The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, January 09, 1908, Image 2

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FAST TRAIN A COMPLETE WRECK In a wreck on the Siutliem railroad between here and Hi ram Tuesday afternoon about 2:B0 o’clock, a number of people were seriously injured, two or more no doubt fatally. The wreck occurred at the treat le oyer Copper Mine creek, which is about three and a half miles from Dallas. The train was the third section of a tourist train out from Cincinnati and was composed entirely of Pullman cars and one bagpaKe car. It will probably never be kuown exactly what was the cause of the wreck, but it is said that the engine pulling the train was the heaviest ever used on a passenger train over this road, and that it was running very rapidly over the trestle. The engine was well over the trestle and two of the coaches had pass ed over before the collapse of the trestle. The trestle is a com plete wreck. It was of wood. The couches were hurled about into every conceivable position. One seems to have turned com pletely over and is on its side about lifty feet away from the road down below the embank ment which is about twenty feet high. The dining car, which had just crossod over the trestle, is turned side wise down the em bankment. Several people were in in this, and one lady verv se riously injured. It is impossible to give in de tail a description of the wreck; the timbers of the trestle are torn into fragments and scatter ed about in every condition, iron rails are twisted and bent, one having been forced through the window of a Pullman, the coaches broken and thrown about like by some demon of mighty power in a lit of wrath, On account of the lack of cour tesy on the part of the Master Mechanic of the road who wai present.nt the wreck, it is impos sible to give a full list of the names of those even who were badly hurt. A partial list fol lows: Jas O. Edwards, Engineer, of Atlanta, prolmhiy fatally in jured; Mote Baldwin the fireman was seriously and probably fatal ly injured; Mrs. Emma Hoover • •f Colmnbus, Ohio, seriously in- jucml; Mrs and Mrs. Win. Alder <it New York, injured in biok and shoulders; Mrs.J. A. Bart lett,‘Cleveland, Ohio, arm brok en ; Mrs. W. L. Alexander, of Canton, Ohio, seriously injured in head. For some unaccountable reason the relief train was delayed over three hours in reaching the scene. At the time of going to press (Wednesday morning) it was re ported that four of those iujured had died. Sunday School Work. SEABOARD RAILROAD IN HANDS OF RECEIVER Kichmond, Va.,Jan.2.—Judge Pritchard, of the United States circuit court of the eastern dis trict of Virginia, this morning entered a decree naming S. Da vies Warfield, of Baltimore, Md., and R. Lancaster Williams, of Richmond, Y r a., as the receivers of the Seaboard Air Line Rail way. Bond is required in the sum of !$i>0,000 each, conditioned on faithful performance of duty and with sufficient sureties to be ap proved by the court.. The receivers are fully author ized to take possession of all the property of the corporation, ‘*to continue the operation of Baid railway system and to run and operate the said railways and such other railway property as the company holds aud in such a manner as will in their judg ment produce the most satisfac tory results; to exercise the au thority and franchises of the complainant and to conduct sys tematically the business and oc cupation of a common carrier of passengers aud freight,” Kank Foolishness. "When attacked by a cough or a cold, or when your throat is sore, it is rank foolishness to take any other medicine than Dr. King’s New Dis covery,” says C. O. Eldridge, of Em pire, Ga.' “I have used New Discov ery seven years and I’know it is tho best remedy on earth for coughs anil colds, croup, and all throat and lung troubles. My children nre subject to croup, but New Discovery quickly cures every attack.” Known the world over as the king of throat and lung remedies. Sold under guarantee at Cooper’s drug store. 