The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, October 30, 1903, Image 1

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it. 8 With am, Kimt Davis, Bobt. D. President. Vice-Pres. , Cat VOL. XXI. Dallai, Paulding County, Georgia,. October 30, 1903, '- ' ’ - - : M Number 50. THE BANK OF DALLAS, GA. Established 1899. “Nothing succeeds like success,’' is an old adage Hint Is very true. The Bank of Dallas, from ibe days of Its opening in 1899 to the present time, has gone on, without interruption, in all of its business affairs ; .but never before has it been so well prepared to meet the demands' and satisfy the needs of its customers. II your patronage and influence have, in any degree, contributed to the success of our business, we thank you for it. If, as yet, you are not a customer let this be ynu'r invitation to become one. We will endeavor to make it both agreeable and profitable for you to do business with our bank.. A word to thole who may keep money around their hones : Never should your homo lie made the bid ing place for money, because every time you do it you run the risk of losing *t, and worse than that, you endanger your life, which is worth more to you than much line gold.' Deposit your money in the Bank of Dallas. Your neighbor kec|is bis monev with us, why not you ? We know our capacity. We du not accept any business that we canuot carry out. W. M. ELSBERRY, Braswell, Ga. Manufacturer of all Kinds of Lumber, Snob as Flooring, Gelling, Moulding, and all kinds of building material in both rough and dressed lumber. Heart flooring a specialty. When in need of anything in my line give me a call or address si above. Ceu dll orders on short notice. Also Call on me for Columns, Balusters, Spindles, Etc. SHERIFF ANDERSON RepNee to Article to New Bn ef Oc- 16th. Legal Advertisements. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. Georgia, Panlittng County. To all whom It may concent: H. J. Gray having In due form applied to me for perma nent letters of administration on the estate of Thomas F. Gray, late of aald county,deceased, this Is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Thomas F. Gray, to be and appear at roy office on the first Monday In No vember next, and show cause, If any they can why permanent, administration should not he granted to DeWitt Ragsdale or some lit snd proper person on said estate. Witness my of ficial signature of office, this, 7th day of Oc tober, USX). R. A. CHILES, Ordinary. LEAVE TO SELL LAND. Georgia, Paulding County. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has applied to the ordinary of said eopnty for leave to sell land belonging to the estate of William White, for the payment of debts. Said application wtll be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county to be held on the first Monday In November, 1908. This, 15th day of October, 1908. DeWltt Ragsdale administrator upon the estate of Wm. White. LETTERS OF DISCHARGE. Georgia, Paulding County. William Jones, guardian of Willie Hender son and Eula M. Henderson, having applied to me to he discharged from such guardian ship, let all persons concerned show eaiise Itefore me at the court house in said eounty on the 2nd day, of November, 1000, next, why such application for discharge should not be granted. Witness my official signature. This, 5th day of October, IMS. R. A. CHILES, Ordinary. LEAVE TO SELL LAND. Georgia, Paulding County. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has applied to the ordinary of said county for leave to sell land belonging to the estate of JoHn L. Bookout for the payment of debts and distribution. Said application will be lieajd at the regular term of the Court dt Or- Uinary for said county to be held on the first Monday In November, 1908. This, 5th day of October, 1903. W. H. Meadows administrator on John L. Hoykout’s estate. R. A. CHILES, Ordinary. LEAVE TO SELL LAND. Georgia, Paulding County. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned bus applied to the ordinary of said county for leave to sell land belonging to the estate of H. \V. Butler, for the payment of debts. Said upplicatlon will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county to lie held on the first Monday In November 1908. This. 8tb day of October, 1908. DeWltt' Ragsdale, administrator upon the estate of H. W. Butler. LEAVE TO SELL LAND. Georgia, Paulding County. Notloe Is hereby given that the understgn- ec lias applied to the ordinary of said eounty for leave to sell land belonging to the estate of G. W. Lawrence, for the payment of debta and diatrlbutlon, said application will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Or dinary for said eounty to be held on the flfst Monday In November, 1908. Tills, 6th day of October, 1908. G. M. Lawrence, administrator upon the estate of G. W. Lawrence. Mr. Editor i Flense allow me space in your columns to make a brief reply to the article in the issue of your paper of October 10th, written bv Col. H. W. Nalle.v, of this place, under the lion de plume “Capitol.” % It is with extreme regret that 1 am forced into the public prints to defend my oflicial conduct, and I assure you I would not do it, but for the reason that I fear some might lose sight of this fact, that the man who conceals his identity behind a non de plume to assail your character is as much an assassin as the mail who conceals himself