The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, December 09, 1898, Image 8

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Mak%lt a Point TaOattha Beat Every Time,When You Buy Medlolne. Health la too valuable to ho trlflod with. Do not experiment. Got Hood’s Hsrsapa- (tlle end yon will bnve the heat medicine money can buy — the inedlrlno tlmt cures when all othera fall. You lime every reason to expect It will do tor you what It has 4one for others. Remombor Hood’s Sarsaparilla !• America’* Greatest Medicine. Price $1. Hood's Pills ere the favorite cathartJo. Heterogeneous. Our. government bids fair to oon- Uin at an early date a greater mixture of race* then its founders ntid even the fathers of the present generation everjJrtWmod it would have. Tho New Jw* World makes the following iro- rpressive statement of the complexion of this mixture: Indiana 250,000 Colored in America 8,000,000 Chinese in America 100,000 Hawaiinna 100,000 I’ortb Ricans 750,000 On bans 1,500,000 Filipinos of varions yellow and black breeds 8,000,000 Total.. .18,700,000 Ha—I don’t believe yon can tell who is to be my wife. Sho (blushingly) —Yon haven’t asked mo yet. And what is more,he didn’t.—I’liiladolphin Record. THE DUTY OF MOTHERS. Daughters Should be Carefully Guided In Burly Womanhood. What suffering frequently resnlta from a mother’s Ignorance; or more ; frequently from a mother’s neglect to properly instruct her daughter 1 Tradition say s “woman mustsnffcr,” and young women Are so taught. There Is a little truth and a great deal of exaggeration In this. If a young woman suffers severely Bhe needs treatment and her mother should see that she gets It. Hatty mothers hesitate to take their caughtcrs to a physician for examina tion; hut no mother need hesitate to write freely about hor daughter or herself to Mrs. Plnklmm and sectiro the most efilcicnt advice without charge. Mrs. Plnkham’B address Is Lynn, Mass. Tho following letter from Miss Marie V. JornooN, Ccntrslia, Pa., shows what negloat will do, and tells how Mrs. Pinkhom helped her: “My health beeamo so poor that I had to leave school. I was tired all the time, and had dreadful pains In my side and back. 1 was also troubled with Irregularity of menses. I was very weak, and lost so much flesh that my friends beeamo alarmed. My mother, who is a firm bcllovor In your remedies from experience, thought per haps tlioy might benefit mo, and wrote you *>r advice. I followed tho advice you gavo, and used Lydia E. l’lnkham's Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills as you directed, and am now as well as I ever was. I have gained flesh and have a good color. 1 am completely cured of Irregularity." TT nriiMpfOR'aEyt Water PHILIPPINES' MINERALS. Gold, Sliver, Copper, Cost, Irst, Msrkto, sal Other Vslssble Deposits. Admiral Dewey has forwarded to the Navy Depart incut a memorandum on the mineral resources of the Philip pines, prepnred at the Admiral's re quest by Professor George F. Becker, of the Knltcd Stntes Geological Sur vey. Professor Becker made exten sive researches nncl consulted oil tho available authorities. Only about a score ’of the several hundred Islnndp, he says, are known to contain de posits of valuable minerals. He In cludes a table showing the mineral bearing Islands and their resources. This table follows: Luzon—Cool, gold, copper, lead, Iron sulphur, marble, kaolin. tfatiraudunnes, Sylvan, Bohol and Panaoan—Gold only. Msrlinduque—Lead nud silver. Mindoro—Cosl, gold snd copper. Carraray, Baton, Hapu Itapu, Bern- arara, Negros—Coni only. Mssbcte—Coal and copper. Hotnblon—Marble. Samar—Coal and gold. Penny—Coal, oil, gaR, gold, copper, Iron nnd perhaps mercury. Blllrum-«ulphur only. I.eytc—Coal, oil nnd perhaps mer cury. Cebu—Co*l, oil, gns, lead, silver nnd Iron. Mindanao—Coal, gold, copper and platinum. Sulu Archipelago—Pearls. Of the coal Mr. Becker says that It Is analogous to tho Japanese coal nnd that of Washington but not of the Welsh or Pennsylvania coal. It might better be characterised as a highly carbonised lignite likely to contain ns much sulphur an Iron pyrites, liable to spontaneous combustion nnd Injurious to boiler plntes. Neverthe less, he says, when pyrltous Benins are avoided nnd the lignite is proper ly handled, It forms n valuable fuel, especially for local consumption. DepopsUlloi In Frssce. The