The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, April 24, 1903, Image 1

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|e ■ Balia vam mi DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING AND PROGRESS OF DALLAS AND PAULDING COUNTY. VOL. XXI. Dallas, Paulding County, Georgia, April 24, 1903. Number 23. Wm.S Witham, Elbkrt Davis, Robt. D. Lkokard, President. Vioe-Pres. Cashier. THE BANK OF DALLAS, GA. Established 1899. ‘“NotWng succeeds Jlko success,” ts nn old adage that is very tme. The Bank of Ditlhts, from the days of Its opening In 1899 to the present time, has gone on, without interruption, in ull of its business affaire; but never before lias It betjt so well prepared to meet the demands and satisfy the needs of its customers. If your patronage nod influence have, in any degree, contributed to the success of our business, we thank you for it. If, as yet, you are not a customer IK this t>e your invitation to become one. We will endeavor to make It hoth’'ugreeal)1e and profitable for you to do business with pur bunk. A word to those who may keep inouey around their homes : Never should your home lie Made the hid ing place for money, because every time you do it you nm the flak of 'oslttg H, and worse titan that, you endanger your life, which, is worth mdtv to you than much tine gold. Deposit your money iu the Bank of Dullas. Your neighbor keeps bis monev with us, why not you V We know our capacity. We do not accept any business that wc cannot carry out. W. M. ELSBERRY, Braswell, Ga. Manufacturer of all Kinds of Lumber, Such as Flooring, Ceiling, Moulding, and ull kinds of buildiug material in both .rough and dressed lumber. Heart Mooring a specialty. * Wlien in need of anything in my line give me a call or address as above. Can Mil orders on short notice. . ■ - ■ ■■■ ■■ Legal Advertisements. NR^ PUBLIC ROAD, Georgia, Paulding County. W. C. Aderh.olt et al having applied for the opening and establishment of a new public road oominenaliig at Miirchnmn's dwelling house in a448*d•district, G. M. • of «ai<l county ami running tbeneo In a northern direction through the lands<*f J. A. McBrayer, W. C. Aderholt and J. Y, Carroll, and terminating »t the public road leading from Villa Rica to J)raketown, the total proposed length of said irottd being one mile and the width thereof 20 tfeet. Notice is lieieby given that said appli cation will be finally granted on the 6th day <Of May ,1903, next If no sulliclent cause Is shown to the contrary. p R. A. Chiles, Ordinary. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. •Georgia, Paulding County. To all whom it may concern: M. A. Stevens having in dfcc form applied to me for perma nent letters of administration on the estate -0/ K. J Stevens late of said county, deceased, this is to cite creditors und next kill of K. J. Stevens to ho and appear at my office on the first Monday iu May next and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration .should not be granted to M, A. Stevens 011 JC. J. Steven^ estate. Witness my ofllciul .signa- ture v of olllce this, 0th day of April. 19011. R. A. Chiles, Ordinary. . LRTTR US OF ADMINISTRATloN- Georgia, Paulding County. To all whom it may concern: \V. L. Rollins having in due form applied to me for perma nent letters of administration on the estate of Mrs. M: K. McAdams late of said county, de ceased, this is to cite all and singular the cred itors and next of kin of Mrs. M. R. McAdams to 1)0 and appear at my office on the first Mon day in May next and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to W. L. Rollins or some lit und proper person on Mrs. M. E. Me Adam’s estate. Witness my official signature of office this, Oth day of April,1903. It. A. Chiles, Ordinary. LETTERS OF DISMISSION. Georgia, Paulding County. John K. Hutcherson administrator, with the will annexed, upon the estate of J. Y. Allgood late of said county, deceased, having filed his LITTER OF DISMISSION. Georgia, Paulding County. W.J. Sheffield, administrator upon the estate oflsham Sheffield, late of said county, de ceased, having filed his petition for discharge, this is to cite all persons concerned to show cause against the granting of this discharge at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county to be held on the first Monday in May, 1903. R. A. Chiles, Ordinary. LETTERS OF DISMISSION. Geoigia, Paulding County. H. N. Revelle administrator upon the est.of Annie Karewood late of said county, deceased, having tiled his petition for discharges this is to cite all persons concerned, to show cuuse against the granting of this discharge at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county to be held on the first Monday in May, IPOS. R. A. Chiles. Ordinary. , LAND SALK. Georgia, Paulding County. By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordi nary of said countywill be sold at public out cry on