The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, March 19, 1908, Image 2

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Dailey’s Grove. The health of our commun ity is not very good at this writing. James Clark and wife visit ed homcfolks Saturday night. Dellia and Ophelia Stewart spent the day with the Misses Wood Sunday. Arthur Sewell tilled his reg ular appointment Sunday. We are glad to learn that T. B. Clark’s little daughter, Alice, is able to attend school again. Bill Sewell made a business trip to Iliram Saturday. Bill Sewell and his son, Arthur, made a business trip to Atlanta Thursday. F. B. Clark mad? a Hying trip to Iliram Thursday. J. T. Dailey went to Dallas Friday. Misses Sallie Roper and Kit- tie Norton were the guests of Ruby and Willie Clark Sun day. We are sorry to learn that Adolphus Malone’s little daughter, Connie, is out of school on the account of sick ness. Hope she will be able to attend again soon. Mrs. Lelia Stewart spent Friday with Mrs Dailey. Mrs. Lucy Jones spent Thursday with Mrs. Bill Sewell. Prof. T. H. Starr’s wife and little son, Glenn, visited J. T. Dailey’s folks Thursday and Friday. Loyd Garmon filled his reg ular appointment Sunday. Walter Iluly aud wife, of Atlanta, visited homefolks Saturday and Sunday. Jessie Starr spent Sunday with Bessie Wood. Dailey’s Qrove School. Those whose names appear have made qo% and upward in the monthly review for February: ist Grade—Alma Sinyard, Glenn Denton, Robt. New, Bryant Fuller, Joe Wood. 2nd—‘Lthel Lawler, Tlios. Clark, Monroe Clark. 3rd—Ophelia Stewart. 4th—Guy Meek. 5th—Connie Malone, Wal ter Malone, Ruby Clark, Lil ian Dailey, Mattie Seals, \vil- lie Clark, Grady Fuller, Vee' Norton, 1 Willie Henderson. 6tty—Jennie Wood, Ruby Dailey, Millicent wood. ytil—Roland Denton, Rich ard Dailey, Gordon Sinyard, lithe Iluey. T. H. Starr, teacher. Kemp were married last Sun day. we wish them much joy. Some of our farmers are be ginning to haul out fertilizer. Look out for a good crop. B. L- Gunnell and family wer ■ the guests of J. A. Pick ett Sunday. Albertville, Ala. Mr. Editor: If you will al low me space in your valuable paper 1 will try to write a few lines We take the New Era and 1 enjoy reading the letters very much. First I want to say a few words in behalf of our coun try. We live 011 Sand Moun tain, in Marshall county, six miles from Albertville. I like the country and people all right, in fact, you can’t find no better people. Now let me say a few words to our young people, and es pecially the young church members: Did you ever go to a dance, and what profit did you obtain? Of course you will have to say none. Well, now you say it is no harm, but I say it • is. Christ says in one place in the new testament, “follow me.” Did Christ ever go into a ball room? You must say no. What do we find doing? We find him teaching the people the way and plan of salvation, healing the sick and comfort ing those that have need of being comforted, but we never find him in a ball room. Then of course therc is some harm done. Now, you say it is wrong to do what Christ says not to do. Well isn’t it just as wrong not to do what he says do? Then if He says “follow me” and you go to a dance aud He didn’t go to them you are net following Him are you? Now church members sup pose you take the advice of “a friend” that appeared in last issue, and take your hymn book and sing those good re ligious songs aud pour your heart out to God, help some poor, sinful wretch to turn from sin and seek salvation, aud then go home rejoicing, and I think you will feel much better than if you had been to a dance. Now in my closing remarks let me heartily endorse all that Minnie Leggette said, and say to her, write again With best wishes to the New Era atid its many read ers T will close. Rufus Ogle. Home You naturally would prefer to treat yourself at home, for any form of female trouble, wouldn’t you? Well, it can be done. No reason why you should not be able to relieve or cure your suffering, as thousands of other women have done, by proper use of the Cardui Home Treatment. Begin by taking Treat ment Wine of Cardui the well-known female tonfc._ For sale at all drug stores^ Joe Moorhead, of Archibald, 1. T„ writes: "My wife had suffered for years from female troubfei On your advice, I gave her tho Cardui Home Treatment, and now she hardly suffers at alL" Sold by druggists. ’ J-20 h/niTE ||C A 1 CTTPD Write today for a free cow o# valuable 64-pea* illustrated Book tor Women. H you need Medical If Kl 1 C Li3 A LL 1 1 LK AMc*. describe your lymplonu, tutlng Iff*, and reply will he sent tn plain Mated envelope, eeueea* w Kial Addreat: Ladle, Advlaory Dept.. The Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Chattanooga, Tern. 4* + 4* + * 4* * T * 4- 4* * Jannouncements! 