The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, September 24, 1908, Image 3

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V A Word of Warning. It Is to bo rogreted that there should be any necessity at this time to say anything to the people of any section of our state on any subject of apolitical nature. The time| lists arrived, however, when I do not think it out of place that a word of warning be given. I do not arrogate to myself tlie wisdom of a sage, or claim the gift of prophe sy Yet I do not hesitate to -’"ay that unless the friends of the wi.ito pri mary system, stand up scpiarelv to the political compact which they en tered into at tln> time they east their ballot in the recent state primary, they will establish a dangerous pre cedent. and endanger Jeffersonian principles, and white supremacy; which is dearer to the hearts of our [people than life itself. - A few years ago ipille a number of le good people of our state saw proper to organize the people's party, uniestly believing that tile princi ples for which they stood were best ■alouluted to give the country the Ijcst government. Tln-y never, at imy time, ceased to rely upon what hey said were true Jeifersnnian lemocratic principles. Realizing hat it was unwise for whathad lill.h- rto been the democratic party, com- osod of the white people of the state o he thus divided, tin' conservative lemont of both the democratic and opultst parties began to make efforts o reconoilo the differences and ro- nite tlie grand old democratic party hat had preserved tlie Integrity ot leorgia and the south, the principles f which have always been, and will ver hiMis snored ns is possible for a olltical creed to bo. When It was etermlned to inaugurate the white rlmary system, the democratic arty In a fraternal spirit, held out s hand to grasp in friendly greeting ith that of the populist, and in this tanner a solemn compact was en ured Into, wheK by-all,ngreed tosiip- ort the noiniiy* chosen in the pri- iary. I am slow lo believo thatnny real number of the voters partlcipa- hig in the recent state primary will e so unmindful of their obligation [s to do otherwise than support the undulate chosen In that election, here seems to have boon up to this line, an effort on the part of a few ullvldiials to encourage opposition the Hon. Joseph M. Brown as Hie osen party leader and nominee for e ofllee of governor, without any teuse other than dial lie was suc- ssful in his race In the primary. The burden of the song of these ,v malcontents has really been tlint ,ey were afraid Mr. BrowiL would t say or do something that wotfld tract from his strength and popu- rity and tints give them a chance say "I told you so.” They have ver been afraid, cr believed that r. Brown or his friends would not Slid up and affirmatively support e national democracy and Mr. Brv- . If it were so necessary that Mr. own declare in the public press, ns ey have insisted Hint lie do, it is ii'tainly not loo early to suggest |nt a similar declaration on the part these gentlemen be announced in itnliar'"ay—that they propose to mint ty support the "nominee” he democratic party in the ap- oachlng slrtte election, t cannot i how any white man, whether lie democrat or populist, can afford to ore tlie obligation ho assumed en he voted in the primary of June ,. Georgia never had a fairer elee- n, and there is no reason on earth any complaint. Mr. Brown Is a •istian gentleman, a man of the pie, conversant, with tlie tradition, tits, custom, business and needs lie people of Georgia. His every rgy is in perfect aeeord with the t interests of the whole people, ire is no doubt, of '• course, about election, but It Is the duty of ev ery man, who voted either for him or Governor Smith, to go to tlie polls on election day and carry out tlie agree ment that he entered into, when lie east his ballot in tlie primary, and vote for Mr. Brown and the other nominees of that primary election. Georgians, as a rule, are courage ous and trustworthy. Having abuml- iint fnitli