The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, September 10, 1908, Image 5

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•H* 4.4* 4.4, ~"* " ' n ■ '■■■" " ' " '* 11 — 1 1 " ' ■ .4. •H* ' H -i-» T*T 4.4. 4.4. H 4.4. 4.4. TT tt TT -t—t. TT t. TT -t—t- TT t- TT *->■ TT TT •—t. TT TT TT -•—t- TT JUJU TT -t—f- TT t. TT TT -t— TT TT 4.4. ++ 4.4. 4.4. TT ,t—t. TT 4*4* TT JUJU TT 4.4. TT -t—*. TT JUJU TT t. TT TT TT 4.4. TT 4.4. 4.4. 4.4. 4*4* 4.4. 4-4* 4*4* 4.4. 4*4* 4*4* 4.4. 4.4. 4.4. j. j. j. • A4.J.J.A + 4.J. 4.4.4. 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4*4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4*4* 4' *1* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* St44jl$4-??l4-?4-????4 : 4>»f4»4- 4-4- 4> 4-4-^4-4-4-4-4-4> ^ 4-4-4> 4>4-4-4«4«-h 4»^ 4-4-4« 4« 4«❖ 4-4-❖ 4-4-4-4 YY^TY l i >< tYyTl > Y^Yf > yTYYYY^I > xT < ^x'x > xx > x x x xx xxx x x x xx x x x x TxxTYYYYYy’fYl’yY^l’TWwwl We have just returned from the EASTERN flARKETS where we selected a *large stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Mats, Notions, Etc. AH the latest styles for our various departments are arriving daily. We invite you to call early and examine them before being picked over. We extend you a hearty welcome. •1* 4* 4*4* 4' 4- 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4*4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4*4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* »% »'• *%»'« »t« 4* »b •)• <l« 4* •!« »t« »!« 4« *I« *b 4«4* 4*4* 4.4. 4* 4* 4*4* ,4*4* JUJU TT 4*4* 4.4. 4*4* 4*4* 4*4* 4*4* n 4*4* 4*4* 4*4* 4*4* 4*4* 4*.j. •I**l* +4* 4*4* 4*4* 4*4* 4*4* 4*4* 4*4* 4*4* 4*4* 4*4* 4*4* 4*4* t$ 4*4* 4*4* 4.4. 4*4* TT 4*4* 4*4* 4*4* JUJU TT 4.4. 4*4**4* 4* 4* 4*4*4* Thirteenth Annual Reunion. The 18th annual reunion of the 1st and (Sth Ga. Cavalry conven ed at Cedartown at 10:80 a. m., Aug. 5th, 1008, with Col. J. 0. Waddell as Master of Ceremo nies. Prayer was offered by Rev. B. P. Allen. The welcome ad dress in behalf of the city was delivered by J. L. Tison, the citv attorney, and responses w^re were made by G. W. R. Bell, J110. W. Maddox, Dr. Jno. L. Branch and Judge Sampson Har ris. Music was furnished by Ce dartown quartet. At 12:30 p. m. the veterans and friends were treated to an excellent barbecue and Bruns wick stew, which were served by the ladies. More than one hun dred veterans were present. One came from Florida, another from Arizona, and others from Ala bama ttVkJba present and shake hands #ith old comrades once more. At 1 o’clock.p. m. the veterans of the 1st and 0th assembled for business, Oapt. G, W. ..R. Bell presiding. Minutes of last maeting were read and approved, with two small corrections. Reports on death of comrades since our last reunion show that fifteen comrades have been call ed to that great great beyond since August, 11)07, as follows: 1st Ga —J. F. Cone, Co. D, died Feb., 1908; T. E. Hicks, Co. H, died Feb., 1908; W. W. Trim ble, Co. I, died Oct., 1907; H. O. Higginbothem, Co. I, died Dec., 1907; L. L. Brown, died Jan., 1908; N. E. Allen, died Jan. 12, 1908; H. W. Camp, died Jan. 1, 1908; Jethro Jones, Co. E, 1908; R. B. Zuber, Co. G, 1908; Larkin Cathcart, Co. D, 1908; Sam Da vis, Co. B, 1908. 6th Ga.—J. 8- Wyatt, died Sept., 1908; R. B. McCarver, died Sept., 1908; B. F. Newbery, Co. C, 1908; A. F. Tomlim, Co. H, 1908. Judge Jno. W. Maddox, of the 6th Ga., and Dr. W. C. Hughen, of the 1st Ga., were appointed to draft suitable resolutions to the memory of the dead comrades, their report being as follows: “Whereas, it has pleased an All-wise Providence to remove from onr midst these comrades since our last reunion, we dedi cate a page of our minutes to their memory. We shall miss the warm clasp of their hands, their smiles and good cheer, but we hope to meet them in that bright and beautiful land where there will be no more war, death or affliction.’’ Election of officere was next in order. Jas. P. Cooper, 1st Gaf, ofDal- las, Ga., was elected president, and Dave Hanks, an honorary member of the 6th Ga., was elec ted vice-president. Mr. Hanks’ father was a member of the 6th Ga.