The Dallas new era. (Dallas, Paulding County, Ga.) 1898-current, September 24, 1908, Image 8

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aw Qualification of Electors and Registration of Voters. A PROCLAMATION By His Excellency, Hoke Smith, Governor. Executive Department. Atlanta, On., August 1, IWB. Whereas, the General Assembly, •at its session In HAM proposed an amendment to the* Constitution of this state as set forth in an Act ap- • peeved August 1st, HM)S, ln-\vit: An Act to amend the Constitution of the state of Georgia by repealing section I of article «Ilf the Consiilu- iiun hi mis Slate and insert mg in jieu thereof it nuw section, ouiiHiHtltiR of nine paragraphs, prescribing the qualifications for electors; providing lor the registration of voters, and for other purposes. , . Sect ton 1. lie li enacted by the (»,literal Assembly of the State of Georgia, and it is hereby ejiactod by the authority ol tlm Haute, that sec tion one of article two of the Consy- t.if,Ion of tills state bo, and the same Is! hereby repealed, and the follow ing section, consisting of nine para graphs, be Inserted in suld article In lien thereof: Paragraph I. After the year ItlOH elections by the people shall be by ballot, and only those persons shall lid allowed to vote who havo been llrst registered in accordance with the requirements of law. Jpjir. u. Every mate citizen of this Srate who is a citizen of the United States, t wenty-one years old or ttp- waids, not laboring under any of the disabilities named in tills article, ami possessing the qualifications provid ed bv it, snail be an elector and en titled to register and vote at any elect inn by tlie people; pmv'ded, that no soldier, sailor, or marine in the military or naval services of the United. States shall acquire file rights of an elector by reason of be ing stationed on duty In this state. Par. 8. To entitle a person to reg ister and vote at any election by llto peopl", lit? shall havo resided in the urate one year next preceding the election, and In tho county in which lie otfors to vole six tnoni Its next pre ceding the eloolIon, and shall havo paid all taxes which may havo boon required of him sinco tho adoption of the ConstllulIon of Georgia of 1877 that lie ir.ay have had an opportunity of paying agreeably to law. Such payment must have been made at least six mouths prior to the election ' at which be offers to vote, except when such eloctlons'are belli wlthln- six teenths from the expiration of tho time llxod by law for the payment of snob taxes. Par. 4. Every male citizen of this Slate shall be entitled to register as an elector and to vote In all elections in said State who is not distinalifled under the provisions of section 2 of article 2 of this Constitution, and who possesses the qualifications pre- scrltx’d In paragraphs two and three ot tills section or who will possess them at tile date of the election oc curring Ttqjct. after ills icgi.Ui.liol and who in addition thereto comes within either of the classes provided for in the five following sub-divisions of this paragraph: 1. All persons who have honorably served 111 the hind or tinvnl forces of the linited States in tins Uevolullon- ary war, or In I,lie war of 1812, or in tlie war with Mexico, or in any war with th^ Indians, or in the war be tween thy States, or ill the war with Spain, or who honorably served in the land or naval forces of tho Con federate states, or of the State of Georgia ill tho war between the States, or 2. All persons lawfully descended from those embraced in llto classes enumerated in tile sub-division next above, or 8. All persons who are ol good character, and understand the dutieN and obligations of citizenship under a Republican form of government, All persons who can correctly the E ; " ' ’ Par. 7. Pending an appeal ami un til ibe ilnal decision of tho case, the Judgment of tho registrars shall re main in full fore.-. , „ . ]>ivr. S. No person shall be ft! lowed to psrtlcipato In a primary of any po litical party or a convention of any political party in this Stato who is not a qualified voter. Pur. it. The machinery provided by law for the registration of force Oc tober 1st, 11KM, sMmll be used to carry nut the provisions of this section, ex cept where inconsistent With same; tl,{. legislature may change or amend the registration laws from time to time hut no such change or amend ment siiit 11 ffjterate to defeat any of the provisions of .this section. .Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, I hat whenever tlteabove proposed amend ment to tlie Constitution shall bo agreed to by two-thirds of the mem bers elected to each of tho two houses of tho General Assembly, and the same has been entered on their jour nals with t lie it,ves anti ntij’s taken thereon, tho Governor h1ii.11 cause said ainendifienl lobe published In al least two newspapers in each Con gressional District in litis Statetfor the period of two months next pre ceding the time of holding llto next general election. See. 8. Bo It furl Iter enacted, That the above proposed nmeiulinontshall he submitted for ratification or re jection to tlie electors of this State at tlie next general election to be held after publication, as provided in llto second section of lids Act in the several election districts of tills State, at which election every per son shall be qualified to vote who 18 entitled to vote for members of tlie General Assembly. All persons vot ing at said election in favor of adopt ing the proposed amendment to llto Constitution shall have written or printed on their ballets tho words “For amendment of Constitution, providing qualifications of voters, and till persons opposed to the adop tion of Haiti amendment shall nave written or printed on their ballots tho words, “Against amendment of Constitution providing qualifications of VOt-l'B." Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That tlie Governor be, and Ito is, hereby authorized and directed to provide for tlie submission of llto amendment proposed In this Act to a vote of the people, as required by tho Constitu tion of this Stole In paragraph-one of section one of article thirteen, and If ratified the Governor shall, when he ascertains such ratification from the Secretary of State, to whom the re turns shall be referred in tho man ner ns in casoB of elections for mem bers of tho General Assembly, to count and ascertain the result, issue his proclamation for one insertion in one of the dally papers of this State, announcing Hitch result and declar ing the amenumeitt ratified. ■ inow, therefore, I, Hoke Smith, Governor of said Stato, do Issue this my proclamation, hereby declaring that the foregoing proposed amend ment to the Constitution Is submitted for rutilloRtion or rejection to the voters of the State qualified to vote for ntomhors of tho General Assem bly at the general election to be hplfi on Wednesday, October 7th, 100B. HOKE SMITH, Governor. By the Governor: I*H I Ml* COOK, Secretary of State. ' • - 7 ' 1 3-2S Great suffering Is the lot of all women, who neglect the health of their wo manly organs. No reason to do so, any more than to neglect a sore throat* colic, or any other disease, that the right kind of medicine will [cure. Take Wine of Cardui for all your womanly ills. It can never do harm, and is certain to do good. Mrs. Sallle H. Blair, of Johnion City, Tenn., writes: "I had suffered from womanly troubles for six teen months, and had four doctors, but they could pot help me, until I began to Wine of CarduL Now I think I am about well” At all reliable druggists, in $1.00 bottles. Try li WPITF ||C J I FTTFD X 1 ?* tod.y for « frve copy ot v.liutle M-pe,, Boot, tor Women. If yoa need JIMIcal VT 111 I L, U J rt LL I I Lit Advk., desertb. your •ymptomi. .toting u*. and reply will be mm I. plain eeelii ewvelnpn. —Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Chattanooga. Tenn.!* i»i Sheriff’s Sale. Georgia, 1’au filing County. Will be sold oefore the court house door in said county, on tho first Tuesday In October, 1908, within the legal hours of sale, the follow ing property, to* wit; A one third (undi vided lute refit In and to the rant half of lots of land Nob. IjM5 and 1200, t»U acres In the west wide' of lot No. 12ft*. and 9& acres In the west sic* of lot No IB&Tin the 4th distrlet uml 8fd section of Harlow county. Also 7 acres more or less In the northeast corner of lot No. UUand 2ftH acres In the south side of lot No. HI. ex cept H acres more or less on the south side of Pumpklnvinc creek In the 8rd district and prd section of l’uufillng county, said tract being 11V acres more or less and known as the Kllza- l>eth Brown place, with Improvements there on. Said land levied on as the property of R. II. Brown, to satisfy an attachment 11. fa. Is sued on the 22ml day of August, Bhih. from the superior court of PaulditiK county in favor of Orlando A\vtrey against R. II. Brown. Writ ten notice Riven tenant In possession. This August Hist, 11>0H. JOHN T. GRIFFIN, Sheriff. Will l»e sold at tlie