The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, April 20, 1917, Image 2

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The t > svn Oman siew> Put)lnned every Wed ies >a .ty B P‘ r • ■ v iUBSt KIPTION I'HIC* Per Year S ix Months bdc Thre" Months Offici. Organ Forsyth Cos £Qt*Tv * Ui* ptUt Otftc** at Cu > jruc Ga \u*. I 'th ™" "fiattr > f tS* w - *** Camming. Gn., April 20, 1917. Nine indictments have grown out of the recent failure of the Citizens Bank at Baxley Ga. Plant a good garden and cul tivate it nicely, and you will cut down the high cost of living. There will be a heavy war tax on everything soon. Sign all your before it takes effect Forsyth county farmers are doing some mighty hard work right now, preparing for a good crop. Canned goods have advanc ed in price 50 per cent since the beginnig of the war, and is ad vancing higher every day. Flour three dollars and some thing a sack, and still going up. What will the average country newspaper editor do for bread Raise plenty of food stuff this year. The time has come when we will have to raise it or do without it. Too high to buy. Plant corn, raise your meat, and tell the high cost of living, to go to thunder or some other winter resort. It will pay the farmers of Forsyth county to co-operate with the farm demonstrator, and let him help you when you need help. Some of the papers tell us that John Holder will he elect ed speaker of the House of Rep resent&tives on the first ballot. We hope they are right. If you will plant a reasonable amount of cotton this year the price will he high this fall. Plant corn anil raise your sup plies. More than one thousand men are enlisting in the Navy every day. This shows that our coun try ran raise volunteers if they need them. The strongest advocates of patriotism in enlisting in the army, are not going in very rap idly themselves. Fighting is easier done with the mouth than it is with big guns. Mrs. Esther Gaddis of Atlan ta, has signed up to run a sew ing machine in the Navy ft ards while four of her sons has en listed in the Navy. This is what you might call some pa triotism. The good women in Annis ton, Ala., are asking the gov erment to open a recruiting of fice in that city. The women are braver than the men when it comes to war. J. T. Telford, Assistant Cash ier of the first National Bunk of Gainesville, and one of the most prominent men in Hall county, died at his home last Monday. Fifty thousand citizens of Brazil are crying for war with Ger : n . '• It is now thought that all nations, not now in war will break peace terms with Germany. From Newspaper reports it would seem that it will not be long until Germany is whipped. We trust this will happen be fore any good American wo man loses her boy on the battle- Jeids. There is a world cry of food shortage in the United States. This can he remedied here in; Georgia where our climate and, seasons enables us to grow this stuff easily. A problem for those in high er mathematics; If a womans hat trimmed <n a common hen feather costs six dollars, what would the same hat cost if trimmed in turnip tops? Go to it anil solve it if you can. L. W. Rogers, who operates eighty one groceries stores in Atlanta has discontinued the city delivery and telephone sys tem. claiming that his custom ers can come to his stores and get their goods much cheaper than he can deliver them. ROUTE 7 Rob. J. M. Anderson tilled his regular appointment at Bethle hem Saturday and Sunday. Miss Fannie Hall spent Sun day with Miss Elbe Elliott. Miss Lillie Pearson was the I guest of Miss Nellie Ests Sun day. Miss Ollie Ma ePhillips spent Sunday with Miss Eda Tallant. Miss Mattie Day spent Satur day night near Hickory Flat. Misses Geneva and Charlotte Westbrook spent Saturday night with Mr. J. L. Nix and family. Mr. Ben Harris and family spent Sunday with Mr. A. H. Westbrook and family Mrs. Ed Hawkins and child ren spent Sunday afternoon ■n. -\] rs . \v. F. Westbrook and family. . Henry Westbrook and family spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. John McGinnus and family. Mrs. Alfred Hawkins and daughter, Flora, spent Sunday with Mr. S. S. Ponders and fam ily. Miss Bessie and Jessie Day spent Saturday night with Miss Winnie and