The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, March 30, 1917, Image 3

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POTASH dk We handle Fertilizers with Genuine German PofcasSr Only. These Goods are made by Armour, Swift and Ober. Call to see us. We will appre ciate your business. McClure-Tayior Cos. DULUTH, GA. Winds Vary. Luzianne -Never/ * fy _ jiFfT \ ■ \(im% tN-k "'cßeilyLiVlorO IMPORTERS C-RO ASTER 5 The Luzianne Guarantee: If, after using the contents of a can, you are not satisfied in every respect, your gro cer will refund your money. IPZIAT lEeoffee IThe Reily—Taylor Company, New Orleans I7FRQ . I.™ ra a 'i a=ss s £ S * w I represent the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Cos., and A. 1). Adair & .Mc- Carty Bros., and keep a supply of these famous Iran, "s of Fertilizer on hand at all times. I will appreciate your calling to see me when in Duluth, and I wnl give you the best goods at the lowest pri ces, and extend to you a cordial wel come and courteous treatment. N. H. STRICKLAND Duluth, Georgia. k > i S'g jf*§ m ■@a "HP • i*® SVGCI S Ml© “I want to tell you what wonderful benefit I have re ceived from the use of Thedford’s Black-Draught,” writes Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky. “It certainly has no equal for la gnppe, bad colds, liver and stomach troubles, l firmly believe Black-Draught saved my little girl’s life. When she had the measles, they went in on her, but one good dose of Thedrord’s Black-Draught made them break out, and she has had no more trouble. I shall never be without E ka THEDFORD'S bK *s H ArK-iiMiigll I jr y % i. * Jr%w Vafe i! 1 in my home.” For constipation, indigestion, headache, dizzi ness, malaria, chills and fever, biliousness, arid all similar ailments, Thedford’s Black-Draught has proved itself a safe, reliable, gentle and valuable remedy. If you suffer from any of these complaints, try Black- Draught. It is a medicine of known merit. Seventy-five years of splendid success proves its value. Good for young and old. For sale everywhere. Price'2s cents. — _ an ar* fr; pv 'V',. r"= . j, AJV Concerning Nothing. We are told nothing is ir: possible. Wrong. Lota of men are very accom plished at doing nothing. —Norman (lapgood. You don’t have to be a magician to make two pots of coffee exactly alike when you use Luzianne. For Luzianne is unvarying in character, ever and always the same good-drink ing coffee. .Eut —the only way you can really know Luzianne is to drink it. And that suggests your buying a can today. Bear in mind, you take no chances with Luzianne. The guaran tee protects you to the very penny. So, get right to it and buy Luzianne now. Every sip will confirm your good judgment and our good faith. Ask for profit-sharing catalog. Vocational Training. "She has a complexion like tinted porcelain. "yes, I know; she took ■ in china painting.”—Cleveland Plain Dealer. SHERIFF’S SALE. Georgia, Forsyth County. Will be sold before the court house door in the town of Cum ming, in said county, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in April, 191 1, what is known as the Elia S. Harris place, containing 100 a eres, more or less, consisting of the east half of lot of land No. 1106, and all of lots 1107 and 1108, in the 3rddistrict and Ist sec.ion in said county, the same being well improved, a good dwelling, barn and stables and other buildings thereon. Lev ied upon as the property of E lia S. Harris, who is in possess ion of the same, under and by virtue of a fifa issued from the Superior Court of Forsyth coun ty in favor of Leßoy Edmond son against the said Elia S. Hac ris, and assigned to the Bank of Cummir.g. Said debt being se cured by a deed made by said Elia S. Harris to the said Leroy Edmondson dated the 19th day of January, 1904, and recorded in the Clerk’s office of the Su perior Court of said county on thp same date. This March 7, 1917. W. T. Merrift, Sheriff. Forsyth County, Ga. Citation for Years Support Georgia, Forsyth County,, To all whom it may concern; Mrs. Linnie Tallant having made application to me for 12 months support for herself out of the estate of Geo. Tallant, and appraisers duly appointed to set