The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, January 30, 1903, Image 2

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Nebo. Henry Sewell, wdio has been seriously ill for some time, is im proving. We hope to report him fully recovered soon, The pound supper and singing at the residence of Tom Aikin Saturday night was well attended and enjoyed by all present. Miss Ella Shockley, a charm ing young lady of Atlanta, visit ed Miss Daisy Aikin Saturday and Sunday. Howard Gober, of Hiram, fill ed his tegular appointment over mi west side of town Sunday. A. L. Wortlian and family will move to Dallas soon. Wo re gret to lose t hem as neighbors. Our literary and . Sunday schools are flourishing now. We realize that they and the church are the great factors in the up building of any community. We think the attention of the readers should be called to the cruel sport of killing the little birds.. The great benefit of birds .to us and the fact, that they are threatened with almost imme diate extinction have not been appreciated by most, of us. By eating the insects and worms that, are so destructive to our growing crops and gardens they work untold benefits upon us for which wo should bo very thank ful. Without them wo could hardly live, yet we persist in taking brushes and torches and going to every brush heap in reach and killing the little creat uros for the fun of it. A dozen birds would do more toward crop from such a destruction than as many men. A few years ago birds were numerous and the fields and woods were beau tified by their songs; but now we seldom see one and never hear their cnirp. The sweetness of their songs is enough to ex empt them from extermination by such cruel sport. Let us all resolve not to kill any ourselves and use our influence in restrain mg others. Teach the children the wrong, cruelty, and danger of it. We will not be blessed with birds again until there aroused a strong public senti ment against the killing of them llow many of us will be instru mental in bringing about, this public sontiment and thereby confer a blessing upon mankind for all time to come. Other. The writer has been off a few weeks but will endeavor to write again. John Bowling and wife, of Mableton, are the gifests of the latter’s parents near this place this week. Mr. Willie McCollum and his sister, Miss Rebecca, of near Rockiuart, are spending a few days with relatives near here. Misses Marget Morgan and Carry Tredwell spent .Saturday night with Miss Emma Brown. Mrs. Moody and her son, Henry of near Rockmart, were the guests of Mrs, A. A. Mobley, Saturday night and Sunday. Mrs. Cook, of near Sudie, was the guests of relatives and friends in our midst Saturday and Sun day. The usual guests in our midst Sunday was not. with us. Oscar, we see where you are wrong. Prof. W. A. Wheeler attended the marriage of his sister at Villa Rica last Wednesday night. What’s the matter? Mr. Bill McBrayer, the usual guest of Miss Bernice Williams, was not with her last Sunday. v Meeting at Mr. James Fuller’s was wall attended last Sunday afternoon. Rev. Golden filled his regular appointmint at Pine Ridge last Sunday. Wo have a flourshing school at Cains. Prof. Wheeler is a good teacher and is loved by all his pupils. Died on the 21st.of this month, ittle Myrtio Ellis, the eight years-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Billie Ellis. She lias been a patient’ sufferer of St. Vitance dance more than a year, but did not appear to be serious until a few days ago. The funeral ser vices were conducted by Rev. Kilgore, and the remains were intered at Friendship cemeretv at two o’clock Thursday after noon. Wo extend our sympathy to the grief stricken family. A preeiovs one from us has gone, A voice we loved is stilled; A place is vacant in our home Which never can be filled. God in his wisdom has recalled The boon his love had given. And though the body slumbers here, The soul is safe in heaven. East & West Railroad Co. Extension. Rksoi.vkd, That the East & Wes'. Hail- road Company,w corporation of the Slate of G.