The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, April 20, 1917, Image 3

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STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE iFarmm Sc Uterritmits lank Located at Cumming, Ga., At The Close of Business Mch., 20 1917 Resources Demand Loans 10 o)o 00 Liabilities Time Loans 135 426 39 Capital Stock Paid In 25 000 00 Overdrafts secured 3 300 00 Surplu. un d, u 000 00 Overdrafts unsecured 3 995 48 Undivide Profits less Cur- Banking House 6 500 00 rent F nses, Taxes Paid 1 258 22 Furniture and fixtures 2 00-' 00 Uue Unpaid Dividends 152 00 Due from. Banks and Bank- individual Deposits subject ers in this State 5 731 35 to Check 6 „ 722 g 4 Due from Banks and Bank- Time Certificates 66 66> 78 ers in other States 776 97 Bills Payable, 10 000 On Currency 650 00 Gold 5 00 Silver, Nickels, etc. 281 90 Cash Items 228 39 Advances on Cotton 5 773 26 Revenue Stamps 114 10 TOTAL 174 ™ 84, TOTAL 174 84 STATE OF GEORGIA, FORSYTH COUNTY. Before me came M. W. WEBB. Cashier, of Farmers & Merchants Bank who being dul> sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank, as shown by the files in said Bank. M. W. WEBB. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 27tn day of Mch, 1917, OLEN N. METRITT, a N- P. MULES! MULES! MULES! Yes, another solid car to arrive at Duluth on March Bth, at McGee & Co's Barn. We will have in this car some of the best that money can buy, some medium priced and n*edium sized, and some small, then we have some country mules and horses- We know that we can supply your wants in the stock line if you will visit us at our barn. You know McGee’s policy is to let you pick, and allow you to help make the price. REMEMBER, What you get at McGee's must be satisfactory. Yours for More and Better Business, C. Hi. McGee & Cos Duluth, Georgia, f~ 'i! * to Make Good | ® 1 with You y r "' Z.——or your grocer will make good to you, to the last penny. We knew you expected The LUZIANNE something unusually good in a coffee when Guarantee: we first had Luzianne in mind. So we „ „ made Luzianne so good that it will stand confents of a can, you on lts own feet, without apologizing, Wlth are not satisfied in out acknowledging any rivals. YOU buy every respect, your a can of Luzianne. If you can’t honestly grocer will refund sa y Luzianne tastes batter and goes your money. farther than any other coffee at the price, then you are entitled to your money back. And your grocer will give it to you upon request. Ask for profit-sharing catalog. BJZ!ANNE“ffee The Reily-Taylor Company, New Orleans BRING US YOUR JOB WORK. POTATO PLANTS Porto Rico, Nancy Hall, and Southern Queen varieties redy for shipment Apr. 10th. First class plants in every respect, crated so they will arrive in good condition. Statistics show that the potato crop last year was shortened with the unfav orable winter for keeping them. Seed potatoes are scarce. I would advise you to place your orders for plants early. Prices: 1000 prepaid by par cel post $1.75; 5,000 by ex press not paid $1.35 per thous and. I will be pleased to quote you prices on larger quanities. “Stone” tomato plants at $1.75 per thousand by express not prepaid ; 5,00 prepaid by par cel post SI.OO. - E. C. Patterson, Malone, Ga. Edmondosn-& Pirkle have just received a lot of good fcath ers. Call early and get enough to make tiiy daughter or son a good easy bed. Adv. Wood’s Seeds 100-Day Velvet Beans. This new Velvet Bean is rapidly forging to the front, both as a for ego and soil-improver. At the low price at which these can be secured they are really the cheapest of summer forage and soil-improving crops, and their use is likely to in crease to a very considerable ex tent in the place of cow peas and soja beans. We strongly recom mend their more extensive use. We are headquarters for Velvet Beans, Cow Peas, Soia Beans, Millet Seed, and all forage and soil-im proving crops. Write for "Wood’s Crop Special” gives pi ices and full information. Mailed free on request. T. W. WOOD 6 SONS, SEEDSMEN, - Richmond, Va. We offer all the most productive varieties of SEED CORN. Wood s Crop Special gives full information. Georgia Forsyth County. To all whom it may concern: W. T. Majors having made ap plication to me for permanent letters of administration