returns of the census for France which wns taken In March, 1897, have now been published and compared with the statistics of the previous cen sus, taken six years b«fore. A yent ago the number of people In France was 38,228.969, and at the 1891 census It wns 38,095.150, so that In the six. yenm the population of France had only Increased .1X1,8111 persons. And even this trilling Increase Is more ap parent than real, for It has taken plnee entirely In the large towns, und Is due to the influx of foreigners, such as Belgians nnd Italians, who are to he found In Increasing numbers among the urban populations of Frauce. HEALTH FOR TEH CEHTS! FOR THE FAMILY. IflKflfSKfc 1 ittxl my whole fiimtly received roller from tlio flrat Email bo* —-* • CANDY CATHARTIC will IIml a place .. -ndCAHi AltBTHfor they make and truat they • '—In every home. Youra i'KTKH WKBB, Jr., I’niiil OroT* Ava., Mrkecaport, Fa. FOR CHILDREN. er be without - - a tablet, and cry for more. They me tho moat pleimant medicine I hnro ever t rlod. They have found a permanent plnee in my homo." mu*. Jon* Flaoel. IloxOSO, Michigan Otty, Ind. FOR FILES. '*■ aulOred the torture# of the damned with - protruding piles hrntitrht on hv constipation with tsuicaieU) CURE CONSTIPATION E, i(j day I ai wna rv(dieted for twenty n across yonr < A8CARBT* of Newell, la.. and osvrr m Bt., Hloui C.'lty, la. FOR HEADACHE. they are the beet rncdjelne we hav# ever had In the hoii*e. I.aat week my wife wna frantic with hoadaclio for two dajra: abe tried aoma of your t'ABOARETH nnd they relieved the i»*ln In her head nlmoat Immediately, we both recommend t'aecareta." Oil An. Htkdbkord. Fitts burgh Safe & Deposit Oo., Flttaburgh, Fa. FOR BAD BREATH. ■iMra 'srr aftfASSft: laxative they are limply wonderful. My daughter and i wore bothered with nick Momucli and our breath was ory bail. After taking a few dona* DRUGGISTS. GOLD BM-BMBOX FREM FOR CONSTIPATION. ”1 have gone 14 dart at a time without movcucBt uf thr bowels. Chronic constipation for sewn yean placed mo in tills terrible condition; 1 did everything 1 heard of but never found spy relief until I began using CA8CAKKT8. 1 now have from one to three passage* a day. and If I waa rich I would gTvo OlooTtt for each movement; tt Is such a roUef. H AYI.MKR L. Ht’KT. .. . 1M9 Russell Bt.. Detroit Mich. .FOR IIUOUSNESS. feet. Couldn’t do without thorn. I have used thorn for some time for in digestion and biliousness and am now completely cured, llscommend them, to every one. Once tried, yon will never be wit hout them in t he family." Bnw % A. Marx, Albany, N. Y. FOR WORMS. . "A tape wens eighteen ftet long at least came on the scene alter my taking two CASCAKET8. Till* I am sure hat caused my bad health for. the pant three years. I am still tak ing Cascaruts. the onlv cathartic worthy of notiro by senaible people." Gko. w. Uowlbs, Dnlra, Mii*a. FOR DYSPEPSIA. ••Fup.bI* years I wns a Tie* tins of dyspepsia! nit s worst form. 1 could eat nothin* but milk t.tnst. an<t at time* my stomach would not E tnln and digest even that. I.s*t trch I began taking CABC.tRETfl nnd since then I havo steadily Im proved, until I am as well as lever was In my life.” David II. flimritY, Newark, O. FOR LAZY LIVER. whom wo can of Coacarot* we dorfully. They tho family?’ 'Vi uanSix** Nagki, 1,1 IIS7 Uittenhouse Bt., Cincinnati,Ohio. FOR PIMPLES. " My wlfte hud nluiples on her fksees T>ut aho ban been taking CAR t’AUKTH and they have all dlikp- pen red. 1 bud been troubled with constipation for some time, but after taking the And Canon ret I have h.ul no trouble with tills oilmen’ Wl enhnot speak too highly of Panes- rets." Fsfdwartmam. 6TO* llermontown Ave., Ml Philadelphia, Fa. , OATflAl .. .. „ ach In no othor , . _ direction .lip out ot n SO* box of i.’ASL/t- B MET®, of two direction slips out of two Ofie boxes to tho tnanu* enameled bonbon* CAN 'OBTAIN SfiSWlKS SS'MW THI8 HAND80ME PRESENT !5OT&*!te YOU WILL BE DELIGHTED not only with tho bonbonuloro^biit with lis contents. CA8(!ARE’r« o «o mild, ro fragrant, eo palatabii*. pleasant. yot positive In their ac tion. that they form tho only proper — 1 luxutlvo for ladles, children, and tho i wcoisTtnio household In general. Any one unuhlo to obtain direction Mips ns above. t>jr purchasing from tliolr druggists, send us dOv In itarai>*. and receive a ftOc box nf t.ikCVKF/IS