apart the same having filed their return, all persons concerned are hereby required to show cause before the Court of Ordinary of said county on the Ist Monday in April, 1917, why said application should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this Bth day of March, 1917. W. J. Tidwell, Ordinary. Citation for Dismission. Georgia, Forsyth County. To all whom it may concern: E. L. Bagvcell, administrator up on the estate of O. L. Edwards, late of said county, deceased having filed his petition for dis charge, this is to cite all per sons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, against the granting of this discharge at the regu lar term of the Court of Ordina ry of said county to be held on the Ist Monday in April, 1917. Given under my hand and of ficip.l signature, this st'n day of March, 1917. •• W. J. Tidwell, Ordinary. Citation for Dismission. Georgia, Forsyth County. To all whom it may concern. G. P. Jennings, administrator up on the estate of E. B. Jennings, late of said county deceased, having filed his petition for dis charge, this is to cite all per sons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, against the granting of this discharge at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary of said county to be held on the Ist. Monday in April, 1917. Given under my hand and of ficial signature, this sth day of March, 1917. W. J. Tidwell, Ordinary. POTATO PLANTS Porto Rico, Nancy Hall, and Southern Queen varieties redy for shipment Apr. 10th. First class plants in every respect, crated so they will arrive in good condition. Statistics show that the potato crop last year was shortened with the unfav orable winter for keeping them. Seed potatoes are scarce. 1 would advise you to place your orders for plants early. Prices: 1000 prepaid by par cel post $1.75; 5,000 by ex press not paid $1.35 per thous and. 1 will be pleased to quote you prices on larger quanities. “Stone” tomato plants at $1.75 per thousand by express not prepaid; 5,00 prepaid by par cel post SI.OO. E. C. Patterson, Malone, Ga. Notice I represent Pike County Nur series', formerly represented here by my father, (A. J. Bar rett) . Any one in need of nur sery stock I would be glad to fill wour orders. Respectfully. J. L. Barrett. Why He Needed a Week. Clerk—“l’d like to fwf a week oIT, sir, to attend tho wedding of a friend.” Employer—“ Avery clear friend, I should say. to make you want that much time.' 1 Clerk —"Well, sir, after the ceremony she will be my wife.” —Boston Transcript *jir{s->s{cai a jo TBr,. - A3tn6s ojh Caqi HSnoiti ‘AOSAjjd u ■ ■ pm: ‘Ajuinp par >looi peAomo.i qesuo 3<J tnro J*nos 9JC Xoip u-oi.yy Hatred aip uo •np’dr.a jadud in.iop .'jsrd tuoojqjuq S {.> :;q) onhurto fitpnoi ox “WORTH WEIGHT !N GOLD”SAYS YOUNG Had Taken So Much Medicine His House Looked Like Drug Store—Gains Rapidly. After Taking Tanlac. “If forty men had sworn to me ‘until they were black in the face’ that any medicine on earth would have helped me as much as Tanlac has in only ten days’ time, I would have laugh ed at them,” said Robert Young who lives at 512 Baxter avenue Knoxville, Tenn. “This medicine is worth its weight in gold, and if the price was $5O a bottle instead of $l, I would buy it just the same, if I had the money to pay for it. “If the next bottle helps me as much as the last, I am going to throw tnbse crutches away. 1 feel like a different man, and if it were not for my back and legs, which were operated on, I would be able to walk again. “I have been suffering for years with tuberculosis of the bone, and if it had not been for a prominent surgeon here in Knoxville —whose name I will be glad to give to any one on re quest—l guess I would have died long before this. “It was a wonderful opera tion, and there was a whole lot of talk about my case here in Knoxville. I don’t believe there has ever been another case as bad as mine. He sawed nine inches out of the bone in my leg and grafted it to my spinal col umn. So far as the operation was concerned, it was a com plete success,' and saved my life but my constitution was so weakened at the time 1 had nev er fully recovered from the ef fects of it, and have been very weak