The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, January 16, 1903, Image 2

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Roxana, \Ve are.having Home very cqld weather at present. We are having very good health for this season of the year. Messrs. Luther House, I sitae Williams, Tom Grogan and Misses Barkstald and Sallie House and Ltllio Grogan attended the quilt ing at Ishum Sheffield's, of nenr Balias, Saturday. The pound supper at James An derson’s was well attended Satur day night. Ye scribe was present. Gradv Prewett was seen in the vicinity of New Hope Sunday afternoon. There must be some thing up. We learn that there was a wed ding party in our little town last Sunday in the person of Warner Woodall and Miss Mary Cantrell, We wish them a long and pros perous journey through life. John Kemp and Grady Prewett were theguestsof Lee Furgerson, of California, Saturday night. John Decker was the guest of Miss Martha Prewett Sunday afternoon. Bud Ragsdale was the guest of .Miss Addio Crow Sunday after noon. Misses Lillie and Oilio Brooks wore the guests of Miss Irene Kpiup last week. Hurrah for John W. Spinks. Stick to ’em Johhny. The singing at the residence of W M Crow was well attended Sun- day afternoon. Luck In Thirteen. By sending IS miles Wrn. Spirey, of Walton Fimmca, Vt., got, it box of Uuck- Int’s Arnica Salve, tint wholly cured 11 horrible Fever Sure on his leg. Nothing ■ Ive could. Powttvely cures llrulses Fel ons, Ulcers, EiuptiotM, Roils, Hums, • orns, and Piles, Only 25c. Guaranteed I y A. J. Cooper druggist. Nebo. We are having all kinds of bad weather. Mr. Henry Sewell is very sick at present. We hope for him a speedy recovery. Mrs. Emma Cooper and chil- «: ten,of Dallas,visited her brother Mr. W. H. Simmons, of this place last week. Mr. Goorge Williams, of tVilia Rica, visited here last week. Something attractive, Mr. Irby Simmons attended preaching at Sweetwater Satur day and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Hitchcock visited Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Austin Sunday. We have reorganized our Sun day-school by electing Mr. Luther Mitchell superintendent and Mes- diMiies Nannie Gable and Rosa Austin teachers. We wish to call the attention of the old people to the fact that it is their duty to attend as regularly as possible, and take an interest in the school. We want everybody to attend and get the benefit of the lessons. Kv ary one should study closely the teachings of every lesson. Our literary sehool is flourish ing. Sixty-five students have been enrolled. Prof, A. H. Moon, onr teacher, lias superior literary qualification, and lias proven his efficiency as a practical, up-to- date teacher. He is stopping at W. H. Simmons. The Southern States Portland ( ement Company lins under con struction at Rockmart, an elec tric power plant and a forty-five room hotel. The probable cost of the improvements is $1,500,COO Moss Meeting. It hereby call » meeting of the citizens of Dallas to be held at 2 P. M. next Tuesday, the 13th inst. All who are in terested in the school interests of our town will please be present as business of impor tance will be discussed and transacted. H. C. Howell, „ Cham, of Citizens Meeting. Mt. Zion. B. F. Tibbitts and I. W. Par ris made a business trip to Ac- worth Saturday. Hi D. Parris has accepted the school at Shady Grove, and will inovo his family over there for a month’s stay. J. II. Jartnon, and Miss Laura Dupree, pf Powder Springs, were married “Christmas times.” We wish them success. Mrs. Docia Parris made a bus iness trip to Shady Grove Satur day. Jesse Jurmon was the guest of Miss Ola Parris Sunday. Bartow Elsberry and H. D. Parris went to Dallas Saturday on business. One Hundred Dollars u Hox Is the Tallin H. A. Tisdale, Bummerton, 8. 