The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, October 23, 1903, Image 7

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1 1 AS PEOPLE ; Personals,! |COME AND GO : Social Items, New Era telephone is No. 28. Ladies, have you seen the new hats at Welch’s? Dr Wm H. Beall, of Bud, was iu the city Monday. Highest cash price paid for hides. Hitchcock & Camp. Miss Lottie Connally is the guest of friends and relatives in Atlanta. Mr. J. R. Henderson, of At lanta, spent Sunday in the city with parents. Ladies, the prettiest and cheap est dress goods will be found at J. F. Welch’s. | (Mr. G. J.Spinks has under con struction a neat cottage on Car- tersville street. Mr. T. J. Owens has sold out his merchantile business at Hi ram to Moon & Hunt. Several from Hiram came over Sunday to view the wreck at Pumpkinvine trestle When one name is discontinu ed from our subscription list two is entered in its place. Mr. James B. Foster has ac cepted a position with F. C. Dunn A Co. as lumber inspector. Don’t forget the editor when you sell cotton. He is in need qf a little cash about now. You will find the most, com plete line of shoes and clothing in town at J. F. Welch’s. Mrs. Sarah E. Mills and Miss Nan Horan, of Chattanooga, are guests of Mr. W. E. Mills, As a cotton market Dallas ' still leads in this section. If you doubt it come and investigate. Col. C. D. McGregor returned home Monday from a profession al trip to Rome and Cedartown. We have all the new styles in millinery goods. Come at once and make a selection. J. F. Welch. The work ot curbing the streets will begin in a few days. This will be permenent. improvement that is badly needed. Visit the store of J. F. Welch and see the nice stork of dry goods, shoes, clothing, etc., and iit the lowest prices. Foa Salk—Forty thousand Elbert a peach trees for sale for fall setting, T. F. Knox, New Hope, Ga., or Dallas, Ga. Mr. John Johnson and wife, of Birmingham, spent last week with kinsfolks and friends in and abound Dallas. Mr. J. T. Henderson and daugh ter, Miss Atha, of Villa Rica, spent Monday night with Mr H. Henderson’s family. See us for a mail box and save money—all you people Dallas Hardware Co., Robt. Lee, Manager. Our subscription list is daily growing. Send in your and keep abreast with the cur rent issues of our country, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Edmondson have as their guests this week their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Edmondson, of Atlanta. Call on Davis & Finch for fashion plates free We sell the patterns. Mr. Jas. Matthews came in Sunday from South Carolina and spent the day with his family returning Monday morning 1 Take a meal or lunch at O. C. Anderson’s restaurant. You will enjoy it. Next to Sanders’ meat market. See those fine pat tern hats at Davis & Finch’s. When you come to town don’t go hungry. Go into Anderson’s restaurant and get something good to eat. We regret to henr that Mr. Ranzy Camp has a genuine case of typhoid fever at his father’s home nine miles north of the city. Davis & Finch have he finest line of ladie’s lats trimmed and un trimmed in town. Dallas was the turning point for all trains on the Southern Railway while the wreck at Pumpkinvine was being cleared. Mrs. J. W. Woodruff, after spending several days with her sister, Mrs. B.J. Edmondson, lias returned to her home iu Atlanta. J. Mr. S. B. Ragsdale, residing six miles east of town, is very low and bis family and friends entertain grave fears for his re covery. * Oliver Chilled and Syracuse turn plows cheaper than ever sold n Dallas before. Hay Hardware Co. We have just finished two jobs for the bustling firn of Moon & Hunt doing a general merchan dise business in that thriving lit tie city of Hiram. Our stock of pattern hats for ladies and children are beautiful. None like them in this market. Davis & Finch. Col. R, E. L. Whitworth, Dr T, lj. Foster and Mr. M. L. Green attended the Polk County Bap tist Association \yhich convened at Aragon last Friday. ... Just Rkckivkb ... Gar Shorts, Car Flour, Car Cotton Seed, Hulls and Meal. Prices the Cheapest. Dallas Grocery Co, Mr. R. D. Leonard cashier of The Bank of Dallas, has had sev eral convenient imprvements made which adds a great deal to the appearance of the interior of the bank. Remember the $25.00 prize to be given away at Dallas Hardware & Furniture Co. A coupon with every dollar’s worth of cash trade or cash paid on account. Mr. Mitchell McClung, of Bir mingham, came over Monday to attend the funeral of his brother. Mr. McClung is doing a thriving grocery business at Birmingham which bis friends will be glad to hear. . ... Just Received ... Car Shorts, Car Flour, Car Cotton Seed, Hulls and Meal. Prices the Lowest. Dallas Grocery Co. Dallas Grocery Co. will sell you feed stuff cheaper than you can buy elswhere. They buy all heavy goods in car lots and sell at job bers prices. Take your home paper. Mr. E. Davis was in Marietta Tuesday. Miss Mat-tie Bone is visiting friends at Aragon this week. Mr. F. C. Dunn has returned from Wrightsville Beach, N. C. Miss Kate Bone is at home af ter several weeks stay in South Georgia. A reply to “Capitol’s” letter will appear next week from the pen of the high sheri ir of Pauld ing county. Watch for it. Parties that contemplate Building!, Painting or Papering, and wisnea first class work will find it. to their interest to address a postal to C. M. Norrell, Dallas, Ga. McCalls patterns for ladies* and childrens’ clothing for sale by Da vis & Finch. I.OST—A $60 note on W. M. Neal in favor of A. C. Ware. This is to notify the public not to purchase said note provided an effort to that end is made. T. J. Foster, Dallas, Ga. Dr. J. N. Weems will go to At lanta on the 12thinst. where he will take a special course in “Crown” and “Bridge” work. This course will not take him from his office all the time. He will he in his dental parlor on Saturday’s, and until the 10:28 train Monday morning. FREE, McCalls fash ion plates. We sell pat terns, also agents for Delineator. Davis & Finch. Mr. C. Wheeler, better known as Uncle Wheeler, passed his 90th birthday Thursday, Oct. 16. While the wear of 90 years is very preceptible he is able to walk about and reads his Bible regu larly. He says if he ( lives until he is one hundred he will be will ing to depart from this stage of action. Dallas Grocery Co. will sell you feed stuff cheaper than you can buy elswhere. They buy all heavy goods in car lots and sell at job bers prices. The Cheapest Cash Store in ^—DALLAS.-——. I have brought to Dallas a large stock of Dry Goods, Mens’ Clothing, Childrens’ Suits, Gents’ Pants, Shoes, Hats, Underwear^ Ladies’ Skirts, Capes Jackets, Etc., at the ... LOWEST PRICES ... you ever bought. It will pay you to patronize me for the following reasons: 1st—My goods will never be misrepresented. 2nd—You will get the seasons stock cheaper than you can buy them elsewhere. Don’t forget the place. It will surely pay you to visit my store if you want to buy good goods chenp. DON’T MISS YOUR CHANCE WHILE I AM IN DALLAS. Yours for business, I. ADELSTEIN. Next to J. P. Cooper & Son. To The Public. We wish to inform our friends and the public generally that we have recently bought out the family grocery store of G. J. Spinks, where we expect to continue the business in An Uptodate Style. We will endeavor to handle nothing but the best in our line, and guarantee to sell as CHEAP AS ANY MERCHANT IN TOWN on the same grade of goods. You will find everything here usually kept iu a first-class staple and fancy grocery stole. Remember we sell all kinds of legitimate drinks. We extend ore and all a cordial invitation to call to see us whether you buy or not. You’ll always be welcome eith er as a customer or a caller. CREW & HOLLAND. Notice. All parties due me for land or for borrow ed money will make ar rangements about set tling same with my son, Emmett Hight, office, 39 N.. Forsyth street, Atlanta, Ga. All parties wishing to pay any amount will ex press it to the above address. If your note is sued you will have to pay 10 per cent at torney’s fee extra. Jas. L. Hight. Notice. All fertilizer notes are due the 16th of October and I expect immediate payments and will insist on the same. J. R. Lawrence, Han a Ten Penny Nail Through Hand. IIU While opening a box. J. C. Mount, of Three Mile Bay, N. Y., ran a ten penny nail through the fleshy part of his hand “Ithought ut once of all the pain and sore ness this would cause me," he says, “and immediately applied Chamberlain's Puin Balm and occasionally afterwards. To my surprise it removed all pain and sore, ness and the injured parts were soon healed.” For sale by A. J. Cooper. A GOOD FARM FOR SALE. I will sell before the court house door in Dallas on the first Tuesday in November, my farm containing 280 acres of land lying four mi|es west of Acworth; 7 iooin house, 2 tenant houses and other out buildings ; well watered ; flue pasture ; fish pond. Title perfect. Apply to or write J. B. HILL, Acworth, Georgia. BEAUTIFL WEDDING Occurred in the Methodist Church Sunday Evening. A very pretty wedding was sol emnized at the Methodist church Sunday evening when Miss Ber tha Scott ind Mr. Ben E. Smith started life’s varied course as one. By 7:30 o’clock, the hour for the ceremony, the church was taxed to seat the people, evinc ing the popularity enjoyed by the young couple. At 7the wedding party ar rived. The doors were thrown open. The bride, handsomely gowned in white silk, entered on the arm of Miss Dollie Reeves, as bride’s maid. The groom was accompanied by Mr. Will R. Owens, as best man. Separating at the entrance they marched gracefully down the aisles in per fect harmony to the Flower Song sweetly played by Miss Annie Monk. Rev. A. F. Nunn administered the vows and pronounced them man and wife in a most beauti ful manner. Mrs. Smith is the young daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Scott and possesses many feminine charms. Her sweet disposition has won for her scores of friends and admirers in her social circle. Mr. Smith is a well known young man in social and commer cial affairs and his friends are numerous. He is the popular salesman at E. M. Cooper’s gro cery store. The bride and groom left Mon day for Atlanta to spend their honeymoon. Tlib New Era wishes them a long life of perpetual happiness and prosperity. A Sad Death. Mr .Luther McClung, who, a few weeks ago was a strong, robust young man, died of typhoid fever at his father’s home three miles south of town last Sunday. Mr. McClung was well known in Dallas having held several po sitions here in which lie was well thought of by his employers. He was about 22 years old and! had many friends throughout the county. The remains were interred at Mt. Zion cemetery Monday af- noon. Rev. T. J. Ownes conduc ted the sad rite. Our heartfelt sympathy goes, out to the bereaved family. Don’t, buy a mail box till you see the Dallas Hardware people; they have a much better box than you have seen and sell it for less money.