The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, March 16, 1917, Image 3

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W §QD(M3B |p . ill <>mm Every Housewife or .•" ’H n Met:;':’ is ever under ■ / ji v \ t ( j. tl which so often resul 3 in Headaches. l * • \ r c .. r ! bensf;aons, L tt Degression a;,c:.;....' -~'"J K .. 1 , " . 1 D** c:jn . . j ■ •1 - ' L- r . , x I I— vu£wj . c . ,‘i .. o 1 ; . \r FffiST BOTTL-F. FAILS TO hp *hav* I benefit, vour Mo;:£y I CH REFUNDED. ft v->. ■ . .... . vwo ~e:e - Lr - . • ...Vi ~ aate ~ ' =•—' ’ Crisp, crunchy toast done to a Iff-y: Ten bro wa, spread with rich, ere.'any butter —that and a cup ; ' CvV ct s food, old Luzianne. There’s a t t in itself that's hard "\V t 0 eal ' — r ' 7/ ‘ hard. You buy a can of Luzianne today. If it '*s£ofSC'.' : ;'C 5 do. -.n’t; abe • -and farther than ■' any o er ct. a at the price, Tie Luzianne Guarantee : your grocer will refund your If, aftar using tha contents money, without question OT of a can, you a r .. . , - t r In every respect, your gro- quibble. Ask lor profit-Sliaring cer will refund you: . ; . y. q- IffF?/ I*/ / . Jt*a>s*j r The Reily—Taylor Cc lewC leans Saved Girl’s Life “I want to tei! you what wonderful benefit I have re ceived from the use of Ti ed' id’s £': ■’'c-Diat.ghf,” writes Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of C'iiion M'iis, Ky. “It certainly has no ec,. .1 for ia grippe, bad colds, liver and stomach troubles., 1 firmly believe Black-Draught saved my little girl’s life. When she in. I i..e measles, they went in on her, but one g od dose of Thedford’s Black-Draught made them break o: 1, i :.i ..i.e has had no more trouble. I shall never ; \ t Kl/• \ /. ■ - j in my home.” For constipatirn, indlr/r-lion, headache, dizzi ness, malaria, chills and fev , ass, and all similar ailments, Thedford’s Black-D .'. .Jit i; proved itself a safe, reliable, gentle and valuable eniedy. If you suffer from any of these complaints, try Black- Draught. It is a medkii.e c n. merit Seventy-five years of splendid success proves its value. Good for young and old. For sale everywhere. Price 25 cents. .n; your nervous system is . strength is wasted; your digestion weakened, your blood impoverished. If 111 I I II llfflll iivvii i mill ■ ■?A?: ’■! is the rich tonic-food to nourish your i enters, repair the wasted tissue, improve your blood-power, sharpen your appetite and gradually re-establish your strength. • > Get SCOTT’S for yourself, or remii.d some ailing \nfjj friend that SCOTT’S has proven these words for i\ U/ thousands of others. Look for this Trade-Mark. L Scott & Downs, Bloomfield. N. J. u t SHERIFF’S SALE. t orgin, Forsyth County. Will .bo sold before the court house door m the town of Cum- D' ng, in said county, within tile "legal hours of sale, on tile hrgt Tuesday in April, 11)17, hat .is known as the Elia S. tSrris place, containing 100 a • !’&•. iu u'o or less, consisting of he east half of lot of land No. 1 10 b, and all of lots 1107 and 1103, in tire 3rddistrict and Ist ection in said county, the same eing well improved, a good 1 welling, barn and stables and other buildings thereon. Lov ed upon as the property of E :.a S. Harris, who is in possess on of .the same, under and by . irtue ot a fifa issued from the Superior Court of Forsyth coun ty in favor of Leßoy Edmond son against the said Elia S. Har ; is, and assigned to the Bank of Humming. Said debt being se cured by a deed made by said Elia S. Harris to the said Leroy Edmondson elated the 19th day of January, 1904, and recorded in the Clerk’s office of the Su perior Court of said county on the same date. This March 7, 1917. W. T. Merritt, Sheriff. Forsyth County, Ga. Citation for Years Support Georgia, Forsyth County. To all whom it may conci rn: Mrs. Linnie Tallant having made application to me for 12 months support for herself oul of the estate of Geo. Tallant, and appraisers duly appointed to set apart the same having filed their return, all persons on ere and are hereby required to show cause before the Court . Ordinary of said county on the Ist Monday in April, 1917, >v‘r.