The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, February 06, 1903, Image 2

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Hiram. Messrs W. M. Winters and Dr. O v W v . J^gwiJale made.a busiaesa trip to Atlanta last week. Misa Jehnfc Cooper, of Dallas, is visiting relatives in Hiram this week. Blanton Kendall, win* has been sick for the past week, is better at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Winters visited the family of J. T. Durens Sunday. Prof. J. M: White has a flour ishing school at this place. En rollment of 120 scholars. He is liked by both patrons and pupils. Hurrah for the entortaiment at the school house George Wash ington’s birthday. We are going to make a success of it. Messrs. A M Kendall and M G Winters made their uiual call north of Hiram, Saturday night. Mr. Riley McOlung, of near Remus, was in Hiram Sunday evening. Prof. A E Ragsdale ha's a flour ishing school at Cochran school house, three miles from this place. Mr. J. W. Roper, who has been sick for some time, is better at tins writing. Mr. W. S. Suggs is all smiles. It. is a boy. How about, that singing last Sunday night, at Mr. Orokers, and who were the threa young men that wanted to go home with the same girl, and all got left? Come again boys, and do better next tune. That is the way we all do. Roxana. We having a seige of disagree able weather at. this writing, and the roads, well they are simply impassable in ninny places. Jesse Crow lias been very sick with throat trouble for several days, but is now improving. Mr. Lem Grogan and sister were the guests of Gray Prewett mi Friday last. ’Squire Grogan made a business- trip to Acworth last Thursday. Messrs. Gray Prewett, Pete Ford and Tom Ilenson were the guests of Misses Lula and Lizzie Dennett Sunday evening. A large crowd of young people enjoyed themselves at a pound supper held at the residence of Ur. and Mrs. C. A. Brooks, Fri day evening. Among those pre sent were : Misses Mattie Slaton, Gertrude Brooks, Lena and Addie -.eed, Martha Prewett, Addie Crow, Mollie McMicken, Willie and Lizzie Grogan and Lizzie Ellison; and Messrs. Isaac Wil liams, Gray and Will Prewett, Gray and Brooks Shipp, John Kemp, Lem Grogan, W.vley Reed, Floyd Arnold, Willie Grogan, Lutlior Crow and others. Trix Prewett and sister, and John Kemp visited relatives and iriehds in California on Saturday. In our letter last week we stated 1 hat ’Squire Grogan had crossed the line, or something to that ef fect. We wish to correct this, ns it was an error. He has not nor will not move. We ask pardon lor making the statement. Mrs. T. M. Maxwell is visiting her sister, Mrs. Hfenry Algood, at Rockmart. Miss Rbiriii "Brown and tiifofher, Joe, and- Miss’Linnie B$ker spent, last Friday very pleasantly as the guests of Mr. Vollie Coleman and sister, and Mr. Jesse Coffee and sister, Miss Carrie. Miss Maggie Arnold is spending a few days with tier sister, Mrs. Akin. Mr, Hardy Brown left for Bir mingham on Thursday last, where lie has accepted u lucrative posi tion. The entertainment given in honor of MissLinnie Baker at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Cole man, last Friday evening, was well attended. The evening was pleasantly spent by all present. Miss Carrie Coleman and Mr. Jesse Coffee spent last Thursday very delightfully at the home af Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brown. Earl, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Varner Bone, who has been quite sick for sonio time, is gradu ally improving. Mr. T. V. Coleman made a busi ness trip to Atlanta last Monday. Noah was the first man to advertise. He advertised the flood and jt came all right. The fellows who laughed at the advertisement got dro wned and it served them right. Ever since Noah’s time the advertiser has been prospering while the other fellow is being swallowed in the flood of dis aster.