4* 4* *V 4- 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* sm:m i-'i^ I cv for iv-i'IitI inn thu office of 1 win-rlir of I’auhling county Hiihji-ot, to the primary. My deputies will be Alonzo Fun mid A. I! Colbert. .1. ’I’. OKI KKIN. IIHIIINAUV H KRKIJY announce my candid acy Tor ordinary of Paulding county, subject to the democratic J. Hollr. Com:. primary I II ERJCIIY announce myself a can didate) for tbo offleo of ordinary of Paulding county, subject to the coming primary. Hknky S. Hui.i.ook. I HEREBY announce my candida cy for re-election to the olllce of ordinary ot Paulding county, sub ject to tlie’primary election on the 4th day of J line. Respectfully, B. E. Ckokkb. w E are requested to announce the candidacy of J. F. Ditfee for tax receiver, subject to the primary. He has a dcstro to serve the people In tills capacity, and offers himself for the nomination. Ho is yours ever ready to serve. I TAKE this method of announc ing my candidacy for the oillce of tiix receiver of Paulding county, subject to the primary. J. T. Hicks. 1 HEUEDY announce my candid acy for lax receiver of Paulding county, subject to the primary. J lost all of last year 011 account of sickness and will appreciate the sup port of every voter. W. T. Hollis. Orders Filled the Same Day As Received Woodward 8c Loth rop Quick and Satisfactory Service Guaranteed. I0th=llth F. & Q. Sts., Washington, D. C. O the voters of Paulding county: Tn making my announcement for tlie olllce of tax receiver I make no other claim upon your suffrage than that of the long continued i 11- ss of my wife, which causes me ask your assistance. T appeal to my fellow citizens to considcr*same and give me your support. Assuring yon faithful and efficient performance if duty. I am yours truly, • J. A. Moblhy. W E are requested to announce W. I. Fain’s candidacy for clerk of tlio superior court; subject to the action of tho primary. HEREBY announce, my candida cy for re-election for clerk of tlie superior court of Paulding county, subject to tlie primary. W. J. Baker. Roxana. AM a candidate for the olllce of clerk of superior court of Pauld ing county, subject to the pri mary If elected to tills olllce I shall endeavor to he 110 respecter of iiersons in tlie discharge of my of ficial duties, Jmt to tlie best of mv skill and ability make you a faithful and eflleiont olllce. Your support and liidnonce will bo greatly appre ciated. Titos. C. COOl’KH. Tlie health of our, couiniun ity is good at this writing. Jim Carruth and Miss Eflle booh. Williams were joined in the boly bonds of matrimony last Thursday and left Sunday for Augusta, Ga., where they wrll reside. We wish them much joy. The birthday dinner given bv Ralph Wigley was highly enjoyed by all present. Look out for another wed ding soon. Sam McMichen was the guest of Miss Jennie Prewett Sunday afternoon. Quite a large crowd from this place attended the sing ing at New Hope Sunday and report a nice time. WiU Prewett was the guest of Miss Nora Thompson Sun day afternoon. Cleve Fuller and .Miss Ma- bell Lindsey were out riding Sunday, and also Ralph wig- ley and Miss Nan Prewett. will Guess, of Harmony Grove was the guest of Miss Esther wigley Sunday. Amos Buford was the guest af Miss Rhoda Shipp Sunday. Lon Jarmon and Mrs. Lula Copper Hill. The health of this commun ity' is good. Snowdep and Luther Wells went west again Sunday after- Must be something up John Campbell and family were guests of J. T. Aber nathy' and wife Sunday. A. aud C. C. Cochrau were iu our beat Sunday. Andrew ’Abernathy and John Ball were guests of J.H Campbell Sunday. Bud McGregor was the guest of J. M. Kemp Sunday John Kemp and John Camp bell visited the educational special Friday and report very instructive and interest ing trip. We hope there will be enough candidates run to make it interesting. Why don' somebody announce for office? O the voters of Baubling county: 1 hereby announce myself a can didate for the olllce of tax col lector for said county and promise, if elocted to faithfully and eiilciontly discharge the duties of tlie olllce. Yours to serve, Franklin P. Hudson. HEREBY announce myself a can didate for tax collector of Pauld ing county subject to tlio coming irimary. I solicit tlie votes of my ellusv citizens, assuring them if elected to faithfully and conscien- iously discharge tho dutins of tlie oillce. Hunky W. Brown. TREASURER O tho voters of tlio county: I am before you for treasurer. Not able to work. Hope you will give mo your support. Jhhky M. V. Matthews. HEREBY announce my candi dacy for ro-oloction for the oillce of county treasurer, subject, lo tlie action of tlie white primary. 1 thank my friends for past favors. T. J. Owen. HEREB Y announce myself a can didate for 'treasurer of Paulding county. If nominated i promise faithful and efficient soryice. 