The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, September 10, 1908, Image 4

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The New Era KSTABLISHED IN 1888 Entered In the postofflco nt Dnl- las as second class mail matter. R. B. WALKER, EDITOR. SUBSCRIPTION One Year - - h>ix Months - l**c Three Months ... 20c ADVERTISING RATES Advertising rules depend on position, number of Insertions and otlier re- qnireinents and will he lurnished on appl'cation D VLLAS, QA., Sept. Id, 1908. PHONE 52. WHO PA tfS FOR IT? Did you over think about it? Who pays for the advertising of ‘ merchants and otlier businosH men? Not the advertiser, for the :ost is returned to niin two fold in increased profits. Not the purchaser, for he buys cheap er from the advertiser and has better assortment and freshor good* to select from. Who, then, really pays the advertising bills? The non-advertiser, of course. A just proportion of the mon ey he loses by his lack of enter prise finds its way eventually to the printer, to advance thoeaupe of education and the interests of the community. Who pays for that advertising which attracts the people of this town and other towns? The home merchant not only loses that trade but in that loss pays the other fellows advertising. Isn’t it plain? The “store.keeper” is a rolic of the past; the merchant is an active being of today.—Ex. Dates of Primaries. Among the noteworthy bills passed by the legislature was the primary election bill by Senator Martin of the forty-third district, savs the Marietta Courier. The bill is identical with the one >n the same subject intro duced some time back into the house by Representative Harde man of Jefferson. The bill had the strong endorsment of Gover nor Smith and was, in fact one of the measures to which he call ed special attention in his mes sage, Bent to the general assem bly about ten days ago. The main feature of the bill is the fixing 'oy law of the date of all primaries. The bill first pro vides that primaries for g jvernor, state house officers, United States senator, congressman, judges and members of the general assembly shall be held on the same day and proceeds to fix the date by requiring that the primary shall be held not more than sixty days from the regular legal election in October. Many additional safeguards are th owtf around the primary, and, taken in connection with the new recist-ratioij law it will be p cally impossible for any person to vote in futuie primaries who is not actually entitled to c under the law. Among the other provisioi the new law it is required the managers of election! receive no ballot from the 1 ment, taken together with law which will hereafter den a through purging of the r< their votes in future elect will have the right to do so. PAULDING COUNTY GRAND JURORS. The following is a complete list of the Grand Jurors for Paul ding county, according to the re cent revision of the commission ers. Next week we will begin the publication of th list of traverse jurors, which may require two or three installments. AOORNTRKK. ble and stomach disorders w doubted ly lead to chronic dyi unless you take something for flcient time to strengthen the stom ach and give it a chance to get well. stomach in good condition again. .Get a bottle of Kodol today, by Cooper’s drug store. .1 11 Bowman Jno K Phillips W S Conn J F Stewart J C Harris D F Wills J H Jnrjnon Jno W Woodall J C Pearson I, M Pearson W M Woodall Jr HHA8WKLL, J M Forsyth K J Singleton W M Hicks It F Taylor H X Hagin F P Williams BURNT IMOKOnY. .1 T Abernathy H H Holland I> L Cochran S M Roberts W I, Cochran sr W J Htiellteld 11 J Cochran M G Tlbbitts E D Cnmp John Wells W N Holland B F Wills OAI NR. W H Brown A K McBrayer G M Cole J 1’ McCard W J Kills W A McBrayer /. B Fuller J M McBrayer .1 O Hitchcock lir>l Wm Mcllrayer Spencer Malone N J Neely A 11 Leathers G W Puckett M <1 Mobley 1’ P McBrayor C A Roberts CALI KORNI A. Levi Cooper J 8 Paris T It Keitels Kntor.v Paris (‘ ' Fannin DeWltt Ragsdale .1 '1' Fambro J W Ragsdale .1 11 Frasier W A R Ragsdale W J Grogan W .1 Rainwaters A P Griggs W M Turner Pinkney Coggins W P Wigley C F Lewis J I) Ware (i W Moulding 11 W Wills Kohl McWilliams DA -1.AS. .1 M Allies J M Holland J K Brown 1, W Harris J M Butler sr F A Hay S N Brown II WHay Joint Baxter D L Jones J K Bennet t W S Kincaid II 8 Bullock B 1) Leonard W .1 Baker J