The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, March 20, 1903, Image 1

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1|t mdh DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING AND PROGRESS OF DALLAS AND PAULDING COUNTY. VOL. XXL Dallas, Paulding County, Georgia, March 20, 1903. Number 18. Wm. S Witiiam, Elbert Davis, Robt. D. Leonard, President. Vice-Pres. Cashier. THE BANK OF DALLAS, GA. Established 1899. “Notlring succeeds like success," is an old adage that is very eS true. The Bank of Dallas, from the days of its opening in 1809 to St the present time, has gone on, wllhont interruption,,iu nil of its g business affnirs ; but never before lias it been so well prepared to 3a meet the demands and satisfy the needs of its customers. If your 0 patronage and influence have, in any degree, contributed to the 3P success of our business, we thank you for it. If, as yet, you are cl not n customer let this be your invitation to become one. We will 2? endenvor*^o make it both agreeable and profitable for you to do ^ business with ottr hank. word to those who may keep money 0 around their homes : Never should jour home lie made the hid. ing place for money, because every time you do it you run the tisk O of losiug ! t, and worse than that, you endanger your life, which is St worth more to vou than much fine gold. Deposit your money in the Bank of Dallas. Your neighbor keeps his money with us, why not you? We know our capacity. We do not accept any business S that we canuot carry out. W. M. ELSBERRY, Braswell, Ga. , Manufacturer of all Kinds of Lumber, Such ns Flooring, Ceiling, Moulding, and all kinds of building material in both rougli and dressed lumber. Heart flooring a specialty. When in need of anything in my Mue give me a call or address as above. Can fill orders on short notice. The - Columbia - Saloon. N. H. Bullock, Prop., 33 Marietta St BeU Phone 3107. Atanta. Ga. Legal Advertisements. ROAD NOTICK. Georgia, Paulding County. R. >V. Whitworth ot.a.1. having applied for .the opening and nHtabUshmeJit of anew public load commencing at tie Acworth and Dallas road near Will Crow’s store in 1500th district G. M.s of said county, and running thence in a westerly direction through the lands of Will Crtv*, Liza Camp, J. T. WhJtwoath, It. W. Whitworth, James Davis. John Prewett, K, 8. McCollum and James Grant and inter secting the Acworth road near James Grant's residence, the total proposed length of tuiJd road being three miles, and the width thereof twenty feet. Notice is hereliy given that said application will be Dually gran ted on t »e 7th day of April, J90U, next, if i*o suffi cient cause is shown to the contrary. R. A. Chiles, Ordinary. LETTERS ADAMINI STRATI ON. Georgia—Paulding County. To all whom it may concern: Etta Lawrence and G. A. Bullock having in due form applied to me for permanent letters of admiListration to DeWitt Ragsdale, county administrator, on the estate of .Sherman Bullock late of said county, dec’d., this is to cite all and singular tlie creditors and next of kin of Sherman Bullock to he and appear at my ollioe«on the lirst Monday in April next, and show cause, if any they can,why permanent administration should not he granted to DeWitt Ragsdale, county administrator, or some lit and proper person oil Sherman Bullock's estate. Witness my official signature of office this, 2nd day o* March, 1905!. R. A. Chiles. Ordinary. LEAVE TO SELL LAND. Georgia, Paulding County. Notice is here >y given that the undersigned lias applied to the ordinary of said county for leave to sell land belonging to the estate of Win. T Marlow, for the payment of debts. .Said application will be beard at the regular term of the court of ordinary for said county to be held on the first Monday in Aqril, 10011. This 2nd day of March. 1008. P. J.and R. A. Marlow Executors of Wm. T. Marlow. FOLFOIfONEMAH for chitdranj safe, surm. No oplat— LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. Georgia, Paulding County. To oil whom it may concern; E W Ragsdale having In due form applied to me for perma nent letters of admlniMtraJJon on the estate of SNAJlen, late ol said county, deceased, this into cite all and singular the creditors and uext of kin of 8 N Allen to be and appear at i»y office on the fffst Monday in April next. and show cause, if any they can, why perma nent administration should not be granted to DeWitt Ragsdale, county administrator, or some Ht and proper person on 8 N Allen’s es tate. Witness n\y hand and official signature of office this, Utli day of March, 1W01L R A Chiles, Ordinary* Telephones. The general manager of the telephone company-bus prepared the following no tice to lie placed on each telephone in’ the Dallas Exchange. It is but right thut Unit those who use the telephone service should pay for it. Merchants do not keep store to give away goods; farmers are not expected to give away theireorn; rail roads are not expected to donate their tickets; neither should telephone com panies he expected to give tree their valu able services and facilities. The Oainvt- boro Telephone Company has inaugurated a tine system here, and should receive the full patronage of the people. • L. K. Smith, General Manager. The best seeds grown are Worry’s. The best 1 seeds sown are Perry’*. .The host seeds known are 1 'Ferry’s. It pays to plant FERRY’S Famous Seeds Ask the dealer for them. Bend for FERRY’S SEED ANNUAL I and getall that’s good and| new—the latest and FMV a the best. A ftJfivlW D- FERRY A C0..1 Detroit, Mich. President Roosevelt has re nominated Crum. Billion dollar .congresses are now comhion. The last one spent $1,554,108,514. Judge Parker of New York is maintaining the most dis creet silence yet recorded. Senators Hale and Allison manfully supported Senator Tillman at the Illinois Can non’s mouth. The senate still has the president on its hands. It is now expected to take a few weeks dictation Have you noticed that the republican party is rapidly losing the support of the lead ing republican newspapers ? It was unkind of some peo ple to laugh when Senator Beveridge escorted Senator Fairbanks to the senate ros trum. There must be considerable satisfaction to Admiral Schley in seeing his enemies in the navy department step down and out. If you would work on Sun day