Pearl Day. M s. P. M. Hawkins of Atlan ta i:, . isiting her parents, Mr. R. 1). Strickland and family. Mr. Zek Strickland and fam ily £pent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. J. N. Martin and family. Mr. A. H. Westbrook and family spent Sunday with Mr. W. H. Martin and family. Mis. liossie Westbrook spent V\ e Im sday afternoo nwith Mrs Jack Westbrook. j\. Sherman Hawkins spent Sunday with his brother, ftlr. Hem Hawkins. O, ; I can write up a wedding this week. Mr. Toy Hansard to Miss Lizzie Williams. The wedding took place at Mrs. Ride s Sunday morning, ftlr. C. ' l. 1); ••ham performing the cere ,non; . The bride is a daughter of ftl. Williams while the I groom is a son of ftlr. C. Han sard. We wish them a long and happy life. Blue Eyes. LONGSTREET. Mr. and Mrs. Henry House of Dun oody visited a few days lasL week with relatives and friends around Longstreet. ftl,. A. C. Thompson and fam ily spent Tuesday night at ftlr. Alfred Holbrooks. ftlr. H. G. Puckett and fami ly visited at ftlrs. E. B. Bran nons Sunday. ftlr. and ftlrs. Homer Render son vas the guest of ftlr. and ftlrs.Mrs. Curtis Phillips Satur | day night. ftl . Lula Buice and children are spending a few days in At lanta at present. Mr. Mill Chester and family visited at Mr. Clifford Pendley’s Sunday. Miss Fannie Hall was the guest of Miss Eilie Eliott Sun day. Mr. Walter Rudisall and fam iiy a:-'d Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dur-I ham visited at Mr. W. H. D. Puckett's Sunday afternon. Miss Loice Bennett was the guest of Miss Estelle Holbrook; Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Samples and son Andrew, spent Sunday at Mr. Homer Disspains. Mr. Jim Sewell and familyj spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Treadaway. Those visiting at Mr. J. L. Wilkins Sunday were, Mr. Tom Wilkins and family, and Mr. Lewis Wilkns and famly. 1 Mr. Alfred Holbrook and famly bisited at Mr. C. W. Phill ips’ Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes and Mr. Tom Holbrook and family were visiting at Mr Joe Byles Sunday Mr. Newt Strawn is on the sick list at this writing, trust he will son he out again. Charlotte. MIDWAY. Rev. Couch filled his regular appointment at Midway Satur day and Sunday. Mr. 11. J. Pace and daughter Ruby, visited Mrs. Fannie Han sard Sunday. Mr. Okla Boles and wife vis ited Mr. A. J. Fowler and fam ily Sunday. Several from here attended the singing at Pleasant View Sunday afternoon and enjoyed some good singing. Messrs Miles Lance and Hen ry Boling visited at Mr. R. A. Rogers Saturday night. Those visited at Mrs. Gools by’s Saturday afternoon were, Mesdames Jane Thompson Mar lha Roper; and Henrietta Har din. Those visited at Mr. J. M. Lance’s Sunday was Mr. J. H. Holbrook and family and Miss es Cliff and Mattie Lou Durham Rev. Couch visited at Mr. W. J. Kemp’s Saturday. Mr Eldridge Strickland, wife and son Leon, bisited Mr. Rich Strickland and family Sunday. Mr. John Rogers visited at Mr. W. J. Kemps Sunday. J. B BEAVER RUIN The singing at Mr. J. G. Smits Sunday night was an enjoyable occasion. Mr. Roy Gravitt and family . pent Sunday at Mr. H. r.. Shad burn’s. Those visiting at Mrs. C. A. Hammond’s Sunday were Mr. L A. Wheeler and family, Mr. L. O. Hammond and family and Mrs.Jfelle Hamby. Masfer Alton Wheler spent Sunday Sunday afternoon with Master Hoyt Tate. Miss Voyteele Vaughan spent from Thursday until Sunday vith her sister, Mrs. Dahlia Shadburn. Miss Irene Shadburn and Mas !or Aim an and Bradford Shad burn visited Miss Ruby Smith. Mi s Zephyr Smith and Miss Hammond spent Monday of last week with Mrs. Oma Smith Mr. W. J. Bennett spent Sun day afternoon with Mrs. Clura Bruce. Mr. Noah Samples and famil ly and Mr. and Mrs. Glint Fow ler visited at Mr. Guy Heards Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Seth Samples spent Sunday at Mr. Jesse Pir kles. Mr. Feddie Dover, wife and two children spent Sunday af ternoon at Mr. Elbert Shadburn Miss Daisy Lee Wheeler is visiting her grand parents, Mr. ami Mrs. J. L .Johnson in Curn ming. Yes lam in favor of the cor respondents meeting. Hazel. COAi. MOUNTAIN. Sunday was another beauti ; ful day, I suppose all the yong ! people were glad to see such a j beautiful Sunday. Mrs. Julia Pilgrim is visiting I her father Mr.