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Much has been said and written in the past few years regarding Sunday school, and Sunday school work; the best manner and methods of conducting the Sudav school work; tho relationship between the Sunday school and the church; all these things have been largely dwelt upon by the advocates of the Sunday school. Besides the several associations, at their annual mootings, set apart some little time for the discussion of this all Important subject. Through the press, from the pulpit, bv the field secretaries of the Sunday school, all have had their share of the work In pushing the work of the Sunday school to the front. Now, as to tho relationship be tween the church and the Sunday school. The church being a divine institution, established by the Mas ter Himself, for Hu suid, Thou art Peter and upon this rock will I build my church and t he gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Again, Peter says: We are built up an spiritual houso to offer up spiritual sacrifices, etc. We then conclude that the Sunday school Is only one line of christatn work, and properly conducted could be made very effective. For through the channel of the Sunday school with a proper esti mate placed on the work, and the right kind of enthusiasm manifested by the Christian people, the entire youth of our land could be enrolled In the Sunday School. Again. The Sunday school should ho officered by the mostdevout, con secrated members of our churches, men and women who place the prop er estimate on Christian duty, who are willing to make sacrifices for the Masters sako. Men and women who will ilse all the power of their influ ence in an effort to bring tho old and young into tho ranks of the Sunday school, fer the Sunday school prop erly managed Is only tho church at work. It Is the concert of action and concentrated forces of the Christian people to war against the adversary of the souls of men. And again. The Sunday school is a placo where every Christian can perforin some Christian duty. It affords a field of work that is wide in Its scope, whero men and women hoys and girls, can all do something In the veneyard of tho Master. But unfortunately we havo so many professed followers of Jesus Christ, that are looking for some noble or grand act to perform, feeling that un less they can do something of Hint nature their work wifi provofrultless and profitless, we need more humble Christians that will get doVn to the sir allest acts of kindness, that will speak kind words to the down-trod den and heart-broken; 'men and women that will be Instant in prayer, In Beason and out of season. Men and women who realize tho worth of immortal souls; men and women who will carry tho burdenB of their heart to God in prayer. And right down in the dust, of humility, with all tiie earnestness of their soul, with all tho fervency of spirit, pour out their soul to God In prayer for a lost and ruined world. Then In their every day walk live tho embodiment of that prayer. These are the kind of Christians it is going to take to evangelize the world. Those are the kind the great apostle would havo the church at Home to bo when ho said: “I be seech you, therefore, hrethem, by the mercies of God, that yo present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable sorvioo.” Tiie above admonition, coming from the great preacher, could have but one significance, and tliatwas, an earnest appeal to a more devoted and consecrated life, to be 1110:0 earnest and sincere in their worship to yield themselves wlioly and un reservedly to tho cause of tiie Mas ter. Tiie apostle no doubt saw in these bretliern a laok of Christian perfec tion, saw in them that careless and indifferent half hearted way that tiie most of the Christian people of to-day are rendering their service to God and feeling that they are at ease in Zion. The Saviour said: “Unless a man deny himself, take up his cross and daily follow me is not worthy to be my dcciplo.” Hence, wo see to ren der unto God tho service that would he pleasing in Ills sight, we must be up and doing with all our might that which our hands find to do. Seeking continually to drive sorrow and gloom from tiie life of those that are cast down, those that are distress eel c r oppressed either in mind or body, endeavor to put joy and glad ness, "For in as much as ye did it unto tiie least of one of these broth ren, evon so ye unto me.” H. T. P No need to fear coughs and colds year as you can obtain Bees Laxative Cough Syrup now from your dealer. This is good news to mothers who fear croup and whooping cough. It is a gentle laxa tive that cxpells tiie poison from the svs tem in the natural way. Cuts the phlegm and clears the head. Guaranteed a’. Dr, Coopi i’s drug stole. Great Money * Saving Club Offers •- Of Weekly and Monthly Papers and Magazines ■= The Most Liberal and Remarkable Otter ot This Kind Ever Made by Any Publication At a Largs Expense, to Increase Our Circulation and Also to Oive Our Subscribers and Friends the Best of Everything Obtainable, we Have Made Arrangements to Offer Them The Most Wonderful Clubbing Offer Ever Made, Np Hatter What