The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, January 30, 1908, Image 7

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GREAT REDUCTIONS! On all my stock of China, Glassware, Vases, Cutlery, Toys, Clocks, Watches, and Household Articles of numerous kinds «<<««*« For 60 Days 1 Will Sell My Stock at 20 Per Cent Off You will he surprised at the great values to he found at my store. Call and let me show you some bargains. If you can appreciate a bargain when you see it, you will he interested, ttittxitx S. M. St. John, : Dallas, Ga. z Local News. ~ CONSULT DR. G. E. SEWELL, Tm Lkadinu Dbntist Dr. Knowles was in Dallas Tuesday. Mr. E. Davis spent Monday in Atlanta. Mrs. J. D. McFarland is ill with grip, Mr. Hugh Watson is at home with mumps. Mr. G. J. Spinks spent Sunday with homefolks. 1 Squire J. R. Lawrence was in Atlanta Monday. Read our remarkable clubbing offer in this issue. Dr. W. O. Hitchcock spent Monday in Atlanta. Mr. J. B. Hill spent the first of the week in Macon. For cotton seed meal and hulls call on W. A. Cole & Son. Coal—When you want coal promptly delivered phone 00. Judge and Mrs. A. L. Bartlett spent Wednesday at Brownsville. Miss Nell Spinks had the “din ner grafters” with her to dinner Sundiy. Mr. Jas, Holland expects to move his family to Dallas at an early day. Miss Clara Moon spent the week end with Miss Howell at McPherson. “Uncle” Robert Meek and wife, who have been quite ill, *re improving. Mr. H. Y. Walker, of Atlanta, spent Sunday with his brother, Mr. R. R. Walker. Strengthen your.mail route by taking advantage of our low priced dubbing offers. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Hill spent Sunday with the latter’s mother, Mrs. E. Watson. Miss Hallie Moore, who has been visiting Dallas friends, left Monday for a visit to Rome. Look up our clubbing offers > and subscribe now. The most liberal offer ever made id (his ! section. Mr. Jesse Abercrombie, of Douglasville, was the guest of bit son, Dr. T. F. Abercrombie, the first of the week. Miss Willie Johnson and Mr. Milton Henderson were married the 18th inst. The marriage was a quiet affair, only immediate relatives being present. The young couple will make their 'home in Dallas. The New Era wishes them every good wish. Mr. O. W. Russom is going to farm this year. Mr. Clyde Spinks spent Sun day with homefolks. Mr. Roy Sanders, of Atlanta, spent Sunday at home. Mr. Ira Hudson spent Sunday in Dallas with homefolks. Mr. Cle've Phillips, of Atlanta, spent Sunday with homefolks. Rev. A. S. Hutoheson filled the pnlpit at the Methodist ohnrch Sunday. Col. R. E. L. Whitworth was over from Draketown the first of the week. The Woman’s Missionary So ciety will meet at the Methodist ohnrch Saturday afternoon. * Misses Bertie and Martha Bone are guests of their mother, Mrs. Henry Bone, who lives near town. Mr. Herschel Bennett, of At lanta, spenTthe week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K Bennett. We have deposit boxes for val uable papers, jewelry, etc., for rent. $1.00 to $1.60 per year Commercial-Savings Bank, Dal las, Ga. Miss Reba Edmondson was the charming hostess to a number of friends Saturday evening. The “dinner grafters” were the special guests of Miss Edmond son. In this issue you will find the announcement of Rev. J. F. Adams for tax collector. Mr. Adams is one of our best citizens and would make a splendid of ficer. Mia Mary Moore, of Atlanta, Miss Hallie Moore, of Meadow Brook, were the charming guests of Miss Reba Edmondson and Miss Nell Spinks the latter part pf the week. Rev. W. E. Crew announces in this issue for county treasurer. He is in every way qualified to make a good officer, and the county’s interests would be safe iu his hands. Oh the morning of January 22nd Rev. A. S. Hutchinson was called to the bedside of his fath er who died very suddenly at his home in Savoia. He was in his seventy-sixth year and leaves eight children, all of whom are grown. The first quarterly conference of the Dallas circuit for the en suing year will be held at Dallas M. E. church on Monday morn ing, February 17th. The presid ing elder, Rev. 6. B. Ledbetter, will preach on Sunday, Feb. 16. A full attendance of the official members of the circuit is ear nestly requested. Sympathy for the Editor. The