court house door In said county on the first Tr*?diiy In October, 1908. within the legal hours of sale, to-wit: All that certain tract one undivided one half In terest In lot of land No. 125ft In the Hrd district and lird section (7f Paulding county, with im provements thereon. Said levied on ns tlie property of M. K J. Abney to satisfy an execu tion Issued on the 28th day of April, 1899 from the justice court of the lOtttl district, G. M., In said county. In favor of Lemon. McMillan & Co. ami against M . K. J . Abney. Written no tice given tenant in possession. This Hist day of August, 1008. OHN T. GRIFFIN. Sheriff. YEAR’S SUPPORT. Stntc ol <ii'org,lA. I'auldtiiK County. To all whom It may concern: The nppral,- ers appointed toanoratae and eet apart nyeari- support (cr the widow and minor 'children Wf Jon ItuOrty. colored, late of enld County cle- ccased, liave tiled tlielr report In my office and I will pa.H upon tlie Hnmeou tlie llrst Monday In Octulicr, Jtiot), Tills Sent. 7, 100b. B. K. CHOKKK. Ordinary. or fciid in tlto English language any paragraph itt tin' Constitution ol tho United States or of this State and poiTodly write tho sntno in tho English language when road to thorn by otto of tin* registrars, and all per sons who solely, booutiHo of physi cal disability tiro unable to comply with tile above requirements, but who can understand and give a rea sonable ii'terprntot Ion of any para graph of the Constitution of the I’ni- ptetl Stator or of this,State, that may fhe read to tliBin by.any one of the i.l'egist ITU's! or’ >. 5. Any person who is tlie owner 1 in good faith In his own right of at olenst forty acres of land situated in this State, upon which ho resides,.or is the owner in good faith in ills owu h'igltf of property, situated in this fStale and assessed for taxation at the itvaluc of five hundred dollars. F The right to register under '.sub-dlvlsioris one and two of para graph four shall continue only until jjunitary 1st, IB15. But tlie registrars shall prepare it roster of all persons who register under sub-division one and two of paragraph four, and shall return tho same to tlie clerk's otllee >of die Superior Court of their coun ties and the clerks of the Superior Court shall send copies of the same to tlie Secretary of state, and it shall Tie tlie duty of these officers to record j»nd permanently preserve these ros- Yers. Any person who has been once Registered under either of tho sub divisions one or two of paragraph , jour sltall thereafter lie permitted to Vote; provided, he meets the require ments of paragraphs two and three of (this section. F. Ear. (!. Any person to whom the ftjghl of registration is denied by the Registrars upon tho ground that lie lacks the qualifications set fortli in The five sub-divisions of paragraph four, shall liave the right to take an appeal, and any citizen may enter an ,ppeal from the decision of tho regis- rars allowing any person to register mdersaidsub-tHvisions. All appeals nust be filed 1ri writing with thereg- strars within 10 days from the date if the decision complained of and hall be returnei} b.v. the registrars to She office of the fletk of the SttperU or Court to be tried h*other appeals. A Paying Investment. Mr. John White, of i# Highland Ave., Houlton, Maine, says: “Have h ten troubled with a cough every wince*'and spring. Lawt wintfer I triod many advertised remedies,'but the cough continued until I bought a sOc bottlo of Dr. King’s Now Disoov ery; before that was half gone, the cough was all gonffi This winter the same happy result lias followed; a few doses once more banished tho annual cough. I am now convinced that Dr. King's New Discovery; Is the host of all cough and lung reme dies." t Sohl under guarantee at Cooper's drug store. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. A n an can’t very well lose all his money qnd retain all his con fidence in mankind. A Sure-Enough knocker. J. C. Goowin, ofiteidsvllle, N. C. says: “Bucklen's Arnica Halve is a sure-enough knocker for ulcers. r A bad one came on rtty/leg lastsmnmer, but that wnudorfiil salvo knotted it out lit n few rounds. Notovcn Rscar retimined.” Guaranteed for piles, sores, burns etc. 25c at Cooper’s. CITATION—LEAVE TO SELL. tirorirl*, rsutitliisdounty. Notice Is hereby given that the .lmlerslgned has applied to the ordinal v of said eonnty for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of L.L. Brown deceased foj- (he purpose of paying the debts of said deceased and distri bution . Maid application will he heard at tin •egular term of the court of ordinary of said ,’otinty to he J»eld on the first Monhay iu Ot’to- H»r next. TIiIh 7th day of Sept., IWW. D. F. WILLS. Kxeeutor of the will of L. L. Brown. I ITATION—LK.U K TO SELL. eorgia, Paulding County, Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has applied to the ordinary of said county for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of T. P. Campbell deceased for purpose of dls trthution among the legatees of said T. P. Campbell. Mala application will he he the regular term of the court ol urdim said county Id be held or. the first Mbn October next. This Kept 7. 