The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, July 06, 1917, Image 2

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The Forsyth County News. Published every Wednesday at Cummin?, Ga. By J. B. Patterson. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. Per Year Six Months /,^ c - Three Months 25c - OFFICIAL. ORGAN FORSYTH COUNTY. Entered at the Post Office at Gumming, Ga., August 10th, 1910, as mail matter of the second class. Advertising rates made known upon application. Cumming, Ga., July 6th 1917. Cotton continues on the rise in price. Let her go. The Chero Cola Cos. has opened up a large bottling plant at Canton. Lest you forget, Floyd Blackwell of t anton, is the state senator from our district. If our farmers can make a good crop of cotton we don’t care how high it goes in price. The National guard will be the next troops sent to France. Won’t be long until we will know who is con scripted into the army. Several bills were introduced in the state senate the second day of the term. Three hundred citizens of Buford subscribed liberally to the Red Cross fund. John Holder won out as Speaker of the House. John’s a politican. Burwell wasn’t in it when the voting time came. He saw his finish and Quit. The politics of the state for next year will be slated during the next fifty days. The Georgia Legislaure is in session. Let us make the best of it we can. Very few people are coming to our little town for the past several weeks. They are at work in the field is the reason. Money makes the mare go. That’s the reas on the mare can not keep up with a ford these days. Next Monday week is the meeting of the newspaper editors of the state at Thomasville. We shall try to go. Corn is coming right on and growing pretty. The little cotton is growing some since the warm weather began. Some sections of the county report that they have had no rain to amount to anything in sev eral weeks. “There’s music in the air,” says an exchange. If it is one of these dogon graphophones it can stay in the air so far as we are concerned. More than two thousand citizens of Hall coun ty failed to return their property for taxation this year. More than half million people have volun teered in the army, navy and national guard in the last three months. The first bale of 1917 cotton sold in Texas last week for $925.00. That’s some price for a bale of cotton. If you have the money to spare now would be a good time to pay for your paper if your sub scription is out. Bro. Rucker of the Free Press is getting in bad with the preachers on account of his fav oring the all-day singing. If people want to have all day singings, let 'em have 'em. We would like for the legislature to pass a law making it a felony to dun a newspaper ed itor during the months of July, August and Sep tember. There will be more money in circulation this fall than there has been in many a moon, but it won’t buy much unless the price of stuff takes a tumble. Col. Coleman of Canton comes out in the Cherokee Advance with a statement that the conscript law is a good hing for the farming people, and gives some logical reasons to sup port his statement. SURELY THIS IS THE LAST Of course the mother-in-law joke is not exactly new, but this one is not half bad. It was sent to Capt. Chari*-;-' A. Lyerly by a Mississippi friend It is all in the attached telegrams: Gulport, Miss., May 25, 1917. Thomas Jones, Jackson, Miss. Mother-in-law drowned in lake. Body cov ered with shrimp. Wire instructions. Will Smith Jackson Miss., May 26, 1917. Will Smith, Gulport, Miss. Telegram received. Ship shrimp and reset bait. Tom—Chattanooga Times. We never thought another mother-in-law joke could be perpetrated that would be worth while, but the one above beats all we have ever seen. —Dalton Citizen. The way of the “blind tiger” will be hard in Georgia. Mark our prediction. Gardens a looking pretty good, thank you, but need showers. No use to get mad at an officer for doing his sworn duty. Get mad at him if he don’t. The man who steals meat nowadays is dead bent on cutting down the high cost of living. The allies have already bprrowed over a bil lion dollars from our government. Nothing doing in Cumming the 4th of July except the meeting of the correspondents. The slackers and moonshiners are keeping the federal authorities busy these days. Newspaper men, and numbers of citizens ol Georgia, deeply mourn the death of James R. Gray, editor of the Atlanta Journal. The