The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, June 19, 1903, Image 1

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■ - - - DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING AND PROGRESS OF DALLAS AND PAULDING COUNTY. - - - A- ..... ...... VOL. XXI. Dallas, Paulding County, Georgia, June 19, 1903. 1 — — ■ ■" 1 Number 31'. x. S With am, President. Elbert Davis, Vice-Pres. Robt. D. Leonard, Cashier. THE BANK OF DALLAS, GA. Established 1899. “Nothing succeeds like success,” is an old adage that Is very true. The Rtt.ik of Dallas,' from Uie day* of Its opuulug in 181)0 to the present time, hug gone on, without interruption, in nil of its business nffiiirs ; but never before 1ms it been so well prepared to meet the deinauds and satisfy the needs of its customers. It your patronage and influence have, in auy degree, cont'touted to the success of our business, we thank you for it. If, as yet, you are not a customer let this be \nur invitation to become one. We will endeuvnr to make it both agreeable and profitable for you to do business with our bank. A word to those who may keep money around their homes : Never should your'horae lie made the hid ing place for money, because every lime you do it you run the tisk of losing *t, and worse than that, you ei.dangur your life, which is worth more to you than much flue gold. Deposit your money in the Bank of Dallas. Your neighbor keeps Ids inouev with us, why not youf We know our capacity. We do not accept any business that we cauuot carry out. | Political Gossip, | The great problem which now confronts political apolo* gists is the Ohio republican platform. How do the scribes and Heaven Enough for Him The following fable from an exchange will be interesting to the strangling Georgia editors who are scrapping around at this sen son for grocery funds: An editor who died of starva tion was being escorted to lieaven by an angel, says the Findley, O. Courier. May 1 look at the other place pharisees enjoy the news that before! ascend to eternal happi the latest lynching occured in | nes8 ? that good republican state, Ill inois? It is worthy of note that thus far all the digging of the Panama canal is still being “Easily,” said the angel. So they went below and skirmished around, taking in the sights. The angel lost sight of the editor and went around hades to hunt him , . , . . up. He was found sitting by a done w'th pens », mahogany I f ^ llimKlt „‘ d ing with rapture on a lot of pou lt is somewhat significant j P»e >» the tire. There was a sign itr Hrm Pprrv* Hentli should which Raid ‘ Delinquent Subscri- W. M. Manufacturer ELSBERRY, Braswell, Ga. of all Kinds of Lumber, Such as Floortug, Celling, Moulding, and all kinds of building material In both rough and dressed lumber. Heart flooring a specialty. When in ueed of anything in my lfoe give me a call or address as above. Can All orders on short notice. Also Call on me for Columns, Balusters, Spindles, Etc. The - Columbia - Saloon. N. II. Bullock, Prop., 33 Marietta St Bed Phone 2107. Atanta. Ga. Is the name of the Celebrated Alterative and System lnvtgorator used by thous and* of men, women and children to oure their several ailments, and prescribed by physicians In eases of chronic Lung, Kidney and Bladder Disease*. It is not a patent medlulne, but a sterling remedy composed of extraots of Herbs, Boots, Berries and Seeds, which will relieve and onre all troubles emanating from weak or diseased lungs. w*wk »n(l dtBordcred kld- nV™ and affection* of the bladder. It Is x wonderful tonle for the system, thcifw manifold ills resulting from premature decay, nervous debility, weakness, uri narv disorders, etc. CIIKRRTGIH is ilso a valuable corrective for women fluring their menstrual period, and no household should be without a bottle of it on hand. rRICC 30©. PER BOTTLE. MANUFACTURED ONLY SY M> BLOCK db CO.* CHATTANOOGA. TINN. For Sale by A J Cooper & Co. that Hon. Perry Heath should pine fof a sojourn in far away China just as this stage ot the postoffice investigation. It is probable that there will be n number of rural free delivery routes, which were established by Machem to se cure political influence, will be aboilshed. It seems impossible for the United States to I void tread ing the Kaiser's toes. The Hawoiian brewers have just raise the price of beer to 15 cents n glass. The Saint Louis exposition officials hasten to assure the public that the exposition grounds are on high land, far beyond the reach of the Miss issippi in its highest flights of fancy. A little coal strike talk at this season of the year is a wholesome thing. It causes people to lay in their winter supply early and may, incid entally, put up the price somewhat. Politics and honest admin istration will not mix, and the appointment to federal officers of men li^e Clarkson of Iowa and Payne of Wisconsin are invariably a blow at good ad ministration. Legal Advertisements. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. Georgia, Paulding County. To all whom it may concern: M. E. Wells having In due form, applied to me for perma nent letters of administration on the estate of W. T. Wells, late of said conmy, deceased, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of W.T. Wells to be and ap pear at my office on the first Monday in July next, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to DcWltt Ragsdale, county adminis trator, or some lit and proper person on W. T. Weal's estate. Witness my official signature of office, this, 2nd day af June, '.80S. R. A. Chiles. - Ordinary. iiqueiit bers.” “Come,” said the angel, “we must lie going.” “Ton go on,” s.tid the editor. “I’m not going. This is heaven enough for me.” All exchange tells of ail old lady who, being seriously ill, found herself in a trying position. “You see,” she said to a friend, “mv daughter Hariet, is married to one o’ these liomeypath doc* tors, and my daughter Rate, to an ullypatli. If I call in the liomeypath my ally path son-in- law and his wife get mad, an’ if 1 call in my ally path son-in-law, my houievpath son-in law an’ his wife get mad,; an’ if 1 go ahead an’ get well without either of them, then they’ll both be mad, so I don’t see but. I’d better die and be done with it.” A Missouri woman sat up until 1 o’clock