The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, February 25, 1916, Image 1

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VOL. 8.-No. 8. LOCAL AND PERSONAL The Coming And Goins Of People You Know Mr. R. S. Tatum of Atlanta was here on business Saturday. Mrs. E. F. Poole of Alphar etta spent Friday in Cummins:. Jude Patterson wagin' Atlan ta on business'la&t Thursday. Mr. T. F. Davis and family visited his father on route 5 ’Sunday: Key. and Mrs. C. S .Hawkin* and Mr. Willie Hawkins of Heardville were here Sunday. Mbs Mary Patterson has re turned home from a visit to rela tives in Atlanta. Rev. G. W. Hamilton filled his regular appointment at New Hope Sunday . Geo. W. Heard has received a -w of Chevrolet cars. Call and Yfiacr-x-n**,,.. will demonstrate them ter you. Mr*. W. R. Hall, who was at ' the bedside of her sißter, Mrs. J. ■>% iPuett, fojr: several days last week, has returned home. Mr.. Harris Bruce of South Georgia was up the last of the week at the bedside of his fath "«r. , ; Mr. Cart Hansard, who mov ed to Buford sometime ago!, spent the weekend with rela tives on route 6. Mrs. E. L.. Tatum and’.child rep of Atlanta spent the week - end with Mr. Ed Rhodes and .. family on route 6 . Miss Willie Mae Martin of , Buford is spending a few days with Mr. W. J. Groover and family, "Sflo. 'Criett' : Fuetl and little • son of Atlanta spent the week . end with relatives here and on route 6. Mr. J. L. Green of Atlanta, spent a few days last week with his father, who is very sick aHiis home on route 9. J. B. Patterson, Mike Wilbanks and Bob Harrison were in the Gate City on busi ness Friday. The patent Medicinevendors and horse traders were both .here this week, and, as usual, did a pretty good business. Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Hunter of route 7, and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Myers of Ducktown spent Tues day with Mr. W. J. Dodd and family. Mr. W. A. Edmondson, who has been spending sometime with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Edmondson, has return ed to his home in Atlanta. Johnnie Orr of Ducktown an nounces this week for County Treasurer. Johnnie is little, but he will run some race for this office, and will hustle a round and see the people be fore the election. Look up his . announcement, Mr. A. B. Terry of route 2 was here shaking hands with the voters this week. Mr. Ter ry will be a candidate for Treaa urer in the coming primary and will announce through this pa per at an early date. Mr. J. Newt Smith of Cuba is thinking very serously of ( making the race for Tax Collec tor. Mr. Smith is well known in the county, and will no doubt pull in a large number of votes in the primary. Col. Wm. Butt of Blue Ridge was here this week, feeling a mong the voters with a view of making the race for Solicitor- General. Col. Butt was assist ant solicitor under Col. J. P. Brooke and made many friends among the people. The Forsyth County News The Rural carriers had a hol iday Tuesday—Washington’s, birthday. .' Col. L. E. Wisdom of Gaines ville attended our .court this week. ■. • ' /■ ii ' Col. C. M. McClure of Toc coa attended court' here this week. Rev. F. T. Wills filled his ap pointment at the Baptist church in town Sunday at eleven and at night. , . Mr. W.*E. Phagan of route 5 was here this week mingling with the people. He will be in the race for County Treasure." and says his announcement will appear next week*. Prof. Geo. L. Stovall stood the examination in Atlanta last Saturday to qualify for the of fice of Superintendent of school This makes three- entries ih the race for this office, and will make a hard effort to be win. ne*-' TKere was ar rumor here thi» week that:Esq. T. L. Redd was being urged to nln for Ordinary The Esq.'has many friends in the county who would support him if he decides to throw hjs hat in the ring. ' Judge R. B. Russell of the Court of Appeals was here Tues day. The Judge is thinking of asking the people to elect him to Gohgress from the Ninth dis trict in-the coming election. He will decide in a few days aa -to whether or not he will make the race.' - •' Mr. H. T. Evan’s who was for many years a citizen of this county, died at his home in A dairsville one day last week. He was 77 years of age, and will be remembered by the old er citizens of this county* who will be sorry to learn of his death. Solicitor Herbert Clay was here in the interest' of the State this week, and incidentally shaking hands with some of the voters too. He will ask the people for an endorsement term and will run a‘good