follow the example of the house of representatives. Call 1 it a continuation of the previ ous legislation day. Is J. Pierpont Morgan con templating the annexation of Cuba? No one will believe he is inspecting the island merely for pleasure. Mr. Darrow says President Mitchell advised him not to run for mayor. Lawyer Dar row would have charged Mitchell a fee for such good advice. Congress has left Secretary Cortelyou and his new depart ment homeless. Perhaps the secretary will find a tent fairly comfortable until congress convenes again. A large number of states men will return to their con stituents and appeal for endor sements of their noble work in correcting election irreglari- ties—in Missouri. We have not noticed that President Roosevelt has nom inated any negro youths to Annapolis of West Point. Is he willing to close these “doors of hope’’ to the colored race? Dying men are said to tell the truth. It is at least cer tain that Senator Mason, in the expiring hours of his term told some very plain and un welcome truths to his repub lican colleagues-. - Obituary. On Wednesday morning, March 4th, 1000, at 7 o’clock, at his home three miles north of Dallas, £. J. Stevens passed from earth to realms of light. In the twink ling of an eye, deepest, gloom and sorrow were spead through out the community. In heaven though as his bright soul winged its flight to its eternal rest were heard songs of sweetest welcome, and there was great joy. They were songs of welcome to a spirit as pure as the drifted snow. Wel come to one whose crown glitter ed with stars. He was born and reared in Walton county, Nov. l£th, 1844, he was 58 years, three months and 1(1 days old. He mar ried Jan. 20th, 1807, to Miss An nie Oalluhan, with whom he spent a happy life. Moved to Paulding county in Dec., 1800, where he remained until duuth claimed him. He joined the bap tist church in August, 1870, and lived a faithful member always greeting those lie met with a smile, served in the confederate army as a volunteer iu the 42ud Georgia regiment, he was brave and good soldier, a faithful Chris tian, a loving husband and futh- er, a sincere friend and neighbor and a loyal citizen, A man who made the world better by his preseuce. His sufferings were great, but he bore them with Christian fortitude, saying, “O Lord not my will, but thine be done.” We can hardly bear the thought of never seeing his love ly face or hearing his voice any more; he was so kind and good to us all. It is hard to give him up, but we know that everything works together for good to those that love the Lord. He was one of the noble tneu of the land, loving that which was good, pure aud true; loving his wife and children with a pure deep living devotion. May the good Lord wonderfully bless his bereuved wife and children, so thut if it is his blessed will they may be pre pared to hear His call, “Child your Father calls, come home.” He was iuid to rest at Shady Grove ct inetery in the presence of a largo concourse of friends. Revs. James Williams and W. E. Crew conducted the fuuerul ser vices. 0, do not weep dear children For your father that’s gone on before, It was but the voice of Jesus That called him in at the open dobr. Sleep on dear father, sleep on, And with angels sweetly rest Where you are patiently waiting And reign with the pure and blest. • He has gone home to Jesus, And shall all his glories share, He is waiting for his loved ones Till they shall meet him there. A Friend. The Germans-have formed a society, with a capital of $178,500 to encourage the development of the culture of cotton in their Af rican colonies and their first ef forts have been made toward the Togo. When a wife reigns she some times storms. The suggestion that the second place fen the next re publican national ticket should be awarded to a negro should not be taken tco seriously. Mr. Roosevelt won’t carry his fad that far. There was much in the clos ing hours of congress to in spire hope in the hearts of the democrats. As Mr. Lincoln once said, “You can’t fool all of the people all of the time” and there are many indica tions that the people have learned a few things about the dominant party. Tlx.- Stomach I* The Man. A weak stomach weakens the man, las cause It cannot transform the food k« cuts into nourishment. Hoaith ant strength canuot be restored to anv sick man or weak woman without first re storing health and strength to the stom. ncli. A weak stomach cannot digest enough food to feed the tissues and revive the tired and run down Utnbs and organ* of the body. Kodol Dyspepsia Cur* cleanses, purities, sweetens and strenglit- ens tlie gli.mla and membranes of the stomach, and cures indlguailon, dyspepsia and all stomach troubles. A. J. Cooper & Co’s. Drug Store. . Hauled 25 Bales on One Wagon. Hon. 8. E. Leigh is not. only a champion farmer and legislator, but he is likewise the chanpion cotton marketer- On Saturday last he performed a feat never before accomplished in the State—that of hauling into town 25 bales of cotton on one wagon. They were not small bales, but all weighed more than the standard of 500 pounds. The wagon and the big pyramid of cotton was drawn by six large streers, and the weight they drew counting tlie several hundred feet of lumber in the frame and the wagon, was nearly, • if not quet, 20,000 pounds.—Newnan News. Satan never wastes his time hanging around a house where there is a baby. Even the shield of a mother’s love will not protect the girl who wants to reform bad men. Either a woman wants to feel that her husband is a hero or she will feel that she is a martyr. I Coughed “ I had a most stubborn cough for many years. It deprived me of sleep and I grew very thin. 1 then-tried Ayers Cheery Pectoral, and was quickly cured.’’ R. N. Mann, Fall Mills, Tenth Sixty years of cures and such testimony as the above have taught us what Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral will do. We know it’s the great est cough remedy ever made. And you will say so, too, after you try it. There’s cure in every drop. Three sizes; 25c., 60c., SI. All dnigjlstt. Consult yottr doctor. If ho 3»ys tnko it, then do as he say*. If he tolls you not to tnko it. then don’t take It. Qo knows. Leave it with him. Wo aro willing. 1 J. 0. AYER CO.. Lowell, Mast. | EBPKEBMMM