The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, April 10, 1903, Image 1

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HktUfts. Mew DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING AND PROORESS OP DALLAS AND PAULDING COUNTY. VOL. XXI. Dallas, Paulding County, Georgia, April io, 1903. Numher 21. W*. S With am, Elbert Da vis, President. • Vice-Pros. Robt. D. Leonard, Cashier. THE BANK OF DALLAS, GA. Established 1899. “NotWnjr succeeds like success," is an old adaire that la very true. The Bank of Dallas, from Hie days of its opening in 1809 to tlie present time, tons gone on, without interruption, In all of its business affairs ; hut never before has it been so well prepared to meet the demands and satisfy the needs of its customers. If your patronage and influence have, in any degree, contributed to the success of our business, we thank you for it. If, as yet, you are not u customer let this be >nur invitation to become one. We will endeavor to make it both agreeable and profitable for you to do business with our hank. word to those who may keep money around their homes : Never should your home be made the hid ing place for money, because every time you do it you ruu the lisk of 'osing *t, and worse than that, you endanger your life, which is worth more to you than much line gold. Deposit your money in the Bank of Dallas. Your neighbor keeps hie money with us, why not you r We know our capacity. ,We do not accept any business that we cannot carry out. W. M.ELSBERRY Braswell, Ga. Manufacturer of all Kinds of Lumber, Such as Flooring, Ceiling, Moulding, and all kinda of building material in tiotb rough and dressed lumlier. Heart flooring n specialty. When in need of anything in tuy line give me a coll or address as above. Can All orders on short notice. The - Columbia - Saloon. N. II. Bullock, Prop., 33 Marietta St Be 1 ! Phone 2107. Atanta. Ga. Legal Advertisements. ROAD NOTICK. Georgia, Taulding County. R. W. Whitworth having applied for the open lug and establishment of a new public road commencing at tl?e Acworth and Dallas foad near Will Crow’s store in LWlth district G. M„ of said county, and running thence in a westerly direction through the lands of Will Cro’”, Liza Camp, J. T. WhitwoJth. R. W. Whitworth, James Davis. John ITewett, K, 8. McCollum and .Tames Grant and inter secting the Acworth road uear James Grant’s residence, the total proposed length of said road being three miles, and the width thereof twenty feet. Notice is hereby given that said application will be Anally granted on the 7th day of April, KKKi, next, if no suffi cient cause is shown to the contrary. R. A. Chiles, Ordinary. LETTS R S AD AM IN1STR A TIO N. Georgia—Paulding County. To all whom it may concern: Etta Lawrence and G. A. Bullock having in due form applied to me for permanent letters of <fclmiUstr«tion to DeWitt Ragsdale, county administrator, on the estate of Sherman Bullock lute of said county, dec’d., this is to cite all and singular •the creditors and next of kin of Sherman Bullock to he and appear at my office on the Arst Monday in April next, and show cause. ii any they can,why permanent administration should not be granted to DeWitt Ragsdale, county administrator, or some At and proper person on Sherman Bullock’s estate. Witness my official signature of office this, 2nd day o* March. 1D03. R. A. Chiles. Ordinary. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION, Georgia, Paulding Co*'nty. To all whom it may concern: K W Ragsdale having in due form applied to me for perma nent letters of administration on the estate of S N Allen, late oi said county, deceased, this is to cite ail and singular the creditors and next of kin of 8 N Allen to be and appear at my office on the first Monday in April next and show cause, if any they can, why perma nent administration should not be granted to DeWitt Ragsdale, county . administrator, or some At and proper person on S N Allen’s es tate. Witness my hand and official signature of office this, Vth day of March, 1003. R A Chiles. Ordinary. Telephones. The general manager of the telephone company baa prepared the following no tice to lie placed on each telephone in the Dnliaa Exchange, it is but right that that those who use the telephone service should pay fur it. Merchants do not keep store to give away goods: farmers ar; not ( xpected to give away t heir corn; rail roads are not expected to donate their tickets; neither should telephone com panies be expected to give free their valu able services and facilities. I'lie Oaiina- boro Telephone Company h is inaugurated a fine system here, and should receive tht full patronage of the people. L. K. Smith, General Manager. LEAVE TO SELL LAM). Georgia, Paulding County. