The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, July 31, 1903, Image 1

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VOL. XXI. lUdllii DEyOTKD TO THE UPBUILDING ANlfPROQRESS OF DALLAS AND PAULDING COUNTY. Dallas, Paulding County, Georgia, July 31, 1903 Wk.'S Withah, Elhkrt Davis, Robt. D. Leonard, * President. «V ice-Pres. Cashier. THE BANK OF DALLAS, GA. Established 1899. “Nothing succeoit* like surress," Is sn old adatra Mint Is Tory true. The Uaak (if Dallas, from the days of its opening In 1899 to the present time, has gone on, without interruption, in all of Its business affairs ; but never before lias it. been so well prepared to meet the demands and satisfy the needs of its customers. If your patronage and influence have, In auy degree, contributed to the success of our business, we thank you for it. If, as yet, you are not u customer let this be your invitation to become one. We will endeavor to make it both ugre.eahle ami profitable for you to do business with our hank. A word to those who may keep money around their homes : Never should your home be made tha hid ing place for money, because every time you do it you run the risk of <osing *t, and worse than that, you endanger your lift, which is worth more to you than much tine gold. Deposit your money In the Bank of Dallas. Your neighbor keeps his monev with ns, why not you ? We know our capacity. We do not accept any business that we cannot carry out. Political Gossip. sip. 4 Russia will probably be compelled to issue a new cus tom regulation instructing of ficials to carefully examine nil immigrats to see that they do not contain petitions. Poor ex-Minister A Sad Love Story. Crossing the Limbs When Setting. An old New England farmer’s i It. really geems as if the we- wife lay dying after seventy men could not be nllowed to do years of life and fifty years of • anything without being told*it is steady drudgery ad housekeeper injurious. Yet it is well to heed and mother. As the end »rrew i such auggeattens as the following - visibly near the husband stoop- 1 which are doubtless true. Women od to her ear, the tears forcing 1 who sit with their legs crossed their way from his eyes and down to sew or read, or to hold the bu- his rugged cheeks. 1 by, are not aware that, they are “Uood-hv; Hannah! You have inviting serious physical ail- «Vu has nlways been a good wife to me!” ments; but is is true, neverth?- lost not only his yellow jacket and his ( peacock feather hut his handsome salary and lib. eral expense account ns well. Such is life in the Celestial came with a strangling sob. less. When a man crosses hi% The glazed 'eves opened; the legs he places the ankle of one numb hand raised with a rebuke- limb across the kiieeof t-Jie other, ful gesture. mid rests it light y there. A “Then whv. in the name of woman, more onodesi and restrio-- Kingdom. mercy, didn’t you ever tell me so ted >*> her 'movements, rests the . j before?” \ entire weight of the limb on the And now Pension Commis- T j, e w |,j 8per was |, er last upper part of the other, mid’this siouer Ware has been found guilty of discharging an 'em- breath. Ah! mv brothers! Tell the pressure upon nerves and cord the sensitive if indulged in views, iu violation <>jthe civil tj)e l> | e8 ’ 8ed rrut „ before the t nie is often done by’ludies who ploy because of lut political faithfl) | brave,overworked wives lor continued lengths of time. Y’lpwc in violation nl flip imviI ... . . . » .... . i: i. W. M, ELSBERRY, Braswell, Ga. Manufacturer of all Kinds of Lumber, Such ns Flooring, Celling, Moulding, nnd all klpds of buildiug material ip both rough and dressed lumber. Heart flooring a specially. When in,need of anything in niyiil'.e give me a call or address as above. Cap till orders on short notice. ' Also Call on me for Columns, Balusters, Spindles, Etc. UL. I > the name of the Celebrated Alterative i ml System Indgorator used by tlioua- n 'its u( men,women andchlldreu to euro their several ailments, and prescribed by physicians In cases ot chronic Lang, Kidney and Bladder Diseases. It Is not a patent medicine, but a sterling remedy competed of extraats of Herbs, Roots, Bernes nnd Seeds, which tvlll relieve and cure nit troubles emanating from weaker diseased lungs, weak anil disordered kid neys and affection* of t‘>e bladder. It Is \ wonderful toulo for the system, and cures those manifold l.!s resulting from