The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, August 10, 1905, Image 1

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Mm VOL. XXIII. Devoted to tlxe Uptouilding and Procreae of Dallas and Pauldlns County. » Dallas, Paulding County, Georgia, Thursday, August io, 1905 Number 3S Wll. S WlTHAM, President. \V. E. Spinks, V-Pres. R. P. Leonard, Cashier. The Bank of Dallas, ESTABLISHED 1699. Capital Stock... ,_ 0 . . .$25,000.00 Undivided Profits Y*V. 10,000.00 Total $35,000.00 A. HOME CIRCLE COLUMN — m " ■■■ ■ ' ' ■" A Column Dedicated to Tired Mother* A* They .loin the Home Home Circle at Even Tide—Crude Thoughts a* they Fall From tha Editorial Pen.—Pleasant Evening Reveries. life — -i NE MAN FOUND out that when he owed other people he paid them somehow. He he decided to owe himself money—ore dollarthe first week, two dollars the sec ond, three dollars the third, and so on to the tenth week. Then he drops back to a dollar. As fast as he collects his debts from himsilf he puts the money in the bank. Each ten-weeks term puts him ahead $55.00. “They talk about a woman's sphere, Am though It had a limit; There’s not a place Inearth or heaven There's not a task to mankind given, There’s not a blessing or woe, There’s not a whisper, Ves or No, There’s not a life, or death, or birth, That has a feather’s weight, Without having a woman In It." Nothing permanent wia ever gained in business, friendship or love by insincerity of word or act. Not infrequently we see motl. ers who mentally and physically antagonize their daughters, but their is a Spiritual law, as well as the law of good taste, which should compel a daughter to be respectful ami polite to her moth er, even if she cannot give her love or admiration. As king over the slat wart oak and lofty pine, the fig-tree would have been a dead failure, an 1 as of the dilligent maketli rich.” “A false balance is abomination to the Lord, but a just weight, is his delight.” The proper education of our girls is one of the important questions of the present, century. It. issimethingmore than a social problem and is deserving of our best thoughts. It is a pivil and political, a moral and religious problem. The presence of wo men constitutes one of the chief charms and benefits of society. It is she who far more than man gives character to society. Into her care have been entrusted the nation’s future statesmen, those wlm soon are to bo clothed with authority and to make laws for the greatest nation on the globe, as her education becomes a civil and political problem. Her gen tle presence as she bends over ll.e cradle at the silent influence You Must Sleep. If you cannot, it is due to an irritated or congested state of the brain, which will soon de- velope into nervous prostration. Nature demands sleep, and it is as important as food; it is a part of her building and sustaining process. This period of unconsciousness relaxes the mental and physical strain, and allows nature to restore ex hausted vitality. Dr. Miles’ Nervine brings refreshing sleep, because it soothes the irritation and re moves the congestion. It is also a nerve builder; it nourishes and strengthens ev ery nerve in your body, and creates energy in all the organs. Nothing will give strength and vitality as surely and quickly as Dr. Miles’ Nervine. "During the pnst winter I had two attacks of LaOrlopo which left me very weak, and in bad condition. I was so nervous I could not sleep. My wife, after trying different remedies, went for a doetor. The doctor was out. and a neighbor recommended Dr. Mills’ Nervine, and s’<e brought home •i "l utth . I had not slept for some time, and had terrible pains in my head. After taking a few doses of Nervine the pain was not so severe, and I siept. I am now taking the second bottle and am verv much improved.” HENRY M. SMITH, Underhill, Vt Dr. Miles’ Nervine is sold by your drunolst, who will guarantee that tha first oottle will benefit. If It fails, ha will refund y?ur money. „ , „ , Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Weak Hearts Are due to Indigestion. Ntnety-.nlne of svory I one hundred people who hsve heart trouble j can remember when it wee simple Indiges tion. It Is e scientific tact that ell cases of heart disease, not organic, are not only traceable to, but are the direct result of Indl- | gestlon. All food taken Into the stomach l which falls ol perfect digestion ferments end swellethe stomach, putting It up against the heart. This Interferes with the action of the heart, end In the course of time that delicate but vital organ becomes dlseised. Mr. D. Kauble. of Navads. O , says: 1 had stomach troubla and was in a bad stata as I had haart troubla with It. I took Kodol Dyapapala Cui * for about four months and (t cured me. Kodol Digests What You Cat and relieves the stomach of all