1 will appreciate Min support and Influence every voter. W. E. Crew. HEREBY announce myself a can didate for treasurer of Paulding county. As 1 cannot canvass the county as 1 would like to, T hope tho voters will consider this ns a per soual conversation. Yours for faithfulness, W. P. Wtqlky. O the voters of Paulding county I hereby announce myself as 1 candidate for tlie oillce of county treasururjfor said c(fruity, ami prom Isc, If elected, to serve tlie people faithfully, and efficiently dischnrg tlie duties of tlio office. M. R. Adair. Hereby announce myself a candi date for I lie office of county treas urer. subject to tlio primary. My health lias been bad for tho past four years ami I am not able to perform manual labor. I earnestly solicit your voto and iniluoiice and promise, If elected, to give my very best ef forts to servo you. .1. M. Embry. 1 HEREBY announce myself a can didate for tlie office of county treasurer, Biibject to tlio coming primary, and earnestly solicit tlie support of every white citizen of Pauldiiigcounty, and if elected prom lse to discharge tlie duties of said of fice to the best of my ability. Yours ever ready to serve, W, M. Hitchcock. tax keckiveh I HERE BY announce my candidacy for tax receiver, subject to tlie white primary. If elected will till tlie office to tlie best of my ability. O. M. Wigley. Cures Blood, Skin Diseases, Cancer, Greatest Blood Purifier Ijjree. If your blood is impure, tliin, diseas ed hot or full of humors, ify ou have blood poison, cancer, carbuncles eating sores, scrofula, eczema, itctdng, risincs aud humps, scabby, pimply s~.u, bone pains, catnrrak, rheumatism, or any blood or skin disease, take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) Soon all sores heal, aches and pains stop and tlie blood is made dure and rich. Druggist or by express $ 1 per large bottle. Sample free by writ ing Blood Balm Co , Atlanta, Ga. B. B. B. is especially advised for chronic, deep- seated cases, as it cures alter ail else Jails. I HEREBY announce myself a can didate for tax receiver, subject to the primary. T never held a coun ty office, and think I am worthy of your support, and will appreciate your belli in tlio race. H. N. Haoin. T O tho voters of Paulding county T hereby announce myself a can didi^te for tux receiver, subject to tlie codling primary. Bying unable to work for tlie last two years and have a large family to support. As 1 cannot canvas the county over as T would like to. I hope tlie voters will consider this a personal conversation. Any assistance will lie appreciated. Tf elected will faithfully discharge my duly. \Y. C.JAdekiiold. TAX COLLECTOR to the qualified voters of Paulding county:. T hereby offer myself as a candidate for tax collector sub- ct to tho coming primary. The re cent sickness and death of my wife having left me with threo little chil dren to support, causes mo to take tills action, and any assistance from any 0110 will be doubly appreciated. W. P. Spinks. T O tho voters of Paulding county: 1 announce myself a candidate for the office of tax collector, sub- act to tho white primary, and so- lelt, your support, promising if elect ed to" execute my duties to tho best of my ability. J. F. Adams. ik After thanking tlio good people of Paulding county for past favors, T announce myself a candidate for tax collector, mbjuct to tho primary, for a second term. Don’t think it asking too much for a mail 55 years old, born and raised in tills county and never held an office of any kind before in life. I feel assured that i have dono all tilings well, and if re elected I promise to do so again. L. E. DuhhaM. I HEREBY announco myself a can didate for tax collector, subject to tlie coining primary, and if elect ed I will doubly appreciate all that is done for me and make a good of ficer for all of the people of Paulding county. Now boys, if you will help me this time, I will help some other poor, needy man tlio next term, as I am compelled to plow for an honest living. I hope you will take this as a personal conversation. Your true friend. A. L. Wortiian. HEREBY announce myself a candidate for tax collector, sub ject to the coming primary. I ask tho people for tlie office this time as I nave ail invalid . wife who has been confined to her chair for nine yoars with paralysis, requiring a great deal of my time waiting on and caring for her to the neglect of labor to make a support. As I am confined at homo on this account, I will not bo able to see all tlie voters, so take this as a personal appeal to you for your support. W. T. Garner. REPRESENTATIVE I HEREBY announce myself a can didate for representative from Paulding county, subject to the held June 4th, and promise if nominated and elected to represent the people to the best of my ability. G. W. Helhs, I HEREBY announce my