The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, March 06, 1903, Image 1

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(/* i/ DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING AND PROGRESS OP DALLAS AND PAULDING COUNTY. VOL. XXI. Dallas, Paulding County, Georgia, March ^ 1903. Number 16. Wm. S Witham, Elbkrt DAvis, Robt. D. Lkonard, r resident. Vice-l’res. Cashier. TIIE BANK OF DALLAS, Established 1899. GA. , “Nothing succeeds like success,” is nn old adage tlmt Is vi ry true. The Bunk of Dallas, from the days of its opening in 1SU9 to the present time, has gone on. without interruption, in all of its business affairs ; hut never before lias it been so well prepared to meet the demands and satisfy the needs of its customers. If your patronage and influence have, in any degree, conflbuted to the success of our business, we thank you for it. If, as yet, you are not a customer let this be your invitation to become one. We will endeavor to make it both ugreeuble and profitable for you to do business with our bank. word to those who may keep money around their homes : Never should your home lie made the lull ing place for money, because every lime you do it you run the risk of losing ! t, and worse than tlmt, you endanger your life, which is worth more to you than much tine gold. Deposit your money in the Bank of Dallas. Your neighbor keeps his monev with us, why not you ? We know our capacity. We do not accept any business that we cannot carry out. W. M. ELSBERRY, * Braswell, Ga. Manufacturer of all Kinds of Lumber, Such as Flooring, Ceiling, Moulding, and all kinds of building materiul in both rough and dressed lumber. Heart llooring a specialty. When in need of anything in my line give me u call or address as above. Can till orders on short notice. IH.XQ-CJQ H SS. The 33 Marietta St Columbia - Saloon. N. H. Bullock, Prop., Be'l Phone 2107. Atanta. Ga. Legal Advertisements. LETTERS OF DISMISSION. Georgia, Paulding County. DeWitt Ragsdale, administrator upon the es tate of Emily Lane, late of su'd county, de ceased, having Hied his petition for discharge, this is to cite all persons concerned to show cause against the granting of this discharge at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county to he held on the iirst Monday in March, lOOit. R. A. Chiles, Ordinary. LETTERS OF DISMISSION. ■Georgia, Paulding County. DeWitt Ragsdale, administrator upon the es tate of Neal Daniel, late of said county, de ceased, having Hied his petition for discharge, this is to cite alJ persons concerned to show cause againt the granting of this discharge, at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county to be held on the first Monday in March, 1900, R. A. Chiles, Ordinary. LETTERS OE DISMISSION. Georgia, Paiflding County. L. J. Roberts, administratrix upon the estate of W. G. Roberts, late of said county, deceased, having Hied her petition for discharge, this is to cite all persons concerned, to show cause hgainst the granting of this discharge, at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county, to be held on the first Monday in March, 1908. it. A. Chiles. Ordinary. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. Hattie Parker vs. John II. Parker. Paulding Superior court, Aug. term# 1902. Verdict for total divorce 21st day of October, 19012. Not fee is hereby given, that on the 8th day of Decem ber. l«n^ t the undersigned filed in the office of the clerk of the superior court of’Paulding •county an application for removal of the disa bilities resting upon her under the verdict in the above stated cause. Said application will be heard at the term of said court which com mences 011 the *2d Monday in February, 1&02. Hattie Parker. Brin# us your job work. ADM INI8TR A TOR’S SA LK. Georgia, Paulding County. Will ho sold at public outcry during the legn. hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in March, 1905$, bejtoVe the courthouse (Joor in said county Land lot No. 608, in the llrst district of the Hd section of said county, containing four and eight-tenths (4 8-10) acres. To bo sold as the property of .!. C'. Cole, late «f said county, de ceased. Terms: Cash. G. M. Cole. Administrator. GUARDIANSHIP. Georgia, Paulding County. By virture tff an order of Hie Court of Ordim y, of siid coutily..Wi)lbe sold pub lie rtt outcry, on the first Tuesday in itch, 1003, at the court house in otii 1 county, between the usual