The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, February 20, 1903, Image 1

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ivi; ' Ijc flblli. DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING AND PROGRESS OF DALLAS AND PAULDING COUNTY. VOL. XXI. Dallas, Paulding County, Georgia, February 20, 1903. Number 14. " ,I, J" L Wm. S With am, Elbkrt Davis, Robt. D. Lkonard, President. V ice-Pres. Cashier. THE BANK OF DALLAS, OA. Established 1899. ‘‘Nothing succeeds like success," is an old minim tlmt is very true. The Bank of Dallas, from the days of its opening in 1899 to the present time, hns gone on, without interruption, in all of its business affairs ; but never before has it been so well prepared to meet the demands and satisfy the needs of its customers. If your patronage nnd influence have, in any degree, contributed to the success of our business, We thank you for it. If, as yet, you are not a customer let this be \our invitation to become one. We will endeavor to make it both agreeable nnd profitable for yen to do business with our hnnk. word to those who may keep money around their homes : Never should your homo lie made the hid ing place for money, because every time you do it you run the risk of losing 't, and worse than that, you endanger your life, which is worth more to you than much fine gold. Deposit your money in the Bank of Dallas. Your neighbor keeps his monuv with us, why not you ? We know our capacity. We do not accept any business that we cannot carry out. (IMAM W. M. ELSBERRY, Braswell, Ga. Manufacturer of all Kinds of Lumber, Such as Flooring, Ceiling, Moulding, aad all kinds of building material In both rougli and dressed lumber. Heart flooring a sow.ialtv. When in need of anything In my line give me a call or address as above. Can fill orders on short notice. The - Columbia - Saloon* N. H. Bullock, Prop., 33 Marietta St Bel Phone 2107. Atanta. Ga. Political Gossip, Representative Payne an nounces that the republican party will never revise the tariff. Speaker Henderson threat ens to prevent all anti-trust legislation at this session of Congress. The senate leaders have definitely announced that they will permit of n? through anti-trust legislation. It is worthy of note that Mr. Roosevelt did not repeat the experiment of inviting negroes to his last reception. Legal Advertisements. LKTTERS OB' DISMISSION. Georgia, PaulcUng County. DeNVitt Ragsdale, administrator upon the es tate of Kmily Lane, late of said county, de ceased, having filed his petition for discharge, this Is to cite All persons concerned to show cause against the gran ting of this discharge at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county to be held on the first Monday in March, 1908. It. A. Chiles, Ordinary. LETTERS OE DISMISSION. Georgia, Paulding County. DeWitt Ragsdale, administrator upon the es tate of Neal Daniel, late of said county, de ceased, having filed his petition for discharge, this is to <eitre all persons concerned to show cause again-t the granting of this discharge, at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for fsaid county to be held on the first Monday in March, limit. R. A. Chiles, Ordinary. LETTERS OK DISMISSION. Georgia, Paulding County. L. J. Roberts, administratrix upon the estate K)f W. G. Roberts, late of said county, deceased, having filed her petition for discharge, this Is to cite all persons concerned, to show cause 'against the granting of this discharge, at the tegular term of the Coort of Ordinary for said county, to be held on the first Monday in March, 1903. i R. A. Chiles. Ordinary. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. Hattie Parker vs. John H. Parker. Paulding Superior court, Aug. term, ?WJ2. Verdict for total divorce 21st day of October, 1902. Notice is hereby given that on the 9th day of Decem ber. 1902, the undersigned filed in the office of the clerk of the superior -cowl of Paulding ‘county an application for removal of the disa bilities resting upon her underihej verdict in •the above stated cause. Said application will •be heard at the term of said court which com mences on the 2d Monday in February, 1902. Hattie Parker. Bring us your job work. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALK. Georgia., Paulding County. Will be sold at public outcry during the lege, hours of sale, oil the first Tuesday In March, l(1011, before the courthouse door In said county Land lot No. 50H, In the first district of the lid section of said county, containing four nnd eight-tenths (4 tt-10) acres. To lie sold las the property of ,1. C. Cole, late of said county, de ceased. Terms: Cnslu G. M. Cole. Administrator. GUARDIANSHIP. Georgia, Paulding County. By virture of an order of Ibe Court of Ordiiw-y, of«dd county. Willbe sold pub lie at outcry, on the ttr.t Tuesday in Mch, 1908, at the court house in .ai l county, between the usual hours of sole, the following real estate, situated iu Paul i- ing county to wit. One-lhtid undivided interest in lots of land Nos. 238-283 and 234 being one hundred and twenty acres more or less all in the 3rd district nnd 3rd section of Paulding County, Georgia. Terms cash. II. N. Revelle. ■ Guardian of Emma Slighan, Imbecile. This the 3rd day of February, 1903 Sheriff Sales. Will be sold before the court hougi door in the town of Dallas, G,i.„ on the first Tuesday in March next, to tlie high est and best bidder for cask, the follow ing described property, to-w it; Lot of land, No. 787, ill the lath district and Id section of Paulding county, Georgia, feeing 40 acres, more or less; same tieing levied on as the property of L. L. Forsyth, to satisfy a Jus tice Court II fa.. Issued from tile Justice Court of tlu- KIlith District, <;. M., In favor of Atlanta Guauo Co., and against L. L. Forsyth. Levy made and returned to me by E. M. Cason, L. C. This the noth day of January, l(W:i. W. N. Anderson, Sheriff. Most men admire those who jolly them*. Senator Hanna looks to his ex-slave pension bill to offset the influence of Mr. Roose velt’s “black nnd tan” policy. The president’s congress ional reception Was conspi cuous for the absence of south ern senators and repressent- atives. No amount of presidential strenuousity will induce the senate to indorce “Dr.” Crum for Collector of the Port at Charleston S. C. There is no question as to the exact location of the Al askan boundary, except in the mind of Secretary Hay. The Canadians and British are merely “bluffing”. The record of the present session of congress will be thousands of private pension bills passed, thousands of sol- emii pledges repudiated anci nothing worth the doing ac complished. CONDENSED STORIES. A good many men have to work so hard to get into the United States Senate that they are too tired to do much after they get there. This has been expecially true of those recent ly elected. When congress adjourns, those nprthwestern republi cans who voted the republican ticket on the promise that the tariff would be “reformed by its friends” will have taught a useful lesson. Senator Beveridge is not even invited to participate in the council of his party called for the purpose of effecting a compromise on the Statehood bill. Such is the fate of the man who talks too much. An English syndicate is building a railroad in Cuba and has the approval of Pres ident Palma. When the bonds become due the United States is likely to have another Venezuelan case on its hands. Barrowed money oflea causes a I total loss of money. Ha Thought It Wat Tima to Mako an Inspection of tho Line. Elliot Danfortli, politician, .lnw- ycr und society mini, tells a good sto ry on himself. Mr. Dnnforth, who hns long been in the public eve, hns a summer home at lln in bridge, N. Y., where lie i.< popular, List sum mer there was a Sunday school festival, nnd .Mr. Danfortli was pre vailed upon to accept the post of grand marshal. lie attired himself in blue, borrowed a chapeau, scarlet sash nnd spurs ami engaged the most spirited horse in the village. More than 2,000 children were in tho parade, and Mr. Danfortli, ! >rouder than Lucifer, rode at the lend, bowing and smiling to hun dreds. As the grove was neared the musical director ordered the chil dren to sing “Hold the Fort.” Mr. Danfortli enjoyed it at tho outset, but when the second verse began he blanched. The lines in that arc: Sea the mighty host advancing, Satan leading on. “Stop!” shouted Dnnforth, and, calling an aid, he said: « “Take my place. I’ll go down the line to see what’s doing.” Seemed a Rlderleea Runaway. Lieutenant Colonel Harry H. Treadwell, who