The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, July 03, 1903, Image 1

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■ ru *H* UPBUlL&nCa VOL. XXI. Ml) ■ifr Um Uwd v Rural Pm Delivery, ihiligton, ,/tinc 18.—The reRU id* rural am var sUhlithmcnt m being deatof t alnpahnuaea. th*» obtest nan Id. the Untied States to believed to free delivery routes, which were held up on account of the detail b OF DALLAS, GA. staMUhcd 1899. could-be a muon. r* AM Bident. ftJul surcemte Jlfcr success," Is an otrisdsr* that In wiy j*. ■ -Njiy,, tme. The Batik of DoUos, from the day* of ill opening la tfite pd the preaent lluie, ha* gone on, without, interruption, in AH of It* business affairs ; but never before l>u It been no well prepared to meet tbu demand* and satisfy the needs of It* customers, It your patronage *nd Influence have, In auy degree, contributed to the success ot our business, we thonk you.for It. If. a> yet, you are not a customer ltd this bit* your Invitation to become one. WS will ende*v«r to mate It botb agreeable and profitable fat you to do business'with our bank. A word to those who may keep money ground their homes : Never aliould your home lie made the hid. Ing place for money, because every time you do Iteynti run the ilek of losing It, and worse than that, you endanger your life, which I* worth more to vou Ilian much fine gold. Deposit your, money in the Hank At Dallas. Your neighbor keeps Ills nionev with us, why ’buret not you t We know otir capacity, that we caunat carry out. Wa do not accept any business e f M MMWibfWmWjkHWWlffl m Me m iwell, Ga. Manufacturer of all Kinds of Lumber, Such as Flooring, Celling. Moulding, and *11 kinds of budding material In both rough and dressed lumber. Heart flooring a s.wcialtv, - When in need of anything iu niy Hue give mb a call of address as above. Can fill orders on short notice. Also Gill on mo for Columns, Balusters, Spindles,, Etc, ■■ ? ■. ' The - Columbia - Saloon. N. II. Bullock, Prop., 33 Marietta St - Be 1 ! Mione 2107. Atanta. Oa. I, the name of the Celebrated Alterative nS{ and Bladder Dteeaaee, I medicine, but a strrll It la rllna remedy a patent medicine, but I eoinpn ed ' ot extract*•« (,) Brfrrie* and Beads,w‘ ‘ on re sit troubles emanating, from weak or diseased lungs, weak , ■<!V IV V3 and affections ot t’>e Madder, ltllt wonderful tonfo fot the syste..., manifold 1!!« resulting from premature do-ay, nervous debility, weakness. tl itr'najy ..t*or-i«rs.ete. «. "BTtX’G!* ffllsh a vala.- bfe enrreetiva for women tiS tUuir mcustrsal period, and no household should be Wfthuat a bottle Of It on I 2 PRICE 30o. PER BOTH.*. ! nen'during on hand. BLOCK A. CO., pHATTANOOQA. TCNN. For Sale by A J Cooper & Co. pending the grunt monopoly in tile I til the. contract. cu examined tft Wash commendation ii04^niffw 5 ildli- .... , . . ■ A»throi*h there in appropriation for that ser ( vice, and a large number of rdulea Drill ha piif. in operation on July 1, the beginingof the fiscal Y«$rt ,' , ^ if .„ t _ , ’ ! The policy of the department : hereafter will be to egtablmh routes as rapidly as posable, con sistent. with the best' interests of Mie service and. economic admin istration. The rules requiring 10ft fumlies on the rotfte, in order to assure the service probably will be more strictly 'adhered to and few exception made., A N«w York magi at pate lias decideathat it is fit insult, to re fer to a woman as an old maid. Olad to have a great, authority voice olir view*. Secretary jteot’s action in' bus tg ot an opium ^ilippiues urt- i be carefully igton deserves According to the census statis tics, the combine^ poo l t ry and egg product. Of Mid United States exceeds the value'of : the entire output, of precituis metals and is«ix tidies greater Miuittlye wool product. , Some people claim that they occasionally hear',, a long, low wail issue from thA white house, ill the sthall hours of the' night. It is believed to e due to the Payne in the bow ;]p of the ad-, ’^niiuistratinn. / , It is unreasonable to ask the president to “go lo the top’’ >in his inve>ti,«atg in &. the >»>t >,stotjftce department A That, would mean the exposure of'the Hanna tnetlp odsfrouv which ifr.,' Risosevelt, hppes to-profit m the next cam paign. ; Seilng Peschee oa Trees. President, John IjP^’Egan, of ffc-M the Central, retuttpPd'fchis morn ing from a trip of several days division of the iSavannah Press. Ifne, says the Egatl' says Mr. Egi along t.l are going to make lots of jieaches and th^if they Are Already selling them on the trees at if I .