coughs, colds and croup there Is nothing equal to Chamlierlatn’i Cough Remedy. For sale by A. J. Cooper* Co, ACTIVE SOLICITORS WANTBD KVKRT WHKKB for "The Story ot the Flilllpplses', by Murnt Halstead, rmnmlsslnnrd by thstiov. ernment os OflU-lal Historian to tho War Do partiivcnl. Tin- book war written In army comps ot Hon Fronetsco, on the Foeltte Uencrol Merritt. In the hospitals si Honolulu, In Hong Konx, In the American trenches Manila, in tlnf Insurgent comps with Agutnol, de, on the deck ot the Olympic with Bewey o-id In the ronr of battle ot the fall ot Manila. Honanso tor agents, brimful of original pict ures token by government photographers on tho spot. Large book. Low prices. Big profile. Freight paid. Credit given. Drop all trashy unofficial war books. Outfit free. Address, F* T. Barber. Hee'y, Star Insurance Bldg, Chicago. Han. O. M. Hitch, of Quitman, Ga., ex representative of Brooks count*, waa ti e guest of Dr. E. II. Robertson on Thanks. String. Mrs. Allot Elliott, of Atlanta, ts vlattlag Aar parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Mat thews, near New Hope. Mr. W. J. McBrayer, of near Drake- town, spent part of the week In Dallas. Ust of Jirors Drawn for January Term, 1899. Ucrri Pectiral mvod tho Hrco of two of my chO- 4r«a when to oil appearance they were hi the first stage of CoDsoroptiofl” J. W. HUFF0RD, Farmington, la. MALr-WZB BOTTLES, get. Grand Ji:rt. ,1. N. Bsrron, E, II. Robertson, R. H. Csthcart, G. D. Frazer, J. D. Butler, G. B. Tumor, T. ). Pearson, L. P. Allgood, J. M. Lard, J. W. Wood, J. M. Holland, T. J. Cooper, W. A. B. Ragsdale, J. R. Baggett, Wra. Jones, 1207 Wm. M. Palmer, J. N. Msndews, A. H. Mosley, J. H, Henderson, N. W. Roberts, Wm. Jones, 042 P. L. Allgood, Henry Braswell, E. D. Camp. J. T. Whitworth, Wm. II. Morgan,881 W. J. Grogan, J. L. McBrayer, Snowden Robertson, J. 8. Spinks. TRAvnns Jrnr —Fihht Wikk. T. J. McLendon, J. W. Grogan, J. W. Atchesont C. 0 Babb, A: J. Cooper, J. li. Cimtrell, B. J. Gann, Henry 8, Bullock, W. F. Walkar, Jr. J. T. Bone, B. D. Rose, J. H. Frazer, J. Hold. Moon, J. C. Harris, 1003. J. J. Cooper, Bailey Bonn, Henry Bone, Hr. B. T. Drake, * John Bone, Hr., W. J. Babb, E. 8. McCollum, John Fuller, D. A. Wills, Asbcrry B. Clonts, P. M. Carter, J. C. Harris, 1080. Levi Cooper, M. F. Swnfford, J. F. Danton, H. L. Wells, W. O. Carter, O. W. Carter, W. 8. Conn, J. D. Ware, J. L. Clay, John Wells. Thavir* Jort- -Second Waxx. W. G. McBrayer, J.T. Monk, W. H. McDonald, 8. D. Holland, Hr. G. K. Durham, A. N. Walker,* H. 0. Wood, O. J. Florence, Wm. Bullock, J. O. Owen, H. II. Emhry, It. A. Brown, T. W. Kukeatraw, W. I. Fain, G. J. Umphrey, M. N. Moon, J. B. Hutcheson, J, M. Holcombe, G. W. Guess, J. It. Meek, Green 8. King, 8. P. Arnold, J. L. Crowley, Z. P. Austin, N. L. McClung, W. T. F. Thoris Wm. J. Austin, J. C. Meek, W. H. Golden, ;ll. 8. Jeffers, W. A. Cagle, John T> Holland, T. J. Ragsdale, W. T. Arnold, Wm. Johnson, D. C. Parris. Wc want your patronage, and tor get it and keep ft; •flier you th$ best quality of goods at lowest po^il^g pieces. W e carry a full line of General M«rthandj£, including FAMILY GROCERIES AND HARDWRM V Wc also buy all kinds of Country, Produce* fgp ,\yhich ,vc will pay the highest market price. ^£jpm^»* We are here to stay, and propose by fair methods aud y *. • •* tjL, he honest treatment of our customers^ to build up such « trade as will nuthorizc us to stay. Call onus, when in Aee'd of anything in our line. Respectfully^ MEfiK BROTHERS. “Saved Her Life.** Your Doctor Knows Tour doctor knows all about' foods and medlolnos. Tbe next time you see him, Just ask him what he thinks | icon’s Emulsion Of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo- phosphites. We are willing ' , to trust In hla answer. For twenty-live years doo- ' tors have prescribed our Emulsion for paleness, weak- l ness, nervous exhaustion, and | for all diseases that cause . loss in flesh. ' Its creamy color and Its 1 pleasant taste make it es pecially useful for thin and l delicate ohUdren. i Mo other preparation of cod- . Uver oil is like It Don’t lose ' time and risk your hoAlth by ' vnvtnpf something unknown , and untried. Keep in mind 1 l that SOOTT8 EMULSION | has Btood the test / for a . quarter of a oentury. 