The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, August 24, 1905, Image 1

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mdh Devoted to tlxe Uptoullrtlng and. Procresa of Dallas and Paulding County. VOL. XXIII. Dallas, Paulding County, Georgia, Thursday, August 24, 1905 Number 40 Paulding c„ Wm. S Witham, President. W. E. Spinks, V-Pres. R. D. Leonard, Cashier. The Bank of Dallas, ESTABLISHED 1899., Capital Stock .$25,000.00 Undivided Profits 10,000.00 Total $35,000.00 A. 0 1 NE MAN FOUND out I that when he owed other people he paid them somehow. He he decided to owe himself money—one dollar the first week, two dollars the sec ond, three dollars the third, and so on to the tenth week. Then he drops back to a dollar. As fast as he collects his debts from himsilf he puts the money in the bank. Each ten-weeks term puts him ahead $55.00. . HOME CIRCLE COLUMN & A Column Dedicated to Tired Mothers As They Join the Home Home Circle at Even Tide-Crude Thoughts as they Fall From the Editorial Pen.—Pleasant Evening Reveries. Periodic Pains. Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills are a most remarkable remedy for the relief of periodic pains, backache, nervous or sick head ache, or any of the distress ing aches and pains that cause womeh so much suffering. As pain is weakening, and leaves the system in an ex hausted condition, it is wrong to suffer a moment longer than necessary, and you should take the Anti-Pain Pills on first in dication of an attack. If taken as directed you may have entire confidence in their effectiveness, as well as in the fact that they will leave no dis agreeable after-effects. They contain no morphine, opium, chloral, cocaine or other dangerous drugs. “For a long tlmo I have suffered greatly with spoils of backache, that Fcem almost more than I can endure. These attacks come on every month, nnd last two or three days. I have never been able to get anything that would give me much relief until I be- began the use of Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Fils, and they alwpys relieve me in a short time. My sister, who suffers the same way, has used them with the same results." MRS. PARK, 721 8. Michigan St., South Bend, Ind. Dr. Miles’ Antl-Paln Pills are told by your druggist, who will guarantee that the first package will benefit. If It falls he will return your money. 25 dosee, 25 cents. Never sold In bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Indigestion Causes Catarrh of tHe Stomach. Per many year. II has baan supposed lhal Catarrh of tha Stpmxch.cspssd Indlgaatiaa and dyspepsia. but tha trutn la exactly tha opposite. Indlgsstion causes catarrh. Re pealed attacks at Indigestion Inflames the mucous membranes lining the stomach and sapoaealha nerves of tha stomach, thus caus ing the glands to secrete mucin Instead of tha Juices of natural digestion. This la called Catarrh of the Stomach. KmImI DyspsptI* Sara relieves ell inflammation of tho mucoua mejnbranes lining tha stomach, protects the nerves, and cures bad breath, sour rising*, a sense of fullness after eating, Indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach troubtsa. Kodol Digests What You Kat Make the Stomach Sweet. Bottles only, Regular size, 5 1.00, holding 2 Is times th, trial size, which sells (or SO cents prepared by E. C.OeWITT A CO,, Chicago, IM. Fur sale by A. J. Cooper & Co. ICoun DAlfsAS, J. CAMP, Councellor-At-Law, The administration of estates in court of ordinary a specialty. Will practice also in Superior and U. 8. courts!. CLUBBING RATES. The New Era nnd Allnnta Daily Joun- nal (both papers) one year for $0.00 The New Era and Atlanta Dally News (both papers) one year for $4.00 The New Era and Ibe fwice-B-Week Atlanta Journal (both papers) one year for $1.25 The New Era and Tom Watsons Maga zine, 128 page., (both papers) one year for $1.50 The Npw Era and the Twice-a-Week Globe-Democrat (both papers) one year lor $1 40 For further information call on or address, THE NEW ERA. Dallas, Ga. Dr- W. O. Hitchcock, Physician and Surgeon. DALLAS GA. Office: Up stairs over Hitchcock & Camp’s store. BY THE GATE. In a robe of lace and satin, With a sash of palest blue. With a picture Imt nnd roses— Hoses red and wet with dew; In the freshness of the morning I have often seen her wait. Drumming with her dainty fingers On the pillar by the gate. All In white and crown'd with blos- soins By the gate she stood one day, And she held bet- sweetest, roses That her hand could bear away From that cool and fragrant garden Where the sunlight kissed the la wn, Fragrant with the breath of heaven On that happy bridal morn. Still it seems I see tier standing, Sweet of form and fair of face; Weeds have overgrown the garden That her presence used to grace. By the gate which Is forsaken, Clings the ivy to