nervous strain and the heart of all pressure. Battles only. J1.00 Size holdlnt 2*4 times the trial size, which Mill for 50c, Prepared by E. O. DeWITT AGO., OHIOAOO. Por sale by A. J. Cooper it Co. much out of place as some of our i °f l ,cr daily life are shaping the polititiansare in congress; hut for i entire moral character of the bearing tigs the oak and pi tie are | coming generation, and thus her education becomes a moral prob lem. No one is more fond of music than the writer, but life is too short for our daughters to spend years at the music table and then after all their culture be discounted by the ordinary canary bird. Every girl should lie given a good practical educa tion, a home education, but that does not mean how to use tho <1 ustpan and broom. It means more than the daily routine of housekeeping. The whole mind must he expended and disiplined by the study of Nature and her laws. CLUBBIN6 RATES. The New Era and Allanta Daily Joun- ; nal (both papers) one year for 40.00 The New Era and Atlanta Da'ly News I (both papers) one year for 44.00 The New Era and Ihe fwice-a-Week Atlanta Journal (bolh papers) one year for 41.25 The New Era and Tom Watsons Maga zine, 12B pages, (both papers) one year for .' 41.00 The New Era and the Twice-a-Week Globe-Democrat (both papers) one year lor 41 40 For further infoimntion call on or address, THE NEW ERA. Dallas, Ga. i A. J. CAMP, Councellor-At-Law, DALLAS, GA. ii—.e administration of estates in court dl ordinary a specialty. Will practice also in Superior and U. S. courts?; Dr- W. O. Hitchcock, Physician and Surgeon. DALLAS GA. Office: Up stairs over Hitchcock & Camp’s store. its inferiors. Bearing figs is the grandest thing in the world for a fig tree. It shines in its own sphere; but, stripped of its tig bearing power, it lias no excuse for existence. Sometimes a mother, who reigns a majestic queen in her own household, for sakes her quiet sweet ness of home rule for a noisy, rough, public career, for which she has not the slightest qualification. Of course there are no such mothers who are reuders of this paper, but we have seen them and so have v u. Some of us, especially the strictly orthodox Christians are likely to meet with great sur prises in the world to come. Each soul like each railroad engine must follow its own headlight. There are many tracks, but the Oreat Station awaits us all if we follow the headlight of our con science and live close to the Gol den Rule. Marriage is only beautiful, moral or holy while love rivets two hearts and peace and harmo ny broo Is over the hearthstone. The best trained teachers can never relieve the parent of the grave responsibility and Qod- given privileges of being the spiritual pride of the child. We wonder how many parents realize that their child is a book of blank paper in which shall be recorded the record of their own lives. Be careful therefore what you have written there l'or the world will read it. All your se cret thought the child will try to write. So long as men travel there will always be a sale and demand for guide hooks. We want to know the best road to the coun try we have not yet seen and all the particulars pertaining to it. The Bible, is a safe guide book that tells of an unseen country and how best to reach it. There would be more business integrity and truer success if our young men would carry in their pojkets and study the book of Proverbs. “He beconieth poor that dealetli with a slack hand, but the hand Curious Facts. There are eighty-six annual holidays in Russia. Over three hundred billion■ dollars are invested in subma rine cables by Great Britain. When the last census was taken tnere was one horse for every three persons in the United States. In time of war Russia puts 210 out of every 1,000 of her population in the field, France 370 and Germany 310. Since 1840 the world’s pro duction of meat has increased fifty seven per cent and the production of grain 420 per cent. The United States produces four tons of coal to each in habitant vaunually, but the average the world over is half a ton each. The ground upon which the Bank of England stands is valued at $250 a square foot. At that valuation the site is worth $32,707,000. The average man grows hair almost fifty feet long, nails twenty-three feet long and beard twenty-five feet long every seventy years. White jet is this year’s jew elry novelty in Europe. It is like ivory, but sparkles, and when carefully cut the effect is said to be dazzling. ITenry Marr, a farmer who lives near Bartholmew couuty, Indiana, is the personal cen ter of the population of the United States, according to the last federal census. The will of the late Gen eral Lew Wallace, famous as the author of “Ben Hur,’’ con tained just four sentences, in which all his property was left to his wife without con