0., places on DeWitt’s Witch tinsel Salve. He says: "I ha I'the piles for 20 years. I tried many doctors ami medi cines, hot all failed except DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. It cured me.” It is a combiuaiiou of the healing properties of Witch rlaiti 1 with antiseptics and emolli ents; relieves and permanently cures blind,bleeding itching und protruding piles, sores, cuts, bruises eczema, salt rheum ami all skin diseases, a. J. Cooper. McPherson. Wo aro having some very cold weather at present. Mr. and Mrs. Harmon McClen don have a new visitor at their home. A fine baby boy. Can any one tell us who it was that fell in the slap. ^ For Sale. One pony mule and Jersey bull entitled to register. Come quick und get a bargain. A. J. Camp. For n bad taste in the month take a few iloses of Chamberlain'S Stomach and Liv er Tablets. Price 25 cents. Warranted to cure. For sale by A. J. Coop.-r & Co. School Notice. The patrons of Dallas high school are expected to pay fifty cents incidental fee for each scholar entering the school per term. Many have not paid it and we respectfully request them to pay at once, the funds are needed to pay for fuel. tV. O. Hitchcock, Secretary. Telephones. The general manager of the 'telephone company has prepared the following no tice to he pi ,ced on each telephone in the Dallas Exchange. It is buti right that Unit those who use the telephone service should pay for it. Merchants do not keep store to give awav goods; farmers an uot expectid to give away thtircorn; rail roads are not expected to donutu their tickets; unit Iter should telephone com- ptnies he expected to give free their valu able s tv ces and facilities. The Gaine,- horo Telephone Company has inaugurated a tine system here, and should receive the lull patronage of the people. L. K. Smith, General Manager. Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup t’epsin sweeten; the breath. Sold by A J Cooper. •a For Ccughs. CcBs aacj Group. eumaiism ud *21 Liver, Kidney tad Sled* .der trouble* caused by uric acid in the system. It cures by cleansing and vit-Uzing the blood, thus removing the cause of disease. It gives vigor and tone end builds up the health and strength of the patient while using the remedy. URICSOL la a luminary la the medical world. It htis cured and will continue to cure more of the above diseases than all other known remedies, many of which do more harm than good. This great and thoroughly tested end endorsed California Remedy never disappoints. It cures in fallibly if taken as directed. Try it and be convinced that it Is a wonder and a blessing to suffering humanity. Price $1.00 per bottle, or 8 bot tles for $5. For sale by druggiits. Send stamp for book of partic-' ulare and wonderful cures. If Tour druggist cannot supply 70U it will be eent, prepaid, upon receipt of price. Addrces: URICSOL COMICAL CO.. Los Aatttaa. UI. LAMAR ARANL’INOkUO CO.. Alluta,ta. V DistrikaUsg A tuts. » -0 HOUSEWORK Too much housework wrecks wo- men’s nerves. And the constant euro of children, day and night, is often too trying for even a strong woman. A haggard face tolls tho stoiy of the overworked housew ifo and mother. Deranged menses, leucorrhaia and falling of the womb result from overwork. Every housewife needs a remedy to regulate her menses and to keop her sensitive female organs ■ in perfect condition. WINE* CARDUI is doing this for thousands of American women to-day. It cured Mrs. Jones and that is why she writes this frank letter: Otomleane, Ky., Feb. 10,1M1. I am >0 Kind thut your Wine of Cardul It helping me. 1 am teolin* hotter than I have felt for yours. I am doing mi own work without any help, and X washed last week and was not one bit tired. Thut shows that the Wine Is doing me