—Seward (Nebraska) Blade. Escaped an Awful Fate. Mr. H. Iluggins, of Melliourne, Fla., writes, “My d«otor told me I had con sumption and nothing could be done for me. 1 was given up tn die. The offer of a fiee triul botlle of King's New Discov ery for Consumption, induced me to try It. Results were startling. I nm now on the road to recovery and owe all to Dr. Kina’s New Discovery. It surely saved my life.” This greut core is guaranteed for nil throat and lung diseases by A. J, Cooper & Co., Druggists. Price 60c and $1.00. Trial bottle free, Huntsville. Once more we will endeavor 1 > give you a few items for your valuable paper from this place. We have been silent for some time, but now we desire to be heard. Mr. John Brown, who has been visiting his parents at Huntsville, has returned to Birmingham, Ala. Miss Liniiie Baker, of Dallas, i.; the guest of her cousin, Miss llama Brown. Mr. G. W. Helms was in our midst last Sunday, shaking hands With iuVmany friends. Tendency of the Times. ' The tendency of medical science is to. ward preventive measures. The best thought of the world is being given to the subject. It is easier and better to prevent than to cure. It lias been fully demonstrated that pneumonia, one of the most dangerous diseases t iat medical men have to contend with, can be prevented by the use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Pneumonia always results from a cold cr from an attack bf influenza (grip), auil it has lieeu observed that this fi-medy counteracts any tendency of these dlLfcases toward pneumonia. This has been fully proven iu many thousands of cases in which tills remedy has been used duriug the great prevalence of colds uud grip in receut years, and cm be relied up on with implicit confidence. Pneumonia often results from a slight cold when no danger is apprehended until it is suddenly discovered that there is fever and difli- cu’ty in breatldug and pains in the chost, then it is announced that the patient hits pneumoiifu. lie ou the safe side and take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy us soou us thu cold is contracted. It always cures. For side by A. J. Cooper & Co. California. It seems that the correspondents are afraid to handle the question of “bettor roads.” Talk out. Let’s have a revival of road-work* ing in this county. I will bear my part of the expense of having a picture taken of tlie overseer and his group of hands who will work out the best stretch of road for the present, year. Same to be framed and placed on the walls of the clerk’s office. Willie Rakostraw, foreman, to gether with other neighbors and patrons put in Friday and Satur day till noon repairing Whalen Academy. Miss Martha Prewett. ''accom panied by Miss Slaton, of Roxana, were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. Will Grogan Sunday. J. A. G. Ragsdale aud family, of Punipkinvine. spent Saturday and Sunday at the homo of W. J. Grogan. Ool. A. J. Camp and Willis Hay were in our section Friday “railroading.” Miss Maud Vaughn spent sev eral days last week at the home of her brother in Atlanta. Rev. Jes6e Adams, of Roxana, spent Friday night with Johnny Prewett. He was on his way to Poplar Springs, Douglas county. John Roper was on our streets Friday. He has been shut in for sometime on account of sickness, and no doubt appreciated the fresh air and sunshine. East & West Railroad Go. Extension. Rrhoi.vrd. That the East & Wes', Rail road Company, a corporation of the State of Georgia, organized under the General Railroad Law ot 1882 and Us amendments, do proceed, in accordance with the pow ers granted to it anq like corporations by said General Law as set forth in the Civ. il Code of Georgia of 1805, Section 2100, to build a liraih'Ii line from a point on its line of road at or near the town of Rock- mart, in Polk .County, Georgia, to aud through, or near to, the City of Marietta, at a point East of the Western & Atlantic Ktdlrond, in Cobb county, Georgia, said route to run between thu localities above mentioned, through the Comities of Folk, Puuldlng and Cobb. A correct copy. Attest: GEORGE J. GILLESPIE, Secretury.