hours of sale, the following real estate, situated in Pauli- iug county to wit. One-third undivided interest iu lots of laud Nos. 232-283 mill 234 being one hundred and twenty acres m'or<( or less all in the 3rd district and 3rd section of Pauliliug County, Georgia. Terms cash. 11. N. Hevelle. Guardian of Emma Slighan, Imbecile. Tins the 3rd nay of February, 100 Political Gossip. Sheriff Sales. Will he sold before the court house door m the town of Dallas, Gt., on the first Tuesday in March next, to the high est and best hi,dder for cash, Hie follow ing described property, to-uit : Lot of land, No. 7S7, in tic lath district nnd lid section of Paulding county, lie or.el a. being •In acres, more or les.4; same being levied on us the property of 1,. L. Forsyth, to satisfy a Jus tice Court II fa., Issued from the Justice Court of the Klflth District, (J. M., in favor of Atlanta Cctiauo Co., and against L. L. Forsyth. Levy made and returned to me 'ey K. .'I. Cason, L. C. Tins the noth day of January, limy. IV. N. Anderson, Sheriff. FOLEYSffOMY'HCAR for children; safe, sure, JSo opiates A very small irrigated area would bring the population of Arizona up to 300,000 people. The president has turned his strenuous attention to the national convention of 1904. The Standard Oil Company promptly gave a magnificent banquet tb Secretary Cortel- yon. _ Senatar Quay and the dem ocrats have not brought the republican senate managers to their knees. What a valuable man Min ister Bowen would make on the diplomatic staff of the Sul tan of Turkey. Oil has been discovered in Dublin and it is believed that vast stores underlie Ireland’s numerous bogs. 4. single gold-mine iff Aus tralia produced $1,000,000 last year and expects to exceed that output this yaar. Attorney General Knox says the administration is sat isfied with the anti-trust legis lation. It is easily satisfied. Senator Morgan, of Ala bama, has made a remarkable fight but he says lie has been in training for seventy-nine years. The Cubans evidently ap preciated the beauties of self government, as is demonstra ted by their luiste to issue bonds. Senator Pettus holds the proud record of having been elected to the senate at a total cost of $1, the fee lor his cer tificate. The • yellow journals will not have an opportunity to de scribe, in “horse type” the hazing of the new cabin it member. Mr. Andrew Carnegie has j presented in several'donations, | a total of $290,000 to the Stev- ! ens Institute of Technology at ' Hoboken. The price of sofc coal would indicate that bituminous min ers had adopted the ratio of 16 r.o 1, 16 for them, 1 for the customer. II Colonel Brigham, former- jly of the White House stuff, 1 ever sang “put me oil at Buf falo” he will now have ample time for repentance. A Washington girl, order ing a dinner at which a prom inent clergyman was to be the guest of honor, feared to shock him by placing on the menu “Devi'ed Turkey” so she wrote it “D d Turkey”, EDITING A NEWSPAPER. An I ml inn Territory editor fins tliis to nay of hi; work: “KcHting a newspaper is n pleas- ant business—-if you cun stand it. “If it contains many advertise ments, a subscriber complains that they lake up too nnu li space. If there is lack of advertising, it is un popular and the people won’t have it. “If we attend church regularly, they say we go for effect.. If wo stay away from church, they say we monstrously heathenish. “Tf we go to the opera house, they sny we go on free tickets. If we arc, seen upon the streets too often, they suy wo neglect our business. If we avoid going on the street, they say we don’t hustle around after the news. “If we publish a nutn who has brought disgrneo upon his family, the friends of the family never for give us. If wo, out of goodness of heart, decline to say anything on the subject, Ihe man’s empirics are dis appointed, and wo are branded us while Iivered cowards.” A Monte Carlo Eccentric. Among (lie many human curios to bo seen at Monte Carlo this sea son none attrnots more attention than M. Yturbide, an eccentric mil lionaire, who shuns daylight as ho would n plague. Jn ills splendid villa ho has placed an enormous ele vator, into which his curtained and shuttered carriage is driven and raised 1o his heavily draped apart ment when he wishes to take ft drive. JTis rooms are always kept ut a Turkish bath temperature, and ns conditions in the gambling rooms of tlm casino are about the same lie sometimes ventures there in the evening. His entire deportment is that of 11 man who mice forked on a morning new.