The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, March 12, 1908, Image 2

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+ + + + + + + + 4 m 5 , + + , H' * ANNOUNCEMENTS J tax ooxaidctoix T O the voters of Paulding county I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of lax col lector for said county and promise, if elected to faithfully ami efficiently discharge the duties of the office. Yours to serve, Franklin P. Hudson. 1 HEREBY announce myself a can didate for tax collector of Pauld ing county subject to the coming primary. 1 solicit the votes of my fellow citizens, assuring them if elected to faithfully and conscion- tinuHly discharge the dntias of the office HENRY W. Brown. O the qualified voters of Paulding countv: I hereby oiler myself as a candidate for tax collector sub ject to the coming primary. The re cent sickness anil death of my wife having left mo with three little chit iiren to support, causes me to take tills action, and any assistance from any one will be doubly appreciated W. P. Spink's. T O the rotors of Paulding county: I announce mvself a candidate for the office of tax collector, sub ject to the white primary, and so licit yoiir support, promising if elect ed to'execute my duties to the host of my ability. J, E. Adams. 1 TAKE this method of announc- subject to the primary. jjioks. I HEHEBY announce my candid acy for tax receiver of 1 aulding county, subject to the primary. 1 lost all ol Iasi year on account of sickness and will appreciate the sup port of every voter. W. T. Hollis. T O the voters of Paulding county: I hereby announce myself a can didate for tax receiver, subject to the coming primary. Being unable to work for the last two years and have a large family to support. Ah i cannot canvas the county over as I would like to. I hope the voters will consider this a personal conversation Anv assistance wlU bo appreciated If electod will faithfully discharge my duty. W. O. Adbrhold, W E are requested to announce W I. Fain’s candidacy for clerk of the superior court, snbjectto the action of the primary. I HEHEBY announce my candida cy for re-olectlon for clerk of the superior court of Paulding county, subject to the primary J1UKKR T O the voters of Paulding county: After thanking the good people of Paulding county for past favors, I announce myself a candidate for tax collector, i ubject to the primary, for a second term. Don’t think it asking too much for a man 56 years old, born and raised In tills county and never held an office of any kind before In life. I feel assured that 1 have done all things well, and If ro- elected I promise to do so again. L. E. DuhhaM. ( HEREBY announce myself a can didate for tax collector, suhjoct to the coming primary, and If elect ed I Vill doubly appreciate all that is done for me and make a good of ficer for all of the people of Paulding county. Now boys, if you will help me this time, I will help some other poor, needy man the next term, as I am compelled to plow for an honest living. I hope you will tako this as a personal conversation. Your true friend. A. L. Worthan. I HEHEBY announce myself a candidate for tax collector, sub ject to the coming primary. I ask the people for the office this time as I nave an invalid wife who has been confined to her bed for nine years with paralysis, requiring a great deal of my time waiting on and caring for her to the neglect of labor to nmko a support. As I am confined at home on this account, I will not be able to see all the voters, so take this as a personal appeal to you for your support. W. T. Garner. TRBASURKR I HEHEBY announce my candida cy for re-eleotlon for the office of sli or ill of Paulding county subject to the primary. My deputies will be Alonzo Furr and A. B. Colbert. j. T. Griffin, ORDINARY I HEREBY announce my candid acy for ordinary of Paulding county, subject to the democratic primary.J. Rout. Colh. 1 HEREBY announce myBolf a can didate for the office of ordinary of Paulding county, subject to the ooming primary. Henry 8. Bullock. I HEHEBY announce my candida cy for re-oloctlon to the office of ordinary ot Paulding county, sub- ect to the primary election on the 1th day of June. Respectfully, . " E. Choker. HlflPHESBNTATIVRl ( HEREBY announce myself a can dldate for representative from Paulding oounty, subject to the primary to be held June 4th, and promise if norr. Itiated and elected to represent the people to the best of my ability. G. W. Helms. I HEHEBY announce my candid acy for re-election as representa tive In the legislature from this county, subject to the June primary Thanking the voters of the count) for the honors already rocelved and respectfully soliciting your support In the coming primary. Respectfully, T. B. Kendai before you for treasurer. Not able to work. Hope you will give ine your support Jerry M. V. Matthews. I HEHEBY announce my candi dacy for re-election for the office of county treasurer, subject