editor of the New Era hae been kept away from his duties for three weeks on account 6t sickness. We regret to know* that he suffered severely for a great part of this time, but are glad to relate that now he is able; to walk about, and has been atf the office onoe or twice recently May his wanted strength soon re turn to him. Mr. Walker’s illneu whs made 1 sad to him and his sufferiiigd! ‘ were intensified by the death of his mother on the 21st bf this ‘ month at Gartersville. His moth er had been il) for some time, and just before he was taken with his recent illneu Mr. Walk er was at her bedside for several days, but at the time of her death Mr. Walker was too ill to be able to go to her. It is sad to lose a mother when one can be at her bedside and minister with loving hands to her, but the cruelest blow is when one would fain be able to minister and watch at the bed side of the dying one, but is pre vented by his own severe illness. The editor’s many friends will join us in expressing sincere sympathy for the loss of his mother. A Friend. Notice! We grind both corn and wheat every day in the week (except Sunday). You need not trouble to shell your corn—we shell it for you free of charge. So when you are coming to town, just put in a turn of corn or w'beat—no wait ing or delay at our mill. Try us with your next turn. We guar antee satisfaction. Dallas Mills, Gso. W. Coopir, Mgr. Order. Tilled the Heme Day A. Received Woodward & Lothrop Quick and Satisfactory Service Guaranteed. 10th-1 th F. & G. Sts., Washington, D. C. It will b« UDDecetMry for you to go through a painful, expensive operation for piles if you use ManZan. Put up In collapsible tube with noazle, ready to ap. ply to the soreness and inflammation. For any form at piles, price 50c, guaran teed at Cooper’s drug store. - 1 Wantxd — Good farm hand, single man preferred, to live in house with my family, to do gen eral farm work, tend to stock and work about store. Will pay a good price for a'good hand, sorry one need not apply. S. W. Rags dale, Dallas, Ga.. Route 8. The birthday dinner given by Miss OUie Lawler on. Sunday, last, was an enjoyable event. There were many guests invited and the dinner prepared was greatly enjoyed by all present Those invited were Misses Onice Parris, Lillie Elliott, Lena, Dora and Effie, Roberson, Vijmie Cain, Lena Fuller, Nora and Cl&fa Babb, Frankie Cooper and Eqla Owen, Mr, and Mrs. O. M. Hen derson, Messrs. Cleve Phillips, Charlie Lee, Clifford and Marion Bone, Grover Couch, Ben and Emmett Lester, Henry Hender son and Howell Rogers. It Does ThefBusiness. / t Mr. £, S. Chamberlain, of Clinton, Maine, Ssays of Bucklenls Arnica Salve. “It does the business; I have use'd it for piles and it cured them. Used it for chapped hands and it cured them. Applied it to an old sore and it healed it without leaving scar behind.” 25c. at Cooper’s drug store. Shaka in a Bottle. Now is the time when the doc tor gets busy, and the patent medicine manufacturers reap the harvest, unless great care is tak en to 4™** warmly and keep the feet dry. This is the advice of an old eminent authority, who says that rheumatism aud kidney trouble weather is here, and also tells what to do in case of an at tack. Get from any good prescription pharmacy one-half ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion, one ounce Compound Kargon, three ounces Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla. Mix by shaking in a bottle and take a teaspoonful after meals and at bedtime. Just try this simple home-made mixture at the first sign of rheu matism, or if your back aches or you feel that the kidneys are not acting just right. This is said to be a splendid kidney regulator, and almost certain remedy for all forms of rheumatism, which is caused by uric acid in the bipod, which the kidneys fail to filter out. Any one can easily prepare this at home and at small cost. Druggists in this town and vi cinity, when shown the prescrip tion, stated that they can either supply these ingredients, or, if our readers prefer; they will com- pojhnd! the-mixture for them/ TTito Is Worth Remembering. Whenever you have a cough or cold Uit remember tost Folbyta rlloney and Tar will.cure It. Do not risk your health by taking anv but the genuine. It la in a