The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, June 29, 1917, Image 4

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HEARDVILI.E What about this being beauti ful weather and believe me the farmers are sure making use of it too. Mr. Ezra Cox and wife visi ted at Mr. Will Cox’ Sunday and Sunday night. Mr. C.'S. Haygood and fami ly visited relatives at Lathem town Saturday and Sunday. Misses Jennie Sosebee and Annie Bile Dawson visited Mias Era Pirkle Friday afternoon. We are sorry to say that Miss Ardelphia Cox is not any better Guess all you correspondents went to that big singing Sunday I did for one and heard some fine singing and had a fine time. Miss Nella Wyatt of Ball Ground is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Theron Hawkins. Mr. W. M. Fowler and wife visited at Mr. Bill Tallants Sun day Mr. Alonzo Fowler and Rob ert Sosebee visited Mr. Ervin and Edgar Pruitt Sunday after noon. Mr. J. C. Pirkle has purchas ed him anew Ford car. Brown Eyes. MT. PISGAH. Several from around here at tended the singing at Cumming Sunday and report one more good time. Mr. C. L. Hawkins and fam ily visited Mr. F. L. Hawkins and family Sunday Mr. Golden Price and family visited his mother near Holly Springs Saturday and Sunday. Mr. J. W. Hawkins and fami ly visited Mr. J. B. Hawkins and family Sunday afternoon. Miss Mamie Fowler spent the latter part of the week visiting in Cumming. Mr. Ben Fowldr and daugh ter was visiting in this part last week. Say, Lets see how many can go to Sunday school next Sun day at two o’clock. Well as most all from here were at the singing Sunday there were not much visiting. Bob White. COAL MOUNTAIN. A large crowd of people passed through our burg Sun day going to the singing. There were 105 cars, 45 buggies. Some passing wasen’tit? Mr. Ross Carruth and family spent Saturday night at Mr. Mather Smith’s on route 1. Those visiting at Rev. G. W. Forrist Saturday night were, wore Mrs. Linda Forrist and grand-daughter, Kitty Lee and Mr. Howard Benson, wife and baby. Mr. Cicero Collins of Silver City spent Sunday night with Mr. Raymond Heard. Miss Ethel Martin visited her brother, Mr. Otis Martin Sun day night. Rev. J. B. Driskell and moth er visited at Rev. G. W. Forrist Friday night. Miss Hettie Smith and broth- Inman, have whooping cough at this writing, hope they will soon be well Say, “Snooks” I guess you at tended the singing Sunday did you not?. Blue Eyes could not go, she went to meeting. I guess you will be at the corres pondents meeting 4th of July I guess 1 will go. I hope all of the correspondents will go, and all of us get acquainted and have a nice time. We have reorganized our Sun day school at Coal Mountain ev ery Sunday afternoon at two o'- clock. Let everybody come and be with us. Parents don’t just send your children, but come and bring them and lets make a successful Sunday school. We can if we will. Why is it that they have Sunday school every where else and we can't have one here? It is just simply be cause we don’t try. So lets try and have a good Sunday school Mr. Bird Heard is our Supt. Blue Eyes. ROUTE 8. Gee whiz how hot and dry. People in I his section have their crops in good shape. Several from around hern at tended the singing at Cumming Sunday. Mr. G. S. Hughes visited Mr Clyde Harris one day last week Mr. J. M. Rider and daugh ter spent last Sunday afternoon with Mr.S. S. Bailey and family Mr. Clyde Harris and family spent Sunday with L. S. Hughes and family. Mr. Gordon Shoemake and family visited relatives near here Sunday. Mr. B. C. Cain and wife visit ed Mr. Elisha Dempsey one day last week. Mr. C. C. Thompson and fam ily of Cuba spent last Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. J. M. McGehee and family. Mr. Ray Harris and sister, Ida’ spent Saturday night with Mr. W. W. Hill of near Cum ming. I will close by asking a riddle What is that which touches one but unites two. Billy. BIG CREEK. Several form around here at tended the singing at Cumming and report a nice time. Ml. Joe Langley and wife spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. J. W. Hahsard and wife. Mrs. Bunnie Bagwell spent Saturday night with her parent Mr. William Anderson. Mrs. Zonia Poole spent one afternon last week with Mrs. G W. Bagwell. Misses Elnora and Ozella and Otella Langley spent Sunday afi'ernon with Bliss Avies Han sard. Miss Fostine Bagwell spent one afternoon last week with Mrs. Bunnie Bagwell. Mrs. Joe Langley spent one afternoon last week with Mrs. Plumer Self. Mr. Lewis Thompson and wife and baby spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. Olen Sam ples. Well as there was not much visiting 1 will ring off for this time: Kate. SHARON Rev. Thompson filled the pul pit here Saturday and Sunday in spite of the big singing. Mr. Ed Moore and several of his friends motored up from Atlanta Sunday, stopping for the day at Mr. G. T. Settle’s. Little Radford Thompson spent Saturday night with his aunt, Mrs. Fred E. Settle. Say Pat, what would you do if a streak field should get up your breeches leg? That’s a bout what happened to me the other day. 1 did not get excited though. Just told him in as quiet tone as 1 could assume on such occasions that those were my breeches he was getting in fo, but if he meant to get in I'd gel out. Haven’t been back to see whether he got a fit or not. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Harris spent Saturday night at the bed side of his mother, who, we are sorry to say is very ill at this writing. Better be going to all the sing ings, girls, boys are liable to be as scarce around here by Xmas as young grasshoppers in February. Considerable damage was done to the crops in our section by hail last week. Uncle Josh. PEA RIDGE. Most everybody attended the singing Sunday. Rev. R. H. Thompson preach ed an interesting sermon at Brookwood Saturday night. Mrs. Rollins of Oak wood is visiting Mr. Hiram Smith and family. Rev. S. S. Boyd will preach at Brookwood next Sunday night. Cnion singing at Brookwood next Sunday. Everybody invit ed to bring all your books and well-filled baskets. We are sorry to say that Mrs Ida Harris is very low at this writing with measels and pneu monia fever. We wish her a speedy recover. “Paw” we’ll agree with you that the United States is a Chris tian nation during protracted meetings, but during the winter months and the political season, some of our church members who sit up in the amen corner will do things that cause us to have our doubts. I’m very sorry you are de prived of your pleasure by hav ing a wife and baby to keep you out of France. I think the good people will take care of them and see that they are treaed as well as they are when you are with them, so don’t let this hold you back. Messrr Judge and Glenn Estes and Mr. Cleon Jourdan and Bliss Cora and Rallie Estes of Fairburn, Ga., spent Satui’- day night and Sunday in this part. The others on the sick list are better. Remember the Union singing Pat. CORINTH Well, the fourth Sunday in •Tune has come and gone and do hope that everybody did enjoy themselves. Well, brother Miller filed his appointment at Roanoke Satur day and Saturday night and Sunday. Also ordained four deacons Saturday, Brothers Lu per Blullinax, Bethel Dover, Samples and Tom Fowler, and will state also that the little trou ble there has been so much said about it was setted and now have started a prayer meet ing every Saturday night. This looks like business to me. So let us all take hold n<t\v and do our whole duty and see if wfjymß^lr improve in our duties in afl things for it is a needy time just now. May the holy spirit guide us all in the way of truth and right and let us as Paul said for get the things that are in the past and reach forward to those things that are in the future. Well the prayer meeting at Corinth was conducted Sunday night by Bro. Tom Fowler. This was his first time to do this. That is right Bro. Tom the Lord has a work for all his children to do and expect us to do that work and if we don’t do it it will be left undone so let us be guided by the comforter that is Jie holy Spirit. Well I guess all that attended Lhe singing Sunday did enjoy themselves, if not you ought to The sick in this part are all improving nicely, glad for it is the good Lord has been so good we ought to thank him for all he has done for us. It is said that the protracted meeting will begin at Roanoke the fourth Saturday night in July. Let everybody begin now to ask God for a good revival at that time and if we all will ask he will give let us try him and see. Well as there is not much vis iting will close for this time. A Subscriber. DAVES CREEK. .. Well the June singing, is over and I hope everybody had a good time. Miss Nona Hall visited Miss Annie Lou Cross Saturday af ternon. Mrs. George Barker visited Mrs. T. F. Brannon Thursday. Miss Beauna Green is very sick at this writing, but we hope she will soon recover. Mr. Chesty Anglin is all smiles.—lt a girl. Mrs. George Barker visited Mrs. 11. W. Terry Tuesday after noon. The visitors at Mr. Chesty An glins Sunday were Mr. J. L Hall and wife, Mr. Ben Dickert and family and Mr L. D. Gilbert and family The visitors at Blr. J. D. Green’s Sunday were, Blr. John Langley and son from Atlanta, Mr. J. B. Green and daughter, Blr. T. F. Orr and wife, Mr II W Terry and family, Blr. N. A. Frazier and Mrs. L. D. Anglin. Mrs Green Blackstock and daughter, Victory, is spending the week with her daughter, Mrs. I. H. Gilbert. Blrs. Fuel Terry, who is very sick w'e hope will soon be well again. Bliss Addie Terry visited Miss Nona Hall Sunday night. Mrs. Patsy Buice is spending the week with her daughter, Blrs. J. D. Green. School Kid. ROUTE 6. Think most every \>ody in this part attended the singing Sun day. Chas. T. Williams and little girls spent awhile Sunday with relatives on route 6. Blr. Ben Pendley and family spent Sunday with Mr. Norman Day and family. Mr. Bryan Williams, who has been confined to his bed for quite awhile with typhoid fever is able to be out again. 'Bliss Blyrtle Pirkle visited her grand-parents a while Sun day. - Blr. Ped Hulsey and family of Gainesville were recent visi tors here. Zip. Sheriff’s Sale.