100b. J. R. HRATON, Kxeeutor Of the will of T. P. Campbell. ■SB iJny :»] CITATION—LEAVE TO SELL. Georgia. Paulding County. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has applied to the ordinary of said county for leave to sell the lands tielonging,to the estate of E. Vaughn deceased, for the purposo of pay ment of debts and distribution. Maid applica tion will be heard at the regular term of the court of ordinary of sgidoounty to be held on the first Monday in October, 1908. This 7th day of Sept., 1908. MRS. M. . VAUGHAN, Adinr. of the estate of R. Vaughan. ADMINISTRATORS SALE. Georgia, Paulding County. By virtue of an order of the court of ordl- dnry of said county, will be sold at public out cry, on the first Tuesday ill October, 1908, at the court house In said county, between the usual hours of sale, the following real estate situated in Paulding county, to-wlt: Ten acres more or less off of the east side of lot of land number three hundred and thirteen (HlH) In the first district and third section of said county, and being all that part of said lot of land lying east of Monk's creek. Terms cash. This 7th day of September, 1908. G.F. COLK, Admrof W. B. Cole’s estate. . r a 4 Every frifin lias a (liiierent Ex planation for his failure to intake good. Passed Examination Successfully. James Donahue, New Britain, Conn., writes: “I tried several kidney remedies, Mid was treated bv our best plijf.cHtuK for diabetes, but did not improve until I took Foley’s Kidney Retnfidy. After the second bottle 1 showed improvement, and five bottles cured rpo completely. I have since passed a rigid examination for life insurance. Foley’s Kidney Bernedy cures backache and all forms ol kidney and bladder trouble. Cooper's drug store. Some people are not satiated to kill two birds with one stoljip, but they want the stone back.; Will Interest Many. Every person should know that health Is impossible if tho kidneys are de ranged. Folejj’s Kidney Hvm«dy Will cure kidney add bladder disease In everv form, tod will boild' up and stffieiigttten these organs so tliey will perform tbj-ir functions pfoperlv. NodtomerotBrig^’s disease or diabetes if Fohy’a Kid^i*y Bcmedy is Inked Uq tiipe. Cooper’s drug store, ‘ * ' LETTERS OF DISMISSION. Georg!*. Paulding County. Whereas, A. A. Mobley, administrate! the estate of John Cain, deceased, rqprest to the court In his petition duly filed and minlstrator should not he discharged fn administration and receive letters of dismis sion on the first Monday In October, 1908. This September 7th, 1908. NEW PUBLIC ROAD. L Aifttretal.. having applied for the es tablishment of a new public road commencing at a point on the public road Reading from H. G. Scoggins’to Dallas, near J L. Adair's, and running in a westerly direction through the lands of J. L. Adair and Alex Lester and In tersecting the Dallas and Drake town road near Alex Lester’s, said road being about mile in length and right of way 20- feet. No tice Is hereby given that said road will be fi nally granted on the first Monday In October next, if no sulhelent cause is shown to the contrary. Witness my official signature, Sept. 7,1908. B. K. CROKKR, Ordinary. NEW PUBLIC ROAD. R. W. Davts et al.. having applied for *the stabllSiring of a new public road commenchig at a point on the now Dallas and Browsvtlle road near the residence of S. Gore and run ning in an easterly direction through tlie l*nds of S. Gore, Wm. Gore, B. R. Hunt, R. W. Davis J M Davis, S P Davis and intersecting the pub- llo road near the residence of J. W, Shipp, the length of said road being about l‘»j miles and width 20 feet. Notice Is hereby given that said road will be finally granted on the first Monday in Ootober next is no sufficient reason bo shown to the contrary. Witness my hand and official sianature. this Sept. 7th, 1908. B. K. CROKKR.Ordinary. John W. & Q. E. Maddox, Attorneys