The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, November 20, 1903, Image 5

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DIRECTORY u- Muaklpal, County, OITT OVMCRRS. Mayor.—G. W. Brins. Clerk.- E. Dtirlt Councilman. -W- L. Russom, W. Z. Spinks, E. Davit, W. M. Hitchcock, R. E. L. Whitworth. oorrrT orrtceis. Ordinary—R. A. Chiles. Clerk Superior Court—W. J. Baker. Sheriff—W. N. Anderson. Treasurer—J. O. Hitchcock. Ten Collector—W. H. Morgan. Tax Receiver—J. If-O r * ton - Surveyor—(>. M. Wigley. Coroner—J. 8. Adrir. County School OoiMriMloMr.—W. Z. Spinks. BOARD ,0F FDUOATIOH* J. W. Hay, R. W. Russom, J. B. Bag* gett, J. A. Grogan, T. B. Williams. CHURCHES. MRTUODIST. Rev. A. F. Nunn, Pastor. Preaching third and fourth Sundays at tl a.m. and 7 p.m.; second Sundays at 7 p.m.j i|ftb Sundays at 11 a.m. and 7 r.m. Sunday School at 0:80 a.m. 8. Brown, Supenntentdent. Prayer-meeting Wednesday at 7 p.m. Rev. J. M. Spinks, Pastor. Preaching first and third Sundays at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. • Sunday School at 0:30 a. m. Dr. T. Foster, Superintendent. Prayer-meeting Thutsdiy at 7 p.m. i.o i>o as. Masons—Meets second and fourth Sat urday nights in each month. Odd Fellows—Meets first and third Saturday nights In each month. Woodsmen of the World—Meets first and third Suturduy nights In each month. COURTS. Superior Court—A. L. Bartlett, Judge. W. K. Fielder, Solicitor-General. Meets second Monday in February and first Monday in August. Court of Ordinary—R. A. Chiles, Or. dinary. Meets first Momlayin each month. TALLAPOOSA CIRCUIT. A. L. Bartlett, Judge. W. K. Fielder. Solicitor-General- Paulding —Second Monday in February and first Monday in August. Haralson-Third Mouday in January aud July. Polk—Fourth Monday in February and August. Douglas—First Monday In May and third Monday in November. JUSTICE COURTS, Dallas, 1080th district—J.R. Lawrence, J. p.; O. C. Gillett, N. P, Mjets third Wednesday in each moDth. Acorntree, 1003d district—J. W. Tib- •etts, J P.s H D Paris, N. P. Court .fourth Saturday. Burnt Hickory, 833d district—T J Tib betts, J. P.; A V Cochran, N. P. Court first Saturday. Braswell, 1414th district—H N Hagan, J. P.: U H O’Neal, N. P. Court second Wednesday. California, 1043d district- DeWitt Rags dale, J. P-; A P Griggs, N. P. Court first Friday. Cuius, 051st district—L J Taylor, J. P.; Z B Fuller, N. P. Court first Saturday. Eutuh 1307th district—I S Vemer, J. P.; D W Cratou, N. P. Court first Satur day. Hiram, 1381st district—J D Compton, N. P* Court first Wednesday. Nineteenth, 830th district—.J M Cole, J. P.: J D Brown, N. P. Court first Sat urday. Twentieth, 1081st district—G W Grogan, J. P.: H N Reveille, N. P. Court second Saturday. Tallapoosa, 1443d district—J H Hutch erson, N. P. Court first Saturday. Putnpkinvine, 1807tli district—Jessie Hitcock, J. P.i W J Harris, N. P. Court second Friday. Raccoon, 15541k district—W H Crews, N. P., J. T. Monk, J. P., 4tb Saturday. Umfries, 1318th district—B H Owen, J. p . J T Hix, N. P. Court second Satur day. Union, 1553d district—B F Hagan, ,T. P. Coiirt 4th Saturday. WeddingtoVs 943d distsict—J W Mize, J. P.i S P Arnold, N. P. Court fourth Friday. Roxana. 1596th district—J F Foster, J P ; B T Grogan, N P. Court first Thursday. Jacobs* Liquor Store. Jav Money C««l Farm WhliKay. There Is a two fold Department: highest order to us you get iv distillery. Kvery Jr too. buying direct " .smaller dealert, i or give you a bell to.* (toe phenomenal upbuilding of our Liquor lee. intent prices. When you eend your whiskey dire 1 from the barrel In the original from the . 