de bo nis non upon the est ate of Dan iel P. Major, late of said county deceased, notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary of said coun ty to be held on the first Mon day in May 1917. Given under my hand and of ficial signature, this 2nd, day of April 1917. W. J. Tidwell, Ordinary. ROAD NOTICE. W. W. Jones, W. T. Nalley, et. al.. having applied to me for a change in the public road lea ding from W. W. Jones’ store to W. T. Nalley’s, being on the Cumming and Alpharetta road commencing at the foot of the hiil west of the Bell bridge, turning to the right around said hill, intersecting the old road near W. T. Nalley’s shop, thru the lands of W. T. Nalley, said change being in the 1276th dis trict, G. M. of Forsyth county, Ga. The Hoad Commissioners of 1276th district said county of Forsyth, having reported said road change of public util ity, said change being recom mended by Grand Jury at Au gust term. 1916, notice is here by given that said application will be heard by me on the sth day of May, 1917. This April 4th, 1917. W. J. Tidwell, Ordinary. Georgia Forsyth County. To all >vhom it may concern R. E. Andoe Executor upon the estate of R. E. Andoe, late of said county, deceased, having filed his petition for discharge, this is to cite all persons con cerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, against the granting of this dis charge at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary of said county to be held on the first Monday in May 1917 Given under my hand and of ficial signature, this 4th day of April 1917. W. J. Tidwell, Ordinary.. Big Money: Sweet Potatoes. Break away from the one crop system in sweet potatoe culture. Learn how and when to harvest, how to cultivate and how to store. Anew, a big op portunity is opened to the enter prising farmer by following ex act methods described in our splendid new book “Sweet Po tato Culture”. Price, delivered by mail, only 75 cents while they last. Rush! Crow & Brog don, Seville, Ga. If you want shoe value call and see Edmondson & Pirkk and get your money’s worth. Victrola jgj £ KM IgggrPF J • is shown here • Entertainment Inspiration Education An for entertainment, the Victrola always provides just what you choose. A? for inspiration, there is none greater than music in the home, end the Victrola brings c ! l the music of all the world. As for education, a familiarity v.ith the great artists cf muric ic cf great value, ard the Victrola is the instrument of the greatest artists. Victrolaa sl3 to S4OO. Easy terms. p ILGRIM-ESTfS fIRNI- JURE COMPANY \ GAINESVIIIE, GA. Edmondson & Pirkle have a beautiful line of new Spring Suits, Skirts, Waists etc. Call and look I hem over. In Memory of C. A. Nalley. Dear editor plaase allow me space in your valuable paper euloyicg the name of our broth er C. A. Nalley. Looking back six thousand years ago to the garden of Eden we behold a perfect man creat ed in the image of God from the hads of his creator. Later a help mate was made for Adam from a rib taken from his side then we see them in their hu man perfection in the paradise of God where ever tree that was pleasant to the sight an 1 good for food was growing, he was king, he had dominion ober every living thing thou had no sin. no aches, no pains no sick ness of any kind, no sorrow, sighing crying nor death, noth ing whatever to mar their hap piness and no doubt would have lived in this parodisical state forever if they had obeyed the command of God, but they dis obeyed and come under the sen tenee of death so the fallen race of Adam has been going down to the great prison house the tomb ever since despite all the efforts of the best medical and surgical skill. Thousands and thousands of people continue to go down to this great prison house of death daily during these six thousand years since man fell in sin and deaih. Many ;housands of millions have suc cumbed to this great reaper. All the sickness, sorrow, pain and death weexperience are re mits of this one mans ’ rijbed 'ence. Will these a, , ,‘smdi • •) octhod. t ;ions never cease ! , ,ev er come when dei e a . 