the first Tuesday in May, 1903, at the court house in said county between the usual hours of safe the following real eatato situated In Paulding county, to-^it: Lot of land No. 1261 in tlm 2nd district and 3rd section of Paulding county. Georgia, being It) acres more or less. Tprmscash. This, Oth day of April, 1900. P. J. R. A. Marlow Executor of W. T. Mar low. Political Gossip. The re-election of Mayor Tom Johnson means 4 triumph of the people over Hanna monopoly. “Too many babies spoil the flat” is the latest adage of the New York apartment house landlords. The postoffice investiga tions still continues and each day reveals some new and sufficient reason for making them. iVe trust Indian Coinm\s- siouer Jones will riot change our old friend Rain-in-the face’s name to “protoxid of hydnbgen-in - the - physiogno my”. The republicans, from the President down, have demon strated that there can be no hope of tariff revision so long as their party is in power. A negro has won one of the most coveted prizes at Yale with an essay in which he proves that negro is incapable of self government in Hayti. Five Kansas City packers have paid fines to the amount of $25,000 into the Missouri treasury. IWHidehtally, they have advanced the price of meat a cent a pound. That the Pennsylvania pol iticians cannot stand criticism in the public prints is demon strated by the fact that they have rushed through the leg islature a bill intended to muz zle the press. Sheriff Sales. Some republican newspa pers are referringts Secreatary Cortelyou as a trust buster but the secretary denise the impeachment. He says the end of his department is “to promote and foster commerce and industry For the fourth time, Sam uel L. Jones has been elected mayor ot Toledo without al- Will be sold before tlie court house ^ j n ~ hj mse lf w itH any po ur in the town of Dallas. On.. on the party# This ought door first Tuesday in May next, to the high est and best i idder tor cash, the follow ing described propirtv, to-wit: THE BOHEMIAN’S PLAINT. If I should die tonight, . And In tny clothe* Should ho the goodly sum of Thirty cents, heft lying there Unspent In sweet repose— , 1 ssy, It 1 should die tonight And leave. Behind me In those cold rroute psnts The price of six large beers, On draught, Unqitaffed by me and destalned To remain Forever on the outside of My frame— If 1 should die, And from the great tieyond hook back and see That thirty cents taken And spent foolishly Forhtend Or clothes, Or some such empty things; And those six beers— Now spilled Down ether throats, Their destiny uttlllled; I say. If I should die tonight And go From here to there (Or where It doesn't snow) And looking back from there To here Behold Those six large beers— Ho large, and O, •o cold!— <io coursing down the throats Of other men, ’Twould be so snd, For I would neud them Tlicrol , Kxehangr. A Demonstration of Wlmt Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera art'! Diarrhoea Rem edy ‘Can Do. “One of our customers, a h'gllly re spected citizen of this place, had been for ten years a sufferer from chronic diar rhoea,” writes Walden & Martin, drug gist, of Enterprise, Ala. “lie had used various patent preparations und been treated hv physicians without any per manent benefit. X few months ago he commenced taking Chumlicrlaln’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and in a short lime was entirely cured. Many citlz ns of Enterprise who know tho gen tleman will testify to the truthfulness of this statement.” For sale by A. J. Coop er & Co v We grow in the United States three-fourths of the cotton of the world. We convert one fourth of the cotton of the world upon American spindles. We export of manfactured cotton in round number $8(1,000,000 worth per annum, and import of manufac tured cotton $100,000,000 worth per annum. BLOOD. We live by our blood, and nn it. We to prove an incentive to men who are prepared to regard a public office as a public trust. petition for discharge, this is to cite all per- eel from Hie superior court of Haiti county in aons concerned to show cause against the favor of Cooper «b Johnson and against \V. J. Lots ot land Nos. 818 and 849 in the lttth district and 3d section of said county. Levied on and to l»e sold us the property of J. W. Mc- Garrity to satisfy a tax 11 fa issued by G. \V. Hudson, tnx collector of paid county, for his state and comity tax for the year 1902. Tenant In posession notified us required bylaw. Also at the same time and place (8000) three t . - _ , . , thousand pounds of seed cotton. .Said prop- j to USC it. It IS tllC HlftTi WllO erty lcv|«l 011 no the property of W. J. Tim- I carr i es a g Un that is tempted ner to satisfy a superior court execution Issu-1 „ 0 , • , to shoot and the boy with a ADVISING THE “GEEENHORN.” In one of the large railroad offices in this country is a com paratively young man, who