yellow.package. A. J. Cooper. ' No need to fear coughs and colds this year a»iyou 'cao obtain -Bees Laxative Cough Syrup now from your dealer. This Is good news to mothers who fear crour ana whooping cough'. It Is a gentle lax. live thiit cxpella the poison from the sys tem in the natural way. Cuts the phlegm and clears the head. Guaranteed at Coopt r’s drug store. Application For Charter. Georg}. ^Paulding County. To the Superior Court of said connty; The petition ot 1>. C. Parts, W. O. Hitchcock, Hay, J. T. Cartel,,!. K. Lester, W ,.H. Clay, J. Li Clay, W. T. Harper, K. W. Dean. W. W. Hunt, L. A. Moon andT. B. Kendall hereinafter and for the purpose of this petition known as peti tioners shows the following facts: 1st. That petitioners are all citizens of said connty. 2nd, That they desire for themselves, their associates, successors and assigns to be lncor- po-ated under the laws of said state as a Tele phone Company. 8rd. The purpose for which petitioners aBk to be Incorporated aB aforesaid Is to construct, equip, own, maintain and operate a telephone Dress Goods Department THE NEW SPRING OF 1608 HIGH-GRADE WASH MATERIALS. We Me showing advance foreign and domestic novelties, Including in part David and John Anderson’ Bootoh Zephyr Ginghams. The beet cloth made, A full line of olasslo staples and latest novelties—all fast eolors, 112 Inches wide. 45c and 50c the yard. * FRENCH PRINTED EFLEURE High-art paintings on a sheer, orlsp voile foundation. 80 inches wide. 50c the yard. FRENCH ORGANDIE LISSE Pretty floral printings oa white ground. 80 Inohes wide. 40c the yard. FRENCH NEBULEUSE TRAVERS Handnoino printings In striped effects. 80 In- 60c the yard. A new Freneh fabric, ohes wide. PRINTED INDIA MOUSSELINE. Very sheer fabric, printed in artistlo designs, in figures and stripes. Ik) Inches wide. 60c and 65c the yard. PRINTED TISSUE NERISSA odd and attractive printings. 27 50c the yard. A very sheer half-silk fabric, with Inches wide. EMBROIDERED SWISSES Double width, whi&t and tinted grounds, embroidered in delicate col ors. Very handsome and exclusive material. 75c to $2.50 the yard. SILK DEPARTMENT NEW BPRING OF 1008 PRINTED FOULARDS.—The collection is The indications are that foulardu will play a very Important part In women’s attire the coming season. lint, “as authorised by law,” in, through and across the counties of Paulding, Douglas, Polk Bartow and Cobb of said state. Said line or lines to be constructed, equipped, maintained and operated from Dallas via Sudie and corporation to be at the residence of D. G. Paris, about two mllen south of Dallas, or at such other place In said county of Paulding aa the directors of said corporation may direct. 8th. Petitioners ask the right to sue and bo Browntvjlle to Douglasville; from Dallas via gued, as such corporation, and for all other Pumpklnvlne and Krabrys to Villa Rica; from ^ n( j f Ur ther rights as may be necessary for the Dallas to Hiram and Lost Mountain; from purpoHeH incidental, pertaining to or necessary Dallas to Rockmart; from Dallas to Acworth f or the construction, equipage and maintain- and Cartersyllle. Ing of said proposed lines. 4th. The name of the proposed corporation wth. The term for whloh petitioners ask to to be “PARIS JKLKPHONK COMPANY.” be Incorporated Is Twenty Yeara with right of 6th. The tiapital stock of said proposed cor- renewal. po ration to be Orte Thousand Dollars, to be dl Wherefore petitioners pray to be made a Tided into one hundred shares of Ten Dollars body corporate under the name aforesaid, en- eaeh, which sum of one thdusand dollars has titled to all the rights and privileges and im- been paid in. munitles and subject to all the liabilities fix- it.h Petitioners ask the privilege of lncreas ed by law. A. L. BARTLETT, Ing the capital stock of said corporation from , Petitioners Attorney. time to time to any sum not in excess of ~~ Twenta-Flve Thousand Dollars as may be nec- Georgia, Paulding County, essarv to construct, equip and maintain said I, W. J. Baker, Clerk Superior Court,do here- proposed telephone lines, or either of them, by certify that the foregoing is a true copy of divided into shares of f 10 each. original now of file in my office, Jan. 6th, 1006* 7th. The principal office of said proposed W. J. B'iKKR, Cl$rk flupr, Ooarb