was recently elected a director of,Tiffany & Co., has a physique in inverse ratio to his pop ularity—so much so, in fact, that "THK BLAMED IllttlTE DIDN'T KNOW HE HAD ANYTUfNO ON 1118 BACK.” when, as a member of the Twenty- second regiment, N. G. N. Y., lie first donned the regulation trousers it,was facetiously said that only the two inch white stripe could be seen. While on the staff of Governor Roosevelt his horse once ran away with him. Lieutenant Colonel Reg Thurston, seeing' his. plight, guve chase and after a lively race of a mile or so succeeded in catching the animal. “Why couldn’t you stop him ?” ho inquired on seeing that Treadwell, notwithstanding his impromptu John Gilpin act, had managed to keep his sent, nnd everything seem ed in good shape. “Stop him!” was the disgusted rc- E ly. “Why, how could 1? The lamed brute didn’t know ho had anything on his hack!”—New York Times. When y*v feel him* and Unit everythin •Ufa wrong, take a (Vise of Cimmlerlain's Stonmrfi and Liver Tablets. They will cleanse and invigorate vnnr stomach, reg ulate your bowels, Ave you a relish fir vnnr foo.i amt make von feel Hint I*i Ibis old world is a good place to live. For sale by A. J. Cooper. Where there is a will there is a wav to break it. PILE-IN E CURES PILES.. Money refunded if it ever fails. Along the Line. Kain has Drcvented the road hands from working the mad be fore court, as were their desire. There are a few young men, nice young men—looking aroulul for an assistant cotton chopper Y Now ladies, this is your chance, you will have nothing*todo, only to cook, wash, milk, clean up the house, sweep the yards, feed the pign and chickens, work some in the garden, chon and pick cotton, won’t that be lovely? I should think all of you would acre t, such inducements, rather than bi laid on the shelf until lie .C season. Tlte question has been asked, will the editor hear tile expenses of our picnic? Oh, ye weak kneed ! The expense will he light ; get your mu to let you huveanold hen to sell. She wilt nay your part ol’ the expenses. Your mother, bless her soul, will come with the girlsand hringn big basket full of good things. She remembers that she was u girl once, and how she strived to got everything ready for camp meet ing or association. Do you sup pose now tlmt she would deny ner children a any of pleasure i 'ust for a little extra cooking? 161 a hit of it. 'iue mothers of Pudding are not made that way, and while she is fixing up .'or her family she will think of a friend tmit may lie there, und in t*lie asket will go more good eating ami in that way the 1,400citizens i ii;ii we expect there of grand *i*l Paulding will have plenty i*i < and some to spare. Since Mr. Walker has located in balutH he has given the people of Paulding us good, if not a * weekly journal, than any i* * * tho slate, lie hns the n,*p"ii and confidence of the • i -u hat initial citizens of Die > ini.v, and lie is anxious after <* tired farmer and the nier- * unis have gotten through their ason’s work, and waiting for urvest time, tliut they may lime e time and privilege to spen t * ne day mixed with socialbiliy ml pleasure. Everybody will he vi ed, and if you can’t get tlmt Id hen to pay your part of the e > ; come any way. Lot eople'iook at you. A man tlnyt is read a free newspaper lo. a ii and a correspondent talking i ut expenses, reminds me of old hrotiier that docs all the i i.nliiig und groaning in cliurcn. Murhing those that are paying r i lie wood to keep him warm, .dibs Florence Fowler, a beauti ful young, lady of Woodstock, is iting her sister, Mrs. Ragsdale at Remus. miss Beulah Penn, the lovely daughter ol W. !. Penn, was visiting at Kooky Ridge last Sunday. Dark Hair ., j “ I have used Ayer’s Hair Vigor* t for a great many' years, and al though I am past eighty years of age, yet I have not a gray hair in my head.” Geo. Yellott, Towcon, Md. We mean all that rich, dark color your hair used to have. Ir it’s gray row, no matter; for Ayer’s Hair Vigor always re stores color to gray h^ir. Sometimes it makes the hvir grow very heavy and long; and it steps falling of the hair, too. $1.00 a l.tile. Ail dniffltft. your far and wc will express you a bottle. He sure nmt r-i-.e the name ol yoor nearest express office. A duress, J. C. AVER CO.. Maas.