The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, June 29, 1917, Image 3

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i Ji’.re is high %<■- ' -ai:.i ><*.! r v iioL and dn— ’ f/L • A 11 • 1 \fSs4 mj ■■ \ J - )nnk Wk / • \ M| % &4 mz s sa irrs m ~ .. '"V • U M w.. 1 5 WLJ •Um. wa) ; . V “In a bottle—Through a airavp” ■ ~ p," ... \ *; . - ' - . eo lA D W ..,,7 , RI R] SHING .• .1- ; . - With su> bad after effoct y-:>i. ; ■ f - Che- ••Col.i TV: : tiers {:>*. every precaution !-> • ; ;i:-o * V j <i . in!;'! o iiihrtr. Ixitiif.3 art ifi:*! 1;u a % v•.. :rv .. .< pin*; .*. cau.tic solution I*< itcdtoalicthi ttipcralnre. . Av : ~s • | Karh t-c' 1 ! • -j.* iiertnetiuti 1 / sealed and insne. ; . and j ’ ; V v■•'' ■'• “tSS; ■ over electric lights. , ■' v v| c >■ v - . it ■ V „ k. ~ I sd- n va. r/ m ! ; If V--- li ;?4 | v <,, . . | Ulf Ui kL % i•• 1 1_ 5? , 1 UP** j W- Mr 11 'in _ JS A cJi §J C' # ™ 4 . Jiiim at Prices *■ # That will set ’em. i- Be gioie to cornef and examine this ~ line of rugs, buy sor/i of‘ftierh’, and go home happy. t 300 Pairs of Sam ple Shoes to go at Wholesale Prices Both of us lose money if you fail to do your shopping at this store. Yours for Business, C<B II 7 If 1 eo. W. Heard ■ STOMACH TROUBLE Mr. Marion Holcomb, of Nancy, Ky., says: “For quite a long while I suffered with stomach frouble. I would have pains and a heavy feeling after my meals, a most disagreeable taste in my mouth. If I ate anything with butter, oil or grease, I would spit it up. 1 began to have regular sick headache. I had used pills and tablets, but after a course of these, I would be constipated, it just seemed to tear my stomach all up. i found they were no good at all for my trouble. I heard THEDFORD’S tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt recommended very highly, so began to use it. It cured 1 me. I keep it in the house all the time. It is the best liver medicine made. Ido pot have sick headache or stomach trouble any more.” Black*Draught acts on the jaded liver and helps it to do its important work of throwing out waste materials and poisons from the sys- { tem. This medicine should be in every household for i use in time of need. Get a package today. !f you feel j sluggish, take a dose tonight. You will feel fresh to morrow. Price 25c a package. All druggists. ONE CENT A BCSE (]73) The Cumming Garage has a heavy stock of the best makes of automobile tires. Save mon ey by buying your tires now be fore anther advance in prices, which we believe is due in a fe\v days. Free Air. --.--We have just installed a free a:r station for the convenience and accomodation of the auto mobile public. All auto owners whether customers of ours or not are invited to make use of it save your back and your pump by using free air at the Cumming Garage. Notice. Will now take cotton notes for guano at 20c per pound. YVe will hold open as long as we can, but subject to being closed at any time. Ail wishing to give cotton notes come at once. Yours, L. T. Ledbetter. Georgia, Forsyth County. To ail whom it may concern : W. T. Major administrator De Bonis Non upon the estate of D. P. Major, late of said county deceased, has in due form ap plied to me for leave to sell lands belonging to the estate of said (jeceased, and said applica tion will be heard at the regular term of Court of Ordinary for said county to be held on the first Monday in July 1917. Giver under my hand and of ficial signature, this 4th day of June 1917. W. J. Tidw.ell, Ordinary. Forsyth County. all tvhtmi it may concern,: ap rplicfedon to m'e for permanent letters of administration upon the estate of Mrs. I. A. Edwards late of said