— Porter near | Cross Roads, who is real sick ! with paralysis, hope he will soon be out again. Miss Bell Forist was the guest of her friend Miss Nellie V. of ford Sunday afternoon. Mr. Otis Martin, wife and ba by spent Sunday with his pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Martin. Miss Eva Martin spent Satur day night at Mr. Tom Martin’s M rs. Isabelle Wofford visited Mrs. Andie Phillips Sunday af ternoon. j Mr. Jes- Martin and family : of near Cumming visited at, Mr j Elbert Godfrey’s Sunday. Rev. G. VV. Forrist returned home Friday fram Clermont where he has been running a few days meeting. Mr. George Martin and wife visited at Mr. T. J. Reece’s Sat urday night and Sunday. Mr. Ren Castleberry and fam ily are real sick with measles Hope they will soon be out a gain. Miss Eflie Castleberry is vis iting her uncle, Ben Castleberry at this writing. Miss Johnnie Forrist spent afternoon with Miss Pear Hol comb. Mr.— Hawkins and family of Ball Ground visited the lat ter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. El bert Godfrey Sunday. Miss Pearl Norrell and broth er, spent Sunday at Mr. Tom Reeces’. Miss Maude F rist visited at Mr. Ben Castlebe. y’s one night last week. Mr. Ernest Martin has pur chased anew buggy. “Look out girls he will be around lat er”. HOPEWELL. Farmers are taking advan tage of this pretty weather pre paring the soil and planting in a hurry. Mrs. L. C. Hughes an dMrs. Mamie Bond visted at Mr. W. B. Hughes’ Sunday. Miss Mary Hulsey visited at Mr. J. B. Carruth’s Sunday. We welcome Rev. J. W. Hugh esg** 11 'ily of Norwood, who h Ce,bu n tV d t 0 their home htfiot do ever We knie Wallis who is in yet yieska, spent a few das?, liomefolks recently. -; Again W sruth visited Mrs Ag to serve - '* TV -vt 4;i me , on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Z. Burruss report the arrival of a twelve pound boy at their home Mrs. Vernie Grant is very sick at this writing. Hope she will soon be well again. Rev. J. W. Hughes will preach here next Sunday. fHelps ) Sick * Women i Cardui, the woman’s and tonic, helped Mrs. Wil -1 liam Eversole, of Hazel Patch, Ky. Read what A she writes: “l had a general breaking-down ft of my health. ' 1 was in Sd for weeks, unable to s •>. I had such a ? Math css and dizziness, &this isid the pains were fets see A friend te one th? had tried every teach dof lse > wh y not t men wi‘ •• 1 did > nd ount 0 f w it was helping tsav at • After 12 bottles> iher-' trong and we!l ’” TAKE eeeeeeeeee The Woman’s Tonic ■ Do you feel weak, diz | zy, worn-out? Is your " lackof good health caused ’ from any of the com- I plaints so common to women? Then why not I give Cardui a trial? It | should surely do for you what it has done for so ' many thousands of other I women who suffered —it I should help you back to | health. • Ask some lady friend I who has taken Cardui. I She will tell you how it I helped her. Try Cardui. , All Druggists J. 67 1 Concerning Nothing. We are told nothing is impossible. Wrong. Lots of men are very accom plished at doing nothing— Norman Hapgood. PROFESSIONAL CARDS JARRET P. FOWLER Attorney-at-Law CUMMING, GEORGIA Will Practise in All Courts Over F & M Bank DR. J. C. GILSTRAP Jails Attended Day or Nigh Office at H. H. Gilstrap’s SUWANEE, GA., R. D. 2. (Near sheltonville.) ■ DR. J. L. HARRISON Dentist 301-302 Jackson Building Gainesville, Ga. W. W. PIRKLE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Humming, - Georgia. Office at Residence. Phone 88. DR. M. F. KELLEY, Dentist, Gumming, Ga. Office in Dougherty Hotel All Work Guaranteed O. W. SETTLE 7 uneral Director & Embalmer Norcross, Ga. lay and Night ’Phone. DR. J. ROBERT SIMPSON Specialist in Diseases of The Eye, Ears, Nose and Throat jO2-303-3Q4 Jackson Building, Gainesville, Ga. Clear Your %\ Complexion with This ( i Old Reliable \ W r-J J Remedy— *\VHancock Sulphur Compound For pimples, black-beads. freckles, blotches and tan. as well as for more serious face, scalp and body eruptions, hives, eczema, etc., use this scientific compound of sulphur. Asa lo tion. it soothes and heals; taken internally— a few drops in a glass of water it gets at the root of the trouble and purifies :he blood. Physicians agree tiwit sulphur is one of the most effective blood purifiers known. Ke member, a good complexion isn t skin deep —it's health deep. Be sure to ask for H ANCOCK SULPHUR COMPOUN >. It has been u>ed with satis factory results for over 25 years. 