The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, April 13, 1917, Image 4

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a i LMLIN 1 Ul IML CONDITION OF THE ißank nf (Unntmtnti \ Located at (Jumming, Ga., At the close of Business Mch. 20, 1917. Resources. Liabilities. Demai ii ' : •* Bi 2 6< , Paid In, :T. <hm* Time l. t . 112 881 .Slurpius Fund, 16 000 0* Overdralts, secured 7'o 00 Undivided Profits, less Current Overdraft-. unsecured 624 0 1 expenses, and Taxes Paid, 1 443 80 Banking >use, 6 600 00 Individual Deposits subject Furnituie an I Fixtures, 2 096 39 to Check 27 133 58 Other rc i cs ite 2 575 00 Time Certificates 4fi 920 os [ln, * ' snks and • ''*u ah* in tin in . .a .-.a:. , t> U"2 S3 repr. seiiung Bor- Due from Banks and Bank rowed Money 20 000 00 ers in other States, 242 K 0 Currency, i 032 00 Gold, 485 00 Silver, Nickels, etc. 436 00 Cash Items, 180 17 Clearing House Total 135 507 4(1 Total 136 507 46 STATE K GEORGIA COUNTY OF FORSYTH Before me came S. H, Allen, Cashier of Bank of Cumming. who being duly sw.irn, ways that the above and foregoing statement is u true condition of stid Bank as shown by the hooks of file in said Bank. S H ALLEN, Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 26th day of Mch, 1917. K. V. Kemp. C. N. P Forsyth Cos, Ga. 40 CENTS GASOLINE j;i Would ycu buy a car if you knew that you [were going to be compelled to pay fo ty cents 1 per gallon for Gasoline? Would you sell your car if you knew that ■ you were paying that orice for the gasoline to ■ run it? I Thousands of motor car owners are paying [the equivalent of even 50c and more per gal. The Bulck Owners pay the_Actiial Market price country prove that the RuPVcars are tunning on an aver ige of from 18 i _:() miles per gallon. Figure out the cost ; >f driving 20 miles per gallon tor 1000 miles at >iiu o*• gallon T'm On*" t, v' cos*: if ijr./ta ~ i 1 • itne di •>. nice wiui th<j car that only goe.s 12 miles per gallon and see if you j are not paying the equivalent of over 38c per gallon. Then consider the car that only goes nine miles per gallon and see if you are not paying over titty cents per gallon. Economy Means Efficiency A motor to he so economical most be bui t right 7 'he motor that air sso high a de gree of < flieiera/ will also save in lubricat ing oil and cost of upkeep in general to such an ext n' that pour saving in actual dollars and ants at the end of the gear will be stupendous; saying nothing about the added pleasure of driving a motor car that is built to give the highest degree of service. CUMMING GARAGE. 1$ ui c k Agen cg. \ Money Leaned ©si Farms We’ll) 'in you money on your /arm at the lowest pos sii.'l' r.;l interest. Our hu.-nne .1 connections can pro vdo i ilima .1 funds for this kind > f investment We are ready to inspect your property, no matter \vh*., it i.. and give you a definite answer without delay. No r. and tape here. If you have the security, we have the money waiting for you. Write us full details about, your place and we trill, forward ucccssqry appli cation Hank. Correipotidcncc confi dential. KENNESAW MORTGAGE CO. MARVIN R. McCLATCHEY, President 211 Candler Ciuldrig Atlanta, Ga. Loan Cor reefy indent The Volunteer State Life Insurance Cos. HOPEWELL. Rev. W. B. Mills filled his reg ular appointment here Satur day and Sunday. Also the Sun day School gave a short Easter program Sunday morning. Mrs. Durham and Miss Lou Reece of Atlanta, who have been spending awhile with their sister, Mrs. G. H. Glass have returned home. Miss Leona Hughes spent Sunday night at Mr. J. F. Wal lis.’ Misses Beulah and Elizabeth Barron visited at Mr. G. W. Me Murry’s Sunday. Miss Stella Douglas spent the week-end with Miss Pearl Wal lis. Mr. Millard Morrison of Arnoldsville, also Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Morrison of Hutchin spent Easter with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Hughes. Mrs. Rufus Garrett and child ren of Gainesville are visiting relatives here. Cosette. CUBA. Well as it is too wet to plow I’ll write a little. Miss Ruby Stapp spent Sat urday night with Mr. Aaron Stapp and wife. The quilting given by Misses Mae and Alice Roper was en joyed by all present. Mr. Ezra Samples visited at Mr. George Sams recently. A crowd of yongsters went to the mountain Saturday after noon and had a grand time. Among those were Mrs. Sallie Rollins and daughter, Bessie, Misses Minnie and Daisy Mar tin, Allie Mae and Blanche Stephens, Mae and Alice Roper and Blanche Tallant: Mr. Duf fy and Richard Martin, Hix and Max Bramblett, Mack Stephens Roy Redd and Clyde Cox. The music given by Miss Al lie Mae Stephens Saturday night was enjoyed by all pres ent. Mr. Charlie Tribble and child ren visited at Ducktown Satur day night. Three Grass Hoppers. SHARON. “As the Germans lift up their guns in the war, even so must our heels be lifted up”. Miss Madge Brooks of Cum ming is visiting her cousin, Miss Mona Bagley at present. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Terry visited their daughter, Mrs. S. IE. Buice Saturday night. The singing was rained out j Sunday a. m., but there was a nice crowd, and some good sing ing Sunday afternoon. Miss Ruby Buice visited her , cousins, Bessie and Delphia Buice a few days last week. Messrs Sam Martin and Vir -1 Garrett visited in this part iuturday night. “Jesus lover of my soul let me from the Germans fly.” Let’s not let the rain Sunday bluff us out of singing. Think we had all better get married boys so we won’t have ~o go to the war. That would ue nice ‘till the war ends, but the v ar only lasts only a short i time, while Oh! this other will Ihe for life. Believe I will I change my advice and say go to the war boys. Uncle Josh. ROUTE 6 Rev. J. W. Thomas filled his regular appointment at Cor inth Saturday, and owing to the inclement weather there were services nor singing Sun day. Mr. Virgil Kemp and fam ily spent the latter part of the | week with Mrs. Stapp. Mrs. F. T. Williams and children, who have been visit ing relatives on route 6, have returned home. Mr. Harrison Phagan and family spent Sunday with Mr.— Phagans. Mr. Billie Pugh and family spent .Sunday with relatives near Bethel. Zip. STAR ROUTE Mr. John Poss and wife spent Sunday afternoon at Mr. J. L. Hansard’s. Messrs Dewey Echols and Ralph Vaughan spent Saturday night and Sunday at Mr. Arthur Herrings’. Those visiting at Mr. Dewitt Fow 1 e r’s Sundaj afternoon were Mr. Ezra Wright and fam ily and Mr. Homer Wood and wife. Mr. T. B. Fowler and wife and son spent Sunday afternoon at Mr. J. L. Hansard’s. Mr. Isso Samples and sisters Misses Jessie and Jimmie spent Saturday night at Mr. West Pir Pirkle’s. Mrs. A. S. Samples and two daughters spent Saturday at Mr. B. J. Bagley’s. Mrs. M. L. Echols and daugh ter, Miss Retha Mae, spent Sun day with her daughter, Mrs. V K. Vaughan. Mr. Boy Pons .and family spent Sunday at Mr. Lnfayetta Samples. Mrs. Willie Wood and child ren spent Saturday night and Sunday with relatives in Chero kee county. We are sorry to say that the sick in this part are not improv ing very much. Now boys tell your best tirls good bye and get ready >to go to war. PLEASANT VIEW. Let me tell you this commun ity has had a time with measles but glad to say they are about over with now. Please don’t think hard of Hill Billey for not writing last week. He was busy waiting on measles. Mrs. G. W. Fagans, who has been visiting in Atlanta has re turned home. The sick in this part are all better. Say Pat, its a mistake I still make coffee, just make it a lit tie stronger that’s all. Rev. Braddy filled his reg ular appointment at Union Hill Saturday and Sunday. Everybody was expecting to take in the singing at Sharon Sunday but it rained and stop ped some of them. Yes, Subscriber I am in favor of a correspondent meeting this spring, but it seems like we cant get together somehow, but push it on I will stand by you. We are having some fine Sun day school lessons now. Are we getting anything out of them ? “Subscriber” you ask how I was getting along these time. Will say I am doing very well but guess I could improve in many ways if I would. This we all ought to do because we see in may things much room to improve, but the trouble is we will not do