'and Iv a standard of excellence In Use f. ‘I hull. ditlllleNt and In quaint lies that mean dozen- .0 v>quote always a lower price on the same article, for the saano money. Write for our hqunri'nu- Jaeoba' Moaograai Eg* VhM\t|. > whiskey, from se.uctad homegrown 7 distinguished fe t Itr elrsoluM guru *. artlc Jacobs' Velvet Rjc No. 6, three yearn old, whiskey for the price. Quarts f logiic. It llati both domestic sail foimgii brumlv-lt’s free for thu asking. MX WHIBKIU. a. O. Wise Private Mask Rev, a puis< Pennsylvania whiskey, aged In wmidvdtalx years, especlritg rMtuuniemled as a stimulant for uiedleal mid family use. yu,.rts»i.uu. gOer'amtii..* a very superior, double ■•opperillstl led ry# with mountain spring water, ami i- ', *f« *• Jugs vmT.oo. Reb Res Rat. This whiskey Is *-jn. copper dial Hied, four yearn old, ab solutely puru and waU flAaptad for general use where an absolutely pine dels desired. Qrerts Tic. gallon Jugs *i.5u. ed lu wood, and Is a very good OUc, gallon, “MAX" Moeoagihtlg R(t, two year* old. and Is without doubt the beat whiskey to he obtained tor the price. Quarts 50c. gallon Jugs U.U". ‘‘Aft” Ra*. This whiskey Is one year old. and while pure. Is of a low proof. The same goods sold, by many fur 44*0 per gallon. Gallons fi i>u. Not less than half gallon sold COM WHISKIES. Jacob*’ Private Steak Can ShMWf. This we believe to be the lieat Corn Whiskey sold In this market. MXfihrtold and abaolutely pure, made In the good old faalikm way. Qu»rulMA*«loii Jugs *A0o. Usals games Cere WklakOEv ft RriWMlld stimulant and especially adapted for inetfical use* Fo* r ye’rjolft. drifts 75c, gallon Jug. Ss.*/ Ooldsa Rhaekt Cera RRNMfe *»«• y«»r» old. yellow corn, absolutely pure; quartsU&e. gallon JugaCt-Hi Mick* lectedgri Mir.kara Not Mssstals Cera 1114*1, pure white corn, made from so- ® *5V 1 ”b^?l» faJhl5Tw4TtK7aar. old. Quarts HOC. gal. Jugs ti. i.V Jaoobt' Swsat Mask Cera Vhlah% If you are partial to sweet nm-li you will Hud ibis a perfect whiskey, ottaBatypu will be woll pleuaed with, yuun* 7.'h.\ gallon Jugs K.75. \ Eshlilt Poet Cera Whltkca. tWC'tft.r old yellow corn, made from well selected grain overopenmSoRrtSWhd m wvhmI; quarts .Vic, gal. Jugs Jacobs' flail Mail Cam IMtHHC— <>“>■ pura but low proof, gal lon jugs tl,5o. Mot Tesi tbanhaif gWMMld. Virginia ft Mia Braafg, a vrt»* SA-HV'nt article; quarti gallon Jugs Jil.jO. Otorgla ftpplt trail), a goaAt«MUM4to; quarts 75c. gallon Jugs ft; id. Marulaai Paaah Pranfa. eight WPitw? 8"® article and of great medicinal value; quarts* lewMlElt Gtergli Ptaeh Brastp, quarts Tie,title* Jugtdi.50. OI4 ftollaai Ola, domestic, quarift HA gallon Jugs f I 80. OI4 Tom Ola, domestic, quarts lie gallaa Jug* H.50. Tom Cat 01*, quarts (l .00, gallaa J'«ft* HIE OI4 Bostos Mslissos R*m> qusrtBH* gaUao Jugs »3.oo. OI4 aAtort Ram, white, quarti IRA Jftllek Ms S8.75. Buporler Quslltg JsmalM Ram, qMMMlJM«l>on Jugs W.50. CriUbrnU Wins*. Cur Domestic WIbm an purchased In car load lets direct from the California Wine Drawers' Assis iaiiim. and on account of th* large purchases wo ar» able io secure the lowest prlo*concession.- a id gui the very lm>t quality of wines. The ones quoted hnlow are of a sup • rlor quality, two years old. film flavor and well adapt ed for medicinal, table and family use. Bk^trri, Jort, ( ft0fllllc*, JQuarts me, gallon Jugs 4I.ISI. first, Mi4trlt, Jacobs' Pharmacy* LIQUOR DEPARTMENT, Atlanta, Qa. % for Health 222 South Peoria St., Chicago, III., Oct. 7,1902. Eight month* ago I was so ill that I was compelled to lie or sit down nearly all the time. My stomach was e<y weak and upset that I could keep nothing on it and I vomited frequently. I could not urinate without great pain and I couched so much that my throat and lungs were raw and sore. The doctors pro nounced it Bright’s disease and others said it was consumption. It mattered little to me what they called it and I had no de sire to live. A sister visited me from St. Louis and asked mo if I had ever tried Wine of Cardui. I told her I had not and she bought a bottle. I believe that it saved my life. I believe many women could save much suffer ing if they but knew of its value. H. W. R. K. L. WlllTWOBTII NALLEY I* WHITWORTH, Altorncys-at-Law, DALLAS, .... GKORGIA. Particular attention to wills, admlnlatra ttonH of estates, damage suits and collections Ofllce over Bartlett & Watson Co., Ill rooms formerly oocuplcd by Judge Bartlett. Dr, J. N. Weems —DENTI3T.