race. Mr. Geo. B. Crow, an old For syth county boy, now with the Bludwine Bottling Company of Gainesville was here this week introducing his goods on the market. This company will let the good people of this county know something of the medici cal qualifies of Bludwine thru the columns of the News at an early date. Mr. James of Set tendown district announces this week for Tax Receiver. ' Jim mie is a good citizen, well qual ified for the office and has many friends who wil support him in the campaign. Rev. John P. Smith, of route 4, announces this week for the office of County Superintend ent of Schools. Rev. Smith was a teacWiß. the common school of this county for several is qualified for the duties of the office, and says h* frill make « fair and squflfe rttne before ’the people. Inspectors from the Post Of fice department were here last week with a view of laying out some fifty mile routes in this county, and cut off some of the carriers. Our expecience with the rural service is that this is a bad idea, as it will not prove satisfactory to the people in this section because the routes can not be made in motor cars the year round. Sunshine In The Home Power In The Life. Tax Receiver’s Notice. I will be at the ces on the dates named for the purpose of receiving Tax Re turns for thq.tyftitf.Tdl6: ■ District. * Chadwicks store, Feb 28, 9 a m DE Martin, do 10 am L B Muriroe do' 11 a m Bill Holbrook do ■ noon Dr. Bramblett do lpm A H Stewart do 2pm Purcell store do Up m D.uektown do 4pm A J Barrett place do uight Vickerys'Oistrich Charlie Harrell Feb 20, 9a m Court ground do ■ 10 a m Jack Holbrook do rioon Homer Holbrook do 2pm Puckett store do 4pm J W Ramsey do night Bells District. Willafttore, Mar 1, Bam L H Burgess do 9am Court ground do 10 am D H Strickland do noon Big Creek District. G W Bagwell, Mar 1,2 pm Court ground do 3p in Nalleys store do 4pm W P Green do spm Sheltonyille Mar 2,9 am G T Settle < do 10 am Joe Terry do noon ,Rqy Bufce store do 2pm GfiJSs store do .3 p m .Gilbert store do 4 p m John Pruitt do night John Boss Mar 3,8 a m LaFayette Samples do 10 a m J L Hansard do 11am Judge C. Williams, R T R (CALLING FOR YOIJ When 1 ' you hear the church bell every Sunday morning at 9:30 o’clock, it is- the Baptist Sunday :School calling “for yoVf Our attendance last Sunday passed the 100th mark. If all whahear the call next Sunday would respond to their Chris tian duty the number would be rtore than double that of last Sunday. Will you come? We now begin promptly at 10 o’clock A. M. Everyone es pecially invited to be with us every Sunday. Our motto: Help some body. Sincerely,’ Tom Davis, Supt. Mr. L. J. Westbrook of Ches tateo district will likely be in the race for Tax Collector. He has the matter under advfse ment aud will make a dectssion in a very short time. We are requested to announ ce that T. J. Henderson and R. A. Carruth will sing at Ebene zer next Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Arboth Bramblett of Setten down district announces this week for Tax Receiver. Arb is a good boy, well qualified and if elected will make a good of ficer. Look up his announce ments B. P. Roper has-just received his line of Spring Clothing, Hats and Slippers. They are all right up-to-date, in style and beauty, and the price right. Mrs. Addie Smith, who has Ifefttl spending sometime with Col. C. L. Harris had family, has returned to her home on route 9. While here she had the News sent to her brother in Okla. Mr. J. W. Hamby of route 7 was in to see us Tuesday. He says that there are several Hamby’s in the county and so far as he kimws none of them have ever asked for an office. He is thinking of throwing his hat in the ring for Tax Receiv er. and will announce soon if he decides to make the race. GUMMING GA., EJES. 26, 1916, PROGS&M Teachers’ Aaftkfiation To Be Held 1916 At Cumminfn Ga; i: The'Study oflChildren-Ita By A. C, Xennem«se 2. The Teacher’s Sacrifice for His Fellow Man—Jfy Mrs. Tay lor. . " 3. The School Rogcgwe a Fac tor in School Worfte-By Claud Couch. 4. Busy Work- f Primary Grades—By Miss EtheT Ander son. 5. The opportunities of the Efficient Teacher*—By Theo dore Tatum.. . 1 • 6. Carter Jones. - 7. Song by Curffhing High School—Georgia Land. Let every teacher in the coun ty be present. Miss Parish has been invited. Also Mr. Har ris expects to be able to pay the teachers for these February work. , T. i*. Tribble, Miss Fleta Bramblett, Cliff Sherrell, Program Committee. HONOR ROLL. Daves Creek School. 