the other night waiting for her husband to come home. Then she gave it up and went up stair, only to tind him in bed fast asleep. “His deception,” as she called it, made her so mad that* she didn’t speak to her husband for three days. But what else could the foolish man expect? BLOOD. We live by our blood, nud on it. We thrive or starve, as our blood is rich or IKK r. 1 here Is nothing else to live on or by. When strength Is fill.' ind spirits high, we are being refreshed hone, muscle anil Two of a Kind. A young lawyer, starting m the profession, hung out his sign in a Connecticut town where there was only one other lawyc, an aged judge, says the Punxsu- tawney News. A clost-fisted old fellow,'thin ing to get legal advice for noth ing, called upon the young man, told him lie was very glad he luid come into the town, as the old judge was getting' superanunted, and then contrived in a sort, of neighborly talk to get. some legfcl questions answered. Then thank ing the young man. he put. on his lint and was about to leave, when the young man asked him if he should charge the advice, for which the fee was $5. The old fellow went, into a violent, pas sion, and swore he never would ;>ay. The young lawyer told him he would sue him if he did not. 8o the old fellow went down to see th'e judge, found him hoe ing in his garden, mid said: “That young man that’s just, tome into town! I dropped to make a neighborly call on him, and lie charged me $5. for legal advice.” “Served you right,” said the judge; “you had no business to have gone to him.” . “But. have 1 got to pay it, judge?,’ “Of course you have.” . “Well then,” said tho man, “I suppose I must,” and he start ed off. “Hold on,” said the judge; •‘arn’t. you gnjitjj to pay me ?” “I’a.v you? What, for?” “For legal advice.” “Wliul do you charge?’, “Ten dollars.” The result, was the old fellow had to pay five dollars to the young lawyer and ten dollars to the old one. President Roosevelt has le- turned and now we are prom ised a full and fair investigation into the postal scandals, but to fulfill that promise the presi dent must first get rid of his YEAR'S SUPPORT. State of Georgia, Paulding County. To all whom tt may concern: The apprais er appointed to appraise and set apart a year.s support for the widow and minor children of James Couch, late of said county, deceased, have filed their report In my office and I will pass upon the same on the first Monday in July next. This, 1st day of June, 1908. R. A. Chiles, .Ordinary OneMlnuteCoughCuro For Coughs. Colds and Croup* Sheriff Sales. Will "be sold before the court house door in the town of Dallas, Gu., on the first Tuesday in July next, to the high est and best bidder for cash, thp follow ing described property, to-wlt: Lot of land No. 878 In the 8rd district and U_ r ,i:*,V a l tnflnacrer” Henrv C 8rd section of said eouuty, levied on and to political manager nenrj he sold as the property of M. Dunaway to sat isfy an execution issued for the superior court of said county in favor of Thomas Lumpkin and against G. A. Dulev, M. Dunaway and p. N. Revelle. Written notice tefiant in pos session as required' by law. This, June 6th 1908. Also at the same ttme and place, one black cow with horns, six years old, levied on as the property of S. L. Lawler; and one Jersey cow seven years old, cream colored, levied on as the property of W. B. Wood, to satisfy an execution from the superior court of said county. In favor of John H. Cornett and against 8, L. Lawler and W. B. Wood. Levy made and returned to me by A. Sinyard, dep uty sheriff. This, June 5th, 1908. W. N. ANDERSON, Sheriff. Subscribe for The New Era. Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tab lets are just what you need when you have no appetite, feel dull after eating and wake up with, a bad taste in your mouth. They will imyrove your appe tite, cleanse and invigorate your stomach and give you a relish for your food. For sale by A. J. Coopej & C >. Payne. Secretary Shaw lias become alarmed at the revelations of dishonesty in the postoffice de partment and has ordered the currency reserve in the treas ury counted. It is shown by the books to amount to $304- 000,000. And now it is intimated that Mr. Roosevelt wants to re place the wicked politician, Mark Hanna, as chairman of the republican national com mittee, with a nice, clean, up right statesman, a man who will stand tor purity and pro bity, by the name of Matthew Stanley Quay. The Rest Cough Medicine. I sell more of Chnmberlain’a Cough itemedy than of all similar prjtiarutions ut together uud it given thu best satis faction of any medicine I ever sold. I guarantee every bottle of it.—F. C. Juijuith, Inland; Mich. This remedy is lor sale by A. J. Cooper & Co. Sunday newspapers may have to reduce their siae on account of brain, jn body uud mind, with coutlnuul j the 8Cttr ' c ity of pap^r. If this is a blow at the comic supplement, flow of rich blood. Tliis is health. Wlieu weak, in low spirits, no cheer, no spring, when rest is not rest and sleep is not sleep, we are starved; our blood is poor; there is little nutriment m it. Back of the blood, is food, to keep the (Iood rich. When it fails, take t^colt’s mill ion of cod-liver oil. It set^ the wholi body going again—man woman and child. let the famine do its worst. Mr. Carnegie has just sent check to Holland to pay for the home for The Hague Court. It amounted to $1,500,000, and was the biggest peace offering ever reported. One of the most atrocious crimes ever pirpetrated upon a country was that of the murder of the King and Queen, of Ser- via. The Queen was twice the age of the young King. She en twined herself in his youthful affections and being a woman of questionable character brought on this horible revalution. No Hair? “My hair was falling out very faat and I waa greatly alarmed. I then tried Ayer’a Hair Vigor end my hair stopped falling at once.”— Mra. G. A. McVay, Alexandria, O. The trouble is your hair does not have life enough. Act promptly. Save your hair. Feed it with Ayer's Hair Vigor. If the gray hairs are beginning to show, Ayer’s Hair Vigor will restore color every time. II.M a Milt. All JruiUU you a bottle. Be sure and give the narns of your nearest express office, Andress, * J.C. AYBRCC',,LoTfell f MM».