the wall, And the roses there are fading— Those she loved the best, of ull. The majority of women do not require extravagant, pleasures to keep them hippy. All they want is a little attention and consider able thought. There are many sad wives all over the land who could he made happy hv knowing that one even ing each week was certain to bring them companionship of their husbands, and some pleas ant outing. The rough experience of the roaring, toiling, stormy world may blotout. all other things from the mind, but the picture of our early home must hang forever on the wall of memory, until the ‘silver cord be loosened or the golden bowl be broken.” A man may be rich in this world’s goods, influential through worldy power, great in the world’s ntagnificance; but there is no passession which anyone can call “my own” which can compare with that priceless of all precious possessions, “my mother.” The highest, need of human so ciety today is a bold and fearless spirit of individuality. Athous and years ago one could be con ■ervative and not fall behind the race. But now, while humanity rides on steam aud lightning one cannot afford| to imitate the clumsy gait of those who went through life on foot. Next, to religion, the sentiment is the strongest in the human heart. The mere men tion of home awakens all the better impulses of the heart. Many a darkened mind is dead to every appeal save that magic word “home.” The Jives of scores of hundreds who have been snatched as brands from the fires of temptations can tes tify to the magic-power of a sis ter’s early love, while the sudden remembrance of a mother’s “good night kiss,” has stayed the assassin’s dagger. In our most degraded dens of vice could an unseen hand write the name “mother” lips would quiver, and eyes would moisten with tears from those whose every impulse had seemed dead for years. works hard for their support he needs no other evidence that he loves them. Perhaps he does, but when he constantly reminds them of the expense they are to him aud seems to begrudge eyory dollar paid out to maintain home and support the family, he spoils the happinesa of the family circle by selfish thoughtlessness. naucuk’b work. Nature is a great economist. Site makes the most of every op- porumty, she works up all odds and ends. After you are wreck ed and useless she leaves the wreck upon the rooks or reef on which you were stranded, and hoists her signal of danger, as a warning to others. You lose your life, but nature wants to use you for a warning. You lose your health, but the tell-tales are left in your face to show the world how it went. If by drink, na ture hangs out as her sign a red distress, it may be, on your nose, n front, of your eyes, where you can’t escape it, and where every body you meet reads the terrible warning. Though your life is a failure, and you have beome use less, nature can still afford to keep you as an object-lesson to warn your follows. they are bleeding from some wound; what, they need is a broth er’s hearty hand shake, a loving voice saying, “God bless you, my boy, all is not. lost; your life is not gone; there are yet unwasted days in which you can win back a good name and an honorable place in society. Be a man, I’ll stand by you; you can count on me.” A patriotism that teaches the people or our country to hate the people of another land, is the evil soul of war and plunder. SHORT SERMONS. A man thinks he loves his wife and children and because he TRUK MANLINK8S. Every boy belongs to a man. Is may not be amiss to study the character of a true gentleman. What is a true gentleman? Manliness is a true-virtue, virtue means purity, purity means pow er. Never imagine that the swaggering braggar, is a power ful nun, or that such characters as Oorbett, Fitzsimmons, Sulli van or their tribe are ideal American ^citizens. The brag gart and bully is always a weak character. The true gentleman is strong. The man who endures and overcomes and lives to bless other lives is a true gentleman. The true gentlemen is not made out of clothes. Fine feathers do not make fine birds. So no art of the tailor can make a man out of a tough ly dressing him in a fine suit. Some of the men with the roughest exterior possess the truest and tenderest spirits, while some dressed in the height of fashion| are demons .jincranate. We like tho man with u sunny smile and a loving heart, an hon est voice, and a firm grip of the hand, a clear eye, keen-witted with boundless energy and a nev er failing smile, a man sincere, sublimity unselfish, inspired by a true warmth of heart. Give us suclj, a man obedient to the c aims of others, rather than the prim and pompous man whose heart has the frigidity of an iceburg. We believe what, we need today in the home and in the church and in business is not an austere