The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, March 16, 1917, Image 5

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PLEASANT VIEW. We are glad to say Rev. V. V. Braddy is improving nicely. A number of the members of his churches called to see him Sunday and were glad to find him better. z The children of Mr. J. T. Brannon have measles, also the baby of Rev. V. V. Braddy. A child of Mr. J. S. Glover and one of Mr. Doc Self’s is sick at this time. The little son of Mr. and Mrs Earl Brannon is better. Mr. J. A. Brannon in on the sick list. We hope for all the ska speed recovery. Yes, Pat, we Will always com promise. Of course our bodies are not afraid but our heels just wont stand. Again you are too amidable yes, its all love with me. So be a good boy and come on to Sunday school. Rev. and Mrs. Dempsey spent Sunday wfth Mr. and Mrs. A. A Thompson. Remember if w r e have a good Sunday school we will have to do something to make it good, We all know what that is and let us do our part. The Roanoke writer seems to be interested in trying to get the church members to look at the way things are going. I look at this as being a very im portant matter because we can see plainly our churches are get ting in bad shape, fceca’v ; it seems that all we care for is the things of this world. Let us all try to take more interest in our churches this year. Hill Bill ey. ROUTE 3. Mr. Roger Martin and family and Harley Poole and wife of Gwinnett county visited Mrs. Hassie Vaughan the latter part of last week. Mrs. Lizzie Westbrook visit ed Mrs. Ann Bennett Thursday afternoon. Miss Genevie Roper spent Saturday night and Sunday with Miss Winnie Dempsey. Mrs. Othell Satterfield and daughter, Beatris, visited Mrs. Emily Castleberry one day last week. Mr. Eugene Harrison and family visited Mr. It. O. Har rison and wife Wednesday night. Mrs. Dempsey and daughter Leo, visited Mrs. Lyndia Bar nett Tuesday. Mrs. Lucy Holbrook and daughters visited relatives near Pleasant View one day last week. Mr. George Holbrook and wife visited near Sheltonville Sunday. Mrs. Lou Rhodes of Maysville is visiting her son, Ed Rhodes and family. Mrs. Ada Long of Savannah is visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary Bacon. Mr. Erlie Bennett and family spent last Thursday night with Bill Bennett and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Fowler visited at A J Stewart’s one day last week. Mrs. Bertha Gunter is visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. S, Glover. Mr. Claude Brooks and and family spent Sunday at Mrs. Hassie Vaughan. Miss Leo Dempsey and broth er Clyde, visited near Alphar etta Saturday and Sunday. Misses Odell and Zonie Bar nett visited their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Strawn near Longstreet Saturday night Dorothy. BRANDYWINE. I wonder if the Editor con fined himself to the time of say ing good bye to make the fuss he told us about. The question seems to be go ing the rounds. Why has peo ple lost interest in their meet ings? When I was small I used to see a certain picture with horns and a large, pitchfork standing by a lake of fire. No use for me to call hi:? name. Well, 1 think he is the cause for this lack of interest on our part. James Hill Couch filled his regular appointment at Shiloh Sunday. He made an interest ing talk from the theme, “The determined man”. He believes that we are just as good or just as bad as we want to be and that we can accomplish any thing that we really desire to accomplish. Mr. Warner Stone and fam ily of near Guinn Public school were week-end visitor here. Mrs. Fannie Stone of Atlan ta spent last Sunday with her son Jasper Stone. Jesse Bales says, that the Editor may add to the crop val nation last year about $22.97% for his alfalfa patch, also 30c. for velvet beans. I am sure glad that the Grand Jury was kind enough to give us a demonstrator but sorry that we could not afford one for the entire time. He will get such a late start he cannot ac complish w’hat he could had he began earlier. If our people would give this work a respect ful trial before condemning it, that would go a long ways to wards success. We certainly need to make a change in our farming. 