— Prices reasonable. All work guaranteed Ofllce over Watson's store. Short Facta. DeWitt’s JESSt Salvo For PH«s, Burns, Soras. Don’t you want freedom from pain? Take Wine of Cardui and make one supremo effort to be woll. You do not need to be a weak, helpless sufferer. You can have a woman's health and do a woman's work in life. Why not secure a bottle of Wine of Cardui from your druggist to day? WlNEfCMtDUl A. J. CAMP, Councellor-At-Law, DALLAS, GA. The administration of estates in court of ordinary a specialty. Will practice also in Superior and U. 8. courts. Many men want to be great and a few try to be good. It is easier to be strenuous than it, is to reach the presidential chair. It is a wise worm that stays under cover and deprives the early bird of his breakfast. Wo promptly obtain U. 8. and Foreign PATENTS > gend model, sketch or photo oi Invention for' > free report on patentability. For free book, ?„uanT c TRADE-MARKS 1 nPPDSirt U.Sv'PATEHT.OFFICE Washington.d.c Mone” to Loan- I am prepared to negotiate loans on Im proved farms at 7 per cent, interest on loans of $i;000 or over, and 8 percent in terest on sums less than one thousand dollars, by raking first mortgage on farms offered as collateral. No commissions charged, but applicant must pay for ab stract of title and inspection fees. A. J. CAMP, sepl3-6m Dallas. Ga. The average depth of the ocean is about two miles. Or.e-third of the college gradu* ates now are womeu. There are four millionaires in Britain to one in France. Two millions of London’s in habitants never go to church. Eighty-five per cent of the children of Japan are iu school. There are nearly 270 different religions in the United King dom. The total income of all Amer ican farmers last year was about ♦ft,600,000,000. Mo species of flower shows more t han two of the three col ors red, yellow and blue. Japanese is the latest, language to be added to the list at the University of Chicago. A copy of Hawthorne’s rarest book, “Fanshawe,” was sold in Boston recently for $060. The ministry is the only one of the learned professions that is not now over-crowded. The farms of the United StateB cover 841,000,000 acres, and em oloy nearly 10,600,000 people. An adder twenty-six inches long has been kilhd by a game' keeper at Tobermory, Mull. At, the burial of a South Lon don man his six dogs, draped in black, followed the cortege. The income tax returns show that citizens of Great Britain have invested abroad ♦6,080,640, 600. The United States has 78,000 post ofliccs; Germany is next, with 46,628, and Great Britain third, with 22,400. The Bobleian Library at Oxford is just three centuries old. It is the largest university library in the world. Some Chicago burglars used an acid test in order to take only real silver from a house they had broken into. The average amount expended by farmers for help last year was ♦75 a farm—an increase of ^11 over three years ago. It requires the labors of about 10,000,000 men and women for nine months of the year to bar vest, all the crops of the world According to the monks of the Hospice of St. Bernard their fa mous dogs save on an average twenty lives every year on the mountain. Flower growers in the south of France and other favored climes find it profitable to send the pro