1COT1** BOVINE?&&& Yoik, ^*vwwvv>M Catarrh Can Ba Cured By eradicating from tho blood tho scroftt- lous taints which cause It. Hood's Sar saparilla cures catarrh, promptly anti per- manentfy, because it strikes at the root of the trouble. The rich, pure blood which It makes, circulating through tbe delicate passages of the mucous membranes, soothes and rebuilds tho tissues, giving them a tend ency to health Instead of dlsense, nnd ul timately curing the affection. At the same time Hood's Sarsaparilla strengthens, Invigorates and the whole system nnd makes the debilitated victim of catarrh feel that new life has been Imparted. Do not dally with amiffr, inhalants or other local applications, but take Hood’s Sarsaparilla and cure catarrh alisolutly and surely by removing the causes which produce it. < Mr. II. Hughes' little baby, which bud been sick for smuu time, died last Satur day night nnd was burled at Drnketowu last Sunday. * Dr. W.'O. Hitchcock was in Monday aad favored us with a year's subscription- lie Is a successful farmer as well ns a physician. He has already sown several bushels of wheat. The doctor Is one of our licet citizens. Boy's Dixie Turning Plows at $1.25; Scooter Plows at 3c. per pound at the Dallas Hardware Store. All members of tbe Baptist church arc rcq iestpl to attend cqnfereace to-morrow. Mr. J. A. Vinson, who lives In the west part of the county, so says the Roekmart Slate, raised enough Irish potatoes on ono acre of ground this year to buy six hales of cotton. This Is evidently more profita ble than cotton; for tho white king hits eeijsed to pay expenses and must lie de throned, else tils subjects will become -laves Indeed. Diversified farming Is wlmt the south must fall Into, else she will soon lie bankrupt. No tiettnr time lb in now to begin. GEORGIA PAULDING COUNTY— Notice Is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of W. It. Owen, deceased, are requested to file said claims with me within the time preHcrilied by law, nnd all persons indebted to said estate are rctpiesteil to eomn forward nnd settle at once. T. J. Owiin, Adm’r. of W. n. Owen, dec’ll. Meadow Unt-dcn farm, In Augusta, Oa., the old home of George Walton, one of the signers of the Declaration of Indr., peudcnce, will be purchased by the Daughters of the American Ret ol tlon nnd Imi preserved ns an historic spot, ftor the style of Ml. Vornon. The 25 (KM) I: cm- hers of the order will contribute towards Its purchase and the chapter at Augusta will look after its preservation.—'f reo Press, Detroit. RfllLMY, (ohiUnmmI *rh«4ete la Jslf $. > tl , STATION*. |HoTiBTftrt* iiTV■ '>.“T ' TTpm'tOkiipS / r % t s Lv UhiUluliifOtfU Ar Datum Ar Homs Ar Atlanta . Lv Atlanta Ar Mimon... f Ar JfiMUp Ar K /erutt.... Ar JaoktfonvUlo Lv JcNup Ar JuoUspn^nio Lv*Rverott. ..~ Ar Hrunwwlok No. 10 carrleft PuTlinan Hlnnping Cos «’h»U Utnoogu to Atlanta. No. 14 ourrleR Pullman Rloonlnu Oar airl .TO, CoachfMOhttitanooKu to Jaof'H.mvIllo ati-l AW lantu u» llrunuwlrta Np. 8 currlos Pullman BloQpInjc Car Chr.tta* nuoKo to Atlanta. HTATTbWA * rVo.J'iJ n^o /wTVo. 8 4v*ptu It. to.4ofHn| I. II.Nipifl ll II A •pm t 'lAain uHWoO 7 tttam O.40uin Ukrilsm 1. wpir ?. r Wam A 30am M RS. JOHN WALLET, of Jeffarson, Wls., than whom none is more highly esteemed* or widely known, writes. 