- said application should not be granted. Given under and official signature, this Bth day of March, 1917. W. J. Tidwell, Ordinary. Citation for Dismission. Georgia, Forsyth County, i o ail whom it may concern: E. E. Bagwell, administrator up on the estate of O. L. Edwards, late of said county, deceased w ing s' ; .a! his petition for dis charge, this is to cite all per ms concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can. against the granting ■ I . discharge at the regu lar term of the Court of Ordina ry of said county to be held on the Ist Monday in April, 1917. Given under my hand and of ficial signature, this sth day of March, 1917. W. J. Tidwell, Ordinary. Citation for Dismission. ■ leorgia, Forsyth County. To all whom it may concern. G. P. Jennings, administrator up on the estate of E. B. Jennings, late of said county deceased, having filed his petition for dis charge, this is to cite all per sons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, against the granting of this discharge at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary of said county to be held on the Ist Monday in April, 1917. Given under my hand and of- Tial signature, this sth day of March, 1917. W. J. Tidwell, Ordinary. POTATO PLANTS Porto Rico, Nancy Hull, and Southern Queen varieties redy for Apr. 10th. ! bus ’dams in every respect, crated so they will arrive in >od condition. Statistics show that the potato crop last year was shortened with the unfav orable winter for keeping them, -•cod potatoes are scarce. 1 would advise you to place your •rue. a tor plants early. Paces: 1000 prepaid by par el pest 51.75; 5,000 by ex • .. not paid $1.35 per thou: nd. I will be pleased to quote von prices on larger quamtiex. fvone” tomato plants at $1.75 .•• r tho.iisand by express not prepaid; 5,00 prepaid by par el post SI.OO. iff. C. Patterson, Malone, Ga 0 Notice I represent Pike County Nur ■'iOs. formerly represented ■re by my father, (A. J. Bar it). Any one in need of nur •ry stock I would be glad to fill wour orders. Respectfully. J. L. Barrett. Seed Corn For Sale. I have Marlboro prolific seed corn. Price $2.00 per bushel. Also . V andiver Heavy Fruitei and Broadweli cotton seed at $1.60 bushel. S. J. Smith Gainesville Ga. R. 9 ipp-v. . W ipiUll]l||| i v J-wSr\ f j m XmTOMKHSjr / /G'Prju.i'f ;•" Lij L^iUnSßa jWwjj at:/..;..-.. is- .wi'.-ao.v f /wfl tyi' ji.j j The FOIIRc-R OF A~ "■ >?T!” *. ’ - tWyn >t • ction of for! ; n" jjSl bought in such ■:nlh;.L li.Sr • j acii i tin i: r .:.nt I * crs v u® w-cl *l 1: ’ • v <• r f - \b : . a similur \VI i VIA" 0. ; W * LD, i: JL -Vff and o lir , v fon }•' * 0- . ( * j t-LOOD AJJDAii'.i ' • ‘ ■ i \ -m r -. i 1 * . jjjjL MORRIS FERTILIZER CO.. Atlanta,Of/' * | CALL FOR THEM AT YOUR NZ BY \ ($& I pry | Allen c. Harrison, Cumming, C • Grater i R" r j|Njjair -V"phy, M ‘ e su, 0r.., H. Belt, 0.... v. nod, G . , PfflPMlriimV W - E. Trammel, Alp! ' ’iR....... Ga;' ;; P S: ' ■sr R Before It Takes Hold J You can do it by keeping your blood clean. Tho viui kidneys filter about .'•■’ eraii • of uric acid and plMl \ other salt:- from tin; blood every : 4 hour :. When \ojoMy- )> ,yjA there is n ore than the kidneys can remove, it is '■} deposited in muscles and Joints, a id painful rheu ''¥fW(v'/7 SI mat ism follow---. S. S. & . far years the most ~A * i ' , ' efficient of all blood tonic.-, will keep tho blood A s b pure and -prevent <1; ••on. it. At your drnggi t r , sv.-ii- r specific co.. atl-anta, ga. hrandfat.icr — _ _ _ He’ll & 0 Will ‘ Tell Yon oiVi VI IB 111 V/hen Mending Umbrellas. Take a small piece of black stick In: phrstei and Fork it unti. It Is uni e soft; p 1 ,ce It carefully under the inside and let it dry. This is bet i 'i:: a darning, as it closes the hols ■•..ter will’.; r Ftitchinß. Fortunate Provision. "Nature’s works are marvelous." "Yes. Isn't it fortunate that she pro vided every woman with some real hair to pin braiuL and switches to." i AM THRU thanking my customers for their pat ronage during last year so far as news paper space is concerned, but down in my heart the appreciation still clings, and will for years to come. I wish to call all your friendly feel ings for awhile to my up-to-the-minute line of Shoes to be found in the shelves extending entirely across the south side of my store. In this dei artment you will find shoes of many different makes, the very latest models, and re member, we can fit the whole family. In addition to our line of Shoes, we have a large stock o f Dry Goods. Cloth ing, Hats, Caps, Notions, Buggies and Wagons, Harnes, Lap Robes, and an up-to-date line of Groceries to go at a bargain price to make room for new Spring Goods. G\J T ¥¥ 1 ieo. Vir • i ■ Portuguese Cosmetic. Women of the Portuguese province of Mozai'ibhpje, in Africa, make a white cosmetic by grinding a oertniu kind of wood hi water. They assert, it r'moves r' 1.l a aj.d prevents erup tive blemishes. Literature. hit' r.-.ry hi. Jury 1., vh great morgue where all : :k the dead whom they love or to •.horn they ary related. — Heinrich tiuino. Woon’s Special Grass ns Clover Seed Mixtures Best foi at Hay and t-. ura, e Yields. Put up in proportion* as expert • and fur llic diffeti . purposes for wliit ihey ai recommended. .1 by our customer . Wood’s S ed Catalog for 1917 <>. i ormatlon, to from customers giving their experience. . on request. I of any Farm Seeds required. T.W. V. OOD & SONS, SEEDSMEN, * Richmond, Va. Sow Wood's Evergreen Lawn Grass ■t—n lwni. Write for special Lawn circular.