that these characteristics have not been dwarfed. I cannot be lieve otherwise than that they are ready to do their duty. G. K. HPTCHKns. Cedartown, Ga. Sept. 18, 181)8. County Democratic Executive Committee. We publish below a complete list of tlie new democratic executive committee for Baubling county: Acorntre—Bailey Bone, Calhoun Pearson, .1. B. Graham, Braswell—H. N. Hagin, M. Hicks, Mark Dodd. Burnt Hickory—S. M. Roberts, Dr. C. N. Nix. John Wells. Cains—Z. B. Fuller, W. J. Ellis, A. Slnyard. California—A. P. Griggs, Starling Kemp, T. B. Echols. Dallas—F. P. Hudson, R. D.Flynt, Dr. E. H. Robertson. Hiram—J, W. Moon, B. H. Elxr- hart, J. Z. Howard. Nineteenth—If. II. Kemp, M. K. Caldwell, Will Fields. Pumpklnvlne—Milton Adair, Ho mer Cole, W. A. Leatherwood. Baecoon—Henry Brown, J. M., Oliver Finch. Roxana—Jas. Woodall, J.W. Prow elt, M. M. Shipp. Tallapoosa—J. C. McBrayer, T. M. Chambliss, J. T. Ferguson. Twentieth—R. M. Carnes, M. C. Grogan, Jim.Tumlln. Union—E. (). Hunt, Jas. Crowley, Jr.. W. 1/ Kenedy. Utah—J. II. Matthews, T„ F Mat thews,.I. A. Holcomb. ITmphrios—U. I„ Austin. W. J. Austin, .1. P. Pace. Weddington—T. J, Clouts, F. .1. Duncan, H. B. Beall. House Party. Mr. ami Mrs. D. B. Bullard, Misses Emma Katherine and Eth el Retd and Miss Louise Beck man, of Palmetto, Ga,, have heeii fuests at a house party giv en by Mr. P. F. Blark the week end from Friday until Tuesday. On Saturday evening the house party were entertained by Mrs. Clark and Mrs Keef, those in vited to meet the guests being Miss Lillian Fain, Miss Irma Fos ter, Miss Edna Sanders, Mirs Nell Spinks, Col. R. D. Flynt, Col. Whitworth, Mr. W. N. Bagwell and Mr. R. D. Leonard. Monday afternoon the house party vtere entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Lee with an after noon tea, which was a most en joyable occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Lee’s guests included Miss Irma 1'oster, Mrs. T. F. Abercrombie Miss Lillian Fain, Col. Whit worth, Ool. Flynt and Mr. P. F. Clark. Pink Pain Tablets—Dr. Bhnop's—stop heauache, womanly pains, any pain, unj- wliere, iu.20 minutes sure. Formula on the 25c. box. Ask your druggist Or doc tor nhnot this fotmiilu-it is lino, hold by E. H. Robertson. Whitworth & Flynt have sev eral good farms for sale. See them about prices. You will find some that will interest you Mr. M. B. Sell was in Atlanta Tuesday. Mr. J. B. Hill went to Atlanta Tuesday. For Mason fruit jars call on Dallas Hardware Co. Col. A. .1. Camp went to At lanta Tuesday. Mr. B. F. Williams has return ed from Alabai in. For piping for wells call on J. M. Abies, Dallas, Ga. Mr. S. W. Ragsdale was a vis itor to the Gate City Tuesday. Messrs. O. C. Anderson and Deputy Sheriff Furr vCent to Ara gon Tuesday. The program rendered at the close of Mt. Olivet, school will ap pear in our next issue. Mrs. O. 0. Cole, of Hiram, was the guest of Mr. W. A. Cole and family the first of the week. Mr. W. A.. Palmer announces in this issue his candidacy for tax receiver as an independent candidate. Come to the groat tailoring to be held by bchloss Bros, at Dallas Mercantile Co’s, store Friday and Saturday. Tlie Tallapoosa Baptist Associ ation convened here Wednesday morning. We will have a full report of same next week. Rev. A. S. Hutchinson is at tending the educational meeting of tho Rome district that is be-| g held at Rockmart this week. The shower that came early Monday morning was not only refreshing, hut was good on the turnip crop and tho health of the j people. Call on W, A. Colo & Son for up-to-date hats and pants. New lot just received. Mr. J. H. Car ter is with us who will be pleased to wait on you. The up-to-date dresser will not fail to see ScbloEs Bros, big tai loring line which will he on dis play at Dallas Mercantile store; next Friday and Saturday. FOR SALE—One ‘ (i(i” Singer sewing machine! cost $05 00, for $35.00; one Dixie sewing ma chine, cost $45.00, for $15.00; one roll top desk, cost $22.50, for $10; i all new . O. O. Anderson, Dal las, Ga., Box 232. What customers I have, I hold; and what I haven’t, I’m after! BECAUSE I have the most complete and up-to- date line of groceries in town. Ask your neigh bor if she buys groceries of me. If she does, she will tell you of reliable goods, honest prices and quick delivery—all of which you may not *be getting. I haven’t a customer to whom I would hesitate to refer you. If your neighbor is jealous of her success, give your orders to me— o| the success will then be yours. I’LL Tl£kLE*YOUR PALATE ai.