—and Mr. Hanks is an en thusiastic son. Capt. G. W. R. Bell, 6th Ga., of Gaylesville, Ala., was elected chaplain. Report on history showed that the work was progressing slowly. Report of Secretay J. A. Wynn showed $4.50 in the treasury. $6.76 was raised by the associa tion and turned over to the sec retary. Rome, Ga.. was elected for next place to hold our reunion, which will be the first Wednes day in Aug., 1909. A resolution by Jno. W. Mad dox thanking ladies, citizens and resident comrades for their gen erous hospitality was carried unanimously. There being no further busi ness the associationjadjourned. G. IV. R. Bull, Pres. J. A. Wynn, Adjt.-Sec. When Trifles become Troubles. If any person suspects that their kid neys are deranged they should take Foley’s Kidney Remedy at once and not risk having Bright’s disease or diabetes. Delay gives the disease a stronger foot- held and you should not delay taking Foley’s Kidney Remedy. Cooper’s drug store. For a Sprained Ankle. A sprained ankle may be cured in about one-third the time usuully required, by applying Chamberlain’s Liniment freely, and giving it absolute rest. For sale by E. II. Robertson, druggist- It is no way to become popular to insist upon always having your own way. Pineules for the kidneys, 80 days’ trial $1.00. Hundreds of people testify to the merit of this preparation in the reliet of kidney trouble, rheumatism, lumbago backache. Pineules act directly on the kidneys, purify the blood and make you feel like a new person. They tone the system. Sold by Cooper’s drug store. 4 Don’t say“going, going, gone!” when vou see a woman who is in the act of fainting. Hands cracked and bruised from busk ing, skin disease, tan, freckles, cuts re lieved at once with Pine salve Carbolizcd (acts like a poultice). Draws out iuHmn- inution. Price 26e. For sale at Cooper's drug store. 4 The photographer often has to be all in tne dark in order to see things in the right light. Man Znn Pile Remedy comes ready to use with nozzle attached. Soothes, heals, reduces itching and imtlammation. An operation for piles will not be necessury if you use Mau Zan. Price 50c. -.Ioney refunded if not satisfied. Sold by Cooper’s drug store. 4 To stand in with some high and mighty people you have to let them sit down on you. Kings Little Liver Pills for biliousness, sick headache, muddy complexion. They tone the liver; do not gripe. They keep you well. 25c. Sold by Cooper’s drug store. 4 No doubt the near-sighted palm reader is sometimes compelled to use a hand-glass. Don’t be afraid to give Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy to your children. It con tains no opium or ether harmful drug. It always cures. For sale by E. II. Robert son. druggist. The king is careful not to get his reign coat wet. ^^ SPRING! LISTENM Call on us for what you need this spring. We can ( set you up in anything: in Furniture, Stoves, Mattings, a Rugs, Springs, Mattresses, Trunks, Cutlery, Tinware, in fact we have anything: to furnish the house. For farming: implements never buy until you see our line and get our prices. We can save you money on these goods. Remember we carry a complete line of Hardware and can give you the right prices. The man who storms at the weather because the paint on his house wont weather the storm could live a life of sunshine by using: PATTON’S SUN-PROOF PAINT it gives double the service of all white lead or ordina ry paint; it is made of the perfect combination of paint material—zinc, lead, silica—to stand the sever est trial the sun and weather can give it. We sell it We can save you money on doors, windows, nails, locks, mantels, grates or anything in builders’ material. If it is a good buggy or wagon you want, the Piedmont buggy is the best buggy for the money ever sold in Dal las. As to the Bagwell wagon there is none any better. They take the place of all other wagons where they are known. To see them will convince any man that appre ciates a good wagon or buggy. We carry a full line of wagon and buggy harness, ) from the cheapest to the best. Prices correct. See us when you need harness. Call on us for FEED STUFF. DALLAS SUPPLY CO. O O