good. I mn getting fleshier than I ever was before, and sleep good und cat hearty. Beforo I begun taking Wine of Cardui, I used to have to lav down live or six times oTory day, but now I do not think of lying down through the day. Mas. Hickahd Jonhs. ILOO AT IIRIKKilSTIL Vur sdvleq anil Uterslurs, .titlmu. pvlne ,nir. Ion,,. "The ladles' Advlpory Pe|i«Tlmer.l ”, Tlw (.haltenuusu MeihclDe Cu.. Ohultsu,- CAPUD1NE Cures Colds, La&rrippe. and all Headaches? etc Sold at all Drug Stores. <zw£ This signature Is on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Quiaine Tablet* the remedy tbifnies a raid to one day TIME TABLE. Taking effect May 35, 1002. GOING NORTH. N<\ 7—Due at Dnlluss 8:50 n. m Nth. 1,5—Due at Dallas 5:50 p. in,. GOING SOUTH. No. 8—pwe at Dallas 10:38 a. m. No. 16—Due at Dallas f -40 p. m. W. A. FOSTER, Agent, Blanks «>f ail New Era office. Hi mis ar The To Cure A Cold In One Day Take Laxative Hromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the monev if it fail- to cure. E. 'V. Grove’s signature is or «ach box. 25c. Have your meas ure taken for your new Fall garments. It io the only proper and sat isfactory way of buying your clothes. Make your selec tion from the tailoring line of STRAUSS BROS. Chicago, Est., 1877. Oood tailor* tor over • quarter century. You’ll find a world of pleasure in wearing the eletbes made by Strauss Bros.,—faultless In style, fit, finish and mater ials. They’re so much better than the ordinary run of j clothes.yet prices arc aston ishingly low, and you’re per fectly . safe in ordering, be cause if garments are not sat isfactory, you needn’t take them. We will he pleased to show you samples - Call Bavis ft Rneh. Stindaid Americas Amu. and ENCYCLOPEDIA A Statistical Volume of Facts and Figures Containing Over 600 Fages. rarcn loogtopics UlMmOOOFACTS Secietlc,; information on Poielgn Countries, Their knier* end Oov- •rnmente; |>„| ar (>,. Pioretlop: R.vlra of Scientific Achieve- i —-— menu; Tht Seismic , Disturbances of 1902 (riont Pelec) •traction of the City *f New Veto SPECIAL FEATURES. Rfy'ew ot the Coal Strtto; the Trusts la III* Halted States: Full Election Returns and Ftatforms *1 Political Parties of 1902; Of. Deere of the National Committees; i-cderal, Stete anti Labor l.egie- latlon; Our Insular; Istnmlan Canal Law; Clvil.flov. cm men t fur the Philip s * Recon- Condensed Information for the -Office, the Store and the Home* . Price 25c. On Every Jfawgetand Postpaid to any address, 35c THE WORLD,* Fulitser Building, New Tot*, ®-COUGHS RELIEVED Of B HBfUTZR. CUBED nr • HOUSE. DS. FENNER’S Golden Relief futvs not failed In SO yearn. 1 tsbtapoonful of the "Relief” in 2 of water and one of -Jgar hourly till eweat, then 1 of “Cough ,oney.” A hath completes the core. 3 dose." M Rft?* wllbnever resul troxuUnta or THROAT diseases when that.? two Remedies ar# PROMPTLY uaed. By Drugglsta, 2hc.. fiOc. and 81. sites. ST.VITUS’DANCE B F u e r ^ c eM c oM>> fDlXY$H0NEY"®TAR t Your [iver Right Mattes Kidneys and Bladder Right The grandest opportu- nityof yonr fife to buy frst-clats medi cine at half price. We are overstocked in the remedies we areofferingand have cut the price on some of them just half. They are remedies that every family needs. This sale will last only for a short ti me at prices q uoted - Cooper’s Liver Medicine 25 package for 20c. Sold on a posi tive guarantee. Thaeher’s Liver Medicine 25 package for 12 l-2c. St. Joseph’s Liver Medicine 25 package for 12 I-2e„ Cooper’s Cough Syrup. Tli largest, bottle on the market fo the money. 1 Gibbon’s Toilet Cream for tli face aud hands, regular 20c hot tie lor 10c„ Colognes and Perfumery of al kinds now going in proportion.. If you ever expect t« need any of thes< goods—andqf course you will»-now is the time to get them.