officials of Gwinnett county continue to capture the booze. They are determined to en force the law. “Move the Corn Belt to Georgia” is a headline in many papers. Just wait til we ditch Big Creek and we’ll do it. Mrs. Sarah C. Sharp is the first woman to stand the examination for admission to the bar in the Middle circuit. A fee of 25c will be charged on all C. O. D. parcel post packages amounting to more than fifty dollars in the future. W. Paul Hunnicutt of Albany, formerly of Marietta, has been appointed secretary to Sen ator Hoke Smith. Four contingents of American soldiers are now n France. Will some good brother please tell us how many soldiers we have over there. The Newnan cotton mills paid a dividend of one hundred per cent last week. That’s a nice sum to divide among the stockholders. Two hundred and thirty three bales of cotton sold at Cordeie one day last week, and brought about thirty thousand dollars. South Georgia peaches are bringing $2.35 a crate. These peaches are said to be the finest in the world. 11. 11. Hogan, an attorney of Thomson, Ga., is under a bond of SIOOO for failure to register on June sth. Sheriff Passmore, of Valdosta, was placed under a SI,OOO bond last week by the coroner of the county for an assault on C. C. Brantley, ed itor of the Valdosta Times. The’negroes who were induced to go north last fall are wanting to come back. This is a good indication that watermelons are getting ripe. A shortage of thirty thousand dollars is laid to T. A. Kerip, manager of the Georgia Paint & Glass Cos. The stockholders claim that he has been leading too high a life for his salary. J. W. Zeigler of Lowndes county was fined two hunded dollars by Judge Cranford last week for failure to dip his cattle and defying the officers. Joe Hall of Bibb is back in the Legislature. Ho is given the name of li e “Watch Dog of the Treasury”, and his services are greatly needed righ': at this time. Postmaster Lucas of Savannah, acting under the new espionage law, refused to deliver the Jeffersonian, and two other papers, to subscribe rs last week. Revenue officers captured a still and two thousand gallons of beer near Columbus last Friday. A1 the whiskey is not made in north Georgia. MT PISGAH Several from around here at tended church at New Har mony Sunday and report a good meeting. Mr. Dennis Nix spent Satin - day night with his grand-father Mr. F. Nix Mr. Smith Tallant and family spent Friday night with Mr. \\ T. Tallant and family. Mr. J. B. Pruitt and family was visitors in Canton Sunday Mr. F. L. Hawkins and fam ily visited near Marietta Sun day. Mr. J. W. Hawkins said that he has been eating new corn with his beans. Mr. Josh Sewell is reported on the sick iist and is real low Mr. Jerry Howard visited Mr J. B. Hawkins Sunday. Mr. A. B. Fowler and family was visitors at Mr W. T. Tal lants’ Sunday. . Mrs. Willie Ledbetter visited Mrs. W. T. Tallant Sunday af ternoon. Mr. Luther Wallis and family visited hear Canton Sunday. Bob White. HOPEWELL. It seems that July is bringing us some real summer weather. Mr. Paul Hughes, who has been spending awhile with homefolke, has returned to At lanta. Mr. Jim Singleton and daugh ter. Annie, who have been visit ing Mr. J. C. Singleton and fam ily have returned to their home in S. C. Misses Mary Hulsey and Penelope Hughes spent Sunday at Mrs. Amelia Wallis’. Mrs. J. B. Caruth. who attend ed the soldiers reunion at Wash ington, D. C. and then spent a few weeks with relatives in Maryland, returned home last week. Miss Maggie Wallis attended her class re-union at Stone Mountain first of the week. Mrs. Maude Hughes and child ren spent Sunday at Mr. T. W. Barron’s. Children’s Day is to be ob served here second Sunday. The exercises by the children to be given immediately after Sun day School and preaching at 11 o’clock. Cosette. Take Sulphur Baths , at honte for<■ RHEUMATISM Gout, Eczema, Hives, etc. Right in your own home and at trifling cost, you can enjoy the benefit of healing sulphur baths. Hancock Sulphur Compound nature’s own blood purifying and skin healing remedv— SULPHUK—prepared in a way to make its use most efficacious. Use it in the ba*h; use it as a lotion nnplyiug to affected parts, and keitinLmaiiy. ou c and $1 the bottle at your druggist's. If he can't supply you. send his name and the price in stamps and we will send you a bottle direct. HANCOCK LIQUID SULPHUR COM PAN Y Baltimore. Md. I Hancotk Sulphur Compound Oint orient — 25 und 50c—for