R Lawrence W K Crew W F Moek last) P M Carter J R Meek J ’1’ Carter J L Morris R M Cooper M F McCltmg W H Clay T J Owen L K Durham W M Palmer K Davis W 0 Spinks W 1 Fain W Z Spinks W A Foster J R Watson (1 W Helms J G Watson .1 H Henderson O W RuBsom F P Hudson B B Walker W <) Hitchcock J F Welch T C Howell sr ' HU I’A II. K A Brown J 11 Matthews .1 J Brown W A Pool Mille Core P J Piukard J M Holcombe F .1 Smith H C Jones J C Matthews 1 S Venter HIRAM. UJ Akin J A Lard B B Bullard O L RI,ester O 8 Croker L A Moon A B Clouts Jr John Mable' K W Dean W L Meadows W I. Kates N L McClung W T Frailer F 1) Parson C T Gunnell Titos J Ragsdale S W Golier W N Roberts W W Hunt W R Sorrells J Z Howard W C Story- J B Hunt W T F Thomas W B Knox T L Varner T B Kendall A K Lester H M Verner NINETEENTH. S Z Raggett Wolford Cole J A Bullock W C Embrv J M Bently H H Kemp A Z Chambliss W H Morgan M K Caldwell T J Pearson J 1 Cain J llobt Cole H J Thompson 1‘UMl’KINVINE. M H Adair W A Hitchcock W H Beall W A Leal herwood Samuel Clark G A Matter Henrv R Cole J M V Matthews W J Harris Joint Hitehcock M A Owen ROXANA. C W Buford Geo W Pool J B Bagwell W H Rack ley It F Camp Titos J Sweat R T Grogan R W Whitworth J C Harris 1590 N J Woodall J no W l’rewett J M Williams O F Prewett <) M Wigley J A Pickett J G Woodall RACCOON. J D Abies J H Holland T J Durham J M Lee KO Finch Jno T Monk M F Holland Arch Holland S W Rngsdale M K Cantrell J E Kenedy R M Carnes W T McEver J W Grant G W Swanson G W Guess J V Tumlln G W Grognn J A Wills .1 A Grogan UNION. F M Brown W C Mosley J F Campbell A A Morris J M Crowley J H Ogle K O Hunt J W Rose R B Hutcheson J G Smith W L Kenedy C K Wyatt TA LEA POOR A. C D Allgood W P Hutcheson K W Y Allgood Jno R Hutcheson J A Baggett W T Hogue G T Bell .1 W McGnrlty J G Beall J C McHrayer T J Cochran J B McBrayer T M Chambliss J M Williams J I, Crowley W F Wnlker T A Green 1 C Walton Tiin’y Hitchcock UM PHRIEH. W J Austin H Dupree John Ansi in W A Harris Joe M Buford W O Kitchens O M Baker A A Moldey J I. Clay J L McBrayer J 15 Cooper W H Simmons \V EDDINGTON, 8 1' Arnold C W Estes W T Arnold J P Hendrix W J Alley G W Hill R B Beall t A King W h Butler J K Bitch C W Clouts WJ Tidwell l’J Clouts H K Williams F K Duncan W A Wood H S Denton .1 8 Watson J T Dally rw ENTIKTU. Out of the Ginger Jar. A thin# of hoauty Ih a joy forever; But a thin# of duty Ih a job more clever. Prepare for a rainy day before the clouds begin to gather. Some men don’t scrub out the bathtub after taking a bath, so Martha has to do it. What kind of essence does a young man like when he pops the question? Acquiessenoe. When a dozen things crowd at once, it takes a level headed man to hustle and not get rattled. There are various and several kinds of undesirable trusts, but trusting to luck is the extreme limit. How the women do hate to get their clothes all wot because John won’t cut the weeds along the path. A young society woman likes to get on to a new wrinkle, while the older ones endeavor to get rid of it. When hauling loads to market, don’t leave the stone in the road with which you block the wheel. Throw it aside. A good deal is written about the June bride, but the young man who marries in September, if he is the right sort, will never have occasion to regret it. Some men seem to be ashamed of being caught buying candy and toys for the little ones. Rather let them be glad that they have the little ones to buy for. Remember, it is looking down that makes one dizzy. Look up aud your brain clears, your heart grows calm, your strength comes to you for every task and every emergency. If a mau wears his trousers out at the bottom he’s generally a vagabond; if at the knees lie’s religious, or a good orchardist; but if iu the seat lie’s either i wagoner or lazv as Peter Tumble down. There are many men who do not place a true valuation upon their wives until they have lost them, and are obliged to hire on ly moderately interested house keepers to whom they must pay real wages. We needn’t go to dime novels for heroines. Look in the hot kitchen at that old lady who is secretly dying for a new magit zine, a picnic, or a dollar of her very own, ard often lies down to lasting rest without getting it. —Fakm Journal. A Traveling Man’s Experience. “ I must tell pou my expericnca on an Hast bound O. It. & X. it. It. train from Pendelton to LeGrunde, Ore., writes