premature decay, nervous debility, weakness, urinary disorders, ole CflERRttllV is ,Iso a valuable corrective for women during their menatrual penud, and no household should be without a bottle of it on hand. ' PRICE SOo. PER DOTTLE. v.ANurACTunrn only »v M. BLOCK & CO., CHATTANOOGA. TENN. For Sale by A J Cooper & Co. service regulations. I 1 he only j come8 too ] ate t ., brace the spirit.! <>r embroider, will produce .dis- liope for a clean admmistra- un(( nerV()U8 f orce8 over the vase. Sent t urn, neuralgia ii..d tion rests in a change ot ad- 8iuu p mr s that ridge the channel othermiaious troubles, frequently ministration. | of W eek-duy toil—Baptist Ex -; result, tram, this simple cuum*. Despite his vaunted deter- elpuiKe. I Mu « h of tt 'vomun’s physical mination to improve the di plomatic service President Roosevelt has yielded to polit ical pressure and appointed as minister to Argentine a man wholly unsuited for that posi tion, or any other in the diplo matic service. How many people reflect To Dodge a Store Subject. “I was in Madrid, Spain, six mouths' after the do«e of the war,” said the Amafican tourist, according to the Chicago News, and wanted to take a run down to the old citv of Toledo. I Imd a woman' structure can become deranged if the sensitive nerves and mus cles in tiie upper portion of her legs are over-taxed in lie man ner referred to. , - • ,V|j • ***4 4* Avoided Specification. A well-known Presbvterinn hoard, however, that, the feeling minister, of Chambridge, is, nev- tHat the building up of apow- against Americans was very hit- er happier than when plating his erful navy and a strong army I er in the latter city, and it l' ot anecdote concerning couii- means the building up of a 1 struck me that it would he a ship and marriage, says the New powerful pro-vvar party ? That |*« 00 d thing to get it little advice. 1 York Times. One of Ins favor- this is so is .obvious from the The landlord Imd been very kind ites wlijcli lie usually preserves fact that it means the educa- and courteous, though a Span- 1 f° r wedding breakfasts, is of a tion of many men whose sole iard, and I put., the case before lyoungcouple ofhis acquaintance professon is war and who can bint- v \ Sheriff Sales. Will be sold before tiie court house door in the town of Dallas, Ga.. on the first Tuesday in August next, to the high est and best bidder for cash, the follow ing described property, to-wit a One-eleventh undivided Interest In lots of land Nog SO. US, 28, 49, 50, 58, #5, 90, 120, 121, 122.' 109, 170,171,108,190, one-liaif of id, one-half of 98, 248, 288, all hi the 8rd district of the 8rd sec tion of 1’nuldlng oonnty, Georgia. Levied on and will be sold as the property of P. G. Cochran, one of the defendants In 11 fa, to sat isfy a justice co’- rt 11 fa Issued from the )081st district, G. M„ Paulding county, In favor of Smith A Fields against Milner & Cochra^ Levy made and returned to me by R. C. Brock, L. C. Also at the same time and place will be sold one house and lot known as the David Harris’ house and lot, same being a fraction of land lot No, 848 In the 2nd district of the 8rd section of Paulding county, Georgia, and bounded as .follows: On the north by property of John Hay, oh the west by the Dallas and Powder Springs road, on the south and east by the J. A. Anderson property, said lot containing one- half acre more or less. Levied on and to lie sold as the property of David Harris to satisfy a justice court tt fa Issued from the justice court 1980th district, G. M.,sald county, in fa vor of|D. P. Hill andagalnst David Harris. This, July 8, 1093. W. N. ANDERSON, Sheriff. Kutten—“You’ll excuse me old chap, for not introducing you to my wife. The fact is, you know, she’s—she’s so infernally particular.” Dryde—“In every thing but her choice of a husband, perhaps. I see. Today. attain success in their only through war. If, instead of quarreling over the conflicting proposi tions, that lockjaw caused by toy pistols is occasioned by a germ in the powder, and that who Imd been married byuqugk-. f or. Immediately after the ceie- ct said to tliq mony the quake So many of us make the mis-' s on the skin and carried take of wasting the time of to-|* n to t^ e circulation by the day by planning ahead for to- j powder, the scientists would morrow. Frequently opportunities are lost to us because of this habit. We are so busy planning, that we