candid acy for re-election as representa tive iu tlie legislature from this county, subject to the June primary. Thanking the voters of tlie county for the honors already received and respectfully soliciting your support in the coming primary. Respectfully, T. B. Kendall. STATE TREASURER T O the democratic voters of Geor gia: I am a candidate for treas urer of this state subject to the democratic primary on June 4th. My candidacy is based upon my for mer service to tlie people in this of fice covering a period of more than twenty years—a record that I be lieve will bear public scrutiny and *Dress Sooc/s fync/erpriced We submit for your consideration the following sev eral lots of colored and black woolen dress fabrics. They were purchased from the manufacturers at great price concessions, and liave been proportionate reductions.. Fancy Dress Fabrics A variety of spring designs, in cluding tlie very attractive broken cheek eirocts; popular colorings. 50c the yard. Regular price, $1.00. marked for distribution at Shadow-Striped Silk and Wool Poplin. A light sheer fabric, suitable for evening aud house drosses. Shown In cream, light blue, reseda, light and medium gray, tan. brown,navy 75c the yard. Regular price, $1.25. Specials in Alack flress Soocis Silk Crepe Cloth Black all-silk Crepe Cloth, sheer and soft; line quality and beauti ful finish; 42 inches wide. $1.75 the yard. Regular price, $3.50. French Voile Plain black Frencli Voile, very sheer aud beautifully wovon; ex cellent quality; 42 inches wide. 68c the yard. Regular price, $1.0(f Specials in Cotton *Dress Soocis Dimity Check Lawns Printed dimity check lawns, beau tiful floral printings, on a very sheer white cheek dimity ground work; new spring of 1908 designs. 15c the yard. Regular price, 25c. Shadow Batiste A flno and sheer material with small iloral designs, figures and dots printed on white ground. A collection of very dtints and pret ty patterns. 18c the yard. t Regular Price, 29c. flops' Alouses and TSaists for Spring We are showing a very select and complete line of hoys’ wasli blouses and waists for spring. Mado of best washable fabrics—neat patterns and good colors. At $1.00—Boys’ blouses and waists in the newest and best spring ma terials and patterns—plain and plaited styles—plain white, blue, tan and fancy novelty plaids and checks. At 76c—Boys blouses and waists, mado of excellent unlaundered plain white piuslln, with attached collars. At 60c we are offering blouses with or without collars—plain white, blue, tan and smal t check mid stripe ellects—all, 7 to 16 years, jj K f. "X shier. \ JNO. D. WALKER, Pres. DR. J. R. RITCH, V-I’res. M. II. TAPPAN Cashier I)R. K. W. DEAN, V-Pren. T. L. VARNER, Ch’m Finance Com. Bank of Hiram Capital k $2S,000 HIRAM, s GEORGIA Enterprising Prudent We Want Your Business Growing which lias never been impuged. If elected I promise tlie same faithful attention to the duties of the office that marked my previous adminis tration. Yours truly, Wm. J. Speer. YEAR’S SUPPORT. Georgia, l’auldlng County. To all whom It may concern: The apprais ers appointed to appraise and set apart a year’s support for the mfnor children of Janie But ler, deceased, liave tiled thetr report in my of. flee and I will pass upon the same on the first Monday In April next. This Mareli 7, 1W8. ■B. K. CRQKER, Ordinary. CITATION—LEAVE TO SELL. Georgia, Paulding County. Notice ts hereby given that the undersigned has applied to the ordinary of said county for leave fo sell land belonging to the estate of Della L Wade, for the payment of debts and distribution. 8ald application will ho heard at the regular term of the court of ordinary for said county to he held on the first Monday In April, IMS. This, March 2, IMS. i W H. WADE, Admr ou estate of Della L. Wade ADMINISTRATORS SALE. Georgia. Paulding County. ,ln ? r(ier ,^ f t,le COUrt Of Ordi- \ vlH be sold at pul,lie out- the ttrst Tuesday in April, loos, at the court house in said county, between tlie usual t’ed’fn 1 le Allowing real estate sltua- Nn .uo lug county, tg-wlt: Eot of land nnr'th*'l,'« C n n V l | lll , tl v ; ' 10aCrC9 morc or le8S i and Terms cash. This, March a, 11K18. .. C. R. WYATT, Admr on estate of M. E. Wyatt. ... PUBLIC ROAD. gift, 1 auldiug Countv. ig applied for the public road Lester, et. al„ having * a new puL„ porate line of the town of of “ new public road com- ?r. e Jl c * n f? at . t he corporate line " thm,,Ji, n . i f ’, ln a . northwesterly direetl and i B t tL 1 ?" d 1 ot w ' w - w. B.Knox PoSli'rUnrt stl fntwseetiug the Dallas and I ester ro . a , d llear ‘be residence of J T onc'hnif mil n ?V.\ of 9aid roart being about a t?I 11 'width 2° feet. Notice Is hereby IrantetLon tlm nrst > jdorKlay n in W Aprii e next'Lf n0 ThlsMa^ n eh r nh?i n «| 8h0Wn t0 thc contrary. B. K. CROKKR, Ordinary.