-orgiu, organixed under the General Hidlroad Law of 1802 and its amendments, do proceed, in accordance with the pow ers granted to it anq like corporations by said General Law us set forth in the Civ il ('ode of Georgia of 1895, Section 2109, to build a branch line from a point on its line of road at or near the town of Itock- rnart, in Polk County, Georgia, to and through, or near to, the City of Marietta, at a point East of the Western & Allantic Kuilroad, in Cobb county, Georgia, said route to run between the localities above mentioned; through Ihu Countiet of Polk, Paulding and Cobb. A correct copy. Attest: GEORGE J. GILLESPIE, < Secretary. At Spartanburg' S. C., a 3- yeaf-old girl fed strychnine pills to her infant sister, caus ing almost instant death. The Secret Of LoDg Life Consists in keeping all the main organs of the body in healthy, regular action, and in qulca'.y destroying deadly disease germs. Electric flitters regulate Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, purify yie blood, and give n splendid appetite. They work won ders in curing Kidney Troubles, Female Complaints, Nervous Diseases, Constipa tion, Dyspepsia, and Malaria. Vigorous health and strength always follow their use. Only 50c, guaranteed by A. J. Coop, er druggist. v Brownsville. A large crowd was out. Sunday to bear Rev. Grogan. He has made the impression on our people as being a well educated, refined, Christian gentleman and an ex cellent preacher. Some of the members of our com munity attended quarterly con ference at Douglasviile Sunday afternoon. Miss Ottie Kemp, who has been teaching music here, has return ed to liar home at Lost . Mountain. Prof. B. B. Beall and wife vis ited his brother last week. Judge Bartlett spent Sunday at home. Another of our young men, Samuel Taylor, started for Texas last. Monday, He will bo missed in our community, Grace, the little infant daught er of Mr. and Mrs. II. Norton, died on the 14th. Wo extend our sympathy so the bereaved. Roxana. The farmersof this section have almost all their cleaning up for another crop completed. We are having a good school at this place; Miss Slaton,our teach- seems to possess more than ordinary ability as an up-to-date teacher. Yes, it is certainly so about T. O. Fields killinga deer a few days ago. We are sorry to state that ’Squire R. T. Grogan has crossed over the line. Wo wish him good luck. Major Foster is building him a nice ollice near his residence. Messrs. W. M., W. H., G. W. and J.T. Crow, 0. F. Prewett, S. A. and J. G. Kemp made a business trip to Acworth last Thursday. Yes, we don’t see anything to hinder our correspondents from, having a good picnic this sum mer. We heartily approve the *—— • [plan. Let Jus hear from all the .> —„ t, ,, „ correspondents of the Nkw Bra. Rev. Dr. R. B. Headden, a Bap-1 There were several at the tist. minister of Rome, Ga., de- j singing at Mr. and Mrs. George livered a sermon in the First Bap-; McMickens last Sunday evening. tist church of that city last Sun-i "1,“, 7~ , . , . , . , , , , Men with small heads and pins £ii\y 111 w Inch lie doc hired fcluit without any are apt to venture .Huetile was a crime. beyond their depths. |wm£&b& relief] IA really healthy woman has lit- or discomfort at the [menstrual period. No woman l needs to have any. Wine of I Cardiff will quickly rerfevo thoso smarting menstrual pains and 1 tho drugging head, back and I side aches caused by falling of I tho womb and irregular menses. has brought permanent relief to j 1,000,000 women who suffered j every month. It makes tho men strual organs strong and healthy, lit is tho provision made by Na- fture to give women relief from the terrible aches and pains which j blight so many homes. O^bdnwood, La., Oct. 14, 1900. I have boon very sick for some time, l I was taken with a novero pain i:i my I siJo ami could not jrefc any relief until J II tried a bdttlo of T .Vino of Oardui. Be- | | foro I had taken all of it I was relieved I feel it nty duty to say that you liuve a I wonderful medicine. \ Mrs. M. A. Yount. .. ..... oraturo, address, giving ^yrap- ' II dim:*. 