Their Price May Have Beedl REMEMBER—'The season is at. hand for subscribing for your newspapers and magazines for the new year. This is the age of popular enlighten ment through tho products of the printing press. The family which is supplied with an abundance of good, clean, informing and entertaining literature is always in the process of self-education. The man. woman or child who Is reading good newspapers and magazines is going to school as truly as if enrolled in an institution of learning. Happy is the family which has an abundance of attractive reading matter always at hand to make hujne pleasant, and quiet the restfulness incident to childhood. To supply the universal American demand for high-class period ical litoratuse, wo have arranged with the several publishers interested whereby we can offer you the greatest club bargains ever made. Here Are the Hemarkable Clubs We Offer! All 'Well Known and from the North, South, East and West/ LOOK OI IP (IDFAT Magazine Club Offer! Look at this Remarkable List! Spare Moments, monthly, price 50o 28 to 40 Pages Dressmaking at Home, price 50c 40 to 60 “ Mothor’s Magazine, price 60c 62 to 60 “ Human Life, price 60c 86 to 48 “ National Home Journal, prlco 50c 86 to 48 “ Paris Modes Magazine, price 50c 60 to 86 ” THE NEW ERA, prlco 75c 8 to 10 “ Throe months subscilptlon to Cosmopolitan Magazine, N. Y., price 30c 160 to 200 “ SUMMARY—The New Era and seven great monthlies. Total of eight papers and magazines, with over 850 pages each month. Regular price $4.05. This club Is sold lo you for only $1.80. Can you secure such a bargain olsewhere? OUR WONDERFUL All Weekly Club Of the Best Known Papers in the U. S. The New Era, price 75c 8 to 10 Pages Weekly Nashville American, price 60c 8 to 16 " Weekly Chicago Prairie Farmer, price $1.00 20 to 80 “ Weekly Memphis Farmers’ News Scimitar, price ^ 26c 8 to llf “ St Paul Rural Weekly, price 25c 8 to 16 ‘‘ Chicago Weekly GoodaU's Farmer, price 26c 16 to 24 “ Dallas (Texas) Woekly Farmer, price $1 12 to 16 “ SUMMARY — Seven WEEKLY PAPERS. Regular price, $4.00. This club is sold,$o you for only $1.90. with 370 pages and over each month. It Is a big winner, Our Rural Route and (guntry Club Never Before Equaled and Never Will Be! Every paper stands at the very head of its class. In this Club Isa paper for each and every department of any and all farms and homes. Any one reading: all of them for one year will not only make but save hundreds of dollars. Others do, why not Ul The New Era, prlcoj75fc, weekly 8 to 10 Pages Rural Meekly, pric<r 26c, weekly..'. 8 to 16 Pages Oooodah'ii Weekly Farmer, Chicago, price 86c, w’kly. 10 to 20 Pages Kimball'* Dairy Farmer; Waterloo, Iowa, price 60c. semi-mouthly 82 to 40 Pages Home and Farm, Springfield, price 25c semi-monthly 24 to 82 Pages Or sen's Fruit Grower, Rochester, price 60c, monthly. 24 to 40 Pages Inland Poultry Journal, Indianapolis, 60u, monthly.. 62 to 80 Pages Apple Specialist, Quincy, price 60c, monthly 24 to 32iPages Farm News, Springfield, monthly, price 25c 24 to 80 pages SUMMARY—Nine great papers, Three weeklies, two semi monthlies and four monthlies. Their regular price is $8.75. This club is to you for only #1.80.' No offer of any kind, no matter where, could be such a bargain as this. Think of ft. Over 400 pages of vali reading matter each mouth in this club. EVERY PAPER GOES TO YOU FOR ONE FULL YEAR! sold valuable The Ills peculiar to women, take different forms. Some ladies suffer, every month, from dark rings round their eyes, blotches on their skin and tired feeling. Others suffer agonies of pain, that words can hardly express. Whatever the symptoms, remember there Is one medicine that will go beyond mere symptoms, and act on the cause of their troubles, the weakened womanly organs. Wine of Cardui Mrs. M. C. Austin, of Memphis, Tenn., writes: "For five (5) years I suffered with every symptom of female disease, but after using the well-known Cardui Home Treatment, I was entirely welL” li/DITF IIC A I FTTFD ' v, J , « ,0 ?*>'* or ‘ , .(™* copyo * v f lu * bl * 6, 7 pa » ,lllu ’ rtr ‘ ,,,dBoo, '» 0 'W«n«n. If you need M*J- WKIIC Uj A LlI ILK Application For Charter. Georgia, Paulding County. To the Superior Court of said county; The petition of D. C. Paris, \Y. O. Hitchcock. J. N, flay, J. T. Carter, T. F. Lester, W. II. Clay, J. L. Clay, W. T. Harper, K. W. Dean. \V. W.Hunt, L. A. Moon and T. B. Kendall hereinafter and for the purpose of this petition known as peti tioners shows tho following facts: 1st. That petitioners are all citizens of said county. 