The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, June 22, 1905, Image 1

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ted to the UptouTldin* and ProcreM or Dallas and Paulding County. VOL. XXIII. Dallas, Paulding County, Georgia, Thursday, June 32, 1905 Numbs* 31 #W«. 8 WlTHAM, President. W. E. 8PISKB, V-Pres. R. D. Leonard, Cashier. THE BANK OF DALLAS ESTABLISHED 1899. A DESIGNATED STATE DEPOSITORY. Capital Stock • .$25,000.00 Undivided Profits 8,000.00 Total $33, 00000 Begin to practice right now what you are preaching— ••economy." Start it bunk account. Do it today. Delay means loss. You will never sturt curlier. No time like now. Grasp the opportunity. Begin saving your money ami depositing It in the bank. It does not take much to start oank account. A bank account, however small It may be at the be. ginning, will grow, and you will be surprised how it will run up in a year’s time. We have seen it tried. All large fortunes had small beginnings. With your money in your home you run the risk of be ing robbed. With It In your pocket you are tempted on every hand to spend it. ' With it iu the Bank of Dallas you will he protected from robbery by burgular insurance. With it in the Bank of Dallas, when you are tempted to spend it, you will do without rather than go to the bank and withdraw it. It adds to 11 man’s standing to have a bank account. People look up to a man who draws checks to pay his ob- ligations. It gives him tone in the business woild and helps his credit. Parents, sturt. a bank account for your little baby at once. Deposit 50c to the credit of the little one, and ev. cry few days add to the little account in the bank tie price of half a dozen cigars. You will marvel at tie growih of the account. By the lime the child is sixteen years old you will have saved more than enough to send iiim to college, or enough to start him in business. Start the chi'd right, Teach it to know the value of a dollar. Open an account for It. The Bank of DullaB makes a specialty of taking care of money deposited. It has thrown around its depositors every safeguaid known to the bunking business. It even insures the money deposited—something unheard of until recently. The Bank of Dallas Is your hank, a home institution; it’s officers are your people and coniea to you today offer ing to takcjearc of your money, to lend you money at all times on approved paper, aud to offer you every courtesy that is in accord with sound blinking principle)). Home Circle Column. Crude Thought* a* They Fall From the EdltorlatiPen.—Plow, ant Evening Reveries, tits: J' THE BEST MEDICINE 0WOMEN ire more developed ana rue tor- ring pains of disordered men- ruauon, bearing down pains, ucorrhoea, backache and ncad- If you are nervous and tired out continually you could have no clearer warning of the approach of serious female trouble. Do not wait until you suffer un bearable pain before you seek treat ment. \ou need Wine of Cardui now just as much as if the trouble were more developed and the tor' turin, strual leucorrhoea, ache were driving you to the un failing relief that Wine of Cardui has brought hundreds of thousands of women and will bring you. Wine of Cardui will drive out all trace of weakness and banish nervous spells, headache and back ache and j from quick serous trou' to check. Secure a 81.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui today. If your dealer docs not keep it, send the money to the Ladies' Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn., and the medicine will he sent you. iOi Weak Hearts Are due to Indigestion. NInefy-nIne of every one hundred people who have heart trouble can remember when it was simple indiges tion. It la a scientific fact that all cases of heart disease, not organic, are not only traceable to, but are the direct result of Indi gestion. All food taken Into the stomach 1 which falls of perfect digestion ferments and swells the stomach, pulling it up against the heart. This Interferes with the action of the heart, and In the course of time that delicate but vital organ becomes diseased, Mr. D. Kauble. of Nevada, O , says: 1 had stomach trouble and was in a bad state as 1 had heart trouble with It. I took Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure for about four months and It cured me, Kodoi Digests What You Eat and relieves the stomach of all nervous strain and the heart of all pressure. Bottlesoniy. S1.00 Sire boldine 2S times the trill size, which sells for 50c, Prepared by E. O. DaWITT & CO., OHIOAQO. For sale by A. J. Cooper & Co. CLUBBING RATES. Why stand ye here all the day idle? Matt. 20 :<l. ooo There Ik plenty to do In tills world of ours, There are weed* to pluck from nmong the flower*; There are field* to sow, there are field* to reap; There tiro vineyard* to set on the mountain *teep; There tire ro*e* to plant, and thistles to fell} And home* to he re*cued on hlll*lde and dell; There are poor to he fed, there tire children to teach, And a mc**ngc of love and of mercy to preach; The fallen to lift, and *elf-prlde to abase; And every one fitted to*tandin hi* place; There are *onl* to be saved by land nnd by *ea; There’* work in great plenty for you and for me. OOO Late hour* are shadows from the grave. OOO It is continued temperance which sustains the body for the longest period of time and which most surely preserves it. free from sickness,” writes Humboldt, when asked the secret of lit* suc cess. No employer will keep in his ollice a