The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, January 16, 1908, Image 2

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■ Albertville, Alabama. Editor Near Era: Will you kindly allow me space in your valuable paper for a short letter, as I am a I’auldingite and love Georgia together with the New Era, which is a welcome visitor to our home. This is a fine farming country. The land is somewhat rolling,but very productive and free of rocks. Sand Mountain is described as a plateau, stretching from north east to southwest, a distance of more than ono hundred miles, and varying from fifteen to thir ty miles in width, with the trans parent waters of the Tennessee river llowiug along its western base. The people are industrious, frugal and hospitable. Their homes are nice with garners full of grain and barns full of food stull’. They have an ample amount of pride, not aristocratic, and not the backwoodsmen, ub we are supposed to bo by some. Here and there the mountain is dotted with villages, whose merchants are striving by econo my and justice to mako a living, aud to supuly the wants of the busy husbandman. Among the towns Albertville is the largest. It is a town of 8000 inhabitants, and is situated on the N. 0. & St. L. railroad. Here is located the seventh dis trict agricultural school. We al so have a city school, an oil mill, two gins, saw mill, grist mill and plaining mill, and will be ready to can fruit by summer. The standard oil company is prepar ing to erect a tank here. Albertville has two banks, six warehouses, two drug stores, two furniture stores, two hardware stores and 25 or 80 stores of gen eral merchandise. Guntersville, the county seat of Marshall county, is situated at Gunters landing on the Tennes see river. I would advise all my friends in Paulding, who contemplate moving, to come to Sand Moun tain. It offers greater induce ments than most older sections. Land is worth from 10 to 50 dol lars per acre. Water is as good as any couutry can afford. So ciety is as good as the best. No whiskey sold near here. Mar shalls, constables and sheriffs have the poorest living of any class of people, not enough fees to support them. Success to the New Era and its many readers. Gkouqia Bov. Politics is Barred. Make It Yourself. There is so much rheumatism here in our neighborhood now that the following advice bv an emiueut authority, who writes for readers of a large eastern daily paper, will be highly ap preciated by those who suffer: Get from any good pharmacy one-half ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion, one ounce Compound Kargon, three ounces Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla. Shake these well in a bottle and take in tea spoonful doses after each meal and at bedtime; also drink plen ty of good water. It is claimed that there are few victims of this dread and torturous disease who will fail to find ready relief in this simple home-made mixture, and in most esses a permanent cure is the re sult. This simple recipe iB said to strenghten and cleanse the elimi native tissues of the kidneys fo that they can filter and strain from the blood and system the poisons, acids and waste matter, which cause not only rheuma tism, but numerous other dis eases. Every man or woman here who feels that their kidneys are not healthy and active, or who suffers from any urinary trouble whatever, should not hesitate to make up this mixture, as it is certain to do much good,and may save you from much misery and suffering after while. Our home druggists say they will either supply the ingredients or mix the prescription ready to take if our readers ask them. The great battleship fleet is to be pilotted through the Straits of Magellan by an ex-member of the confederate navy. He is Capt. E. F. Green, now connect ed with the United States army transport service. Capt. Green is GO years old, and has made seventeen trips through the Straits. He was a pilot and nav igator in the confederate navy throughout the civil war. The actual passage of the Straits will occupy about forty-eight hours. Capt. Green will go ahead of the fleet in a torpedo boat and show the channel. Kodol For Dyipupala aud Indigestion is the result of a scientific combination of natural dlgestants with vegetable acids and contains the same juices found In a healthy stomach. It fa the heat remedy known today for dyspepsia Indigestion and all troubles urlsfug from a disordered stomach. Take Kodol today. It is pleas ant, prompt and thorough. Sold by Dr. Cooper. Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 0.