with BONBONBTIKBE FREE. BTKRMKfl RRSIDY to., lllltAUO, ■OM'llk'Al., CAX., Stiff TORS. 4 *I bare been troubled n irt’sl deal with a torpid liver, widen pro duces constipation. I found CASCA- RETS to bo all you claim for them, and secured such relief tho Amt trial that I purchased another supply and was completely cured. I shall only bo too glad to recommend Cascarela whenever tho opportunity 11 pre sented." Philadelphia, I’a. ' CATHARTIC ^ FOB HD BLOOD. MOAROA for them and medicine RETS do nil cJulrmwt • uly wonderful it wished for n purified and my complexion h„ iiroved wondcrrttlly. and 1 feel i Mbs. Bai.UK F. Bella i MANDOLIN $3 98. lionuirkahlo for It* beautiful tone anti Im mense volume. Soli* regularly for $0. Sent by express with privilege of examination. GUITAR at $4.98. Tho g re a to at bargain over offered. Wo lmve onlr SKX) of these Instrument* that, will bo sold at tbl* price. Hells regularly at $10. Sont by expresi^ with privilege of examination. liras* Hand Mouth llnriiionlrn, 2Ao The jdaynrn of the Harmonica will bo astonishod at the wonderful tono of thl* Instrument. Ac- knowlodged tho finest In tho world. Hy mall, German Drawn Nteel Mitntlolln anti Guitar Hirings. Wo will mall full seta for if-V Tbo beet nmrohnuposl Hiring* In the world. Addroea CABI.K PIANO COMPANY, UtMIH Whitehall Street, AllHUtu.Ga.^rst Hotel on Karth. Tho 8nltnn is said to have nearly completed tho larRest hotel in tho world at Mecca. This establishment is to lodgo six thousand pilgrims . at once, with, presumably, their cauipls und other bensts of burden, nud prom- , isos to be one of the most picturesque places to stay nt ill tho world,although, | of course inihlel dogs are not allowed to api<roneh it- Its vast size has drawn attention to mounter residences. Tho largest dwelling house in exist ence in in Vienna, whore there is an npartment house with 1,500 rooms iu it, occupied l>y more than 0,000 peo ple. This building him thirty-two Htniroascs, thirteen interior courts nud 850 windows on the street. A Kurt* Against Fin*. Aftar a ton daya’ fight to avoid death, the craw of a stcamor ironi Spain recently arrived In Ilnltlmore. In mid oecnn It was discovered that llitine* were raging In the vessel’s bold. For ten long days the crew hruvoly fought the flames. If men would fight ns persistently against disorders of the stomach nnd diges tive organs, there would bo fewer premature deaths. 'Hie best weapon for such a light is llostettor’s Htemaeh lllttni s. It Is tho grentest of tonics, and the best of remedies for kidney, liver, Madder and blood dlsordors. No-To-Rhc for Fifty Cent*, •(itmranteed tobacco haldt euro makes weak men strong, blood puro. All druggists AH AFFAIR««• NATION It hM. been skid of AmeritaLns that they are “a nation of dyspeptics" and it is true that few are entirely free from disorders of the digestive tract, Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Stomach and Bowel trouble, or Constipation. The treatment of these diseases with cathartic medicines too often ag gravates the trouble. Tt-IE LOGICAL TRE.ATMENT is the use of a remedy that will build up the system, thereby enabling the various organs to act as Mature intended they should. Suth a remedy is found in Or Yhlliams Pink Pills for Pale People » Here is the proof, In Detroit there are few soldiers more popular and efficient than Mar R. Davies, first sergeant of Co. B. Ills home is ct 416 Third Avenue. For ' four yenm he was a bookkeeper with the wholesale drug house of Farraud, Williams & Clark, ami he savs: "I have charged up many thousand order* for Dr. Williams’ Fink Pills for I’ale Feople, but never kuew their worth until I used them for the cure of chronic dyspepsia. For two years I suffered and doctored for that aggravating trouble but could only be helped temporarily. "I think dyspepsia Is one of the most stubborn of ailraen**, and there 1* scarcely a clerk or office man but what is more or less n victim. Some daya I could eat anything, while nt other times I would be starving. Those distressed pains would force me to quit work. I have tried many treatments nud remedies but they would help only for n time. A friend induced me to try Dr. Williams’ Pink Nils for Pale People, and after tak ing a few doses I fouud much relief and after using several boxes I was cured. I know these pills will cure dyspepsia of its worst form and I am pleased to recommend them."