and gradually losing strength ever since. I finally; got so I could hardly eat or: sleep, and was gradually going down hill. “If you remember the day 1 came after the first bottle of Tanlac, I was so weak 1 could hardly get about. I now feel like anew man. I can eat bet ter and sleep better and have gained pounds in wmight. “Of course, I do not mean to say this medicine will cure tu berculosis in any form, and I know you do not recommend it for that, but it seems to have built me up and strengthened me in every way. ~Before taking this Tanlac, I had tried so many different kinds of medicine that my house looked like a drug store. I will be glad to tell anybody what it has done for me, but I w’on’t have to tell them, for the difference in my looks will show for itself.” Tanlac is sold by: Gumming Drug Store. Also by j •J. A. Wills, Gumming, Ga., R. F. D. No. 7, and T. R. Brice.! Pleasant, Ga.; Hurt & Heard, Cuba, Ga.; Ledbetter & How ard, Ducktown, Ga,; Ross A. Bagley, Gumming, Ga., route 3 ; S. G. Cross, Cumming Ga., route 3; S. G. Clement, Cumming, Ga Rt. 3; J. D. Buice, R. F. D. Su’w mee, Ga; W. H. Hammond, Otis, Ga. (R. F .D. Cumming.) | Advertisement I New Flour Mill. I have my Midget Marvel flour mill ready for grinding. If you want good flour and a ogod turn out bring your wheat and | corn to my mill. I can please you if you can be pleased. Located 5 \ ■_> miles south west of Gumming. Thad L. Brannon. Bring your suits to Lonnie Denson and have them pressed and cleaned. He will do you them back to you looking like a crack-a-jack job and bring new ones. The offer of the News and Sunday Constitution, without Monday, at $”.95, will be good until March 27th. Send us youi order before that date. To The Country Merchant Edmondson & I’irkle have ot; hand a good supply of D. M. Ferry’s garden and flower seed. Call and be supplied and b< ready when the customers call for seeds. Ferry’s are the best • X'':' . r . v• • W <i ••* •• •; * .•• • ’ '.#' ' ,l •■ \ 4&L -!v -w V.Vy 'A . I , . -j il . •- r ... v ...... ! v . ' ‘■•i • ■'•■•ai if • •• /ri .' V * "V*. ■ .•*:>. * • j>. .' 1 r-'V J m- ';■ ~ r.\>*i \ tegular *v: ‘iH, ..*, A . feS* ■'"•>.>JPViD • , '.'„'■*!?■■' > <Utu ptice of this v - ■„ .■ . -“IST* vJ, , ■■' A. Aw. '&s{ box t3 about ~J" JP U , ~ , V ;**' / .•> '"Wi ■'''■'* /. ~ J ~ <-/•' D *- f v 7 —4 /,"/ '/^y^ •.. •• ." ' .' . * ■'<•’* • w -'*. -w-wv. ,'. ; vL.,-l.v ~v-T. '• */ V '■ 'B * ■ ‘ v /JS .1 AjfjVj ',' .. /‘i" • v~. ;• $ - , V ■ -■—■'■'■ f The Semi-fleekiyleum! & $M )ter: J wy!* And the Safety Document Box Absolutely Free " *• In i|!'..e "s when tin whole v:; rhl i- :il war, .inti whi " history is brine; in ue o.oi ■ day of every • e l .. vi ii i r ffovd to he withoi i : r'c-'iipapw :urh as 'I he \tlnntu Semi-Woekly Journal. In eni-h issue of The Semi-Wi e\;l■> ,loun;:il yon itot all the nows of the world us up iliui. by the 1 1 i! ••:•„ the I; 'test ft. 1 i.e loliehle of all novVs-i;;itht>ritss attonrics. In tuMhion to this. |)r. A. M. Soule. Dr. Frank Cram, ’lrheric .1. 1188- tin, Bi shop ft arren A. Cand(#r '.'■■■ oil Bruce, boring Brown, Mrs. W H. Felton. is l.i/ O. Thomas and other famous writs: s mi>*ib.ute artl ies of e nii interest S.ut fill’c; ii' r e 'nine At the low price of this paper, t o on afford to by without The S;tmi-\\ oekly Jcurnri? Wo think not! 3i?i'. too coupon, er.closa 01 pel mail to Tiio Atlanta Seml-Wookly Journal, Atlanta, Ga. The Atlanta Semi-Weekly Jocnt; 1, Atlanta. Ga. No. F Enclosed find t'.1.00. Send me The'Semi-Weekly Journal 18 months and the lies, emer ■ teel Safety Document Box Free. NAME . O T R. F. D STATE SP , .s m |||i; ! '■#!! /ciicAoa" '' i- /'' yd " ST.loas.Pl) ct.LAHOKA CITY \ ' ‘^o^ I mil FEBtluJ® A HB pt^ r - atlaaitA Mont gome Ray flffi top * i |mjbl mm i lasaire Now A|;aiasi Leaching and Shedding It is a wild extra /:-, anco to buy fertilizers containing; mineral f/ ammoniates for a loir; ."rowing; crop like cotton and corn if there is W j the slightest possibili; yof a wet spring or summer. They are not ;]U4jJkjpJ U’lfr '‘ I letainc lin i1..: soil, t 1 1 ait the rains leach them out and the crop 13 il. Vjpffetjj \ ; ’ l f i l cheat l oita of i;r . t ial element of