The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, January 09, 1903, Image 2

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1 ■ THE NEW ERA. ESTABLISHED 1882. u n. vnalker. - - - editor. .. Kn'orrd In tin* |MiBtofl\cc at DaIIax «b second rUsK mail matter. DALLAS, GA.. JANUARY 9. PHONE 2S KUBSCWPTIOA : dot. year - bi* monlliH ... Three months • '71>c 40c 20c Notice to Ahvkrtihkiih—After .lamia- Vy 1.M, 1WW, all cutii with wood bnulH will he j->Jnoted nt thin ofllce. All eleotros must hnve *ietai bason am \v» positively will not aeoept any other kind after aliove unto. To Our Patrons. An \vt> - ure short a printer— writ,notit proper notice—wo ask the inrhilgtMtce'of our friends for any short comings of the paper in tile way of news, errors, etc. We are doing tint very best, we can under the circumstances. It will not lie long, however, until we will have the necessary help, and then we will be able to get out the paper in its usual shape if not bettor. So bear with us, friends, for we are doing all we can, but by-and-by we will eoine out o:i top and The New Era will continue to carry the news, asTu the past, lo its many readers, all of whom w<u wish ahundent. prosperity in the year tW03. It would not require A smge to convince the people of Dallas now that water works would he beneliciul to the town. We can never expect Dallas to be classed as a modern town so long as our streets remain , in their present condition. There were twelve cliltcrciit lines of railroad built in Geor gia during the present year, or about two hundred ami twenty miles. The condition of the public roads of t he county seem to be Miisfactory to our Citizenship. jis vet we hear no very strong protest from them. If you are in favor of anything lot the peo ple know It. Who made resolutions on Now Year’s duv? Who has brok en their resolutions since New Year’s dit.\? May all good resolu tions bo kept. If you haven’t made any, make them yet. Ben Tillman at Columbs: “I don’t know how this negro problem will be solved, but one thing is as absolutely fixed to me as that tomorrow’s sun will rise, there are not enough long-nosed Yankees in hell, or out of hell, to keep the white men of the south from controll ing the south.” AGRAND OPPORTUNITY. Tho General Board of Fduea- 1 ion lias made an oiler to the citizens of Paulding county. They offer to duplicate the amount contributed by the citi zens of the county to build a school house. That is if the citi zens of the county will raise ,$2,- 1)00 or $8,000 the board will give t;he same. By accepting the above offer the county oould have a live or six thousand.dollar school build ing which would place in the leach of every youth in the tii -ntv an education*. RHEUMATISM CURED AT LAST Good News for all Who Suffer With Rheu matism Free. To nil wco slitter with rheumatism ■ I will gladly wild free the wonderful stnrv of him rut- mother wns cured after yearn of nitlV. ring, together with tin? most'elab orate treatise on rheumatism ever pub lished. No matler whnl your form of rheuma tism in, whether acute, chronic, muscu lar, liitlanimntory, solstice neuralgia, gout, lumbago, etc—no matter how malty doctors have failed in youi case—uo mat ter how many so-called “suie cures” you hnve tried—1 want you to write to me and let m ■ tell you how mother w an cured. 1 am neither n doctor nor a professor— ••Imply n plain man of biislmsa—but I. have a cure lor ilieuiii- Him, and I want I to Pll every who sutfers wilh risen- 1 miilisin all aiami it. I wish to lie clearly under-t od. and trust tli it all who are’ sulfirimr with tin (entitle disease, how ever'pp.uenil.v e olid the each of cure ! will w rite to me tlila day and I will rend I you by teiurn mail this worn of mine. 1! upped es|fcdall\ lo the "dir uiiealh 111” who are wearied and di-numiged with ‘‘doctoring’' and to those who have been Ci st iisi'li as •‘incnrahle.” 4II you leivu thought abom I'Mi'iiinatisin may lie wrong —let me fell 011 oin expeiiencV. Surely, il ion littv rheumatism, or have a suffer- i g friend, il will pay you to Investigate my offer, , •. wm . u. <I prove for yourself there claims l mu .■ . Semi m vl.ur ddrens today—a postal e ril will .In—and I ill mail you diis wonderful si iry. If you have any IrieiHls suffeililg with rhenmaMsiii, no matter wl ere l> cate . semi me tlu ir address and 1 . ill mail the n a epy. Me address is VI I OU It '.INHOLI, Bloomlleld. Ind Rishl Paulding is otto among a very few that ha<l this offer from the millionaires, ami now, unless the citizens cry out for acceptance (lie Ioffe r will lie lost. A few have made liberal offers, hup, if the whole citizenship do not contribute, the amount can’t be raised. What are you going to do about it? A BUSINESS MAN’S NEW YEAR ENDEAVOR. To be joyous in my work, moderate in my pleasures, cliary in my confidences, fatli- ful in my friendships; to be energetic but not excitable, enthusiastic but not fanatical; loyal to the truth as I sec if, but ever open minded to the newer light; to