The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, February 27, 1903, Image 1

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DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING AND PROGRESS OP DALLAS AND PAULDING COUNTY. VOL. XXI. Dallas, Paulding County, Georgia, February 27, 1903. Number 15. Wm.S With am, Elbert Davis, Robt. D. Leonard, President. Vice-Pres. Cashier. THE BANK OF DALLAS, GA- Established 1899. “Nothing succeeds like success,” Is an old adage that is very true. The Bank of Dallas, from the days of its opening in 1800 to the present time, hhs gone on, without internipUon, in all of its business affairs ; but never before has it been so well prepared to meet the demands and satisfy the needs of its customers. If your patronage and influence have, in auy degree, contributed to the success of our business, we thank you for it. If, as yet, you are not u customer let this be your invitation to become one. We will endeavor to make it both agreeable and profitable for yeu to do busluess with our tiank. word to those who may keep money around their homes : Never should your home be made the hid ing place for money, because every time you do it you run the risk of losing% and worse than thattyou endanger your life, which is worth more to you than much fine gold. Deposit your money in the Bank of Dallas. Your neighbor keeps his monev with us, why not you f We know, our capacity. We do not accept any business that we cannot carry out. W. M. ELSBERRY, Braswell, Ga. Manufacturer of all Kinds of Lumber, Such as Flooring, Ceiling, Moulding, and all kinds of building material <in both rough and dressed lumber. Heart flooring a specialty. When in need of anything in my line give me a call or address as above. Can All orders on short notice. The - Columbia - Saloon. N. H. Bullock, Prop., Beil Phone 2107. 33 Marietta St Atanta. Ga. Legal Advertisements. LETTERS OF DISMISSION. , Georgia, Paulding County. DeWltt Ragsdale, administrator upon the es tate of Kmlly Lane, late of said county, de ceased, having Hied bis petition (or dlsehargc, this Is to cite all persons concerned to show cause against the granting of this discharge at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for xald county to be held on the first Monday in March, 1003. R. A. Chiles, Ordinary. LRTTKRS OF DISMISSION. Georgiy, Paulding County. DeWltt Ragsdale, administrator upon the es tate of Neal Daniel, late of said county, de ceased, having tiled his petition ior discharge, this is to cite all persons concerned to show cause agalnt the granting of this discharge, at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county to be held on the first Monday in March, ltKKL I R. A- Chiles. Ordinary. LRTTKRS OR DISMISSION. Georgia, Paulding County. L. .1. Roberts, administratrix upon the estate of W. G. Ro'.icrts, late of said county, deceased, having lUcd her petition for discharge, this Is to eito all persons concerned, to show cause against the granting of this discharge, at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county, to bo held on the first Monday In March, 1003. R. A. Chiles. Ordinary. LIBKL FOR DIVORCE. Hattie Parker vs. John II. Parker. 1’auldmg Superior court, Aug. term, 1902. Verdict for total divorce 21st day of October, 1902. Notfoe is hereby given that on the 8th day of Decem ber. 1002, the undersigned filed in the olllce of the clerk of the superior court of Paulding county an application for removal of the disa bilities resting upon her under the verdict in the above stated cause. Said application will lie heard at the term of said court which com mences on the 2d Monday In February. 1002. Hattie Parker. Bring us your job work. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Georgia, Paulding County. Will be sold at public outcry during the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday In March, 100*. before the courthouse door In said county. Land lot No. 508, ill the first district of the Hd section of said county, containing four and eight-tenths (i 8-10) acres. To be sold as the property of J. C. Cole, late of suld -county, de ceased. Terms: Cash. G. M. Cole. Administrator. GUARDIANSHIP. Georgia, Paulding County. By virture of an order of Ibe Court of Ordlra-y, of a dd county. Willbe sold pub lie at outcry, on the first Tuesday in Mch, 1003, at the court house in said countv, between the usual hours of sale, the following real estate, situated in Pauld ing county to wit. One-third undivided interest in lots of land Nos. 282~2R8 and 034 being one hundred and twenty acres more or less all in the 3rd district and 3rd section of Pauldiug County, Georgia. Terms cash. H. N. Revelle. Guardian of Emma Siighan, Imbecile. This the 3rd day of February, 100 Sheriff Sales. Will be sold before the court house door in the town of Dallas, Ga., on the first Tuesday in March next, to the high est and best bidder for cash, the follow ing described property, to-wit: Lot of land, No. 787, In the 19th district and 8d section of Paulding county, Georgia, being 40 acres, more or less; same being levied on as the property of L. L. Forsyth, to satisfy a Jus tice Court 11 fa.,issued from the Justice Court of the 839th District, G. M., In favor of Atlanta Guauo Co„ and against L. L. Forsyth. Levy made and returned to me by K. M. Cason, L. C. This the 30tli day of January, 1000. W. N. Anderson, Sheriff. FOLEYSHONET^IAR fkr*UMfWfMfiR0wv> fswWM Political Gossip. ; Tempus fugit. The first babies named Grover Cleve land are almost old enough to vote. Senator Hanna’s ex-slave pension bill would cost, the government $216,470,100 the first year. It is said he has not read it. When the coal strike com mission gets through with the strike case why not submit to it the Delaware deadlock. President Roosevelt has made peace between Odell and Platt by giving all to Platt,the “easy boss.” Mr. Roosevelt’s attempt to reappoint an addicks district attorney have met with defeat at the hands of the senater judiciary