(Ml per tree, and that many of them are demanding $1.50 per tree. The trees are ' small, having been set out. in but few instances more than four years. A . pecul iar tiling regarding* the peach crop in that section is that some farmers have excellent prospects, while others whose lauds are Legal Advertisements. LKTTKRS OF ADMINISTRATION. Georgia, Paulding County. To all whom It may concern: M. E. Wells having in due form, applied to me for perma nent letters of administration on the estate of W. T. Wells, late ot said county, deceased, this Is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of W. T, Wells to be and ap pear at my office on the first Monday in July next, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be rrunted to DeWitt Ragsdale, epunty adminis trator, or some fit and proper person on W. T. Well's estate. Witness my official signature of office, this, 2nd day of June, 190U. R. A. Chiles. Ordinary. YEAR'S SUPPORT. State of Georgia, Paulding County. To all whom It may coneern: The apprais er appointed to appriRse and set apart a year.s support for the widow and minor children of James Couch, late of said county, deceased, have filed their report in my office and I will pass upon the same on the first Monday in July next. This, 1st day of June, 1908. R. A. Chiles, Ordinary One Minute Cough Cure For Coughs-Colds and Croup* Sheriff Sales. Will bo sold before the court house door in the town of Dallas, Onu pn the first Tuesday In July next, to the high est and beak bidder for cash, the follow ing described property, to-wit: Lot of land No. 878 in the grd district and 8rd section of said couuty, levied on and to be sold as the property of M. Dunaway to sat isfy an execution issifbd for the superior court of said county in favor of Thomas Lumpkin and against G. A. Dulev, M. Dunaway and H. N. Revelle. Written notice tenant In pos session as’required by law. This, June 6th 1908. Also at the same time and place, one black cow with horns, six years old, levied on as the property of 8. L. Jawler; and one Jersey cow seven years old, cream colored, levied on as the property of W. B. Wood, to satisfy an execution from the superior court of said county, in favor of John U'. Cornett and against S, L. Lawler and W. B. Wood. Levy made and returned to me by A. Sluyard, dep uty sheriff. This, June 6th, 1908. W. N. ANDERSON, Sheriff. Subscribe for The New Urn. Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tab lets are just what you need when you have no appetite, feel dull after eating and wake up with a bad taste in your mouth. They will imyrove your appe- 1 tite, cleanse and invigorate your stomach I and give you alrelish for your food. ! sale hy A. J. Coopcj & Co. For For the pr^ifieut (<> .‘‘stand by” Payne ifter the way in which Payne has stood byj Beav ers, Machen and others and is still standing by Rand, will be a virtual admission that M|r. Roosevelt dare not “hew to the line.” 7 v British locomotive builders have made a new record for the Americans to beat. An English train rati last week 290 1-4 miles in five hours and 58 minutes with out stopping, the most, severe test it, is possible to put a locomo tive to. It, ; means a speed of over fifty miles an hour, contin uously torsi x hours. A dispatch from San Juan, Porto Rica, says that, on Corpus Christi, celebrated as a public holiday, thousands of Spanish flags, were displayed hut not a' single American Dag was flown. The people of Porto Rica must, have discovered the difference between deliverance and con quest since Miles lauded on the island. It is frdely admitted by per sons most familiar ^ith the cor ruption in the executive* depart ments at Washington that if the expenses of the government were collected by direct taxation the people would not permit condi tions to continue as they