—Datroit \Mick.) Journal. The genuine paikage ways be&rs the full name At all druggists. ot s>tnt pottpeid on receipt of price.50*1 per bon, by the Dr.tfitli»mv Medicine to,Schenectady,M V. A BEGGAR’S RUSE. How H« Got Kid of m Philanthropist Who Was Investigating HU Story. Promiscuous nlms-givitig to street beggars is (Unapproved by some con scientious persons as au encourage ment to vice and idleness. It tras the opinion of a oortain Mr. Martin that one should investigate every ap plication for oharity before contribut ing peenniary relief. Being ap- proaahed one day on Tasker stroot, rotates the Philadelphia Reoord, by a man who told him that his wife was dying and his children starving, Mr. Martin concluded to accompany the beggar to his home and investigate. “It’s a long distance,” said the man; “you can’t walk it.” ”Oh, yen," repliod Mr. Martin, ”1 am a good walker,” and off they Htartod. It was a long tramp to the Neck, whero the man led him over lots and lanes ho had never seen be fore. At Inst tlioy readied n tumble down framo building, which had to bo reached hy a flight of steps, at the hoad of whioh there wan a door. Mr. Martin prcooded tho man, nud as soon as he had entered the man fastened the door on tho outside and rnn away, regardless of Mr. Martin’s call. Finding the room empty tho. in voluntary occupant looked about and gazed down n wide crack in the floor, discovering, to his horror, pools of blood beneath. Expeoting every mo ment to be uttackod and murdered, he yelled for help, finally nttractiug tho attention of a solitary seeker in tho marshes, a scientist in pursuit of a rare wild weed. The scientist was brave, and, collecting a crowd from tho brick works, released the impris oned philanthropist, who learuod thnt the shed had been used for hog-kill- iug, nud the beggar had merely util ized it to get rid of him and his in vestigations. The Way They Run. * “Yes, sir,” said the telegraph editor, "you may be sure when thero is ouo steamer disastor another will follow within a wook. When the Mohegm broko up I said thero’d bo another and there has been. I never knew it to fail. When thero is a big Are in one part of the country tho wire will be hot within an hour tolling the story of a seoond, equally as big, in a far dis tant part. It’s strange. I’vo often thought I’d got some psychologist to explain it to mo but I’vo never had time I guess. Murders run tho same way. Now this nffair iu Flint is sure to bo followed by another, if not sim ilar, at least related iu point of dc tnils, nud that within a week. Wily it was only the othor day " “Jimpson,” shouted the city editor iutothe local room, breaking into the sonteuce of tho telegraph editor. “Thore’s just been'a suioide up oil Ouo Hundred and Twenty-third atroet. Qo up nnd get tbo story and make a third of a column of it. We’ll bunch it with the accounts of the one that happened this morning and the two this afternoon ” “Hear that,” put in the telegraph editor, “what did I tell you?”—De troit Free Pross. A Qlall Hallway, By means of a valuable toughening process, reoently discovered, glass may now be moulded into lengths and used as railway sleepers. GlasB rails are also produced by this same tough ening process. It is, therefore, possi ble to have a complete gloss railway. The glass rails are turned ont in sizes and shapes similar to those of the or dinary steel rails. They are far tougher and resist the ootion of the stomonte more successfully than steel POPULAR SCIENCE. A soientiflo writer says that night is the time whioh nature utilizes for the growth of plants and animals; chil dren, too, grow more rapidly daring the night. Thomas Edison has stated that he is working on an apparatus, the pur pose of whioh will be to adapt the telephone to making permanent reo- ords of oardiao and other vital sounds. India has, perhaps, a greater vari ety of plants than any other country in the world, having flfteen thousand native speoieB, while tho flora of the entire continent of Enropo only em braces about ten thousand. Some Egyptian boats made of cedar, irobably in use 4500 years ago, have yeen found buried near the banks of the Nile, and furnish an interesting proof of tho power of wood to with stand tho ravages of time. An extended study of the pheno mena of insomnia by De Menaceine, a Uussiau authority iu medicine, brings him to the condition that it is char acteristic of persons who blush, laugh, weep readily, and whose pulse is apt to quicken upon the slightest provo cation. The great Bcquoia trees of the Yo- semite Valley, California, are exceeded in size by the mammoth gum trees of Australia, whioh are believed to bo the largest in the world. What is thought to be the loftiest tree grow ing is the eucalyptus regnum. One of these trees in the Cape Otway range measured, when felled, 415 feet in length. IVhen . 