% Georgia, Forsyth cmAy: Will be sold court house door in Cumming, Geor gia, said county, on the first Tuesday in August, 1917, with in the legal hours of sale the following Tract or Parcel of land, to-wit: Lots Nos. Nine Hundred Nine-Nine and One Thousand, lying and being in the 2nd District and Ist Section of— Forsyte -County, Georgia, with improvements theron, said land levied on under and by vir tue of 3 executions which issued from the Justice Court of the 842nd District, G. M., Blilton County, in favor of Payne Broth ers & Cos. against Jim Strick land. This 23rd day of June 1917. W. T. Blerritt, Sheriff. ALPHARETTA ROUTE 1. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Treada way spent one night last week with Mr. Jim Sewell and family Mr. Carl Spence and family spent last Saturday night at Mr. T. S. Bennett’s. Mr. ' William Hunter had a light stroke of Paralysis last Sunday morning. Gertrude, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sewell is very sick with cholera infan tum. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Devore spent Sunday night with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hunter. Mr. Frank McClain spent to day (Monday) at Mr. Bill Ches ter’s. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Keeth is right sick at this writing. Lillian. Exchanged by Mistake. Some friend of mine having hung his rain coat up in our store, on getting it made a mis take and left his and got the writers, coat light tan color made by Hodgman Rubber Cos. Coat got too large for the wear er the one left too small for the writer. Please return mine and get yours. This exchange v* as made in February or since that time. T. J. Pirkle, Now is the time to sow Ruta- Bega turnip seeds. Don’t for get and let the time pass for planting and sowing to pro duce a good heavy supply of food and feed. Edmondson & Pirkle. FORD universaT car Owners of Ford cars are advised to beware of “counterfeit parts.” If your car needs adjust ment bring it here where you will find reliable service with the complete mechanical aquipment to give the highest quality of Ford service ob tainable. All the Ford parts used are supplied by the Ford Motor Company. You can not ex pect your Ford car to give the service and en durance you demand unless you have it cared for by men experienced in Ford methods. Runa bout $345, Touring Car S3BO, Sedan $645, Coupe let $505, Town Car $595— a1l f. o. b. Detroit. On display and for 3ale by STRICKLAND & WISDOM, Agents Forsyth & Dawson Counties. The Human Factors In Good Service There are three parties to every tele phone conversation —the party calling, the trained operator, and the party who answers. All three share alike the respon- for quick and accurate telephone service. _ -+r.-- nm— minanmi ? The calling party should give the cor rect number in a distinct voice, speak ing directly into the transmitter, and wait at the telephone until the party an swers or the operator reports. The called party should answer promptly. Patience on the part of the telephone user'and the telephone operator is also es sential to good service. When you Telephone—Smile SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE |T| AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY wfPti/ J. E. PUETT, MANAGER. ~f ~\ Stop Rheumatism Before It Takes Hold 1 LJWtA. A You can do it by keeping your blood clean. The Vl' kidneys filter about 600 grains of uric acid and /W/rn£? V IVIa other salts from the blood every 24 hours. When lyV there is more than the kidneys can remove, it 13 deposited in muscles and joints, and painful rheu- WmWr/n matism follows. S. S. S., for 50 years the most iv/A Wf/ efficient of all blood tonics, will keep the blood A el, pure and prevent disease. At your druggists. ASK 1 SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, ga. Grandfather— A a uareag gm |^f r/'Z- S.S.S. m gfep lissase_ University Academy—■ Prepares boys for entrance to all leading colleges, universities and scientific schools. Able faculty. Homelike surroundings Physical train ing- Moral and religious welfare of students carefully safeguarded. Discipline based on truthfulness and honor among students, is kind but firm Spacious grounds and splendid buddings Steam heated dormi tories. P Hot and cold shower 'bath: Electric lights.' Separate beds. Large library. - Fine gymnasium. Low rates. Before, placing your son elseu nere, read our catalog. A. M. IIUGHLETT, A. M„ LL. D., Headmaster, Oxford, Qa. Pigs for Sale. I have a few cross bred Berkshire and Poland China pigs for sale che&p. Call at mce. Howard Jackson, Cum ming Ga., route 5. Edmondson & Pirkle have on hand a line of canning outfits and tin cans now. Call and see them. Deafness Cannot Be Cnret? by local• applications, as they®cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only cne way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by on Inflamed condi tion of the mucous lining of the Kusta chian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result, and unless tlie in flammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nin® cases cut of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condi tion of the mucous surfaces. •\Ye will Rivo One Hundred Dollars for any easo ot Deafness (caused by catarrlDtbftt cannot pc cured o? Ball's Catarrh Cure. Send lor circulars, free. • F. J. cnENEY, & CO, Toledo, Ohio. , Bold by Druggists, 7'e. t Take Hall’s Fatally Fills for constipation.