have for many years. They would in- uone at all. The strawberry crop produced in that section this year hu,e been the bests and by far the greatest in the history of tire road. Man v of the farmers,Hol(l their berries at $50 per acre in the fields, the buyers doing the picking and shipping. • be Nttftlt Itaby, *hp is in a . Jersey a'mshnus*, of which he ha* been Ah inmate for upwards of §f; v year*. Noah ip said to be more than lao years of age. All ot hi r point in connection with most'of the very >ld people !at we heat ahput is that they have used tobacoo and liquor alt of their livee, and that they are ignorant. Blit an exception to ' the general rule is reported from Auerdsey,England. Mrs.Manrar- et, Neve died th«re some days ago, at the Age of <110 years. 8he me notjpoor, she was never in an almshouse, site never used either liquor nr tdhpeeoanv. site was not ignorant. Indeed, she was rich >■ ■ Jap from birth and highly educated. over the Chattanooga and Rome She Hired temperately but well, V Hpt. wit was heeir T ai|d she might ; havei laid sbme claim to. literary ability. And her great a^e waa perfectly ftnthenti^ad. afhieh J cannot be ariaid of most ot her ceu- teuarigns. in v iew of all tlieae K,. fact«( it-ie 4o« he admittad that, , Neve wqs,a pemarkabh) old lndir.5:;- -^SavairtmirJS^i.'’'.• 4 R". "".Jr l)o not let the in ilk of human kindness in your heairt turu to • amnyuiabber. If ysa do aay tiling that U worth -while, or if you are anybody, you will surely ewi fiU ■JWs|^^*wujMMsjj|r tunity-—kcop'A'weeiv..;If y ou are * reviled, do not imitato ymrr re- y viler and revile back; expfatla* 7 tionfe never explain and vindica* tiiVnW do not vindicate^ ’ Yottr l|fe must' justify itself.—Elbert • ® flub hard. • / ‘ itofA Thomas county, Georgia,ip just a_ little ahead, no fur. Thoiiltws; vjile Times-Enterprise has learn ed of a negro who rented some! laud and bought a cow on acted*/. ’-Sf it. Then, the informant wddpii^J BLOOD. w f. We live by our blood, and on It. We thiive or starve, as our blood is. rich or poir. Ibero is nothing else to live on or b<. When strength is ful.' rod spirits uigli. that th e negro “worked the cow ' 1 - rtll.wtfek. rode her to mill on Sat- p urdav, drove her to cltUTch ott Sunday, milked her evbry day-to supply food for hfs fainily, an^:; 7 we tre being refreshed, bone, lunrcle mi l braiu, in liody ami mind, with continual How of rich blood. Tills is health. Wlieu weak, in low spirits, no cheer, no spring, when rest is not rest null sleep is not sleep, we are starved; our bldod Is poor; there Is little nutriment in it. Back of the blood, Ik food, to keep th nlnori rich. When it fails, take tjcottV ..niul .lon of cod-liver oil. It suts the wliolt body going again—mnn woman and child. _ ^ Let Her Jewels Burn. Risking her life , to save her love letters, Miss Frederick Hunt, of a fashionable boarding bouse in Chicago, came near fainting and much singed from her burning home, into which she rushed after She had been well out of danger. Miss Hunt gave no thought io her fine wardrobe or her 'jewels, but when the remembrance of her sweetheart’s message flashed through her mind she ran into the smoke and fire against the remonstrances of her friends, who expected she would never come out of the place alive. She finally reappeared with the precious package and laughed with joy despite the fact that the flames had blighted her hair raised two bales of cotton oil- three acres. A married ipan should never’ talk in his sleep unless he is sure of what lie is going to say. . * v sist on more careful administra-j and seared her hands and If ace tion of the federal funds; 1 slightly. “ | Have used Ayer’s Hair Vigor for a great many years, and al though I sm past eighty years of sge, yet I have not a gnty hair in; my heed.” Geo. Yellott, Tow eon, Md. We mean ill that rich, dark color your hair used to have. If it’s gray now, no matter; lor Ayer’s Hair Vigor always re stores color to gray hair. Sometimes it makes the hr.'.r grow very heavy ante long; and it stops falling of the hair, too. , : 4 R.N < ' not so If your Tvi lfiiffi lend us one d you a bottle iui give ttao iiams; ISP!*.*'*!*"* r ~ TTT.fvJ m