and shoots you from ambush, and his statements are worthy of no more credit and give his insinuations no more credence than under the circum stances than they are entitled to. The facts of the case about which this assassin of character has so brutally and cowardly an- sailedme, briefly stated, are sim ply these: There was a warrant sworp out for two vouug men who happened to be engaged in railroad work at the time charg ing them with robbery and plac ed in the hands of Mr. Sinyard, one of my deputies, to execute (the prosecutor being his neigh hors.) Armed with this warrant he and Mr. Trentham, a consta ble of the county^ came to ihy LETTERS OF DtSMISSION. Georgia, Paulding County. Whereas W. J. Baker, temorary administra tor of estate «f R. M. Carter, represents to the court In his petition duly filed snd entered on record, that he has sold all personal prop erty of said estate and is now ready to make settlement. This Is to cite all persons con cerned kindred and creditors, to show cause, If any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his adminis tration and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in November, 1908. : < R. A. CHILES, Ordinary. LEAVE TO BELL LAND. Georgia, Paulding County. Notice Is hereby given that the undersign ed has applied to the ordinary of said county for leave to sell the stock In Paulding County Cotton Mfg. Co., belonging to the estate of J. W. Hollis for the payment of debts and distribution among the heirs. Said applica tion will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for Said qouuty to be held on the first Monday In November, 1908. This, 0th day of October, 1908. T. M. Coalaon, administrator upon the estate of J. W. Hollis. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. Georgia. Paulding County. To all whom it may concern: W. H. Crow having in due form applied to me for perma nent letters of administration on the estate of W. M. Crow, late of said county, deceased, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of W. M. Crow to be and ap pear at my office on the first Monday In No vember next, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to W. H. Crow or some fit and proper person on W. M. Crow’s estate. Witness my offllcial signature of office. This. 28th day of September. 1908. R. A. CHILES, Ordinary. LAND SALE. Georgia. Paulding County, By virtue of an order of the court of Ordi nary of said county, will be sold at public outcry on the first Tuesday In November, 1903. at the court house in said county, between the usual hours of #ale, the following real estate situated In Paulding county, to-wit: Lot of land No. 715 In 2nd district and 8rd sec tion of said county, containing to aercs more or less. Terms cash. This, 5th day of Oct. 1908. T. M. Coalson administrator of J. W. Hollis. Dieting Invites Disease. To cure Dyspepsia or indigestion it Is no longer necessary to live on ntilk and toast. Starvation produces tuck weak ness that the whole syslem becomes an easy prey to disease. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure enables the stomach and digestive organs to digest and assimilate all of the wholesome food that one cares to eat, and Is a never failing cure for Indigestion, Dyspepsia and all stomach troubles. Ko. dol digest what you eat—makes the atom ach sweet. Sold by A, J. Cooper. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. Georgia, Paulding County. To all whom it may concern: N. C.Matthews having In due form applied to me for perma nent letters of administration on the estate of Sarah A. Matthews, late of said county, de. ceased, this Is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Sarah A. Mat thews, to be and appear at my office on the first Monday In November, and show cause, if any they can, why peimanent administra tion should not be granted to DeWltt Rags dale or some fit and pro;* r person on Sarah A Matthew’s estate. Witness my officla. sig nature of office. This, fith day of October, 1908. R. A. CHILES, Ordinary. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. Lizzie Cochran ) Libel for divorce vs. > on grounds there- P. G. Cochran, et al. i In stated filed In Superior c*urt of Paulding county. Ga.. and returnable to the February term, 1904, of said court. To the defendant, P. G. Cochran: You are hereby commanded to be and appear at the February term, 1904, of said court to answer said plaintiffs libel for divorce. In defuult thereof the court will proceed us to justice shall appertain. Witness the Hon. A. L. Bartlett, judge of said court. This, Oct. 5tli 1908. W. J- BAKER, Clerk. Sheriff Sales. Will be sold before the court house door in the town of Dallas, Oa., on the flrstTuesday in November next, to the highest and best bidder for cash, the fol lowing described property, to-wit: Lot of land No. 1118 in the 19th district of the 3rd section of said county. Levied on as the property of T. .1. McClendon to satisfy a superior conrt fl fa issued from the superior court of Paulding county, tia., in favor of J. R. Reeves and against A. H. Leathers princi pal and T. J. McClendon Indorser. Written notice given tenant'in possession, this, Octo ber 0th. 1903. W. N. ANDERSON. Sheriff. house and asked me to go with them to make the arrest and it not being convenient for me to accompany them just at that time, and I knowing the fore man of the camp, Mr. Adams, to be a gentleman