«I-V'iur economical bump at the same time with my goods. It’s not necessary to try me more than once, for “once a customer, al ways a customer. Reduce your table expenses I’ll help you to do it. ’Phone 6o, E. M. COOPER, LEADING GROCER A clever, popular Candy Cold Cine TubWt—culled l’r.ventlc.—is being dis eased by druggNts every where. In a ew hours, Previ-ntlcs arc said to break any cold—completely. And Prevcntics, being so safe nod toothsome, are very fine tor children. No Quinine, no‘ lu\ i- tlve, nothing harsh nor sickening. Box of 48—25c. Hold by E, [1. Fohertsoii Several Cotton Buyers. The cotton market is opeuing up here in full force. There are at. present many buyers ou the streets, and the prices being paid should be an inducement to the farmers of the county to bring their cotton here instead of else where. We don’t mean to say there are not good markets at other places, but. we do say you’ll make no mistake when you market your cotton in Dallas. Como and see for yourself. Those buying are Meek Bros., E. Davis, W. M. Hitchcock, B. L. Camp, E, M. Cooper, S. N Brown. W. P. (Joorer. Watch Out for Lawbreakers The people of Paulding county are requested to keep a look-out for illegal practices on election dav. If there is any whiskey used at the election, and money used or the law is violated in any way, it is the duty of every citi zen to take it upon himself to see that the one violating the law is brought to justice. Let i have a clean election. J. W. Moon, Chairman Executive Com. Card of Thanks. To the friends who catno to us our hour of trouble, and contributed all that human kindness could sug gest, to help ami comfort, we retun most heartfelt thanks, and although such devoted friendship cannot re. move the sad memories that lingoi around our vacant chair, it brings in to view the brightest side of human! ty, and Itirows the pute light of an unselfish friendship into a darkene ' home.* W.A. Cole and Family. Notice. I wisli to say to the voters of Paul ding county, not knowing that I was going to have an opponent until very recently, and owing to the limited time, I will not attempt to canvass the county again, but take this meth od of notifying you—and hope you will accept this as a personal letter. I earnestly solicit your support as the nominee to the office of county treasurer on Oct. 7th. Yours to serve, W. M. Hitchcock. A Talk Ab MBDransaBimH T O UPHOLD the standard of clothes - building is the task of skillful tailors, ripe in experience and enthusiastic to the last degree. Schloss Bros, clothes, as any crit ical observer can see, are the result of human energy and ability. An expert cutter drafts every pattern to the"exact measure and the parts are put together by skillful opera tives, each detail receiving the at tention of a trained specialist at his particular work, and the finished garment is the highest representa tion of artistic tailoring. In examing a Schloss Bros, suit remember that every fabric is guar anteed pure wool and worsted; that the shoulders and lapels are hand- padded, collars are hand felled, trou ser seams are hand serged, button holes hand made, and the concave shoulders and convex shape over breast are worked in by hand before material is joined to the interlining. In a word remember that ev y gar• meat bearing the SCHLOSS BROS. IfLbel is guaranteed and if you have cause for complaint we will rectify the trouble or refund money. A full One of this famous clothing is now on display at our store and we will be happy to show you same. Dallas Mercantile Company