2nd. That they desire for themseLves, their associates, successors and assigns to be incoi- po-ated under the laws of said state as a Tele phone Company. Urd. The purpose for which petitioners ask to be incorporated us aforesaid is reconstruct, equip, own, maintain and operate a telephone line, “as authorized by law,” in, through and across the counties of Paulding, Douglas, Polk Bartow and Cobb of said state. Said line or lines to be constructed, equipped, maintained and' operated from Dallas via Sudie and Browiuville to Douglasville; from Dallas via Puinpkluvine and Binbrys to Villa liica; from Dallas to Hiram and Lost Mountain; from Dallas to ltockmart; from Dallas to Acwortli and Cartersville. ‘ ' 4th. The name of the proposed corporation to be “PARIS TELEPHONE COMPANY.” 5th. The Capital stock of said proposed cor poration to be One Thousand Dollars, to be di vided into one huudred shares of Ten Dollars each', which sum of one thousand dollars has been paid in. 0th. Petitioners ask the privilege of increas* ing the capital stock of said corporation from time to time to any sum li'ol in excess of Twents-Five Thousand Dollars as may "be 'nec essary to construct, equip and maintain said proposed telephone lines, or either of them, divided Into shares of $10 each. 7th. The priueipa. office of said proposed corporation to be at the residence of D, C. ■aria, about two miles south of Dallas, or at such other place in said county of Paulding as the directors of said corporation may direct, 8th. Petitioners ask the right to sue and be sued, as such corporation, and for all other and further rights as may be necessary for the purposes incidental, pertaining tool* necessary for the construction, equipage and maintain ing of said proposed lines. 9th. The term for which petitioners ask to be incorporated is Twenty Years with right of renewal. Wherefore petitioners pray to be made a body corporate under the name aforesaid, en titled to all the rights and privileges and im munities and subject to all the liabilities Ax ed by law. A. L. BARTLETT, Petitioners Attorney. Georgia, Paulding County. I, W. J. Baker, Clerk Superior Court, do here by certify that the foregoing is a true copy of original now of Hie in my office, Jan. 6th, 1908. W. J. BAKER, Clerk Supr. Court. A Boy or a Girl Can Earn as Much as a Man. \Ve want boys ftiut girls who wai:t to earn money to solicit subscriptions for the Atlanta Semi-Weekly Journal. Don’t hesitate because you are young, as you can do this work as readily as older persons and we will pay you just the same. The Semi-Weekly Journal is the best known semi-weekly newspaper in the south, and your spare time spent working for it • will pay you handsomely, not in toys, watches or other small wares, but in cash. In addition to cash commission, we are offering seven hundred and fifty dollars ($750.00) in prizes. This money will be sent out iu time for Christmas. The contest closes December 15th, 1907. Tonsilitis is swelling and inflammalion of _ w foe glands al foe side of foe ihroaLjV* ■Slodav’s LdiYinverd: used as a qarqle and applied lo foe outside of the throat reduce.™ foe swelling and gives instant relief. For Croup, Quincy Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pain in Chest or Lungs this liniment is unsurpassed Sloans Liniment is indispensable when travelling because it is ► penetrating, warming, soothing, tooling and antiseptic. Price 25t,50tSHOO Or.Eori S. Sloon, Beaten. Moss.U.S.A Don’t Delay! Call at Our Office or Send Your Order in by Mail! This Offer is ,Good to All Old as •' Well As New Subscribers. Remember each paper In overy club Is the best of its kind published. We have been very careful In making up our clubs so that each paper would bo a and that every paper would give complete satisfaction. To any business man, farmer, manufacturer or family, the market reports are alone worth tho price of the entire club. The NEW ERA is proud to be able to offer to its patrons clubs of tills' kind, composed of such representative papers and magazines, and we can say to each and every one that our offer is worth many times the priee of the clubs and that no one will make a mistake in taking advantage of them. Remember this Offer is Only For a Short Time. Don’t Let Your Opportunity Pass! The New Era, Dallas, Ga. Notice. The Board of Education of Paulding county is called to meet Friday,the 10th Inst. This, Jan. 6, 1908. J. S. Turner, C. S. C. BOOKKEEPING COURSE, -$3;00 p : ei month; Shorthand course, $3.00pel month; Telegraph course, unlimitec scholarship, $30.00. Write SOutheri Business College and School of Tele graphy, Newnan, Ga.