is at the head of a large department. When he entered the service of the company five years ago ho was green and awkward. He was’ given (lie poorest paid work in the department. Tho very lirst day of his em ployment hy the company, a man who had been at work in tho same room for six years approach ed him and gave him good advice. “Young fellow, I want to put a few words m your ear that will help you. This company is a soulless corporation, that regards its employees us so many ma chines. It makes no dilt'erenco how hard you work or how well. Bo you want to do just as little us possible and retain your job. That’s my advice. This is a slave- pen, and the man who works over time or docs any specially lino work wastes his strength. Don’t you do it.” The young man thought over the “advice,” und after a quiet- little struggle with himself he decided to do tho best and tho most he knew how,whether he re ceived uny more pay from the company or not. At the end of a year the com pany raised his wages and ad vanced him to a more responsible position. In three years he was getting a third more salary than when he began, and in live years he wns head clerk in the depart ment; and the inan who had con descended to give the greenhorn “advice” was working under him at the same figure that- represent ed his salary eleven years before. This is not a story of a goody- goody little boy who died early, but of a live young man who exists in fiesh and blood to-day.—Ex. ’ The only trouble with “car rying a big stick” in the form of a navy, is the temptation granting of this discharge at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county to la- held on the lirst Monday in May, hast. R. A. Chiles, Ordinary. LRTTHRS OK DISMISSION. ■orgia. Paulding County, j. 0. Moon and \V. K. SpinkB, executors up- 1 the estate of J. Robert Moon, late of Slid unty. deceased, having (lied Ills petition for sclurgc, this Is'tociteall persons concerned show cause agaiast the grantitg of this dls- arge at the regular term of the Court of Or- nary for said county to be held on the lirst onday iu May, 1903. R. A. Chiles, Ordinary. Put ginger in your business. Tanner. Said property being in possession of W.J. Tanner, This, March ttlstt, 1903. W. N. ANDERSON, Sheriff. new jack-knife who cannot resist whittling the school furniture. thrive or starve, as our blood is rich or potr. T hern is nothing else to live on or hy. When strength is ful' xml spirits - high, we .ire being refreshed, bone, muscle and brain, in body and mind, with continual llow ot rich blood. This is health. When weak, iu low spirits, no cheer, no spring, when rest is not rest and sleep is not sleep, ^ve ure starved; our hi >od is poor; there is little muriineut in it. Rack 0/ Ihc blood, is.l'ood, to keep the olnod rich. When it fails, lake Scott's ..miil iiou of cod-liver oil. It sets the tv holt body going again—man woman and Ollllll. j Shyness loves boldness. What a woman calls a good husband is very 'much like a sick bear in a cage. It is some relief to know that Governor Taft is expend ing the $3,000,000 appropri ated by congress for the relief of the Filipinos, for cattle and not permitting them to expend it for powder and shot. But may not the owners of the cat tle trade their stock for guus? ' Nothing makes a woman more imoatient with a man thiu for him to fail t-o discover some of her saeret charms even when she doesn’t give him a chance. “ For two years I suffered ter ribly from dyspepsia, with great depression, and was always feeling . 9 poorly. I then tried Ayer’s Sarsa- , parilla, and in one week I was a f new man.”—John McDonald. * Philadelphia, Pa. The hardest- bed to lie in is one a person has made for himself. The more hidden away a wo man’s dimple is the more you seem to know it- is there. FGLFi’SHONEY^TAR for chlldrjni oaf*, ouro, »• optutmo The personality of the next democartic presidential candi date makes an interesting theme for speculation in the newspapers but the wisest democratic statesmen declare it would be too early to an nounce their candidate if they ..ere agreed on one. A Good Word for Climnborlsin’a Cough Remedy. “In December, 11)00, I hud a severe cold und was so hoarse that I could not speak above a whisoer,” says Allen Davis, of Freestone, N. Y. “I tried several remedies but got no relief until I used Chambei Iain’s Cough Remedy, oue bottle of'which cured me. I will always speak a good word for that medicine.” For sale iw A. J. Coouer <fc Co. Don’t forget that it’s “Ayer’s” Sarsaparilla that will make you strong 1 and hopeful. Pon’t waste .. your time and money by ; trying some other kind. Use the old, tested, tried, and true Ayer’s Sarsapa rilla. |l.M a bottle All drujiltls. Ask your doctor vhst lio tldnks of Ayer's Samnartlln. Me knows sll about this maud old family modIHtie. Follow his adyioo and wa will bo satisfied. • j. c. A yxk Co.. Lowell. Hast.