1 know of farms right now that a few years ago were growing fine cotton and corn that now will hardly pay for the cultivation of any crop that we might plant on them, and fields that there had no gullies, have them so large now a horse can hardly cross them. We do not claim that a demonstrator will cure all these ills but I think he will help us. Paw. OSCARVILLE. The young people enjoyed a pound supper at Mr. Rufus Crow’s Saturday night. Mr. Tyson Kennemore and wife of New Hope visited at Mr Ira Waldrip’s Sunday. There will be a singing at Pleasant Grove next Sunday af ternoon. Everybody invited to come. Mr. Egbert Porter and wife spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs George Olivett. Dr. Crow of Gainesville visit ed his brother, Mr. Rufus Crow Sunday. Mrs. Erskin Waldrip who has been sick for sometime is better at this writing. Mr. Mercer Crow and wife visited at Mr. Emory Crow’s Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hemphill visited relatives near Oakwood Sunday. Col. and Mrs. Wheeler of Gainesville visited Mr. and Mrs. W .T. Crow Sunday afternoon. Miss Nora Duran visited her brother, Tarplin Duran near Harmony Grove last week. Edith the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith is very sick, hope she will soon be better. The singing at Mr. R. C. Hemp hill’s Sunday night was enjoyed by all present. Mr. Ralph Bonds and wife vis ‘ted relatives in Gainesville last week. Mr. and Mrs. Willie White side visited relatives in th; i ..rt last week. Mr. Daniel Gravitt and fam ily spent part of last week in Gainesville. Jack and Jill. LONGSTREET Rev. J. J. Holbrook filled his regular appointment at this place Saturday and Sunday, preaching two interesting ser mons. Mrs. Belle Henderson and children of Holly Springs are visiting at her fathers, Mr. J. H Phillips’s for a few days. Mr. Paul Durham visited Mr. Grady Bettis Sunday. Mr. Clarence Buice and wife spent Saturday night and Sun (day at Mr. F. E. Buice’s. Among those who visited at Mr. W. 11. D. Puckett’s Sun day were Dr. Jim Puckett, wife and son, Cecil, Mr. Henry House and wife, Mr. Cicero Puckett and family and Mr. Warner Stone and family. Miss Lillie Phillips spent Sat urday night with Mr. Curtis Phillips and wife. Mi. Wright and daughters Ruby and Tersa, of Roswell vis ited at Mr. John Dinsmore’s Sat urday night and Sunday. Mr. Ernest Samples and wife visited at Mr. W. 11. Phillips’s Sunday. Mr. F. E. Buice and family spent Sunday night at Mr. Jas per Martin’s. Dr J. T. Hunter and Mr. Jack Holbrook made a business trip to Atlanta Saturday. Miss Bertha Phillips and sis ter, Ollie Mae, and Mr. Grady Bettis visited at Mr. Lawrence Durham’s Saturday night. Charlotte, MT PISGAH Sunday was a fine day and automobiles was running some. The singing at Mt. Pisgah was enjoyed by all present. Misses Maude and Annie Bell Dawson visited Misses Bell and Jonnie Sosebee Sunday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Stew art visited Mr. W. T. Tallant one night last week. Miss Mamie Fowler visiter at Mr. W. M. Fowler’s one night last week. Mr. M. V. Hawkins and wife spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. F. L. Hawkins and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Price vis ited Mr. Bartow Beechem and wife Sunday afternoon. Mr. Joe Pruitt and family visited Mr. W. M. Fowler Sat urday night and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Fowler spent one night last week with Mr. A. E. Fowler and family'. Listen ! f think I can write up a wedding real soon. Mr. Editor, I think you very much for the answer you give on “How to tell your sweetheart goodbye: I think it is a real good answer if it will work. Mr. Clauclie Fowler and wife visited Mr. T. M. Fowler the lat ter part of the w'eek. Goober Grabbler. BEAVER RUIN. After a few weeks absence will come again. The visitors at Mr. J. N. Smith’s Sunday were Mr. Seth Samples, wife and two daugh ters, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Pirkle, Mr and Mrs Jim Smith and Mi s Vada Shadburn. Mr. Noah Samples and fami ly and Mr. Jeff Smith spent Sun lay at Mr. Guy Heard’s. Mrs. Clura Bruce and little daughter Charlotte, spent Sun day with Mrs. Sallie Bennett. Mrs. J. M. Bruce is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Crow. Mr. Claude Wheeler, wife and two