to the action of the white primary. I thank my friends for past favors. T. J. ttWEN. I HEHEBY announce myself a can didate for treasurer of Paulding county. If nominated I promise faithful and efficient service. I will appreciate the support ami influence of every voter. W. E. Crew. 1 HEREBY announce myself a can didate for treasurer of Paulding county. As I cannot canvass the county as 1 would like to, I hope the voters will consider this as a per sonal conversation. Y'ours for faithfulness, W. 1 J . WlOLKV. STATE TREASURER T O the democratic voters of Geor gla; I am a candidate for treas, uror of this state subject to the democratic primary on June 4th My candidacy is based upon my for mer service to the peoplo in this of fice covering a period of more than twenty yearB—a record that I be lieve will bear public scrutiny and which has never been Impuged. If elocted I promise the same faithful attention to the duties of the office that marked my previous adminis tration. Yours truly, Wm. J. Speer. Wood were the guests of Miss Myrtie Cain Sunday. Misses Maggie Gable and Election of ' offi- Mr J’ tiu .^ain spent Sunday night with Miss Minnie Mob ley. The Sunday school at New Georgia was very well attend ed Sunday. Prof. J. L. Parker has pur chased a new mule. Miss Beulah Coalston spent few days with her sister, Mrs. Lizzie Pace, last week. Mrs. L. B. Mobley visited Mrs. M. G. Mobley Monday. Calvin Puckett visited Tal- uiage Palmer Sunday. Levi Sanford and family visited Will Camp and family Sunday. Prof. Parker closed his school at this place last Wed nesday. and Having Sunday School,” with special reference to pres ent day methods, p. m. cers. 1:30 p. m.—Report from field secretaries and superin tendents. 2:30 p. in.—Address by Geo. W. Andrews. “The Most Practical Work for the Pres ent.” 8 p. tn.—Address by Joseph Broughton. “How to Make an Evergreen Sunday School and Keep it So.” THURSDAY. 9 a. m.—Devotion exercises led by J. V. Hart. 9:15 a. m.—Discussion by the delegates on our needs and liow to meet them; led by H. L. Turner and Gordon Ez. zell. 10 a. in.—Address by Jos Broughton. 11 a. m.—Address by||Rev. L. T. Reed, of Cedartown, Subject, “What a Pastor can do in Sunday School.” 1 p. m.—Address by R. D. Flynt. “The Young Man’s Place in Sunday School and Out.” 1:45 P* m> —Address by L. T. Reed. 2:30—“Wliat We Should Accomplish in a year,” led by S. Freeman, J. S. Garner and A. A. Heath. at Hiram, Route 1*. The health is very bad this writing in this communi ty- We are having some fine weather for farming now. The entertainment at H. N Williams’ was enjoyed by all present. Sallie and Burma Hendrick spent Saturday night with Mrs. H. N. Williams. Vera and Vassie Clonts spent Sunday with Bessie Kennedy. Rev. Hutchinson preached at Flint Hill Sunday. Howard Guess spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Estes T O the voters of Paulding county: I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of county treaRurerJfor said oounty, and prom ise, if elected, to serve the people faithfully, and efficiently discharge the duties of the office. M. It. Adair. I HEHEBY announce myself a can didate for the office of county treasurer, subject to the coming primary, and earnestly solicit the support of every white citizen of Pauldingcounty, and if elected prom ise to disclmrgo the duties of said of fice to the best of my ability. Yours over ready to serve, W, M. Hitchcock. TAX RECEIVER I HE RED * announce my for tax receiver, subject to the white primary. If elected will fill the office to the host of my ability. O. M. Whiley. I HEREBY announce myself a can didate for tax receiver, subject to the primary. I never held a coun ty office, and think I am worthy of your support, and will appreciate your help in the race. J H. N. Haoin. Sunday School Convention. Following is the program of the Sunday school conven tion of our association. Let every one take notice, and don’t forget that to pray for the convention is your duty Begin to prepare now. Mr. Superintendent begin today to work on your report and get as good one as you can. Let us hustle. Don’t forget that these con ventions are held, not to en tertain the folks, but for the betterment of the working forces. So, Mr. Worker, you are the one we are after. You are welcome, with the rest of those who may want to come R. E. L. Whitworth, Reba Edmondson, H. L. Turner, Program Com. W E are requested to announce the candklacv of J. F. Ditfee for tax receiver, subject to the primary. He has a desire to serve the people in this capacity, and offers himself for the nomination. He is yours ever ready to serve. T O the voters of Paulding county: In making iny announcement for the office of tax receiver T make no other claim upon your sufirage than that of the long continued Ill ness of my wife, which causes me to ask your assistance. T. appeal to my fellow citizens to consider same and give me vour support. Assuring you a faithful and efficient, nerformance of duty. I am yours truly. J. A. Mobley. Program of the Tallapoosa Baptist Sunday School Con vention, at New Caanan Bap' tist church July 29 and 30, 1908: 10 a. m.