—The mass meeting of the Farmers’ Educational and Cooperative Un ion, which convened here Tues day, adjourned sine die tonight after adopting the following res olutions : “That any man holding office in the Farmers’ Union who de sires to run for any political of fice, either county, state or na tional, shall first resign his office in the Farmers’ Union. “That any mau now holdiagau office in the Farmers’ Union, and at the same time holding a poli tical office, shall be asked to give up his political office or resign his office in the Farmers’ Union. “That we denounce and con demn future gambling in farm products. “That we believe in dealing only in bona fide contracts. “That we ask the national con gress to enact such law's as will abolish aud prohibit future gamb ling in farm products.” They demand a law by which all money shall be issued by and under the direct control of the government and the immediate abolition by congress of the fed eral bureau for the distribution of free seeds. It Does The Business. Mr. E. E. Chamberlain, of Clinton Maine, says of Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. “It does the business; I have used it for piles and it cured them, Used it for chapped hands and it cured them. Applied it to an old sore and it healed it without leaving a scar behind.” 26c. at Cooper’s drug store. Application Tor Charter. Ueorgla, Paulding County. To the Superior Court of said connty: The petition of D. C. l’arifl, W. O. Hitchcock, J. N. Hay, J. T. Carter, T. F. Lester, W. H. Clay, J. L. Clny, >V. T. llarpcr, K. W. Dean. W. W.uunt L. A. Moon and T. B. Kendall hereinafter and for the purpose of this petition known as peti tioner shows the following facts: 1st. That petitioners are all citizens of said county. ‘Jnd. That they doslro for themselves, their associates, successors and assigns to be Incor porated under the laws of said state as a Tele phone Company. 8rd. The purpose for which petitioners ask to be Incorporated as aforesaid Is to construct, iqulp, own, maintain and operate a telephone line, “as authorized by law,” In, through and across the counties of Paulding, Douglas, Polk Bartow und Cobb of said state. Said line or lilies to be constructed, equipped, maintained and operated from Dallas via Budle and Browntville to Douglasville; from Dallas via pklnvine and KmbryS to Villa Rica; from Dallas to Hiram and Lost Mountaiu; from Dallas to Itockmart; from Dallas to Acwortb and Cartersvillo. The name of the proposed corporation to be "PARIS TKLKPIIONK COMPANY.” 5th. The Capital stock of said proposed cor poratlon to be One Thousand Dollars, to be dl~ ided into one hundred shares of Ten Dollars aeli, which sum of one thousand dollars has been paid in. Petitioners ask the privilege of increns ing the capital stock of said corporation from time to time to any sum not in excess of Twents-Fivc Thousand Dollars as may be neo-‘ essary to construct, equip and maintain said proposed telephone lines, or either of them, divided Into shares of $10 each. 7th. The principal office of said proposed corporation to be at the residence of D. C. Paris, about two miles south of Dallas, or at such other place in said county of Paulding ns the directors of said corporation may direct. 8th. 1 Petitioners ask the right to sue and be sued, as such corporation, and for all other and further rights as may be necessary for the purposes incidental, pertaining to or necessary for tiie construction, equipage and maintain ing of said proposed lines. Nth. Tiie term for which petitioners ask to l»e incorporated is Twenty Years with right of renewal. Wherefore petitioners pray to be made a body corporate under the name aforesaid, en titled to all th»' rights and privileges and im munities and subject to all the liabilities fix ed by law. A. L. BARTLETT’, Petitioners Attorney. Georgia. Paulding County. I. W. J. Baker, Clerk Superior Court,do here by certify that tiie foregoing is a true copy of I original now of ille In my office, Jan. (Ub. 1908 ] W. J. BAKER, Clerk Supr. Court. Money * Saving Club Offers ekly and Monthly Papers and Magazines al and Remarkable Offer of This Kind Ever Wade by Any Publication At a Large Expense, to Increase Our Circulation and Also to Give Our Subscribers and Friends the Best of Everything Obtainable, we Have Made Arrangements to Offer Them The Most Wonderful Clubbing Offer Ever Made, No Matter What Thei Pricer May Have Been! REMEMBER-^The Henson in nt limit! for subscribing for your newspapers and magazines for the new year. This is the age of popular enlighten ment through tiie products of the printing press. The family which is supplied witli an abuudance of good, olean, informing and entertaining liternture'lH always In tiie process of self-education. The man. woman or child who is rending good newspapers and magazines is going to school as truly as'if enrolled in an institution of learning. Ilnppy is the family which has an abundance of attractive reitding matter always at hand to mako homo pleasant, and quiet the restfuliiess incident to childhood. To supply the universal American demand for high-class period ical Iitoratuse, we have arranged with the several publishers interested whereby we can oiler you the greatest club bargains ever made. Here Are the Remarkable Clubs We Offer! JHl Well Known and from the North, South, East and West! LOOK ni IP flPFAT Magazine Club Offer! Look at this Remarkable List! Spare Moments, monthly, prico 60c 28 to 40 Pages Dressmaking at Homo, price 50c 40 to 60 “ Mother’s Magazine, prico 60c 62 to 80 “ Human Life, price 5Ue .' 