are blind to what might be done this very hour. A wise adviser rayB: “To-day is, for all that we know’, the op portunity and occasion of. our lives. On what we door say to day may depend the success and completeness of our entire life struggle.” Reddy—“Do yer spose dat dog knows wat day it is?” Jonsy—, “Well, ez soon i z I get dis bunch o’ firecrackers tied to his tail he’ll be sure it ain’t Easter!” For a lazy liver try Chamber lain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. They invigorate the liver, aid the digestion, regulate the bow els and prevent bilious attacks. For sale by A, J. Cooper, “How did vou get his title of colonel ?” “He got it to distin guish him from his wife’s first husband, who was a captain, and his wife’s second huscand, who was a major. inaugurate a campaign against the toy pistol itself they would command the gratitude of the community. The clerk who was detailed to count the number of regis try books in the oostortice storeroom found that there were 1,200 of the old style books on hand although sev eral thousand new style books had been purchased from the General Manifolding company, in which representative Sib ley is ^interested. The clerk leported the fact and was rep rimanded and then reduced to messenger work. 8e»or,” lie replied, after a hit, “it you went to Toledo would you mention anything about your ! bride^roolq: Admiral Dewey and Manila > “Friend, thou art. at Ray?” [•of thy troubles.” “I should not.” I replied. “Nor Saotigo and Admiral Sampson?” “Not a word.” “Nor the fight qn San Juan Hill and Gen. Torral’s surren der?” “No.” “And would you refer to our j quaker. losof Culm a fid the Philippines?” 1 the end A few weeks later the man came to t he minister boiling over with rage; having found his wife a regular vixen and said : “I thought you said I was at the end of my troubles?” •‘So I did, my friend, but I did not s ty which end,” replied the “Not a refer.” “Well, I think you can safely go to Toledo,” he said, after looking me over, “but myVidvice to you, in case the painful sub jects is touched upon, is to say that you expected Spain to whip the United States within thirty days, and you can’t, tell why the devil she took three months to do it.” “So your daughter is engaged that sh’e exactly engaged, ans wered Mr. Cumrox. /‘But I think I may say that we have an option on him.” No man or woman in the state will hesitate to speak well of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liv er Tablets after once trying them. They always produce a pleasant movement of the bowels, improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion. For sale by A. J. Cooper. President Roosevelt has dealt labor unions a serious blow by the reinstatement ot Willial A. Miller as assistant foreman of the government printing office. Miller was expelled from the labor organ ization of which he was a member and the government printer promptly discharged him. Now Mr. Roosevelt has reinstated him. The ac tion may be right in itself but for a professed friend of all organized labor it is a peculiar action, . BLOOD. We live by our Jilood, and on it. We thrive or sturve, as our blood is rich or pocr. 1 here is nothing else to live op or by. When strength is ful' »nd spirits high, we ire being refreshed, bone, muscle imd brsiu, in body and miud, with continuul flow of rich blood. J This is health. When weak, in low spirits, no cheer, no spring, when rest is not rest nnd sleep is not sleep, we ure starved; our blood is poor; there is little nutriment in it. Back of the blood, is food, to keep the olood rich. When it fails, take Scott’s ..mul:ilon of cod-liver oil. It sets the wholi body going again—rnsti womunand child Blanks of an New Era office. Kinds ar. The Hair Splits “I have used Ayer’* Hair Vigor yer’s tiair Vlgi for thirty year*, it is elegant lor a hair dressing and for keeping the hair from splitting at the ends.”— J. A. Gruenenfeider, Grantfork, III. Hair-splitting splits friendships. If tne hair splitting is done on your own head, it loses friends for you, for every hair of your head is a friend. Ayer’s Hair Vigor in advance will prevent the splitting. If the splitting has begun, it will stop it. fl.M a toMU. All dra||lsts. It your druggist cannot supply you, fend us one dollar and we will express you a bottle. Bo sure ami give the name of your nearest express office. Address, J. C. AVER CO., Lowell,