0I ? a bolished. Will 111 '^'re move the curse, re’J^, aS! "' v ',‘ris oners from death a More everything Adam 1c Bi ole alone answers 1?P "jl^olom questions. Mr. Claude Nalley being by lature a member of this Aamic ace had to meet this groat mas er death a short time ago. All hat loving hands and kind phy ucians could do failed to re .ieve him. He was a noble char icter, loved and admired by all .•ho knew him, cheerful smile lis loving words and daily walk encouraged all who come in con act with him. He is missed jy his church, by the commun ty in which he lived, by all his acquaintances, but most by his relatives and family. The ques ion comes to us that was asked >y Job. Will he live again? Jes is Christ answers, all in their graves shall hear the voice of eh son of God and come forth Paul answers there is to be a resurrection of both the just and unjust and if be no resurrection of the ‘P so t4 then ill who have fallen ,)ecorr y 1 are perished, since by- J shoui me death by man also the e ££frec ion of the dead foX coverert, m all die, even so r me * wo *\all shall be made a * )e Christ left his heavl he *Yome came to this sin cursecl earth and died the most horrible ig nominous death in order to ransom Adam and his race from death in order that he night be able to release all the prisorners from the tomb. He purchased ever man back from Adamic death and has the right ;o restore all things for 1916 years Christ has been taking out people for his name to be his in heaven. All we could say would not bring back Claude nor will it make it any better. May the Lord bless his wife and little childlren, may they live sa as to meet him in heaven L. M. Gibson. In Loving Memory Of clear grand father. He was born September 6, 1852 and departed this life March 12, 1917. Grandpa was sick a short time but his pain was so great that God saw fit to take him from this painful world to a world on high where there is no pain, sorrows nor tears. Grandpa joined the Baptist church when he was young and libed a Christian life until his death. God had a crown tor him to wear and called him home to wear it. We do miss grad pa every vvehefe and every way. It sure does sem sad for | him to be gone never to come back again. He can’t come back to us but we can go to him so we all must try to live a chris tian life to meet grandpa when we are called from this world to a better world where we can sing God’s praises for ever and there will be no more parting. Written by his granddaugh ter, Annie Mae Pip-sell. In Loving Memory. Of grandmother, M A Stone, wife of G. M. Stone, who depart ed this life March 24, 1917 and was laid to rest at Sharon eeme tery March 25th, 1917, Rev. R. H. Thompson conducting the fu neral service. She was born Feb. 24th 1856 and was sixty years and one month old when the Lord saw fit to call her frmo this w-orld ot pain. Grandmother leaves a husband, four sons and four daughters and fifteen grand children and a host of relatives and friends to morn her loss. She was always ready to speak a kind w ? ord for all whom she met, but it was God’s will to take her from this world of sor row and we pray we can libe in this w'orld so we can meet her in heaven where all is peace and happiness and no farewell tears are shed. It is sad to think that we can’t see her sweet smilling face a gain nor hear her tender voice but sweet to think if we will live as w-e ought to we can meet her in heaven. Words cannot tell how sad our hearts are and how lonely it is to go back to grandfathers house and can’t see grandmother there and can see that vacant chair. She has paid the debt we all have to pay, the Lord has carried her to that heavenly home of rest not made with hands. Her sufferings are all over and we feel sure she is enjoy ing the sweetness of heaven and singing the sweet songs of Zion We loved her but angels lobed her more and has carried her home to rest. She was loved by all who knew her and always had a smile for all whom she met. A precious one from us is gone, a voice we loved is still, A place is vacant in the home that never can be filled peace ful in the grave so low thou art waiting for the dear one’s here, We will join her in the heaven ly land, no more to take the parting hand. Written by her heartbroken granddaughter Clarce Fowler. In Memory Of Preston Wills, the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wills. Pres ton was seventeen years old when he died, and he was a fine young man loved by