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned lms applied to tlie ordinary of said county leave to sell land belonging to the estate of Win. T. Marlow, for the payment of debts Said application Will be heard at the regular term of the court of ordinary for eai(t county to lie held on the llrst Monday In Aqri), lttUC. Tills Und day of March, luos. P. J.and E. A. .Marlow Executors of Wni. T. Marlow. fprmHUdrjm •ajm p tn*re. am oplatmo I The best seeds grown are ^Ferry’s. The best’ seeds sown are Ferry's. .The best seeds known are I 'Ferry's. It pays to plant FERRY’S Ask the dealer for them. Bend f FERRY'S SEED ANNUAL, 1 and got all that’s good an new—the latest and tbehssu fO.ll. FERRY * C0,1 OstroH. tflefc. Political Gossip. This seems to be n season of “shake ups”. One is now promised the treasury depart ment. There is a growing suspic ion that the presidential bee is again lmz/.ing around the bon net of the admiral of tlie navy. Again Secretary Shaw has come to the relief of Wall Street. That unique and deli cate presidential boom requires this sort of careful nursing. Senator Stone of Missouri is responsible for the state ment that Mr. William |. Bryan would like to be the chairman of the democratic national convention. There may be some advan tages about being a king. The boy King of Spain can marry a grown up woman if he wants to. What more could any boy desire? A prominent New Yorker says there are worse men than Plimley in the service ot the Government. We do not doubt it. That is one of the evils of a republican adminis tration. Senator Bacon says, plainly that the desire of the democrat ic. party is merely to “remove a few bricks from the top of the tariff wall” so that the people may have some chance against the trusts. The most remarkable fea ture of the postoffice depart ment scandal appears to be the fact that the alleged cor ruption is largely the result of the influence of individual members of congress. As Kansas objects to hav ing the battle-ship named for her christensd with wine,why not attach a bottle of the ob noxious fluid to the prow of the vessel and permit Mrs. Na tion to smash it with her hatchet. There are some very ablt democrats who will employ their leisure hours this sum mer preparing to illustrate a tariff story on the floors of congress which will show up the republican party in a piti able light. While the Audubon Society is seeking to protect the birds and the Humane Society is do ing all it can for the four foot ed animals, will no one say a word for the unhappy lobsters who are boiled alive for the benefit of gourmands ? IN SIQHT. At last Cobb county is in a way to have those much need ed good roads. The meeting at the court house did much to set the ball in motion look ing to this end. It is a mat ter of congratulation that the grand jury has/eecoramended the ordinary to purchase the necessary machinery — a steam roller and crusher for macadamizing the roads. Only by this plan can perman ently good roads be obtained. Graded roads are necessary but if after grading a surface of cruhed stone is not used, the roads will remain almost impassable in wet weather. With alternative road law in operation and the misdemean or convicts of the county also employed upon the roads, Cobb caunty ought in a few years to have a complete sys tem of highways. It is to be hoped that the ordinary will at once act upon the recom mendation of the grand jury by purchasing the necessary machinery for improving the roads, and it is also desirable that the city council should take like steps tor the improve ment of the streets of the town. Perhaps the steam roller and crusher could be rented of the county when not used by it, for the city streets. —Marrietta Journal. A Demonstration of Wimt Chamberlain’* Colic, Cholera ami Diarrhoea item- eily Can Do. "One of our customer*, a highly re spected citlr.un of this place, had iieen for ten years a sufferer from chronic diar rhoea," writes Walden & lariln, drug gist, of Enterprise, Ala. "lie had used vari ms patent preparations and been treated by physicians without auy per manent