and unbending Puri tanism, but a large-hearted cheerful spirited Christian broth erliness, inspired not by dollars, and acres, but by obedience to our highest and best nature. The man who encases bis life in business claims or wraps his be ing in a mantle woven out of sel fish acts can never save the world. What we want is sym pathy. There are many who have fallen in the tragedy of life; Fault finders are seldom faith ful. Love and pain are seldom far apart. Sanctification is salvation from ■elf. There is no pedagogy like that of love. The darkness awaits him who wastes the day. The long drawn frown only pulls men down. A world without pain would be without power. That which is irreverent must be irreligious. The brother’s burden is the Father’s business. , The river of life has something in it besides gush. Occopation i ■ inocculation against much temptation. The religious fan always thinks he is the whole field. Advertising our afflictions only increases their circulation. He cannot know success who does not delight in sacrifice. Thi* if never a wrong world to him who if right with ita heart. A man provea the aincerity of his doubts by his search for truth The only man is never eradi cated by becoming in an old woman. Many men suffer from taking their presentiments in the past tense. We must answer for our want of thought as well as our wanton thoughts. Prejudices are the most con vincing things in the world—to those who hold them. HOMEMADE PHILOSOPHY By'FlNNICKBY FINNUKIN. It was rather preposterous for mau to claim that he cre ated the big round earth, but he was never known to blush while claiming to be made in the very image of the great Creator of the universe. Mind precedes matter—the essence of life must be warm ed in the egg before the chick begins to develop into materi al body. Men go searching after truth the same as Prince de Leone searched for the foun tain of perpetual youth—it is a delusive dream. Many a grandily painted wagon runs on dog spindles, ana very often opr political leaders neglect to grease the cart of progress. —— Good resolutions need more winding up than an eight-day clock. The more money a man has the more he gets to believe in the impossibility of expressing piety in concrete terms. There is no way to maintain (lie health amt strength of mini! anil hoily except liv mi'irUliment. There is no way to nourish except through the stomach. The stom ach must lie kept healthy, pure and sweet or the strength will let ilowu and disease will set up. No apppellte, loss of strength,nervousness, headache.constipu- tion, bad breath, sour rising, rifting, indi gestion, dyupepstn nml all stomach troubles l hut are curable an quickly cured by tlie use olJKodol Dyspepsia Cure, Sold by A. J. Coo|ier. Nine out of ten men who have their price are not wprth buying. The pills that act as a tonic, mid not as a drastic purge, ure* Dewitt’s little early ribers. They cure heudacbe, constipation, bitliousnes, jaundice, etc. Early risers arc small easy to take, and easy to act. sold by A. J. Cooper. Never try to be more than you are, for, sooner or later, counterfeits are detected. The world’s greatest men grew upward frotai the lower classes, while the world’s meanest men grew downward from the upper class. —^— Once I believed that the “queen bee” was boss of the brood; now I know she is sim ply the mother of the family. —^— Some people have aches in their conscience, and so He have it all in their corns. The man who defends the rights of the common people is called a demagogue, but the man who defends the pub lic grafter is called a states man. Human sacrifice had its origin away down in pagan ism and it will never rise above its source. People who are influenced by their dreams are cheerful or despondent, according to the condition of their stom achs. The discontented never have the neighborhood running after them for help and encourage ment. For sunburns, tcltter unit ull skin and scalp diseases, DeWitl’s Witch Hazel salve has no equal. It is a certain cure for blind, bleeding, itching and protru ding piles. It will draw the tire out a burn and heal without leaving a acar. Boils, old aorea, carbunclea etc., are quickly cured by the genuine DeWitt’a Witch Hazel Salve. Accept no aubatitute as they are often dangerous and uncer tain. Sold by A. J. Cooper. I may be spiritually blind, but I cannot find any other sins in the world but those we commit against our neighbors and ourselves. For the sake of humor try to cultivate an agreeable laugh, and for the sake of beauty cultivate a pleasant smile. Don’t you often meet men who inspire you with a desire to hit them with a club? Sick headache results from a disordered condition of the stomach and i9 quickly cured by Chamberlain’s stomach and liver tablets. For sale by Dr. zU J. Cooper.