every one that knew him, He had akind word and was kind to all he met. He w-ent to the city to try to be a useful man but the Lord saw tit to take him away. We don’t know but the Lord takes the yong as well as the old. Preston may have had a long life laid off and there may be others that have got the same but the Lord may call for them as he did Preston so we all ought to live so as to be ready when the call comes for us. Oh! how sad it made me feel to be at the funeral of Preston and so many yong boys looking so sad as they took the last look at Preston. I pray that they will all be ready when the Lord calls for them as he did for Pres ton in the bloom of life ,so let us all try to be ready when the Lord calls for us. Oh! how sad it is to think one have to go in the bloom of life like Preston. I felt sad and sorrow for the father and mother for I know how I felt when I had to give up the dear daughter of mine, so I pray God to wipe the tears an dsorrow from them. Written by a friend. Notice to Overseer*. The overseers of Chattahoo chee district are hereby notified to have their roads in good con dition by May Ist. Chas. Thornton, Ed Dover, John Rice, Commissioners. FORD univTrsaTCAß In the beginning was the Ford car and the Ford was right. Right in design and right in construc tion—a motor car to satisfactorily meet all the demands of the people for service and pleasure the car for the multitudes. With that keen far sightedness that reads the call of future years, Henry Ford foresaw that the motor car was the coming utility and designed and builded accord ingly; a motor car so simple in mechanical con struction that anybody and everybody could suc cessfully operate it; so strong in construction that it would traverse all sorts of road conditions so flexible that it would meet with satisfactory service the many and various demands of all lin es of human activity. To be in very fact the Uni versal car. Ford cars have been, are now, and wiii continue to be constructed of the highest quality of Vanadium steel—specifically Ford heat-treated—the Ford Chassis being beyond all question the highest quality motor car in the world. If proof is asked, the answer is made by more than 1,'50,000 satisfied Ford users thru out the wov’d. STRICKLAND & WISDOM, Agents Forsyth & Dawson Counties. How To Use The TELEPHONE Did it ever occur to you that you might not be using the telephone in the right way? Do you speak sideways, above, be low, or six inches away from the trans mitter of your telephone? You should talk directly into the transmitter—not simply at it. Keep your lips about one inch from the mouthpiece. Speak in an even tone. It is not neces* - sary to shout. There is much that can be said about the proper way to telephone, but these little rules will help. IVhen you Telephone Smile SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE # AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY J. E. PUETT, MANAGER. Every Housewife or '. fl Mother is ever under -4 W that Nervous Strain.- ( Jm which so often results . u V t£ in Headaches, Dizzy Sensations, Faintness, Depression and other f Nervous Disorders. 'T S Dr. Miles’ NERVINE i a b Highly Recommended in Such Cases. j IF FIRST BOTTLE FAILS TO J CENEFIT, YOUR MONEY WILL ( BE REFUNDED. Diplomatic Meaning. "What do you mean v.hen you '-l you are going to establish a protec torate over us?” asked the weaker government. "We mean," replied the stronger, "that we are go’r.g to pro tect ourselves as far as possible against any further annoyances on your* part." BADLY CUN DOWfl. •'I hud become greatly run down am) r.iy nerves were In ter r.1.1e .•ondhlon, I fr.cpi.nt l.emt anr-s nl brusune very weak ana w-is unable to do nnvlbing. I I „„ K |.t i, bottle of Dr. MiG**' Nerv ine. I soon begun to feel better, my lier s were quieted. I ro rovrn il ... strength. * nil luiv-.- sinee !• onimrnded Dr. Mil"* - Nervine to many of n,v friend, who hive used It with *atlf*rtory resulta. mhs. frames wurriajt'K. 170 Broadway. Schenectady. N. Y. Daily T hi urh* Bless-d are they who have the gift of making friends, fi r it is one of God's best gifts It involves many things, but; above all, the power of go ing out of one's self and seeing and appreciating whatever Is noble and loving In another Thomas Hughes.