Sara A. Garber, a well known traveling man. “I was ;n the smoking dcpar'.mant with some other traveling men when one of them went out into the conch aud came back and said, ‘There is a woman sick unto deatli in the car. 1 at once got up and went out, found her very ill with ernmp colic; her hands and arms were drawn up so yotfWMd not straighten them, and with a death like look on her face. Two or three ladies working with her and giving her whiskey. I went to my suit case and got my hottle of Cham • bcrlnin’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy (I never travel without it.) ran to tlie water tank, put a double dose of the medicine in the glass, poured some water into It and stirred it with a pencil; then I had quite,, n time to get the ladies to let ine give it to tier, hut I succeeded. I could nt once see the effect nnd I work ed With her, rubbing her hands, and in twenty minutes T gave her another dose. Hy this time we were almost into Le Grande, where I was to leave the train. I gave the bottle to the husband to be used in case another dose should lie needed, hut by the time the train ran into Le Grande she was all right, and 1 received the thanks of every passenger in the ear.” For sale hy E. II. Kobertlon, druggist It’s a curious fact that the man who conducts his life £on the “don’t worry” principle either has a permanent job or is a pro fessional loafer. There are many imitations of Dc- Witt’s Carbollzed Witch'Hazel Salve lint Just one original. Nothing else is Just as good. Insist on Dewitt’s. It is cleansing, cooling and soothing, sold by Cooper’s drug store. JNO. F. BAKER Contractor and Builder::::: Repair Work A Specialty GEORGIA WOOD FIBRE PIASTER Beats the world for hold Ins and lasting qualities. Notice the keyaT It locks *a securely as if there were a lock and key on every lsth. It never cracks, breaks or dis integrates. In fact, it ia the one and only real wood fibre vlauter which gives lasting and guaranteed satisfaction. It ia sold by thousands of tons all over the South. Don’t consider using any other brand until you write us for information, prices, etc, Dallas Hardware Co\J Kodol For Indigestion Our Guarantee Coupon If, after using a fi.oo bottle of Kodol, you can honestly say it lias not benefited you, we will refund your money. Try Kodol today on this guarantee. 1 ill out and sign the follow ing. present it to the dealer at the time of purchase. If it fails to satisfy you return the bottle to the dealer from whom you bought it, sad we will refund your money. Town State Sign here -CutTklaOst- Digests What YouEat And Makes the Stomach Sweat B. C. DeWITT * CO., Chicago. XU. Sold by A. J. COOPER & CO. PINEULES 30 DAYS’ TREATMENT FOR $1.00 Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. FOR ALL KIDNEY BLADDER TROUBLE, RHEUMATISM AND LUMBAGO A dose at bed time uiu- ally relieves the moat severe case before morning. BACKACHE PINEULE MEDICINE CO. CHICAGO, U. ft. A. Sold by A. J. Cooper & Co. Bank of Dallas THE BANK THAT MADE PAULOINQ COUNTY QROYV P « hier. 1 i Bank of Hiram Capital $25,000 HIRAM, s GEORGIA Enterprising Prudent Growing We Want Your Business It Makes No Difference What Line Of Work You Are Engaged In-You Should Have A Bank Account Every man today has a good cliance to lay up a competence in twenty-five years or less if he will save. An account with this bsnk will provide an excellent system of laying aside that portion of your earnings you do not need for immediate use. This bank will appreciate your account, whether large or small. BANK 9 HIRAM. Dallas Cement Block, BricL & Tile Co. General Contractors. All parties who contemplate building will find it to their interest to consult us before contracting with others, as we are prepared to do all kinds of building cement, brick or wood structures. Best work guar anteed and prices to suit. We also carr in stock brick, lime and cement. When in need of these materials call on us, we can promptly fill your orders. Apply to E. A. Wigley, Mgr. “HARD 'CLINCH” az GEORGIA WOOD FIBRE PLASTER Beats the world for holding and lasting Dualities Notice the kay.t It lock, as securely «s if*.5. tek f2 , .°r.T V ?7 I,, h- never cracks, bresksor disintegrates. In fsck it is the one and only real wood fibre piaster which riven lasting and (rosrsnteed satisfaction, ft is Mid by thoii«d. 3 8tb “ br “ d DALLAS HARDWARE CO.