worthy of the fullest confidence in every re spect, told them to tell him (Mr. Adams) what they wanted and he would give them any assis tance that they might desire, and that they would have no trouble in making the arrest. Afterwards I had occasion to go out to the camp myself on other business and finding, on tny arrival, the deputy and bail iff were still there a short consul tation was held among ns and a date fixed fora committing trial before the magistrate, of Dallas district, the alleged crime being committed—if committed at all- in said district, and the justice of that district being more con venient, and accessable, a good and solvent, bond was taken for their appearance at said com mitting court at the town of Da! las, as before stated, it not be ing known that the adjourned term of the superior court just passed would be Iheld; but said superior court being convened before the date fixed for said preliminary trial, I turned the bond and warrant over to - the solicitor general in order that he might prefer a bill of indict, ment, or take such other actions in the matter m .he might see proper. This in a nut shell is what, I did. , To have done less I would have been derelect in my duty, to have done more, 1 being pecu- niarially interested in all convic tions, would have savored too strongly of the hungry and dis reputable lawyer in quest of fees, and whatever else 1 may be charged with, I beg that I be spared to humiliation of bi-ing charged with persecuting any one under collar of my office for personal gain. This I have never done, I never expect to do it, and if I thought the duties of my office required it, God being my judge, I would resign before tomorrow night,. 1 will not use my office just simply as a mill to grind out toll for the officers of court and fees for lawyers. Some shysters may demand this,in fact, are demanding it, but they had as well understand once for all that they are not going to get the grist. I am ready to help in the fu ture—as l have ever been in the past—in a healthy afid honost en forcement of the law, but at this I draw the line. I never have nor do I ever expect to lend my aid in adding to the burdens of honest—but a tax ridden people —the expense of trying cases got ten up and conducted with an eye single to grinding out cost for myself and fees for disrepu- tablee lawyers. To show you the utter disre gard of my assailant for the truth of his statement I have only to call your attention to one of his assertions in his assault on me, ana then to a single section of our penal code. In his letter he states that neither a magistrate or the sheriff have the right to assess a bond in any felony case. Section No. MS of the read* an follow*: “Capitol of fence* are bailable only bafora judge* of tho superior conrt and i* in every case a matter of sound discretion.-, AH other case* are bailable by the committing court.” Now, for a man who pretends to be a lawyer to make such a statement, deinoast,rates one s of two thinucs, viz: He wilfully mis states the truth or is woefully ignorant. Now, Mr. Editor, in conclusion I desire to sav, I have discharg ed every trust confided to me since my election to the vCry best of my ability, and no one of hi* intelligence know* this bet ter than this prevaricator of the truth. I have shown who this foul mouthed slanderer is, I have shown his utter disregard for the truth. I now propose to wash my hands of this entire contro versy, feeling assurad with his identity exposed, he can say or do nothing that will injure me in the estimation of the people. W, N. Anderson, High Sheriff. SAVED HIS LIFE. •T. V. Davenport, Wlngo. Ky., writes. June 10. 1902: “I want to tell yon I be lieve Ballard's Snow Liniment saved my life. I waa under the treatment of two iloetora, and they told me one ef my lungi was entirely gone, and the other badly affected. 1 aian bad a luma la my side. I don't think that I could have lived over two memhs longer. I was in- duced by a friend Ur try Ballard'* Snow Liniment. The flrst application gave me great relief; two flfty cent bottles cured me sound aud well. It is a wonderful medicine and I recommend it to suff, r- ing humanity.” 24c, 50c, tt.00 at Coop er’s drug store. Things I Hate to See. 1 hate to see a man always talk ing about wlmt a happy place heaven is, and doing nothing to make bis home resemble it. I hate see a man with a suspi cious breath boast of his temper ance principles. I hate to see a man continual ly talking about how much he loves everybody, and never do ing anything to help anybody. I hate to see a prominent church member slipping into a butcher shop to buy something for breakfast on Sunday morning. 1 hate to see a man keep, tyro dogs and claim that he is too poor to do anything to help the church along, I hate to see a bald-headed man selling hair restorative. I hate to see people overly par ticular about their clothes and underly particular aoout their morals. 1 hate to see a man remember everything the clown said twen ty years ago, and forgot every word the preacher said last Sun day morming. I hate to see people give all their sweet to the world, and keep all the sour for the fireside. I hate to see a man chew to bacco while he is whipping his boy for smoking.—Indianpolis Ram’s Horn. Speaking of great inventors, why not, erect a monument to the memory of the woman who in vented tomato sauce ?