1 ' School at this place is pro gressing very nice] - The at tendance is splendid, and the pupils are doing good work. The honor roll is rapidly inc creasing. Those o,> the honor roll last week (did not talk) were: Ernie Buice, Mary Cross, Nellie Cross, Emma Frazier, ■ CrlhpiH Arde!H Stahcef, Allie Hudson, Lola Orr, Addie Terry, Dean Buice, Henry Gilbert, Dewey Gilbert, Lebnard Qrr, Ezra Orr, Ella Mashburn, teacher. ANTIOCH We are having some mighty pretty weather these days. The speaking at ttys place Saturday afternoon was very good, a large number of people were out to hear them. The speakers were Rev. G. C. Light, Rev. John P. Smith and Prof. J. H. Smith. Mr. W. W. Hill visited Rev. J. P. Smith Sunday afternoon. Mr. G, W. Thomasa visited Mr. Frank Merritt and family Sunday. Miss Belle Hughes spent Sun day night with her cousin, Miss Minnie Hughes. Mr. Glenn Thomas spent Fri day night with his cousin, Mr. Henry Thomas. Mrs. J. S. Hughes visited Mrs Reid Dunlap Sunday, who has been quite sick. Mr. Lawton Barrett and fam ily spept Sunday with Mr. F. Barrett and family. Rev. G. C. Light preached an interesting sermon at this place Sunday. Mr. John Smith spent Satur day night with Mr. Glenn Thom as. Miss Nellie Wolfe visited her sister, Mrs. J. S* Hughes first of the week. Mr. Bowen Hill and brother Alton, visited Mr. Russell Mer ritt Sunday. Green Persimmon. For Sale. One Horse Power for sawing wood, threshing peas, etc. I vyill sell cheap. W. L. Chadwick, Cumming, Ga., route 1. RESOLUTIONS Roswell Baptist Church. d-Wii. .vour committee appoint ed to dra|t suitablebesolutioiiH upon the death, and to the memory of Brother Furman T. Williams. “We beg leave to submit the following resolutions. Resolved Ist. “That God in his Infinite wisdom has seen fit to take from our midst by the hand of death, our dearly be loved brother and pastor, Fur man T. Williams, which we can not understand why it is so, but we have learned that God moves in a mysterious way his wonders to perform. Resolved 2nd. “That while we mourn; on account of his death and departure from us and this life, we feel that our heads should bow in humble submission to the will of him that knows best, and doeth all -things well. Resolved 3rd. “That we the members of -the Bapist Church at Roswell, feel and realize our condition,' that we are without a keeper, a shepherd has been taken from the watch, and the Flock left to wander but we hope and feel that our loss is his eternal gain. Resolved 4th. “That we ex tend our sympathy and condol ence to the bereaved widow caused by this act of providence in the death of her husband and loved one, we pray that she may look to God for protection, ever keeping in mind his prom ises to his children, we hope and pray that she may be en abled to look beyond this cloud of -grief -and sorrow, and in thebght and spiert view the bright beyond, where friends do-not part and congregations do-not adjourn. “We recommend that these resolutions be spread upon our church minutes, and also upon our record book. “We also recommend that these resolutions be printed in the Milton County Papers, and also in the Forsyth County Pa per. “We also recommend that a copy of these resolutions be placed in the possession of the widow of the deceased Brother. C. P. Wallace, Committee P. A. Reed, ” ” ” AS. Holmes, ” ” ” Cumming Public School We have a fine student body Let me speak of them in the highest terms. Tardiness is al most unknown. Many of our pupils are studying very hard at night. Infact, there are on ly a few pupils who do not study enough at night. Our pu pils are fast learning the les sons of obedience. They are almost without exception, kind to their teachers an to other pu pils. Yes; let me say that we have one of the finest set of pu pils in Georgia. What are the children of Cumming worth? What would you take for yours? T. P. Tribble, Supt. Mare and 2 Colt* for Sale. I have a splendid mare which lam going to sell. Also two colts, ages one and two years old. My price will move them. See them at the Methodist Par sonage, Cumming, Ga. Wiil sell either for cash or good note G. W. Hamilton. I have a good Duroc Jersey Boar, bred by W. L. Howard, Sylvania, Ga., ready for ser vice. Fee $2.50. I also have some Marlboro seed corn for sale. J. M. Thornton, Cumming, Ga., route 5. Forsyth Superior Court. The February term of For syth Superior Court convened Monday morning, his Honor. H. L. Patterson, presiding. The CrVxup.l Jury was drawn, mtired to their room and - lo?, ted Esq. Munroe Bennett a* Foreman, after which they were .given a clear charge by the Court and returned to the room and entered into a full in vestigation of county matters. The following are serving r. 3 Traverse Jurors: Panel No. 1. 