uie i cith :he - “ i-*T Liquid Compound. Sheriff’s Sale. Georgia, Forsyth county: Will be sold before the court house door in Cumming, Geor gia, said county, on the first Tuesday in August, 1917, with in the legal hours of sale the following Tract or Parcel of land, to-wit: Lots Nos. Nine Hundred Nine-Nine and One Thousand, lying and being in the 2nd District and Ist Sec don of Forsyth County, Georgia, with improvements theron, said land levied on under and by vir tue of 3 executions which issued from the Justice Court of the 842nd District, G. M., Milton County, in favor of Payne Broth ers & Cos. against Jini Strick land. This 23rd day of June 1917. W. T. Merritt, Sheriff. rADn The f UnU UNIVERSAL CAR Over two million satisfied owners know from experience teat toe ForJ ca” is a real utility, an economical, powerful, always-reliabie means for increasing the profit in business or adding zest to pleasure. The Ford car meets the de mand for prompt transportation in every line of human activity. Tht> demand grows larger ev ery day, because of the ail-round usefulness of the car. Touring Car $360, Runabout $345, Coupelet $505, Town Car $595. Sedan 645—a1l f. o. b. Detroit. On display and for sale by.—. STRICKLAND & WISDOM, Agents Forsyth & Dawson Counties. pROf ESSiGNAL CARDS JARRET P. FOWLER Attorney-at-Law CUMMING, GEORGIA Will Practise in Ail Courts Over F & M Bank DR. J. C. GII.STRAP Calls Attended Day or Night Office at W. B. Bagwell Place. Cumming, Ga., Route 3. DR. J. L. HARRISON Dentist 301-302 Jackson Building Gainesville, Ga. W. W. PIRKLE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Cumming, - Georgia. Office at Residence. Phone 88. DR. M. F. KELLEY, Dentist, Cumming, Ga. Office in Dougherty Hotel All Work Guaranteed O. W. SETTLE Funeral Director & Embalmer Norcross, Ga. Day and Night ’Phone. DR. J. ROBERT SIMPSON Specialist in Diseases of The Eye, Ears, Nose end Throat 302-303-304 Jackson Building, Gainesville, Ga. FEEL ALL USSEDUP? Lots of Cumming People Do Does your back ache con stntly ? Do you have sharp twinges wffien stooping or lifting? Feel all used up—as if you could just go no further? Why not look to your kid neys? Why not use Doan’s Kidney Pills? Read the statement of this nearby resident: Mrs. E. J. Swanson, 502 Doug las St., Cartersville, Ga., says: “Just recently I used a box of Doan’s Kidney Pills and I can -ay that I got good results from them. I was feeling run down and my kidneys acted in such an irregular way that I felt they needed attention. The re lief I received from Doan’s Kid ney Pills gives me so much faith in them that I don’t hesitate rec ommending them.” Price 50 cents at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Swan son had. Foster-Milburr. Cos., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. Pains, Dizzy Spells Mrs.G. P.Cartwright, of Whitwell, Tenn., writes: “I suffered with bearing down pains, i . The dizzy spells got so bad that when 1 would start to walk, I would just pretty nearly fall. Was very much run-down. I told my husband I thought Cardui would help me. . . He got me a bottle. . . It helped me so much that he got me another bottle. I got a whole lot belter. The dizzy spells and the bearing-down pains . . . left me entirely.’’ If you are weak and run-down, or suiter from womanly pains, TAKE The Woman’s Tonic You can feel safe in giv ing Cardui a thorough trial. It is composed of mild, vegetable, medici nal ingredients, recog nized ty standard medi cal books for many years, as being of great value in the troubles from which only women suffer. The enthusiastic praise of the thousands of women who have been helped by Cardui in itspast 40 years of successful use should assure you of its genuine merit, and convince you that it would be worth your while to try this medicine for your trou bles. All druggists sell it. Try Cardui 1.74 Her Secret of Health. A vigorous old lady when asked the secret of her eighty-three years ot health replied: "I never allow myself to fret over things I cannot help. I take a nap, and sometimes two of them, every day. I do not carry my washing, ironing, dressmaking, or bak ing to bed with me; and I try to oil 1 all the friction out of my busy life by an implicit belief that there is a brain and a heart to this great universe, and that I can trust them both.” Small Successes Count. Be satisfied with success in even the smallest matter and think that even suoh a result Is no trifle.—Mar cus Aurelius,