abhor gush as I wtnild profanity, and to hate cant as I would a-lie; to be careful in my promises, punct ual in my engagements, can did with myself and frank with others; to discourage shams and rejoice in all that is beauti ful and true; to do my work and live my life so that neither shall require defense or apol ogy; to honor no one because rich or famous, aijtl despise no one because Wimble or poor; to be gentle and considerate to ward the weak, respectful yet self-respecting toward the great,courteous to all,obsequi ous to none; to seek wisdom frow great books and inspira tion fiom good men; to invig orate my mind -witli noble thoughts as I do iffy body with sunshine and fresh air; to prize all sweet human friendships and seek t? make at least one home happy; to have charity for the erring, sympathy for the "sorrowing,, cheer for the despondent; to be indifferent to none, helpful to some, frindly with all; to leave the world a little better off because of me; and to leave it, when I must, bravely and cheerfully, in God and good will to all my follow men; this shall be my endeavor during the coming year.—The Con- gregationaist. You etui always get a few poin ters on insect life from the bee hive.. The grandest opportu= nityof yonr life to buy frst=clats medi= cine at half price. We are overstocked in the remedies we are offering and have cut the price on some of them just half. They are remedies that every family needs. This sale will last only for a short time at prices quoted. Cooper’s Liver Medicine 25c package for 20c. Sold on a posi tive guarantee. Tllaeher’s Liver Medicine 25c package for 12 l-2c. St. Joseph’s Liver Mfediciue 25c .package for 12 l-2c. Cooper’s Cough Syrup. The largest bottle on the market for the -money. Gibbon’s Toilet. Cream for Jhe face and hands, regular 20c bot tle for 10c, Colognes and Perfumery of all ldiuls uow going in proportion. If you ever expect to need any of these goods==and of course you will==now is the time to get them. < The world has evef seen will be held AT ST. LOUIS in 1904, and ■The Greatest Saint Lotiis Newspaper Will be indispensable during the coming year. WB OFFER TWICE EVERY WtEK I AND THE Dallas iKTo'w 33r’Et — cr » p $140 - Both Papers One Year, only $1.40. * The St. Louis Globe-Democrat In issued SEMI-WEEKLY, eight or inure pages, every Tuesday and Friday. It is in politics and has no equal as a (treat Modem Newspaper. It prints am. run news or am. the f.ahtii. husid.s un immense variety of Interesting and instructive reading matter for everv riiemlier of the family. Prompt Action is Necessary. This liberal clubbing offer will be ope oal i a Liiniiod Time. .Send your subscription To-Day to The Lucky Guessers. The fpllowing are tho names of those who drew the prizes in The New Era guessing contest: 1st. prize—R. M. Switcher. 2nd—S. Robertson. 8t*d—G. W. Wheeler. 4th—J. M. Pearson. 5th—J. B. Watson. ' , Oth—J. T. Lee- 7th—O. \V. Russoni. 8th—T. G. Conner. 9th—Wofford Cole. 10th—W. M. Woodall. 11th—W. C. Spinks. 12th—A. II. Mobley. 18th—B. J. Gann. 14th—W.M. Hunt. 16th—A. G. Ferguson. 10th—\y. T. Cochran. , 17th—S. C. Pearson. 18th—J. W. Garrison. > 19th—II. A. Kemp. 20th—C. L. Oathcart, 21st—J.M. Davis. THE NEW ERA, Dallas, Ga. Standard American Annual. This is easier said than done, yet it may lie of some help to consider the mat ter. If tlie cause to something over which you have uo control it is obvious that wor rying. *vill not help the mutter in the least. Ou the other baud, if within your control you have only to act. When you have a cold and fear un attack of pneumonia, buy a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy aud use it ’judiciously and all cause for worry ns to the outconi • will quickly dis appear. There is no danger of pneumo nia when it is vised. For sale by A. J. Cooper & Co. Money to Loan to Fanners. Anyone desiring to borrow money can do so by securing tile same wtb improved ands,. Interest ut if" per cent K. E. L„ Whitworth, I Dinllas, Ga. Subscribe for The;New Era. A Statistical Vclctnc cf Facts and Figures Containing Over 6C0 Pages. SPEC I AT. FIO ATI? KBS. ti ‘" deal St'Ike; ti e T.utta the Untied Stores: Full Election Ictii a ~~~“*■ Platforms ci Political Piriice of *907; O! . -- flccr3 of the.National »fi>' , Con-mi Dees; I cdci'.ii, ’'Zvtf Labor i.eaia- fnflou; Our lnso’or Posse isions' Ist.imlaii Canal L.nw; Civil Oov. ernmentfoiOieFlii ip. pi vie a;'.ion!t for V e t i ii jr j„ All ",.,11 Stales, AutnmoS’l* 0 mi if 'ZftWr r iV*.'.’ l&gk 111 Af'S&iU M t .1h stics ’ 1 rateroal, F 1,1 .' ,n .’'y anil l a;r ot c ■ * ; In f.» r /.tH tion ’"} Foreign Countries, ificir kuiers and Gov- ermnen-’g; Polar Ex- pkirallon : Pcview of Scion ti flc Acliieve- ——"— dents; The Seismic Disturbances of 1002 (rtont PeleeT u;', structlon of the City of New York ’ “ 0^ Condensed Information : Office, the Store and the I Price j Postpaid to any 0?fiU THE WO LNewBRtandf _ .... J Pulitrcr BniWinu, One ^leauie Secsogh Guit. For (Icughs. CoSsSs and Croup*.,