even what we know to do. We know it is right to serve God yet we fail to do our duty in this line a great many times. Again we know it is vvrong to serve satan, yet we do it many times. Remember the old book sing ing here next Sunday afternoon bring the new books also. Rev. Forrist will preach here next Sunday night. If you want to hear a good sermon be >n hand as brother Forrist is a very able preacher. Hill Billey. CORINTH. Well my first thought this L ime is teacher for in a sence our writer in the paper is teach mg so wa ought to write in a vay that will he helpful to all who reads our pieces so let us give some advice as we go along so where do we find the com mand to teach and to who was the command given to and by •whom was it given and what was the command to teach. Look in Mathew 28-19-20 and you will see at once. Was this given to the world or to the dis ciples. Of course it was given only to the disciples, then the world don’t know how to teach the teachings that we find. Christ tells the disciples to teach in Mathew. Well some will say this is just for writing dots. Lets see about that don’t .he same one that gives the com mand o teach don’t we hear him say that men will have to give an account of every word at we say at the day of judg ment. Then you see we ought to be very careful what we say .n everything for just a little while and we will have to face it all then oh, how sad it will be if we have been' teaching wrong. Well a word to our Sunday schools, what kind of teaching ought we to have in them? Ought we to have members of the church. Church members remember that the same things chat Christ commanded those apostles to teach is the same that ought to be taught to day. So let us see and know that all our teachers are trained to teach our children the true gospel then we will have done our duty. If we don’t teach them right then we are to blame and will have to answer for it. Well there was Sunday school at Corinth and I think we had one of the best lessons that I ever heard. I would like to see all of the young people take an interest like Murser Williams does he could answer nearly ev ery question that was rsked. that is the way for all to do. Those visiting at at J. W. Thomas recently were, Mr. Rob ert Reid and family, better at this writing. A Subscriber. Notice to Overseer*. The overseers of Chattahoo chee district are hereby notified to have their roads in good con dition by May Ist. Chas. Thornton, Ed Dover, John Rice, Commissioners. SCHLOSS [ l I BROS. * 00. | IX 1 1 BMhi* * j j I New Spring Clothes Modeled to the young Man’s mind— and made to our standard. Here’s a suit-- or rather a line of suits on which we put the best thou ght and buying a bility we possess. There’s quality i" the fab ric: quality in the hand tailoring; quality in the fine silk thread; quality the style. Made by Schloss Bros & Cos., the Famous Young Men’s tailors— leaders in style for al most half a centurity. i Their guaranteejand ours goes with every suit. SIO.OO to $25.00 Edmondson & Pirkle Cumming, Ga. ROUTE 9. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Harris report the arrival of anew girl at their home. Mr. Joe Satterfield spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. Harve Pruitt. Miss Edna Pruitt spent the latter part of last week With her brother, Mr. Lee Pruitt and family. Mr. A. W. Harris has pur chased anew Ford. Miss Julia Harris visited her brother, Mr. Clyde Harris and family recently. Mrs. W. L. Cox in on the sick list this week. Hope for her a speedy recovery. Mr. Clyde Harris, wife and little son Dean, spent Saturday night at Mr. Fate Hughes’. Mr. and Mrs. Fate Hughes are also on the sick list. Look out for the Mt Tabor singing the fourth Sunday. Let us all come and have a fine singing. Mr. Lee Pruitt spent Satur day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Pruitt. Next Sunday is regular sing ing evening at Frogtown. Let’s have a good crowd out, and a fine singing. Betsy. COAL MOUNTAIN. If ye love me keep my com mandments. Mr. Otis Martin, wife and ba by visited his father, Mr. Thom as Martin Sunday. The singing which was giv en by Mr. Ike Bennett Sunday night was attended by a large crowd and all had a jolly time Misses Bell and Johnnine Forrist visited Miss Arbell Ham monds Saturday night and Sun day. Miss Arbell Hammond visit ed Misses Bell and Johnnie For rist Friday night. • Mr. Ben Castleberry and fam ily have measles at this writ ing. Hope for them a speedy recover. Those visited at Mr. Ike Ben nett’s Sunday were Misses Pearl and Maude Forrist and - S' xTC ”•*. I • > : v : i / .