county, deceased, notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Or dinary of said cofinty to be held on the first Monday in July 1917 Given under my hand and of ficial signature, this 4th day of June 1917. W. J. Tidwell, Ordinary. PROFESSIONAL CARDS JARRET P. FOWLER Attorney-at-Law CUM MING, GEORGIA Will Practise in All Courts Over F & M Bank DR. J. C. GILSTRAP Calls Attended Day or Night Ofuce at W. B. Bagwell Place. Gumming, Ga., Route 3. DR. J. L. HARRISON Dentist 301-302 Jackson Building Gainesville, Ga. W. W. PIRKLE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Cumming, - Georgia. Office at Residence. Phone 88. DR. M. F. KELLEY, Dentist, Cumming, Ga. Office in Dougherty Hofei All Work Guaranteed O. V/. SETTLE Funeral Director & Embalmer Norcross, Ga. Day and Night ’Phone. DR. J. ROBERT SIMPSON Specialist in Diseases of The Eye, Ears, Nose and Throat 302-303-304 Jackson Building, Gainesville, Ga. For Lagrippe Coughs ? Use Foley’s Horsey and far For Many Years the Standard Family Cough Medicine . for Old and Young It's quiefc in action, just a few doses help, it stops the head-splitting, rack ing cough that tears at year chest and lungs ui:d seems to fiuy your throat. I t|Sr $ “OH, for o botile of FOLEY'S HONEY aud lAR (o stop ibis uwtul * Winds Vary, dut.7>f<!' Luzianne -Never/ i . ■ 'g-J!iaL-L!_jLggg* You don’t have to be a magician to I , 7 j’ l U * , mal<e two P°ts of coffee exactly alike I when you use Luzianne. For '~‘" r ‘_sp f , I Luzianne is unvarying in character, rM fFI \ [ ever ar >d always the same good-drink .C. ’ I ' co^et ‘- But —the only way you r I can really know Luzianne is to drink "j ~ coitee . | it. And that suggests your buying a "•'osttßsfrßoStss can today. Bear in mind, you take no ■/ chances with Luzianne. The guaran- T 5. I • n tee P rotects you to the very penny. The Luzianne Guarantee: S o, get right to it and buy Luzianne now - , Ever y si P wi ” confirm your in every respect, your gro- good judgment and our good faith, cer will refund your money. Ask for profit-sharing catalog. ®3AM : coffee The Reily- Taylor Company, JVew Orleans New Garage NEXT TO G. W. HEARD’S. 1 opened a garage in the building south of G. W. Heards Department store, \vhere I am prepared to do first class auto repair work of all Kinds. I also handle the best cils and greases. Tour patronage will be appreciated to Such an extent that I guarantee first class work. W. A. Sigman ' [pO® feliifl Every Housewife cr -/\£ v f \ Mother is ever under W that Nervous Strain-M\ v/PK‘l so often rest;!is l _W in Headaches, Dizzy ,t E- ns, Depression and other Nervous Disorders. jQyySfV h’ ’ ‘ ° S BADLY HUN OOwlT. T-J I)' ’) 171 M IG* "I 1 -rn erfilty run '1 '! c* I had frequent n '(-a 1 l)o r, ame very and H* 1 1 n 1 i V to do ; : /tiling. I is ili'jaly ivecommendtu -a ,f i, r . mii-.v n rv , if . I . bop:*.n to ft"! belter, 111 S'IT-1 ley r v. •1 e quirted. I re -1 fc3UCil . c ,. . . . '.- ,1 jiU'T cilice r* <‘ui :. f J ] Mii-s' Nervine l c FIRST BOTTLE FAILS TO : IT, YOUR MONEY WILL w'mTLOCiL*” GE REFUNDED. ITS >•. .“>■ lienectauy, N. T. ll he.;l lit inflamed mucous lining of your fhroaf nmi bronchial tubes, lor ■ill coughs, colds, croup, whooping j cough, bronchitis, tickling thror.t and honrsness, for children and for grown persons, use I oi.i y’s Honey and Tar Compound. 25c, 50c and SI.OO sizes. Read what a user says: R. G .Col lins, exr.OKtmnsfer, Barncgnt, New J ersey writes: “I'oi.i y’s Iltjney and Tnr soon slopped flic severe lagrippe cough that completely exhausted me. It can’t be hcai.” Safe and reliable. Remember the name, I'OI tv s Honey and T r Com pound, and accept no substsiute.