1 iic Ludion* Advisory lieuartinem, Tno CxjflUunocgs Modielne Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. ) cad Peerless ' F0LEYXH0NEY™>TAR Cures Ooldsi Prevents Pneumonia - CAPUD1NE Cures Colds, Lagrippe and all Headaches? etc Sold at all Drug Stores. <£W& Rheumatism end all Liver, Kidney and Blad der troubles caused by uric acid in the system. It cures by cleansing and vitdiring the blood, thus removing the cause of disease. It gives vigor and tone and builds up the health and strength of the patient while using the remedy. UKICSOL is a luminary in the medical world. It has cured and will continue to cure more of the above diseases than all other known remedies, many of which do more harm than good. This great and thoroughly tested and endorsed California Remedy never disappoints. It cures in fallibly if taken cs directed. Try it and be convinced that it is a wonder arid a blessing to suffering humnnity. Price $1.00 per bottle, or (i bot tles foi"$5. For sale by druggists. Send stamp for booh 6f pnrtic-' ulara and wonderful cures. If your druggist cannot supnly you it will be sent, prepaid, upon receipt of price. Address! uaicsoi. CHEMICAL CO.. Lo» Alicia, C>1. crll)? LA/UR A RANKE! Eii'.;0 CO., AUmU, Co. bUlrlDstlui Arms. Your [iver (jighl Standard American Annual. and ENCYCLOPEDIA A Statistical Volume of Facts and Figures Containing Over 600 Pages. UOOOHHPKS yajoooEMm SPECIAL FEATURES. Review of the Coat Strike; the Trust* theUnltcil Stntea; Full Flection Retai n* «i Platforms Of Political Parties of 1902; Oi- flcers of the National Commllitos; I'eder.U, State a.ut Lai or Legit»- latioci; Our lilsti ar PoNSca.wious: Istitiviuu Canul Lrtw; Civil Oov- cnimeiu for tlie Philip* pine*; Ouuliticoilons tor Voting in All State.*: Auiomotile Statistics, Frntefnnl, Mil tarynrei Pair ot c Socfclie.'-; Information on Foreign Countries, ffhoir kuler* and Gov ernments; polar Ex ploration : Review of Sclent! fi c Achieve ments: The Seismic _ Disturbances of joo? (flout Pelee); Recon struction 01 the City of New York. The grandest opportu= nityof yonr life to buy frst»clats medi= cine at half price. We are overstocked in the remedies we are of fering and have cut the price on some of them just half. They are remedies that every family needs. This sale will last only for a short time at prices quoted. Condensed Information for the Office, the Store and the Horae. Price 25c. On Every Newsstand Postpaid to any address, 35c THE WORLD,* Pulitzer Buildine, New Yorlt DS-OOUQHS Vbia signature Is on every box of the genulnt. Laxative Bromo=Quirane Tablets tho remedy that cures g cold in on© cloy Cooper’s Liver package for 20c. five guarantee. - Medicine 2ce Sold on a pc si- Tliacher’s Liver Medicine 2oc package for 12 l-2c. St. Joseph’s Liver Medicine 2yc package for 12 l-2c. Cooper’s Cough Syrup. The* largest bottle on the market for the money. Gibbon’s Toilet Cream for the face aud hands, regular 20c bot tle for 10c. ^ Colognes and Perfumery of all kinds now going in proportion. TIME TABLE. Taking effect May 25, 1902. GOING SOUTH. do. T—Due at Dillass 8:59 a. m" No. 15—Due at Dallas 5:59 p. m. GOING SOUTH. No. 8—Due at Dallas 10:28 a. m. No. lfi—Due at Dallas 0:41 p. m. VV. A. FOSTER, Agent. RELIEVED W 5 MINUTES. COKED IN 6 HOURS. DE. FENNER’S and Gough Honey Blanks ot ail New Era ollice. Kinds at The have not failed in 30 yearo. 1 of tie "Reliof” in 2 of water and one of cv.gar hourly till sweat, then 1 of "Cough oney.” A bath completes the cure. 3 doses generally sufficient. Death will never result from LUNG or THROAT diseases when theso two Remedies are PROMPTLY used. Rv Druggists. 2.-.C., BOc. and tl. sizes. One BKsNxfe ©ougla Curs Fo? Colds and Croup* ST.ViTI)S'DANCE 8 F.”f™rS5SffiSiiS MIYSKIBNEYCUKE Hakes Kidneys and Bladder Right If you ever expect to need any of these goods-=andof course you will==now is the time to get them.