-paper and never gut over it. New Ycrk’c Teddy Barbers. is id Iu a barber shop in the basement of the new_ Knicker bocker hotel at Forl.y-ud.eond street ami Jlroadv,ay. Nearly every barber tfhop in Broadway is iu tire base ment. This particular one has been rented for HCybOJ a year. This one in flic Wa.ilorf brought $.5,000 a year bcfo:e the Astoria was built and probably brings 11 great deal more now. That in the new Astor hotel bus been lot at a marvelous iigurc. My amazement gets tired in contemplation of these rents. JIovv can barbers manage to pay them and live? To be such a tenant re quires capital.—Now York Press. As to Working for Georgia. We could till very well ah ford to quit talking about the tariff, currency Roosevelt, ne gro receptions and all that sort of tilings for a while, and de vote that space to Georgia. —Atlanta (ournal. Amen. Now what say yon to accom plished as soon as possble the following in and for Georgia? The Australian ballot. • The discontinuance of free railroad passes. The destruction of bossism, ringism and lobbyism. The abolition of barrooms. The equalization of taxes. The subjection of the Sou til er n Railway Campany to state- court jurisdiction, same as other railroad companies. The reform of our State con vict system so that if hired out convicts will bring 100 cents on the dollar of their value. The passage of a protective and conservative child labor bill. The reform o£ our finances so that our income will pay our obligations as they mature without kiting and without borrow ing.—The Get rpau, Wliut’s In A Name ? Everything i* In the imino when it In Witch lluzel Halve. E. C, 1/r Win ,& G>. of 1 hlrugo, discovered. Home years ago, how to make a suive fioi.. Witch lluzel tlmt I- u specific fi r Pile-. For 1 tin,I, liloeding. itching uiv.l prorridi ing I’llna, eczema, cuts, burns, bruin.,, and all si,In illsias, a, DeWiu'a Salve bus no initial. This bus given rise to mi ,.e. - diim worthless couutcrfi its. Ask for I • - Witt's—the gamine. A. .1. Cooper Go’h. Drug Stun. At, $10 a plate a banquet may be appropriately termed a spread- eagle all’air. The advice a man gives in far superior ro the advice he receives —so he I liinks. Any man who has no good reason for doing t thing lias a, good reason for not doing it. Love may be a tireless worker, but, it won’t start a fire iu tim one thing no man should allow his neigh- mo vacation. A story is told that illustrates Lord Milner’s energy and capacity i furnace on a cold morning for work. A young olliccr on his j T j )e ja rnk staff, who was hoping to obtain leave, had to postpone his applica tion in order to accompany his chief ! b° ! ' tf* overlook, on his recent tour through the I Transvaal.' On the return to Pre toria, after a fortnight which seemed to the oilii" r the hardest labor he had ever endured, he thought he had fairly earned a holiday and accord ingly ask <1 for his long deferred leave. Lord Milner looked at him and raid: “f.crve! What has the last for, ::i- hi l.ecn except leave?” Asti \ma “One of nr/ daughters had a terrible case of asthma. We rried almost everything, but without re- Tiis ucgir.r.Ir.j of a Republic. The little tr; :\;t, a^ rubber ro-j public of Acre, i:i South America, over whit li Brazil, Bolivia and Peru i are always squabbling, was founded j by u former baseball player of .Mex ico, who v,.u <1. red down there with ' a party of adventurous companions j about three years ago. When the, three countries that claim the. terri tory heard of the enterprise, which took them some tif.;^ they sent troops to oust the adventurers, and the' baseball player retired with a fortune of about $000,000 safely de posited in banks of other lands. lief. We then tried Ayer's Cherry J Pectoral, and three und one-.iaff I bottles cured her.”—Emma Jane Entsminger, Ljngsville. O. Free lunch often proves ft thi? p cat expensive. be Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral certainly curesmany cases of asthma. And it cures bronchitis, !• hoarseness, weak lungs, j whooping-cough, croup, winter coughs, night . coughs, and hard colds. Three ttiics: 25c., 50c., SI. All ffraggicts. Consult your doctor. If lie fays take It, then do us ho says. If iio tells you not to take it. then d<m’t take it. lie knows. Leave it with him. W« uro willing. J. C. AVER CO., Lowell, Maoa.