86 to 48 “ OUR WONDERFUL All Weekly Club Of the Best Known Papers in the U. S. The New Era, price 76c 8 to 10 Pages Weekly Nashville American, price 60c 8 to 18 “ Weekly Chicago Prairie Farmer, price $1.00 20 to 80 “ Weekly Memphis Farmers’ News Scimitar, price 26c 8 to 16 “ Paris Modes Magazine, price 60c 60 to 85 “ THE NEW ERA, price 76c 8 to 10 “ Three months subscription to Cosmopolitan Magazine, N. Y., price 80o 150 to 200 “ SUMMARY—The New Era and Beven great monthlies. Total of eight papors and magazines, with over 860 pages eacii month. Regular price 94.05. This club Is sold to you for only |1.90. Can you seenre such a bargain elsewhere? St Paul Rural Weekly, price 25c 8 to 16 “ Chicago Weekly GoodaU's Farmer, price 25c 16 to 21 “ Dallas (Texas) Weekly Farmer, price fl 12 to 16 “ SUMMARY — Seven WEEKLY PAPERS. Regular price, (4.00. This club is sold to you for only |1.00. It is a big winner, with 370 pages and over each moutb. Our Rural Route and (suntry Club Never Before Equaled and Never Will Be! Every paper stands at the very head of its class. In this Club is a paper for each and every department of any and all farms and homes. Any one reading all of them for one year will not only make but aave hundreds of dollars. Others do, why not U! The New Era, price 76c, weekly 8 to 10 Pages Hural Weekly, price 25c, weekly 8 to 16 Pages Gooodall's Weekly Farmer, Chicago, price 26c, w’kly. lfl to 20 Pages Kimball's Dairy Farmer, Waterloo, Iowa, price 60c. semi-monthly 82 to 40 Pages SUMMARY—Nine great papors, three weeklies, two semi monthlies and four monthlies. Their regular price is |8.75. This club is sold to you for only 91.80. No offer of any kind, uo matter where, could be such a bargain as this. Think of ft. Over 400 pages of valuable rending matter each month in this club. EVERY PAPER GOES TO YOU FOR ONE FULL YEAR! Home and FarmTSpringfield, price 26c semi-monthly 24 to 82 Pages Onen’s Fruit Grower, Rochester, price 60c, monthly. 24 to 40 Pages Inland Poultry Journal, Indianapolis, 60c, monthly.. 52 to 80 Pages Apple Specialist. Quincy, price 50c, monthly 24 to 82 Pages Farm News, Springfield, monthly, price 26c 24 to 80 pages Don't Delay! Gall at Our Office or Send Your Order In by Mail! This Offer is Good to All Old as Well As New Subscribers. v , ; Remember each paper in every club is the best of its kind published. We have been very careful in making up our clubs so that each paper would bn n representative ono ancl that every paper would give complete satisfaction. To any business man, farmer, manufacturer or family, the market reports are alone worth the price of tiie entire club. The NEW ERA is proud to be able to offer to its patrons clubs of this kind, composed of such representative papers and magazines, and we can say to eacii and every one that our offer is worth many times the price of the clubs and that no one will make a mistake iu taking advantage of them. Remember this Offer is Only For a Short Time. Don’t Let Your Opportunity Pass! The New Era, Dallas, Ga. You naturally would prefer to treat yourself at home, for any form of female trouble, wouldn’t you ? Well, it can be done. No, reason why y be able to relieve or cure done, by proper use of the our suffering, as thousands of other women have your suffering, Cardui HomeTr Home Treatment. Begin by taking yyou should not ther Wine of Cardui the well-known female tonfc._For sale at all drug stores.: Jo« Moorhead, of Archibald.!. T.. writes: "My wife hadsuffered for years from female trouble. On your advice. I gave her the Cardui Home Treatment, and now she hardly suffers at all." Sold by druggist*. WDITF l!C A I FTTFD ,Swl?. t0 2 iy SjL? ,re * copy ** illuslrsttd Book for Women. If you VV 1(11L Uj Jt LCI ILK Addra!- 4 udiK***• * nd rf ply wm ** Mnt ln p,otn * Aflflresi. Ladies Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Chattanooga. Tenn. A Sprain or Strain must have immediate attention F Sloans Liniment is invaluable in an emergency of This Kind. It quickly relieves the soreness and congestion, reduces the swelling and strengthens tne weak muscles. Because of its antiseptic and healinq properties, Sloans Liniment is the best remedy known for cuts.wounds.bruises stinqs.burns and scalds. PRICE 25* 56* & il.00. Dr.Earl 5.Sloan* .Boston, Mags. nwd Mtdlul sealed envelope.