at Law, ROME, OA. Will attend the courts of Paulding county when specially employed. The New Era has ju9t received a lot of typewriter type direct from the foundry, aud we are now prepared to turn out circu lar letters, etc., in exact imita tion of typewritten matter. Qive us an order. -I Dallas Grocery Co. INCORPORATAD -tST'! - ISfil ' WHOLESALE KNH RETAIL LI ^ Al Are able to sell you corn, flour, feed stuff of every kind, fancy groceries, etc., at retail for wholesale prices. We buy all these goods r- /-;■ • K in such quantities as to give us the best brices obtainable. We have several lead ing brands of flour which we buy alternately in the northwest which give perfect satisfac tion to the trade, and we can always save you from twenty-five to fifty cents per bar rel. Call on us and let us covince you. Cures Biliousness, Sick Headache, Sour Stom ach, Torpid Liver and Chronic Constipation. Pleasant to taKe Cleanses the system thoroughly and clears sallow complexions of pimples and blotches. It is guaranteed. A. J. COOPER A COMPANY. PINEULES 30 DAYS’ TREATMENT FOR $1.00 Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. * FOR ALL KIDNEY BLADDER TROUBLE, RHEUMATISM AND LUMBAGO A dose at bed time usu- ally relieve* the most severe case before morning. BACKACHE FINEUCE MEDICINE CO. CHICAGO. U. $. A. Sold by A. J. Cooper & Co. KILL th« COUCH and CURE w LUNGS w ™ Dr. King’s Now Discovery f o*C8i!W* dfSBu. AWB ALL THAOAT AND U1N8 TROUBLES. TUB SATISFACTORY QTTABAM—— OR MQIfFY BRFUHDXD. DOCTOR KING THE OLD BZLIA8LE teCTOM. SLIEST l( HI Ul LOIIEIT ICCITEI. tttIUi CIUUTEIII MEMMIL WE OfFEW YOU THE LARGE EM VALUABLE EIKItnCE IF TIE UIGEST . ESHNISHEO AND MOST RELIABLE SPECIALISTS IS THE MUIR Auttaonzud bf tbe st.ta to treat CNMNIC. IEMMS Ml tPL._. BISERSES. W» guarantee to refund tnoue. 11 nol cured. All medi cines fumUhed ready (or use—no mercury or Injurious medicines used. No detention from bneineae. Patients at S distance treated by mail end sprees, Medtetnes eent everywhere free Irom |«e or brealni^e. No medicine eent C. O. D. ln- siructgd. Chargeylaw. Thoueendl or eeeee cured. State your cane and.-ind (or Ejrjii. Consultation FREE and oonddantlnl, la . petRoa. 'grt>wli^i»» Call or write today. Don’t delay. Xarvous Debility -e nd W«aknesselU{ r | e i ura •< l|> n to.iD-uitAryWoUirni fo n T , rJ' , l ”'“ , T 1 '“»rm t "f Cl men, t9.- t ,,« luu*. I), dr»ms #r with SV-J?® C*’ 11 jr ln J!'. rl V', 1 ’ l V *H d o j°«'»?; 1 «n m. r«e.. m.h«. blood to the head, pain* in tbo hack, conrusod ldc%a sort forgetfulueFH, bMafulneai. Averaion lo aooloty. loaa of vital fdrcia.lons of nmnhood.etc-, cured for life. Wacan atop night I oasis, raitore lost vitality, develop and mature young or middle aged who an w*akly and wrecka and make them tit for marriage. S vnMIld thatterriabledlaeaae,In all Ita forma jpmi19eanu atagea, cured for life. B'ood Feleoalng, skin Dlienea, Ulcers, Swellings. Bore*, uoaorrhooa, Gleet and all forms of private di*e..aea curedte stay Cured! w« gaorautpe to refund yout money If not permAueutly cured. Xldaay Bladder and Prostalie niaeeaea eueceisfully treated and per him Vlllllll lycureu. PILES end NUPTUR8 Ml by painte«eandbloo.:i«sie methods. cured without tho not of instruments. ▲ new Homo . , ino expoaure. No camtlci iog, boufies or sounds. No detention from bast- >. Thousands cured. We guarantee to refund ney if not permanently cured. My —** r book fully ox- by palnlea andbloo- DR. KING MEDICAL CO., fTbofoughly reNponitilfiRy leegally inrorporalcd «ndor tho law* of Georgia.)' plains this disease. VarlfiASlIa Enlarged veins tn the oerotnm VailHBvVIV causing nervous debility, weakness of the nerveno system, eto., permanently cured with out pain. * ^ H y d r o e s I a iiTo 7 „, 0 £.lS* ,or ° , " m ^ Phimosis ’uh. b u 0 °^:,'„ u, * ,1 Ptnnif TO MEN upon apptletlona VitU description of above diisass, i h« effects and cure, sent sealed in plain wrapper, Free Musaum li'/., 2ili In the city. > ery Instructive- Costs you nothing. Hi. 7 XirUUa. C:r. NtrieUt tod Piukbii fits. ATLANTA. CA. ^HARD‘CLINCH” ^ GEORGIA WOOD FIBRE PLASTER Beats the world for holding and lasting qualities. Notice the keys! It locks u Mcurely u If there were m lock art! key on wvery tmth. It never crake, break, or dWnt*«r»Ue. In EpeL K Is tkw on. ami only real wood fibre plaster -which *tv. » batins And SUAmnteed eatlafectkm. It ia Kid by thounnde o( tame all over the South. Don’t consider using any other biwd nata you write n« for information, prices, etc. DALLAS HARDWARE CO.