'In 18001 had a scyoro attack of LaGrlppe and at tbe ond of four months, In spite of all physicians, friends and good nursing could do, my lungs heart and nervous system were so completely wrecked, my life was de spaired of, my friends giving me up. 1 could only sloetfby the use of opiates. My lungs «nd heart pained mo terribly and my congh was most aggravating. I could not He In ono position but a short tlmo and not on my left side at all. My husband brought me Dr. Miles' Ticrvine and Heart Cure and I be gan taking them. When I had taken a half bottle of each I was much better and contin uing persistently I took about a dozen bot tles and will completely restored to health to the surprise of all." Dr. Miles' Remedies are sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or money re funded. Rook on dis eases of tne* heart and uervns free, Address, Ufti MU,WWEWIUAbUOi, Hlktart.Ifidi Tax Notice—3nd and Last Round. Dallas, Tueaday, Nov. 15. Umphrcy',, Wednesday Nov. 10, Wcddlngtou, Thursday Nov. 17, • Hiram, Friday Nov. 18. California, Saturday Nov, 19. Acorntrcc; Monday.Nov. 21, Twentieth. Tuesday Nov. 22, Burnthlckory, Wednesday Nov. 23, Raccoon, Thursday Nov. 24, Dallus, Friday * Saturday Nov. 25-2(1 Pumpkiuvlne, Monday Nov. 28, Utah, Tuesday Nov. 29, Union, Wednesday Nov. HO, Tallapoosa, Thursday Dec. -1, Nineteenth, Friday Dec. 2, Cains, Saturday Dec. 3, Dallas, Monday * Tuesday Dee. 5-0, J* Braswell, Wednesday Dec. 7. A. L. Wokthan, T. C. Lv Atlanta ... Ar Home Ar Dalton Ar Ohailnnooaa.. Lv Chatuiiooau.. Ar Uursln Ar T.oxlrartun Ar Loalavtltu. ... Ar Olmlnhatl . ■. Lv^ihatltenoogu.. Ar Nnihvllle . 4.S0ain| aJapm 7.uinta D Wain: rt. input Id. -Huai rnum rMpm *■ — SOnni 1 H.flOpir. a.v.xni t».lOj.m LSOpniL ft. 10pm? 4-SOnm 7 joptn| J.roiun 7^80|ini| 7.*inm rkpin, I. jftumi aMpml ft.sham 1 NOTICE, TO ALL HY FRIENDS. I have opened up business at* 23 West Mitchell- Street, and will be .glad to furnish you with all kinds of good things to drink, such as fine Rye whiskey, from $2 to $8 per gallon. Corm from $1.50 At Now Vork to $2 per gallon, and all kinds of Beer and Wines. Mail orders given special attention. When in the City, qall on me, and when you want anything in my line, write me. Respectfully Yours, J. E. BROWN. toChnttanooga and utiattanoo/a to Cincinnati No. V ourrlet* Pullmuu ftloepinu Cor AMunlL to Cincinnati and Chattanooga to Louinvlllo.] stations." Lv fTmttunooga. Ar KnozvIlUi.. Ar Morriht iwn. Ar Hot Spring* Ar Ahhovillo. - Ar Salisbury... Ar Oroonsbora Ar RaluIgU Ar Norfolk.. ... Ar Wa hingtou, Ar Now York. hfo. ]g carrlcH Pullman Skin Diseases. Ing ( Flue iiitiiuru tu nuriuan. . 101* solid trulA Chattono?»ga to Hallas i with Pullman sleeping Car Chattanooga, v to Salisbury and Hallsburi to Now York wltfe*^ out change. r htatIonk. Na 4 Wo. ( Lv Clhattanoogu Ar Knoxville.. Ar Morrlntown. Ar lirintol Ar Washington.... No. A carrier Pullman Stooping Car CbatAa- "/tout* to Washington and Chattanooga to NOW York without chango. No 4 carries Pullman Slipping Car Knos* rlllo Oo Uri tol. — STATIONS- | ^ ^71 Lv' Abin« Ar Anniston Ar Ulrroingham Ar Selin- Ar Morldlun Ar New Orlbans. Ar Jackson Ar Vicksburg Ar ShrcveporL t NoT 1ft I |N( _ "i uOpnij l.ftopm Lvltomu 6.40pm fl.57pm Ar Ua<l den. ar a«»pini 7.inpm'Ar Attqllq. . lv ’ Toally excopt* Sunday. | Sunday only. F. S. Ci AN NON. Sdv.p. A o.M., Washington, DO j. M. CULP. Traf. Mgr.. Washington. D. a W A TURK. O. P. A.. Washington. D. a C. A. HKNSCOTER. A G P* A-.ChatUnoogn,To^ We Club THE NEW ERA with For the speedy and permanent care of tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Cham berlain's Eye nnd Skin Ointment Ib without nn equal. It relievos tho itch ing and smarting almost Instantly and 1 The Weekly Constitution, its continued use effects a permanent T , w.^klv Jounml cure. It ulso cures itch, barber s Itch, ! . - , i„ ,, scald head, soro nipples, itching piles, : The Thrioc-a-Wcek World, chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and, Tbe Twlce-u-wvek Glohc-Dcmocrat, 81.60 granulated Uda. I The Twlce-s-week Courier.Journul, 9120 Dr. radv*. r^ndirimi FM^en^for! horses are the best tonic, blood purifier Hom() f(inB| . flifl and vermifuge. Price, 35 o?nt«. 6t>14by F'r la'o by A, ,1, CiwjUTtS L : u.