ducts of their skill to British market. The growth of the i ails is more rapid in children than in adults, and slower in the aged It goes on more rapidly in summer than in winter. According to a Jrecent census, there are upward of 000 Chinese in Johannesburg, of whom 180 are in business. All are report- eu to do well. No less than 111 officers of the British army have qualified as interpreters in the Russian lan guage, 851 of whom belong to the Indian service. Manitoba is the greatest wheat raising country in the world. It yields twenty-five bushels to the acre. North Dakota yields only thirteen. A Parisian paper relate* the following story of a (Mutest in boasting which,it savii, took place between three artists of Mar seilles. It should be explained that Parisian writers always pot their “tail talk” into the mOutha of Marseilles people. “My dear,” said one of the ar tists, “yesterday I painted a pine board in imitation of marble, and did itwith such fidelity that when the board was put into a pond of water it sunk like a stone.” “Pooh!” said the second; “that is nothing. Yesterday I happen ed to hang up my themometer on the back of the frame on my View in the Arctic Regions,’and the mercury instanly went down to twenty degrees below zero.” “All that is nothing at all,” said the third artist. “You know niy portrait of the old Marquis of Camargine? Well, it is so life like that it has to be shaved three times a week!” For * Bad Cold. If you have • bad cold you need a xood reliable medicine like Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to loosen and relieve it and to allay the irritation and inflamma tion of the throat anil lung*. The sooth ing and healing properties of this remedy and the quick cures which it effects make it a favorite everywhere. For sale by A. J. Cooper. “Are you ever troubled with insomnia—sleeplessness?” ‘I should say I am. Some nights I don’t Bleep three hours.” “That so? I’ve got it awfully bad. I’ve been afflicted now about two years. The dootor calls it neuris insomuis paralaxi- tis.” t ‘I’ve had it about eighteen mouths and we called it Ethel. When you wske up with a bad taste In your mouth, go at once to Cooper’* drug store and git a free samgle of Cham- lierlain’s Stomach anil Liver Tablet*. Ouc or two dotes will make you well, they also cure biliousness, sick headache and constipation. KHEYSKIDNEYCORE Make* Kidneys and Madder Right A Mammoth Holiday Issue. The December Delineator (Christmas Number) represents the high-water mark of beauty and utility, and possibly of cir culation also, in a woman’s mag azine, having a first edition of more than a million copies. It contains 240 pages. To produce this mammoth edition 728 tons of paper and 40 presses working 25 days were required. In addition to exquisite color work, clever fiction and strikingly illustrated articles, the number includes a display of charming winter fash ions covering forty-two pages, letters from the foreign fashion centres and illustrated articles on the fashionable fabrics and trimmings, millinery, etc. Among the notable contributors are: Richard Le Gallienne, with a delicate romance, A Wedding Ring in the Garden, lyrics in the author’s best vein ; W. A. Frazer, with an Indian tale, the Net of Leo; Albert Bigelow Paine, with a delightful sketch founded on the foibles of tjie collector; Har riett Prescott Spofford, with a love story of unusual interest. For the children there are enter taining games and stories, and for the housewife many practi cal suggestions in cookery and other departments of the home, for the Christmas season. One Minute Cough Cura For Oougho, CoM* and Croup. If a woman’s stays were made of India rubber so she could al ways get in them you could never make her believe she was getting fatter.