drunkard, a gambler, or a profligate, for the very good reason that, the vices not only de base the body, but also glut the mind with thoughts of which business has no part. Drink has become the curse of the world. Whole battalions of splendid young men who started in life with glowing hopes have been swept, away bv whiskey and rum. OOO Man finds himself on a limit less ocean with no knowledge of whence he capie or whether lie shall go. All he knows is that, a Hand he has never seen has trac ed the Golden Rule upon his heart, hung a chart in his soul and placed a compass in his hand. He is also conscious of a pilot, at the helm, never seen but always there; an angel commissioned at Ins birth to pilot his frail bark across the uncertain waters of life and that consciousness is his reserve power. We may try to stifle the voice of the mysterious angel within, but it always says “Yes” to right actions and “No” to wrong ones. No matter if we heed or not, no power can change its decision one iota. Through health, through prosperity and adversity, beyond the reach of bribery or influence, this faith ful servant, stands behind us in the shadow of ourselves, never intruding, but weighing every so unheodingly permit opportu nities for tarrying sunshine into the lives of those we love pass by. A word of cheer to a strug gling soul is worth more than all the roses we would scatter on their casket cover. A wt.Iconic, a smile, a cheery “well done,” an affectionate look, will cause a rift to break in the clouds nnd permit the Bunshine of life to gladden the passing dav of those wo love. Let us try faithfully to throw the wealth of affection about our loved ones who are fighting the stern battles of life. Let us scatter our love broadcast and pluck out all the thorns we can, and surely and certainly will our Father say “Well done.” ooo what bliss, but what an awaken ing! We awake to tread our weary way to the gallows, to jail or to the haunts of vice and min gle our wnil of woe with the wail ot the multitude, and the proces sion is ceaseless, though some pass by the way of the cross and leave a burden, the accumulation of years, thus renewing their youth in the beautiful Sunlight land that lies between the inno cence of childhood and the puri ty of Heaven on the highway to eternity. Columbus is to have a big hosiery mill. Ha/.elhurst has a new Lank with a capital stock of $25,- ooo. GARDVi The New Era mid Allanta Daily Jntin nal (both papers) one year for #5.00 The New Era and Atlanta JJn'ly New j (both papers) orie year for #4.00 Tlie New Era and tlie Twice.a-Week Atlanta Journal (both papers) one yeur for #1.25 The New Era and Tom Watsons Maga zine, 128 pages, (both papers) one year for #1.50 The New Em nnd the Twlce-a-Week Globe-Democrat (both papers) one year tor #1.40 For further information call on or address, THE NEW ERA. Dallas, Ga. HOME OOURTKBIKB. In the close relation of mem bers ot the same household and the constant contact through long association, there is apt to be lack of the friendly greetings and delicate attentions which are giv en to visitors and strangers in the household. Children are commonly not trained to sweet courtesies in their treatment of parents and one another. Iltisoand and wife do not pre serve their first gracious care of each other. But thoughtful and loving little services sweeten horns life and pour the oil of joy over daily experiences. When a husband nr son is prompt and helpful iu placiug her chair to her table, what woman does not feel happier? An act of courtesy cultivates in its performer more apprecia tion and attachment. The spirit which prompts little attention and the habit which preserves thorn will banish hard feelings, sharp words and alienations that naturally and easy come in times of difference of judgment or con flict, of interest. ooo 11,000 I’RISOXKHH Over three thousand Russians are now prisoners of war. Each one is some mother's darling boy. How they now doubtless long for the home of their childhood. How many hearts in seasons of trouble ’ have longed for the scenes of an innocent childhood ! A conscience burdened with crime will, in calmer moments, cleave to the rich fragrance of earlier days when the sun shone so brightly and the birds sang so sweetly and when the little trou bles could be washed away with childish tears or the blissful caress of a tender loving mother. “O, days of my childhood, will they no more return to cool this burning bosom with the breath of peace!” Such has been the wail of manv breaking hearts and tlie eclioes will reverberate through the world so long as “life has passion.” This is the dismal cry that will render the sweet test song of birds a series of discordant sounds. Even into act we perform, every word we the dark Blld glooIny pr j 80n ce U utter, pronouncing the verdict Hetty areen’a Philosophy. The richest woinsn in the world is reported t,o have said: “People aro always talking about secrets of success. There isn’t any secret to it. Success is doing the right thing and stick ing to it. If all would do their little part, just their keBt, even if it isn’t much, just as a blade of grass does the world would be a better place. This thing of waiting to play elephant is not wise. I have been asked what is more desirable than being the richest woman in the world. There is just one answer to that: It is to be the best woman in the world. “I believe the Lord intended women to be wives and mothers before all things, a helpmeet to man. Some men want women for ornaments, some for come rades and some for cooks. “I don’t believe in the die a way kind of love. It is moon shine, and most people marry un der the Bpell—I’ve known lots of them who would sell each other for 10 cents after the honeymoon 1 don’t believe iu divorce. A promise is a promise, and if you have made a bad bargain, why just make the best of it aud ev ery one will respect you. All the courage and endurance in this world is not displayed on the battlefield. “I never saw anybodv or heard of anybody who wits perfectly happy or sat isfied : just doing our duty is the nearest we can get to it. I believe in enjoying things just us they come along. 