plant food. i&l’A-vj'd The siifest and h- ?t piovontive against leaching is the MORRIS itakWjPsa| yv I I>R.A?Tihf'. They a:-< amrnoniated solely and entirely with high .'dp- 'ii graft ■:■ ", tankage and blood and are so guaranteed on njftdrN \ every bag. Asonec- I 'our customers says of them: “As for sped- it , i c rt-b?, your r .vent it; as they dry. their best work after Cue ijryMJ ' nitrogen in o'J-er fertilizers has gone.” KWvftJjnHj The di .’"ere s' is so lictlo. and the difference in yield so AkJ greattlid.t the rich only can afford NOT to use them. The MORRIS A iffh; " BRANDS /"e concede by ail who have used them to bo the cheap- Kg|Jß|P ertilizers on tl \nbJjr You can exercise true economy only by insisting on getting them HijuMW|| regardless of price. FOR SALE BY I feSSo Kmfur, Ai'"’i & lb. umming, (!:•.. I'rater & Mur fln MjlM !]jTfm-t*. p’jF ifotr . C .a., O. H. Bell, Ctakwood> Ga. 6' opfw)rt<mity to n ivhomes \s> „X m study easy and y ~*S V ’ jj Diem the same ; l: >*,.>••• une . h ' * WEBSTER'S 1 new Bmmiomi B Dictionary in Ida hetno. Tills new ! creation answers with final author | ity ail kind* of puzzling .que. ;io::3 % | in history, geography, biography, 3 1 spelling, pronunoiaticto, sports, arts, , Sand sciences. 8 400,0110 Vocabulary Term--. 2700 Page*. i =t Over 6000 Illustru! ion ;. Colored claves, |j The only dictionary the El vide A Paje. t Tho rnal ier in equivalent to that | of a 15-volamo encyclopedia. 5 More Scholarly, Accurate, Convenient, and Authoritative than any o*hc**K:ij- I Msh Dictionary* § ft; ' ECG H' A7 - 5r.. • • Vmm.r 55|-- .••;*•■ LmtiUNS. TO ■ WRITE for S -P 5 ill 1 i- ' rat, •and -l el--. ‘•i-tR--* FREE, tof Pocl/ t - ' it you naiao ttid 1 WWV paper. G. & C. MFRRIAM CO., r‘ llf SPRIHOFIELD, MASS. We consi.ier this Safely Box one of the most useful and valuable premiums we have ever ottered by The Semi-W ee;, p. j .until. It is made c-f heave Be/winer s.eel. imisi.ed in black baked Japan; size l 1 .. xs!i x 2 '< inches, substantial lock, two keys. Till I- \ 1- for the -.! fo km • ! . -n * t M rt gtlftf**. 1 >*•*• |h. If*- nipt--. Not ot*. 1.. liih I'jiinf* 1’ !<!<•.. (’ IJ traotn. vvuin, Htwkn, llotuln mid all viil'tftV*!" |D.[icr. llvi t v man needs oti<- uid if tm, lit in tin* wny wtuld rnM nbout .i dollar. \V- glvr it to wnj s.’.-.din ■!;. f m*. Hiirn *•• coupon nnd got t ISk I*m\ ut oner. It ju'.ghl kmv. ; hi hit Ir-tl-’ of doll ais by Having on<* of your valuable |.ip*-r from J.i. Addro-s < rders to Tin- Allnntn S<miW- -kiy J. nul, irctitu tion Dt'pt., Atlanta, Ga. Every Family Needs This Splendid Medicine Constipation, Stomach and Liver Trouble Quickly Overcome Constipation is such a serious affect ion that it is supposed to lie more prolific of human mis ery than any other one cause. The efforts of constipation arc well known. It leads to the poisoning of theeutire system, and the train of evils that follow constlpat ion is almost limit less. Stomach and liver disorders, In digestion, dyspepsia, foul breath and furred tongue, gas and belching, a bloated feeling in the stomach and boweia, 1 >-s of appetite, Inability to sleep, headache,irritability of temper these are -time of the common resultsof constipation, tho’ there are many others. Foley’s Orino Laxative for stomach, liver and bowels is made of the active principle of certain simple laxative herbs. < It acts very surely, but so gently that it is the ideal medicine for Lillies and children, as well as grown persons and elderly people. It does notcontain calomel, which many people cannot stand, nor does it contain any harmful drugs. BRING US YOUR JOB WORK. V. ' ■.*** im (fit ' t \ Mr. f■) f„ Hriffin. State nnwnirf'r and locturwr '•• ” 1 1 - 1 Member of b' I ■ ,i-l .t iro for Pulaski On., and recent •'.umidato fur Congress from this district. Mr. Ben 1.. fo-iffm, 2121 West 18th ' Lii tie Kook, Ark. says: “For years i .'i.ivc lipt'i! bothered with stomach and liv< r trouble. 1 sure did dread to take calomel, but no u ■< d now. I find I ■an obtain the same results from Foley's Orino Laxative. I consider t v : very line remedy, and no home should be without it.” Orino Laxative keeps stom ach nweet, liver active, bowels regular.