ditions. Mothers can (ind rust, and creation for themselves and make lasting impressions upon their children by taking them but in the twilight the sultry summer evenings and show to them 11 sky bespangled with stars. By what inconceivable power dqes that, aged star, which is sinking, fa tigued and burning in the shades of the evening, reappear at the same instant fresh and humid with the rosy dew of the morn ing? Go out beneath the arched heavens at night and say if you can “ There is no God.” Pro nounce that dreadful blasphemy and each star above you will ap proach the unbroken darkness of your intellect; every voice that floats upon the night winds will bewail your utter hopeless ness. That there is a God all nature declares in a language to plain to be misa[ prehended. It is written over the face of the whole creation. You see it the tender blade just starting from the earth in the early spring and in the sturdy oak that has withstood the blasts of four score winters. The purling rivulet ineadering through downy mead ows and vardant glens and Niag ara’s tremendous torrent leaping over its awful chasm unite in telling us of God. Show these beautiful arched heavens ta your children and explain to them these poets while their young nnnds are so tender and easily impressed. Sick headache results from a disordered condition of the stomach and is quickly cured by Chamberlain's stomach and liver tablets. For sale by Dr. A. J. Cooper. HOMEMADE PHILOSOPHY By FINNICKEY FINNUKIN. The deepest lake in the United Kingdom is Loch Mo ray, which is 1,017 feet deep. Only seven deeper lakes are known in Europe, four being in Norway and three in Italy. In Germany if a servant falls ill her mistress is not al lowed to discharge her. On the contrary she mus: f ay fif ty cents 11 day for her hos pital expenses until she is en tirely well. Statistics of the Austrian department of finance show that during ten yearif Aus trian and Hungarian immi grants to the United States sent 'home money to the amount of $552,000. There is not an army or na vy of a continental power in which Emperor William does not hold honorary rank, he having recently been appoint ed a captain general in the Spanish army. Instead of men making love, love makes men. The sanctified saiut is as impossible on earth as a sen ator in heaven. If some men didn’t go tfie dogs there would be no change of diet for the fleas. For a large majerity of peo ple it is very fori unate that the foci killer is omy a myth. Getting a start in life is three-fourths of the battle— providing you start youtself. We cannjrt go beyond the truth of things. Our dream ing and guessing about the unknowable changes nothing. Envy is such a common feature of ot\r, character that many of us arc full of it*with- out even suspecting the fact. The ‘‘fiery chariot” was the first idea men had of the automobile, and Elijah was the first to travel on a free pass. satisfaction in doing right, while wrong leaves a thorn in our thoughts that can neve; he drawn out. We climb over one difficul ty only to meet another, but must keep on climbing or al low the ditliculties to crush out our existence. An idle people drift into so cial crimes. A young man with a million dollars to spend does ten times more harm with it than good. The man who employs a barber to improve his com plexion, had better employ a school teacher to put some thing inside of his face. Not everybody is compelled to spit out the cherry stones; in many cases it regulates the bowels to swallow a small percentage of the seeds. One reason why men never try to Recent statistics show that out of every hundred alco holics attacked by pneumonia I der. seventy die, while out of every hundred non-alcoholics at tacked by the same disease only twenty-three die. so many kill two birds with one stone is be cause they never had ambi tion enough to get the stone. No nan is justified in kill ing a man because his wife loves him, nor in killing his wile because a man loves her. If God is love, love is too sa cred to be the cause of mur- For sunburns, tcltter and nil skiu and sculp diseases, DeWitt’s Witch lla/.el salve lias no equal. It is a certain cure for blind, bleeding, itching and protru ding plies. It will draw the tire out a burn and heal without leaving a scar. Roils, old sores, carbuncles etc., sre quickly cured by Ihe genuine DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Accept no substitute as they are otten dangerous and uncer tain. Sold by A. J. Cooper. We read books of theology, philosophy, astronomy, geol ogy, medicine and surgery; they lift us up on the dream clouds of the writer and show us beautiful visions that milt away with the last line, and leave us in the same old place —doubting and hoping. How true it is that the hope of something better sustains life. Pay your subscription.