benctit. X few mouths ago lie commenced taking Cbuiuhcil dn'* Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea ltemedy aud in a short time woa entirely cured. Many citizens of Enterprise who know the gen tleman will testify to the truthfulness of this statement." For sale by A.. J. Cool er & Co If they d > it for identification, a queer place for women to have their initials is on thoir under clothes. BLOOD. We live by our blood, and on It. We thrive or starve, as our blood is rich or pot r. 1 here is nothing else to live on or by. When strength is fui' and spirits high, we are being refreshed, bone, muscle and brtdu, in body and mind, with continual How of rich blood. Tliis is health. When weak, in low spirits, no cheer, no spring, when rest is not rest and sleep is not sleep, we are starved; our blood is poor; there is little nutriment in it. Hack of the blood, is food, to keep the olood rieh. When it fails, take Scott’s .,miil:iion of cod-liver oil. It sets the whole body going again—man woman und child. A Kentucky Convention Story. The arrival of new senators in tho senate always brings^ a crop of new stories to the cloakroom, says the Philadelphia Press. Fol lowing tlie advent of Mr. Mc Creary of Kentucky comes thin history: They were holding a congres sional convention down in the mountain districtof tho state and late in tho evening the meeting was proceeding with considerable gusto. One delagate in particu lar who imaginod himself a greut parliamentarian was making fre quent points of order and other wise adding to the gayety of the proceedings. Tlie chair ruled one way upon a point of order that the gentleman from Tug river district had raised and a little later rulud directly opposito upon a similar point of order. The gentleman from Tug river remonstrated. He allowed that tlie chair hud ruled differently in a previous instance. The chair admitted that lie had. “Do I un’stand,” said tho gen tleman from Tug river, balanc ing himself by the back of the seat in front of him, “do I tin’* stand that the cheer reverses its ruling ?” “You do,’’ answered the chair promptly. “Do I un’stand that the cheer has taken water ?” “The chair has taken water,” came the response, “and the chair would like to usk what bus the gentleman from Tug river taken ?” Whereupon the gentleman from Tug river went out to get some more of the same brand. Why Men Marry. An editor'sent out circular let ters to a large number of mar ried men, and asked them wlty they married. Here are Rome of ahe answers. I didn’t intend to do ,it. Because I Sid not have the ex perience I have now. That’s What I’ve been trying for eleven years to find out. I thought it would bo cheaper than a breach of promise suit. That’s the same fool quession my friends ask me. 1 wanted a cnninaninn of the opposite sex. N. B.—She is still opposite. I was lonely and melancholy and wanted some one to make me lively. She makes me very live ly. “ I suffered terribly and was ex- My tremely weak for 12 years. The doctors said my blood was all turning to water. At last I tried Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, and was soon feeling all right again.” Mrs. J. W. Fiala, Hadlyme, Ct. A man can protect himself from his enemies, bur. it, is not so easy to guard against one’s friends. The negroes of Mr. Han-! A Good Word for (.'li.inilterli!ill’s Cough Remedy. , , - . iii “in December, 1900, I h'td a severe I na’s home town have appealed! ( , (l|il , llI(| Wll8 8(1 hf)Br>e tlint t COIllii uol j ! tO the Crown heads of B/Urope i gpe»ik above a whiter,” says Allen Davit*, j to protect them from their I of Freestone, N. Y. “I tried several J enemies, the Americans. In | remedies but trot no relief until i usedi the light of Mr. Hanna’s re- I Clmmberbdn-sCoughRemedy, one b ttlel ° i *ii of whicli-cuien me, I will mIwhyf speak cent ex-slave pension bill we, „ piod wimi fl , r tijill luetli OlUe.” For sale are not altogether surprise. 1 oy At J. Cooler & >.0. j No matter how long you have been ill, nor now poorly you may be today, Ayer’s Sarsaparilla is the best medicine you can take for purifying and en riching the blood. Don’t doubt it, put your whole trust in it, throw away everything else. SI OI a All crlegist*. Ask your doctor whnt ho thinks of %yer’s Sur*up»rllla. Ho truowa all about this grand old family mod loin*. Follow his advice uu * wo will bo satisfied. •t. 0. An L ATIll CO- T-OW*"; W.9U, xiiamri'c*