1. A. J. Vaughan 2. J. E. Brooks 3. Geo. T. Kellogg 4. R. P. Thompsor 5. B. A. Guthrie 6. Chas. H. Bruce 7. C. O. Wheeler 8. R. B. Burruss 9. R. L. Tidwell 10. J. H. Pruitt 11. W. J. Mangum 12. C. D. Crow Panel No. 2. 13. W. I. Garrett 14. T. r. Thomas 15. J. W. Fagans 16. P. L. Jennings 17. W. F. Westbrook 18. F. K. Chambers 19. W. B. Pruitt 20. J. P. Barnett 21. W. T. Crow 22. J. B. Smith 23. W. C. Dobbs .24. E. A. Strickland Panel No. 3. 25. F. H. Tallant 26. M. L. McWhorter 27. C. L. Hawkins 28. J.N. Poole 29. M. D. Harris 3£. C. D.. Gilbert * * J i-A. *, 32. P. D. Brown 33. G. W. Martin 34. J. H. Buice 35. C. A. Milford 36. Hiram Smith Among the visiting attorneys are J. P. Brooke and G. B. Walk er of Alpharetta, Howell Brook and John Wood of Canton, Geo F. Gaber of Atlanta, E. D. Ken yon of Gainesville and E. O. Dobbs of Buford. BETHEL Some from here attended the singing at Pleasant Grove Sun day afternoon. Mr Tom Edwards and family spent Sunday -with Mr. J. H. Roberts. Mr. G. V. Bagby and family motored down to Norcross Sun day and visited relatives. Mr. John Howser and family were visitors at Mr T J. Thomp son’s Sunday afternoon. Mr. R. C. Orr and wife visi ted at Mr. C. F. Orr’s Sunday. . Mr. Robert Keith and family were the guest of Mrs. Mina Sargent’s Sunday. Little Grace Buice is on a vis it to her grandparents here. Mrs. Arthur Thompson spent last Thursday with Mrs. C. M. Buice. Misses Neva and Bertie Floyd spent Saturday night the guest of their sisiter, Mrs. C. F. Orr. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Orr spent Sunday with the former parents. There will be a singing at Bethel the first. Sunday after noon in March. Everybody in vited to come. Nell. FOR SALE A few bushel of Broadwell-* improved carefully selected cotton seed, $l.OO per bushel. Also Marlboro Prolific seed corn, $1.50 per bushel. S. J. Smith, Gainesville, Ga., route 9. PRICE 76 CENTS PER YEAR Claude Martin Shot Last Monday night after re turning from court here,. Mr Claude Martin, who lives in Bells district, was shot through the knee while sitting near the window in his home. Is was thought that the shoot ing vvas Uw.e hr some parties against whom he nau c'on Ni court here Monday, and It :*• understood that threats wed made that hp would be shot he swore ag' inst them. The parties were arrest and brought to Gumming; wtu rants having been sworn out against their, by Mr. Martin. The Grand Jury will investigate the matter this week. Mr*. J. S. Bennett. Mrs. J. S. Bennett died at her home on route 5 last Thursday night, and her remains were laid to rest at Concord Friday, Rev. J. J. Banister conducting the services. She is survived by her hus band and a host of other rela tives and friends to whom we ex tend sympathy. J. M. Bruce Dead. Sir. J. M. Bruce. 72 years of age, died at his home oh route 5 last Friday afternoon, and his remains were interred at. Beaver Ruin Sunday, the fune ral services being conducted by Revs. R. H. Thompson and J. B. Driskell. Mr. Bruce was a veteran of the civil war. a highly respect ed citizen of the county and has many friends who will be pain ed to learn of his death. He is survived by his wife, 6 children and a host of other we extend sympathy in this sad hour of bereavement. SILVER SHOALS “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap’’. Mrs. J. B. Driskell were the guest of Mrs. W. M. Turner Friday. Raymond Millwood was ser iously hurt by a stroke of a bi cycle Friday, we hope for him a speedy recover. Mr. W. D. Wilson of Gaines ville spent Saturday night wjik ,C- if- Floytf. Several from here attended the box supper at Shady Grove Friday night. Visitors at C. H. Floyd’s Thursday evening were Mr . Ed and P L Dover, Misses Pearl and Emma Woodliff and also Maggie Dover. Mr. Clyde Henderson form ly of this part, now of Gaines ville, passed through this part Friday. Misoes Nellie Bryant, Emma and Pearl Voodliff visited at Ed Dover’s Friday afternoon. Miss Pearl Wofford, who has been the guest of her cousin, Miss Lula Phillips, returned to her home near Flowe-y Branch Sunday . The singing at Wilson Tur ner’s Sun da;, night was melo dious, and enjoyed by all pres ent. “By little strokes men fell great oaks”. Pat and Pal. MANY THANKS We wish to thank the many who have been in to see us this week renewing their paper. A 1 so the large number who have become new subscribers to the paper. This has been the best week for new subscriptions we have ever had, and we are pleased with the number of renewals.