8h.ll Strikes. An examination of tho bottom of the Indiana iu dry dook revealed an elongated, trough-like dent, perhaps two inches deep, in the plates of the starboard bow, about four feet below the waterline, made by a heavy shell falling at the end of a curved trajec tory that had struck, glanced and burst. This shows how marvelously our ships escaped injury. ‘When this shell struok it made ns all flinch,” remarked an oflloer who was there, dropping his shoulders and oooking his'knees and shrinking into as small a spaoe as his bulk allowed in illustration of. what > he meant. "Everybody did it—instinctively, ir resistibly turned their heads away and lifted tho right elbow as if to ward off a blow with a club—and there was a a second or two of awful waiting, while the roar and the scream soemed to still all the rest of the battle roar and to come straight to the ear. Then •followed au immeasurable ronr—a shocking, benumbing, bliuding ex plosion—and a prodigious fountain of water burst up boside the bow and deluged tho forward dock, while the ponderous ship,- tearing its way through the water with gigantic weight and momentum, seemed to stop suddenly aud was jarred from stem to stern as if she had run against a stone wall.” The vessel was promptly examined, but everything below was found tight and dry.—Army and Navy Journal. Medical Practitioners in Austria. The nnmber of medical practitioners in Lower Austria has increased from 1936 in 1888 to 2593 in 1896, in Bohe mia from 1629 in 1889 to 2131 in 1836, and in Galicia from 860 in 1889 to 1221 in 1896. Those who have passed away included 588 surgeons of the old school (Wundorzte), and 2544 youug graduates have entered on a medical oareer. In 1889 there were 248 places without any medioal practitioner, bnt in 1896 the nnmber was nine per cent, leu. IRELAND MAY BE CUT IN TWO. Ingenious Plan Suggested For • Orest Oross-Countrr C.n.I. There ie warm approval of the sohome suggested by F. E. Baines for the economic regeneration of Ireland, printed in the London Spectator. Mr. Baines believes that Ireland has all the needful elements to make her a great commercial natioD, pro vided the opportunity is furnished. The interior of tho country is now only indifferently supplied with rail roads, and it is consequently trouble some to make shipments of the goods for whioh Ireland is famed in British markets, snoh as farm products, live Btoak, etc. Mr. Baines proposes to make the ancient oity of Galway a transatlantic port, and to oonueot it with Kings- towu, near Dublin, by a canal, which would also connect with the present Grand Canal that runs nearly half way across the country. By this means the product of fish eries of the west and southwest could i be conveyed cheaply to Kingstown, whore fast steamers might rush across the Channel and deliver nt Holyhead to express trains that would laud, the goods in London in a few honrs. This might be vastly improved npon if the proposed tnunel is constructed under the Irish Sea. Mr. Baines thinks his scheme for the canal would not cost -more than <15,000,000. luuipu uonpatriok Uruce • ZermzerTullibardine Petlr- i Orellana Plantagenet. * bel Helminghnm Ethel Hunt- Where Missing Laundry Goes To. “Dishonest household servants cause the laundries no eud of tronble, ” remarked an employe of a downtown conoern. “It’s a common thing for them to annex a few shirts or collars, and now and then a stray handker chief from the supply of their employ er, and when the shortage is discov ered it is generally ohargod to the laundry. Lots of times we know per fectly well that the things claimed were never sent in bnt pay for them rather than have a row and lose a good customer. A lady of this oity lost sev eral fine lace lmndkerohiefs about a year ago and insisted that they were sent