1 think too, that its a woman’s duty to take cure of herself and be as nice looking as site can. I was pretty when I was a girl and I kept the young men guessing then, just as I do the lawyers now.” A. J. OAMP, Councellor-At-Law, t j DALLAS, -' - - GA. The administration of estates in court of’ordinary a specialty. Will practice also in Superior and U. S. courts Dr- W. O. Hitchcock, Physician and Surgeon. DALLAS, GA. Office: Up stairs over Hitchcock & Cump's store. “right” or “wrong.” ooo Our fathers and mothers need all the kindness and sympathy we can ever give them. It does not only make the children brighter, but the older heads, whose locks are white from the snows of many winters, are in sore need of kind words. Per haps they have long ago laid all, or most all, of their loved ones tp rest, and their burdens seems will occasionally be wafted tlie fragrance of the flowers of child hood and a holy desire will steal into tlie heart and give a mo ment’s sweet peace, a taste of heaven. It is when the sweet and cooling springs of childhood have been poluted by the pas sions of the flesh that we realize our thirst and strive in vain to quench it. We dream of inno cent childhood, and through the darkness of a misspent life we see tlie angel smile of mother reater than they can bear.! and feel UDon our lips the breath How a word of sympathy and kindness helps them ! There is enough of gloom in this worhl without adding more by unkind of a loving kiss, we lisp our even ing prayer and receive a moth er’s benediction as we lay our tired body upon the snowy couch words and actions. Let us not smoothed by a loving hand The state convention of re tail grocers will meet at Fitz gerald July io and n. Hugh Atkins, a banker and prominent citizen of Mays- ville, died suddenly last week. Two children of W. L. Car ter, of Valdosta were shot to death by an unknown assas sin. Judge N. L. Huchens, one of Georgia’s prominent jurists, is dead at his home at Law rence ville. Secretary Phil Cook, of the state department, who has been ill for several days, is at his post again. The Georgia Educational Association wiil hold its thir ty-ninth annual session At Alli ens. June 26, 27 and 28. Governor Terrell lias offer ed a reward of $100 for the arrest of Ben H. Holland. Is wanted in Tatnnll county on the charge of murder. A charter has been issued to the Albany Trust Com pany of Georgia, which is capitalized at $100,000, and which is to be located in Al bany . • Capt. R. A. Nisbit, of Ma con lias been reappointed by Governor Terrell as a mem ber of the Confederate memo rial board for a term of five years. Whooping Cough In Jamaica. ,\tr. .1. Hili-y Bennett, iiclu-iniHt of Brown'* Town, Jiiinnii-ii, West India Island*, writes; “1 cannot *pcak too highly of Chamberlain'* rough Remedy. It Ini* proved Itself to he the best remedy for whooplngcough, which Ih prevalent on till* end of the globe. It ha* never failed to relieve In any case where I have recommen ded it, and grateful mothers, after using It, are daily thanking me for advising them.” This remedy i* for Hale by l)r. Cooper.' Tlie half-way house on the road to a man’s vanity is his comfort. It is always safer to flatter any- body ; even if it makes him sus picious of your purpose lie be lieves you. Found a Cure for Dyspepsia. Mr*. S. Lindsey, of Kurt William, Ontario, Canada, who lias suffered quite a number of years from dyspep sia and great pains in the stomach, wa* advised by her druggi*t to take Chamberlain'* Stomach and Liver Tablet*. She did sound says, “I find that they have done me a great deal of good. I have never had any suf fering since I began using them.” If troubled with dyspepsia or indiges tion why not take the tablets, get well and stay well? Sold by A. J. Cooper. W Early Risers The famous little pilla* Commissions have been is sued by Governor Terrell to Ira U. Baxter, George E. At wood, Sr., F. H. McFarland and John G. Legare as county commissioners of McIntosh county, they having been re commended by the grand ju ry- Governor Terrell has ap pointed Hon. P. D. Fhearouse judge of the county court of Effingham county, to succeed' Hon. E. R. Tarver, deceased. The appointment is for an unexpired term, ending Dec. 22, 1905, aud is made subject to confirmation. The laxative effect of Chuniber- IiiIii’k .Stomach aritl Liver Tatdets is so agreeable and so natural that you do not realize it is tile effect of a medicine. Sold by Dr. Cooper. Money to Loan. I am prepured to negotiate loans on im proved farms at 7 per cenl. interest on loans of #1,000 or over, and 8 percent in terest on sums less than one thousand dollars, by taking first mortgage oa farms offered as collateral. No comniasioas charged, but applicant must pay for ab stract of title and inspection fees. A. J. CAMP. seplg-Ctu Dallas. U*.