—Devotional exer cises led by T. C. Coalson. 12:15—Reading of letters from the various Sunday schools. Enrolling of dele gates. 11 a. m.—Address by Evan, gelist Geo. W. Andrews. Sub ject, “Playing Sunday School Same Day At Received Woodward & Lothrop Quick and Satisfactory 10th-11th F. & G. Sts., Washington, D. C. Hay. Rev. J. J. Williams preached a very able sermon at Zion Sunday Rev. Wm. Mosley also made an interesting talk. On account of having moved to Alabama Mr. Williams has re signed the care of the church at Zion and Rev. J. M. Wommack has been called to serve the church. Ben Williams and family, of Dallas, attended church at Zion Sunday. Several of our citizens who went to Atlanta last week to buy stock report them very high. We are glad to say that we have no serious sickness to report in our neighborhood a( present. Sloan Barber who has been veery sick is improving. Dr. Beall has purchased a new buggy and a very nice young horse with which to visit the sick. We hope that our readers will not allow themselves to grow care less as to renewing their subscrip tion in accordance with the late ruling of the postoflSce depart rnent. Special Offering of Sprinted jffalf Silk 97fo use line 7)e Soie 25c the yard. Value> 37*c Fresh, crisp new goods in spring of 1908 designs and print ings. Artistic floral patterns of pink, heliotrope, light blue, green and yellow, on a white embroideried dotted silk ground work. A dainty, pretty material that will build into most ef fective evening gowns. Will also make ideal frocks for pres ent wear at Palm Beach, Ormonde and other southern winter resorts. Shadow batiste At 18c the yard. Value, 39c. t fine and sheer material, with small floral designs, figures and printed on white ground. A collection of very dainty and pretty A dots _ patterns, Special Sale of Snylish jConycloth We offer 2,600 yards 36 inch English Longcloth for women’s fine undergarments and infants’ wear at 15c the yard. Former price, 20c. Special Values in Poys* and 2/ouths* Shoes We recently secured from a prominent manufacturer two lots of boys’ and youths’ shoes, which we offer at very special prices, as fol- LOT 1—Boys’ and Youth’s box calfskin shoes, Blucher cut, with Goodyear welt sole. Neat and attractive shoes made for hard wear. Sizes 1 to 6 1-2, B, G, D and E lasts. $3.35 a Pair. Value, $3.00 LOT 2—Boys’ and Youths’ box calfskin shoes, Blucher cut, with Goodyear welt sole. Well-made and well finished shoes, especially desirable for school shoes. Sizes 1 to 6 1-2, B, C, D and E lasts. $3.00 a pair. Value, $3.50 Also Misses and Children’s button and lace shoes, of dongola kld- skln and box calfskin, with patent tip or tip of same, and good strong soles; sizes 8 1-2 to 10 1-2. Pair *1-60 ^Practical Corsets for Seneral V/ear Corset “H” Girdles, wide tape, elastics attached $1.00 “Ideal" Girdles, batiste, well boned, top trimmed with torchon lace and ribbon 1.00 Corset “H” coutil, short hip, low buBt, elastics attached 1.00 W.C. C. Corsets, soutil, long and short hip, medium bust, elastics attached ••••••• L00 C. B. Corsets, light-weight coutil, medium hip and buBt, elastics attached L00 W. C. C. Corsets, coutll high bust and long hip; also high bust and short hip; elnstics attached 1.60 Corset “H” coutll, low bust, long hip, elastics attached 1.60 J. B. Corsets, ooutll, high bnst, long liip, elastics attached 1-60^ TRADEMARK. MADE, WITH JlSif Cains. Arthur Robertson who has very sick is improving. L. B. Mobley and wife visi ted the latter’s parents Sun day. Miss Maude Robertson was the guest of Miss Myrtie Cain Sunday. Several from here attended the singing at Pine Ridg< Sunday afternoon. Miss Minnie Mobley was the guest of Miss Maggie Gable Sunday. Homer Parks was the guest of Miss Cora McClung Sun day. M. G. Mobley and wife spent Sunday with J. R. Cain and family Sam McClung and family attended preaching at Concord Saturday. Misses Lillie and Ethel REGISTERED For’ twenty-three years the standard of the South THE I the old time fish guano. F. S. Royster Guano Co* Norfolk, ,Va. The Ills peculiar to women, take different forms. Some ladles suffer, every month, from dark rings round their eyes, blotches on their skin and tired feeling. Others suffer agonies of pain, that words can hardly express. Whatever the symptoms, remember there Is one medicine that will go beyond mere symptoms, and act on the cause of their troubles, the weakened womanly organs. Wine of Cardui Mrs. M. C. Austin, of Memphis, Tenn.. writes: “For five (5) years 1 suffered with every symotam of female disease, but after using the wen-known Cardui Home Treatment, I was entirely welL” WDTTF I1C A I FTTFD a# «-*•*« Uliutr«t«d Book for Women. 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