-j ; \ f i , ■ ~ S , i < * 1 . A i= X*. . : A w ■■ 1 ■ " % . / damsels | ! Chero-Cola. I Calendar Girl I You’ll see her J C smiling face in g -■'/>' most every s ° rt ° f p iace ’ | drinking. § j 7 ChffO'Cola |! = "In a, bottle — g Through a straw” CTIERO-COLA purity guarantees you against JS nerve rack, sleepless nights or other bad after = effects. Just a wholesome, refreshing, thirst = quenching beverage. [i: Mr. Duffy Akins and wdfe. Mrs. L. M. Forrist is on our sick list, also her grand daugh ter. Hope they will soon be vvell again. Misses Clurie and Ethel Ben nett spent Mooday with Misses Pearl and Maud Forrist. Mr. Jim Martin visited his b •€.’ or, Otis Martin Saturday J l ss Annie Heard is visiting relatives near Gainesville. Blue Eyes. LONGSTREET. Rev. James I. Holbrook fill ed his regular appointment at this place Saturday and Sun day, preaching interesting ser mons. Mrs. E. B. Brannon and son, Ernest, spent Monday night at Mr. 11. G. Puckett’s. Mr. Ed Pearson and family visited at Mr. A. J. Dodd’s Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Cham blee visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bettis Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Phill ips and son, spent Sunday at Mr. Marvin Cobb’s. Mr. Samson Clayton visited at Mr. John Stows Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Connie Stone and little son, J. C., of Atlanta were visitors at Mr. W. H. D. Pucketts’ Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. Grady Bettis spent Satur day in Roswell. Mr. and Mrs. W. Y. Poole and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Poole and son Waldo, spent Sunday at Mrs. Henrietta Hardin’s. Misses Fannie Hall and Mae Phillips and Mrs. W. H. D. Puckett were visitors at Mr. F. E. Buice’s Monday night. Mr. Robert Puckett of Ros well spent Sunday night at Mr Hard Majors. Mr. Toy Hall was the guest of Mr. Roy Bettis Saturday night. Mr. W. H. D. Puckett visited at Rev. H. T. Ingrams’ Monday night. Mr. F. E. Buice spent one night inßoswell. Charlotte. HEARDVILLE The farmers are going to be 'mighty in to with tbe;r farming. Mr. Alonzo Fowler visited Mr. Hansel Haygood Sunday. Mr. Theron Hasvkins and family and Miss Nellie Wyatt visited at Mr. Ernest Stewart’s Sunday. Mr. Truman Bottoms and family and Mr. M. V. Hawkins and family visited at Mr. J. C. Pirkle’s Su .Cay. Miss Ollie Pirkle is spending the week \ i’h Mr. W. T. Bot toms’. Mrs. J. C *Yrl ie visited Mrs. M. V. Hawkins Momla, after noon. Mr. Ern Stewart made a business trip to Canton Monday The egg hunt at Mr. J. C. Pir kle’s Sunday a. m. was enjoyed by all present. Mr Thomas Howard and fam visited at Mr. Sam Capes’ Sun day. Mr. Joe Hawkins and little daughter visited at Mr. F. L. Hawkin’s Sunday. Misses Maude and Annie Belle Dawson visited Misses Era and Ollie Pirkle Sunday. MIDWAY Whew! this Easter spells sor ty pinches. Mr. J. L. Sewell and family from Heardville visited at Mrs. Fannie Hansard’s Saturday night and Sunday. Messrs Sam Smith and Naj- Pirkle was in this part Sunday Mr. Buel Elliott bisited Wil lie Hendrix Sunday afternoon. The visitors at Mr. Erlie Ben netts’ Sunday were, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Bennett and Mr. Carl Spence and family. Mr. E. A. Strickland and fam ily visited Mr. R. I). Strickland and family at Drew Sunday. Mrs. Goolsby in on the sick list this week. Mr. Walter Roper visited in Canton a few days last week. Miss Lillie Hendrix visited Miss Annie Robbs in Milton county Saturday night. Mrs. Harriett Hooper visited Mrs. Polly Kemp Sunday. Mr. Dewey Roper has anew buggy. The debate was rained out at Midway Wednesday night.