• WOMANS RELIEF A really healthy woman has llt- tlo pain or discomfort at the meustraal period. No woman needs to hare any. Wine of Cardul will qulokly relievo those smarting menstrual pains and tho dragging head, back and side aches caused by falling of tho womb and Irregular menses. W1ME of CARDUI has brought permanent relief to 1,000,000 women who suffered every month. It makes tho men strual organs strong and healthy. It is tho provision mado by Na ture to give women relief from the terrihie aches and pains whiqli blight so many homes. ' Gkuenwood, La., Oct. 14, 1900. ' I havo ccou very sick for Boino time. I was takoa with a dev or© pain in my i oido and could not get any relief until I triod a bottlo of Wino of Cardui. Bo- foro I had token all of it I was relieved , I foci it my duty to say that you have a wonderful medicine. Mm. M. A. Yoont. ! and literature, addreu, giving dvrap- tOinA, The Advisory Department, Tne CLattanootfa Medicine Co., Chaibanooga, Team <sw£ Rheumatism and all Liver. Kidney and Blad der trouble* caused by uric acid in the system. It cures by cleansing and vitr.Hzing the blood, tuna removing the cause of disease. It gives vigor end tone end builds up the health end strength of the patient while using the remedy. URICSOL is a luminary in the medical world. It has cured and will continue to cure moA of the above diseases than all other known remedies, many of which do more harm than good. This great and thoroughly tested and endoroed California Remedy never disappoint*. It cures in fallibly if taken os directed. Try it and be convinced that it is a wonder and a blessing to suffering humanity. Price $1.00per bottle, or 6 bot tles for $6. For sale by druggists. Send stamp for book of partic ulars and wonderful cures. If your druggist cannot supply you it will be sent, prepaid, upon receipt of price. Address: inUCSOL CHEMICAL CO., Us Aaplw, CsL LAHA1 * RANKIN 1 DRUB CO., AUsota. 0a. btairtMioi And*. P0LEYSnONEr*"TAR ■Oum Ooldai Frowsts PneumoniaH Standard American Annan and ENCYCLOPEDIA A Statistical Volume o! Facts and Figures Containing Ova 600 Pages. iwra loootofks U1LM0.000FACTJ SPECIAL FEATURES. Rsvlsw of the Coal Strlks; ths Trusts In tbs lint tod Sfstss; Full Blsctisa Ksturns and Platform ol Political Vbis signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablet* the remedy that cures a cold la cm day Dr. Caldwell’s Bytup Pepsin sweeten:- Ibe breath. Bold by A J Cooper. Subscribe for The New Era. TIME TABLE. l'aking effect May 25, 1903. GOING NORTH. Jo- 7—Due at Dsllass 8:59 n. m’ No. 10—Due at Dallas 5:59 p. m. GOING SOUTH. Po. 8—Due at Dallas 10:28 a. m. No. 16—Due at Dallas 6:41 p. m. W. A. FOSTER, Agent, Bluuks ot ail New Era office. Hi inis at The One HlinuteOougli Cure For Coughs, Cold* and Croup* Parties of 1902; Ot fleer* at the National Committee.; Hederal, State aud Labor legis lation; Our Insular Possessions; Isthmian Canal Law; Civil dov- eminent for the Philip- F ines; Qualifications or Voting tn All States: Automobile Statistic*. I ratemal, Military and Pair otic Societies; Information on Foreign Countries, Their killer* and (iov- ammants; Polar Ex- S loratlan: Review of c I a n 11N c Achieve ments: The Seismic s [iver s Right The grandest opportu- nityof yonr life to buy frst-clats medi cine at half price. We are overstocked in the remedies we are offering and have cut the price on some of them just half. They are remedies that every family needs. This sale will last only for a short time at prices quoted. Disturbance, of 1902 (Itont Pelt*): Recon struction ol th* City of New Vurk. Condensed Information for the Office, the Store and the Home. Price 25c. On Every Jtewsstnnd Postpaid to any address, 35c THE WORLD,* Pulitzer Building, New Yorb S-COUGHS Cooper’s Liver Medicine 25c .package for 20c. Sold on a posi tive guarantee. Tliacller’s Liver Medicine 2oc package for 12 l-2c. St. Joseph’s Liver Medicine 25c package for 12 l-2e. Cooper’s Cottgit Syrup. Titer largest bottle on the market for the money. Gibbon’s Toilet Cream for Hie face and hands, regular 20c bot tle for 10c. Colognes and Perfumery of all kinds now going in proportion. RELIEVED OT 6 MINUTES. CURED Of • HOURS. DR. FENNER’S Holden Relief and Cough Honev have not failed in SO years. 1 tablespoonful of the “Relief” in 2 of water and one of ..’gar hourly till sweat, then 1 of “Cough oney.” A bath completes the cure. 3 doses g enerally sufficient. Death will never result rom LUNO or THROAT diseases whenthesa two Remedies are PROMPTLY used. By Druggists,fee., fiOc. and It. sires. ST.VlTUS’DAHCEfcMSSia,”? fmiyskidneycure Makes KMsays and Bladder Right If you ever expect to need any of these goods==andof course you wiIl==now is the time to get them.