50c and $1 the bottle at your dru;iist's. If be can't supply you. send his na n: and the price inslampsand we will send you a botlle direct. HANCOCK LIQUID SULPHUR COMPANY ! Fakinore. Md. J | NsD flimrwl U> ' ' r :--J 0,., " l ,*V -/■’ * ,h ‘ i ’•** l ■ - r .. ..Aw Alum Considered a Charm. Alum is worn as a charm it parts or Asia Minor. A triangular piece is placed in a case cf silver and worn suspended from a string about tlie neck Special Bargains To Make Room For Our Spring Goods For a short time you will find some extra bargains in this store. Every thing marked away down in order to make room for new Spring Goods that are daily making their arrival. Now is the time, of all times, to buy your Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Groceries, Dress Goods, etc. Also Buggies, Wag ons, Harness, Lap Robes, etc. 300 Pairs of Sam ple Shoes to go at Wholesale Prices Both of us lose money if you fail to do your shopping at this store. Yours for Business, Geo. W. Heard TRACTOHS, Portable and Sta tionary. Kerosene Erigines, Grist Mills, Feed Mills, Threshers , Binders, etc. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTR CO Roy Strickland , Agent Forsyth and Dawson Counties LEDBETTER & HOWARD Ducktcwn, Ga. ft'y Dear Sir: We are more than anxious to give yo • ' e host service in ur and to which you are certainly entitled. For this reason and for fear that the i.L’cady serious car shortage throughout the count ry may prove the most seri ous handicap to our service as v/ell as to that of everyone, we urge upon you to haul your fertilizer ", early as you well can; We have all our warehouses full no /, tut v.e can not say that we we will be able to keep then: so. Our prices are the same to everybody. If any reduction is made you get It when you make settlement, no matter whether your fertiliz er is out or here. The main point is wo want to serveyou like you always want to be served and for this reason alone we urge you to help us. Our brands of fertilizer this year are as follows:~ ROYSTERS, ARMOURS, OLD DOMINION, MORRIS, O EERS, C. F. C. and JEFFERSON. WE HAVE THE FOLOWING ANALYSIS: 9-3 -3 10-2-1 10-2 0 16 per cent acid: 10-2-2 12-2-0 Cotton Seed Meal 8-2 2 11-3-0 We want to sell you, we offer you a service second to noe, a cotton market always right up in front, and the best brand of fertilizers at prices as low as we or any cne can afford to sell. We ask your business cn a basis of real service, and al ways with a full sense of our duty to a good customer. We Respectfully Solicit Your Kind Patronage. s LEDBETTER & HOWARD Dealness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, ns they cannot reach the diseased portion of the car. There is only cue way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused b> an inllamed condi tion of tlie mucous lining of the Eusta chian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearifcg, and when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result, and unless the in flammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing: will be destroyed forever; nine eases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothin? but an inflamed condi tion of the mucous surfaces. We will civ© One Hundred Dollars fnrnnycas'* *>f Deafness (caused by catarrio that cannot bo cured b 7 Hall's Catarrh Cure. Fond for circular*, fr"-'. * F. .1. CHEN EY, &CO , Toledo, Ohlc gold by Druggists. 7 e ->\ Take Hall’s Family Tills for constipation. Maintain High Ideal*. The most difficult problem that any human being hss to solve is the pre vention of an insidious lowering of his standards. It is so easy to grow a little careless about personal appear ance, to boa trifle less particular In discerning the difference between right and wrong, to drop into habits of neg lect in small matters that were once consider*! duties, that gradually tho whole life has slipped to a lower plane before one is aware. The lowering of Ideals along line means a lower* •and life—Great Thoughts.