to tbo shop but never returned. She was perfeotly sincere, and the bill was paid. Last week the handker chiefs turned np. They were sont in with a bnndlo of things from another part of the town, and when we came to trace them we found thoy had passed through four different hands. The original thief was a mulatto maid servant who had disappeared. On an other occasion a gentlemen lost several oollar3 and was very angry. He said he was oontinually losing articles that w ay and brought his negro porter along to prove that they had beou sont ip, Tho manager was about to hand over tho value of the linen when ho happened to notice that tho darky was wearing a vory handsome oollar and told him to take it off. He protested vigorously, but it was seoured and proved to be one of the lot. The rest were found in his trank.—New Or leans Times-Democrat. They Do Thing* Better in China. Mr. Wu, tho Chinese Minister, en countered Professor Moore, Chief of the Weather Bnreau, at the Audi torium, and, like everybody else, be gan to reproach him for giving us a rainy Jubilee day. “I could not help it,” Baid Profes sor Moore. “Nevertheless,” retorted Wu Ting Fang, “if you were in my country you would have your head ont off.”—Chi cago Becord. Parisians eat 100,000 horses annu ally. Work For the 8. P. C. C. Labouchero suggests that the Sooi- ety for the Prevention of Crnolty to Children should have power to inter fere with parents such as the late Bov. Balph Tollemaohe. Mr. Tollemacha' was twioe married, and he was prett^ liberal with his baptismal favors £> his first family. But it was only aftir his seoond nuptials that he gave ljiis attention seriously to the subjeot mf human nomenclature. This was the result: 1. Lyulph Ydwallo Odiu Nestor Egbert Lycnel Toedmag Hugh Er- chenwyne Saxon Esa, Cromwell Orma Yevill Dysart Plantagenet. 2. Leo Quintus ToUcmache-Tolle- mache de Orellana Plautagenet. 3. Leone Sextus Denys Oswolf Fraudati Filins Tollemaohe-Tolle- maoho de Orellana Plantagenet. 1 4. Lyonulph Cospatriok Bruce Berkeley T sham de i 5. Mabel Helminghnm ingtower Beatrice Blazonberrje Erangelino Vise de Lou de Orollsha Plantagenet Toedmng Saxon. 4 6. Lyonosse Matilda Dorn Ida Agpes Ernestine Curson Paulet Wilbraham Joyce Eugenie Bentley Snxonia Dy sart Plantagenet. 7. Lyoua Decirna .Veronica, Esyth Undine Cyssa Hylda Bowena Adela Thyra Ursula Ysubel Blanche Leliaa Dysart Plantagenet, 8. Lyonelln Frcdeguudn Cathberga Ethelswytha Idotli Ysabel Grace Mon ica de Orellana Plantngonet. 9. Lyonetta Edith Begina Valen tine Myra Polwarth Avelina Philippa Violantha de Orellana Plantagenet.— London Correspondence in New York Snn. Tlte Sailor’s Personal Pride. Next to tho creature comforts of his inner man the naval sailor thinks most of his personal appearanoe. No blue jacket with any regard for himself will wear the uniform as it is issued from the paymaster’s stpres. Only tho new recruit or tho coal passer lost to all shame will appear in public in such togs. There is as inuoh uicety of de tail iu the out and trimming of the naval uniform as in the fashionable gown of a sociotytady ashore. The snag fit of the blue shirt, the careful haug of the bell-bottom trou sers, aud the breadth and curye of the jaunty hat, all must conform to an ar bitrary nuval pattern, and must also be made with the proper number of gillguys and silk-worked stars and diamonds so dear to tho sailor's heart. He Revised HU Prayer. A little United States boy, having been initiated into the methods of government of various countries, aud earnestly instructed as to the superior ity of those obtaining in his own laud, thns astonishod his mother at prayer- time: “Our Father, ’oh art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy republio come—mother, I won’t pray again for a kingdom!” And he has continued to revise his prayer on these lines.— Toronto Saturday Night. Growth Take* Place at Night. A scientific writer says that night is the lime which nature utilizes for the '■ growth of plants and animals; chil dren, too, grew more rapidly during the night. Iu the daytime the system is kept busy disposing of the waste consequent on activity, but while asleep the system is free to extend ite operations beyond the mere replacing of worn-ont particles; hence the rapid growth. This is why invalids need so . much rest and sleep.—Medioal Beo- ‘ ord. t