children spent Sunday at Mr. F. C. Pilgrim’s. Mr. Roy Gravitt and family' visited Mr. H. E. Shadburn and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Fowler of near Haw Creek spent Satur day and Sunday at Mr. T. G. Smith’s. Miss Daisy Lee Wheeler and brother Joe, spent Sunday with Nettie and Albert Heard. Mrs. Essie Wheeler and Mrs. Sallie Bennett visited Mrs. Su san Davis Friday afternoon. Little Tate Smith visited his grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Smith Saturday and Sunday. Hoyt Tate spent Sunday with Roy and Lewis Hamby. Mrs. Clura Bruce and little daughter spent one night last week at Mr. L. B. Dovers. Hazel. ROANOKE. Well, the second Sunday has come and gone and we sure did enjoy the day very much, first S L m The fVlajestic Range. Visit our demonstration Saturday, March 9th, at our store in Duluth. During next week week we will canvass and demonstrate this great Range. Asa special inducement during this demonstration we will give absolutely free AN SB.OO SET Or GRANITE AND COPPER WARE During this demonstration and canvass you will have an op portunity to learn how the oven of a Range is heated-how the top is heated-Why the Majestic uses so little fuel-How a Range is made inside and out. This knowledge may be of use to you even if you don’t buy now. LOWE, PITTARD & COMPANY DULUTH , GEORGIA. we sure had a good lesson at Corinth then preaching at elev en, and then after dinner broth crsßob Mullinax, Religh Echols; Emory Hansard and Paul Phill ips and Buster Day sure did do some good singing, and we surej did enjoy it very much. The last: song was Arlington. We expect; ‘hose bretheren and sister Ech los to be be with us again and sing for us the second Sunday in April and all others that can help us, your presence will help us. Come on everybody and let us labor together for the Mas ter. The prayer meeting is still fine. Como on all who is inter ested in this kind of services. We are having some pretty weather now, and we sure are glad to see it, after so much v et weather. The sick in this part are all better at this writing and we hope they will all stay better. Those visiting at J. W. Thom as’ Sunday was G. W. Thomas and wife, B H Thomas and wife ! and Mr. R. E. Hansard and fam ily. Mrs. A1 Hansard and Miss Willie Hansard visited Mr .Jake Hansard Sunday'. Well, I reckon that the Sun day school at this place is tak ing a rest for awhile. That is too bad it ought to be good as there are plenty of people here to have a good Sunday school, Shake Off That Grip When Spring comes, with its changeable weather and your exposure, it is best to clear away all the symptoms left after an attack of grip. That evii disease leaves you weakened, and when its victim attempts to “do hi bit” be exposes himself to the risk of a second attack, for which be is less prepared, and which may have graver consequences. There J s Danger in Delay April and May am pneumonia months. In this time a weak ened system is a constant source of danger, for the pneumonia and grip infections are in the air, and after a long winter the body i with waste it cannot resist them. Fortify the health, remove the catarrh, and improve the digestion. F °L?:S ck PERUNA This reliable tonic is recommended to remove the waste from the 1- catarrhal poisons and allay the inflammati n that i <■ I'arrh, restore the regular appetite and tone up the entire system to resist disease. A well man is safe. Asa tonic <:• • . ' has won many commendations, while itseffect iveness in cc:; ;.1 L ons u unquestioned, lake no chances —Take Peruna. Peruna Tablets arc always ready to take. You may carry a box with you and ward off colds and chill. The liquid medicine in your home is a great safeguard. Protect your family. The Peruna Company, Columbus, Ohio but it seems that it is a hard mat ter to please some people any-! way, but there is a day coming when some people will see their j mistakes but it may be too late for their children and sure they will loose a lot of enjoyment, for their selves, for the Lord will not bless those that are dis obedient to his will. So I would like to see the people come to gether in the hands of Christian love and lay down those friv erlous things and serve God with our whole heart. A. Subscriber.