committee Kansas has made a profit of $23,470 on its penitentiary made bindertwine in the last three years and no one has been hurt but the Cordage trust. AT THE START. The dignity, good sense and sound judgment of Judge Alton B. Parker of New York is so marked that it has even excited editorial commenda tion from the Sun. No European power desires a war with the United States, not because of the size of' the latter’s navy but because of the size of the American granery which feeds half of Europe. It might not be legal, but it would be just, to make Sen ator Hanna refund all the money obtained from the ne groes on false pretenses as a result of his ex-slave pension bill. The absolute rest of an ocean voyage is gone forever. The Minneapolis, on its las j, trip across, received continu^ ous wireless dispatches wit! which the wfficers published i,. daily paper. A New York minister ha: an inaugurated the custom of payy ou ing children 5 cents a Sundav lH 1 for attending his SnndayL,._ school. Cash payments t^ e >> adults for attending churcl t j ie are next in order. laid, Senators Patterson and Tel in ler delivered vigorous proteoave tion speeches when the Phi! ippine tariff bill was called uifc is in the senate. They aiivid- afraid Philippine sumir mat ton compete with the product cusk- their own state, and have prdand ceeded to demonstrate that th tariff is a local issue, one the :ood- puz- i Iiis Young man, What is your plan, Of progress? Are you Going to pull through? Or will you lie down in the road And let your load Sink you out of sight In the mud? Have you white Blood, And pale, That curdles at the hard word “Fail” And dares not face The chances of the race? Or, have you red, clear red, The good strong color All the great have shed In deed or thought, For every triumph wrought Out of what seemed full Of the impossible? Have you the neve To serve Until you can be master? To wait And work outside the gate Until you win The strength to open it And enter in? Have you the heart to meet Defeat Day after day. And yet hold to the wuy Tiiet upward leads, And must needs Be hard and rough To make inun tough Of sinew and of soul, Before lie sees goal; So, when it is attained, He shall have strength to hold What lie has gained, And use it so That it to greater good shall grow? Young man, Think on theso tilings. What each one brings Is as you choose it; You may take The stake Or you may lose it. Start 111 To win And keep straight in the wav Unflagging to the end ; Whatever it may I Is victory Orchard and Qarden. The peach blossoms before the leaves appear. The apple, pear and cherry put out their leaves before blossom ing. The pluiu orchard is al ways benelitted by the fowls run ning in it. Poultry ure almost indispensa ble in the orchard us iusect de stroyers- Break up the old bones and bury them near the grape vines. Add a little soft soap to the wush when whitewashing fruit trees. Stalk is the Btem of a plant; stock is the stem or truuk of a tree. It takes a year or two for rasp berries to reach their best bear ing condition. Use well rotted inaure for the grape vine. Fresh manure pro duce too much growth of vine. Severe pruniung to make trees more vigorous should he done ear ly iu the spring. v In selecting fruit trees for planting oe careful to choose (hem with smooth, healthy bark. Trees on which the leaves re main after frost und stick to the brunches until spring ure usually not heulthv. The feeding roots of most small fruit plants are near the surface. It is, t herefore, host to top-dress, working the fertilizer only into the sprfuce. Too crop that can be grown under u bearing apple tree is not worth the labor of cultivating and harvesting. A teaspoonful of guano dissolv ed in two gallons of water and tiie mixture used to water the potted plants will be found bene ficial in wiiiter. When y»i: feel blue i goes wrong, take 11 ilos dtnimich . ,tI !,i\rr Ti eU-miHi! and invlgoru ! ulute your bow. i<, . j n ir food 1 miilvt v< the old world : ■ a l.y A. J Cooj ir fen a for Him. to 1 v.; noun tha nation thi; Pli) ud that everything oil ClMunbciltUii’-i blB»». 'I hey will uir gloiiuu h, reg- vou it rell.-h for 1 (eel in this ■c to live For gala for The NewJJEfa. the been guest of Miss Bernice Williams last Sunday afternoon, Tommie Mobley, of near here, made a Hying trip to Nebo last Sunday. Something attractive. Miss Lula Fuller and mother spent a very pleasant day with Mrs. Mobley and Miss Sanford Monday. School ftt Cains is progressing nicely which we trust, will con tinue. Tom Harris made his usual visit in our nndst last Sunday, as the guest of Miss May McBrnyer. There will be a singing at New Georgia next Sunday after noon. Everybody invited come. lanna knows pol- II to permit it to be he wants the nomi. early. The per- ubli'c-.fie- J e Aiglu, colds n,jd crow. O: illnutu l'nu„'h Cun- is ,>i a34,11 to tnk 1 ■ 111111 it. 8 11 ua good 11I1, Mr youi g *1 "h 1. J & I'u Escaped un h .vf.d Fate. Ir. II. Ilagglns, of Melhnuran, Fin iviti-n, "Mi d-'olor told me 1 c.u _ gumption mid nothing could he done for ! Sunday night me. 1 .cum uiven tip to die. Ti.u ulTaron 11 Pee t' tioille of King'. New OUcuv- erv for Con.-umption, induct ,1 me 10 try it. Kezults were startling. 1 urn now on the roiid to recovery and owe all to [>r. Kin'-’n New Discovery. It surely saved my life.” This great cere i» guaranteed for nil throat and lung diseases by A. J, Coop* r & Co., Druggists. Price oOc and ijsl.Oi). Trial bottle ben New Hope. Guy Parker was in our bet Sunday. .1. T. Upchurch look (limit with .John Brawuer and farnil Sunday. J. .J. Brawuer made a businei trip to Cartersville last Saturday I. II. Williams was seen in ot midst Sunday. T. G. Gamp and family wei the guests of A. Fields ai <: °! family Saturday. Miss Minnie McMichan spm Sunday afternoon with Miss Fl< Wills. Mrs. A. L. Foster was td nest of Mrs. Glenn Matthev J. uonper left last week McPherson. The Balias New E; and Semi-Weekly Jon nal, both papers oi year for $1.25.