The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, July 06, 1917, Image 3

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. J lIWUW UM -> ' - .<■ •-> —•— --^1 •'> \ .’. A • //! > > !1 x, x 8 \ si ' v ? % s '/ 1 !| i * ii •* • < >ii '\ ' , v i :*• J / J'> / 7 / I J. ' il ■ I ' ' • " J I • IH It |l {■ I! -> I II '■ ! I [fi / ■ ' ?/ ■■ / ll 11 y 1: * iJj Y V"*v | I Each bottle of CHERO-COLA is an individual 1 drink. It is the same at the small store as s \||j' B*s j the city fount. Always pure, wholesome 1 11 | :nil Deafness Cannot Be Cures by local • applications, as they® cannot reach the diseased portion o i the ear. There is only cne way to cure deafness.; and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inllumcd condi tion of the mucous lining of the Eusta chian Tube. When this tube is inhumed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect nearing, and when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result, and unless the in flammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will bo destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condi tion of the mucous surfaces. W will ivo One Ilnnclred Dollars forany enso of Deafness (causedby catarrhUhat cannot hr eared b? Hall’s Catarrh Curo. Send for circulars, free. • F. J. CHENEY, & CO, Toledo, Ohic. Sold by Druggist s, 75c. , Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipation. Interesting Fleas. There are many hundreds of species *Dd varieties of fleas, and the flea af fords more diverse material for the collector than does any other living creature. Rugs to Bum at Prices That will set ’em. Be sure to come and examine this line of rugs, buy some of them, and go home happy. * ' 300 Pairs of Sam ple Shoes fco go at Wholesale Prices Both of us lose money if you fail to do your shopping at this store. Yours for Business, Geo. W. Heard Notice. Will now take cotton notes for guano at 20c per pound. We will hold open as long as we can, but subject to being closed at any time. All wishing to give cotton notes come at once. Yours, L. T. Ledbetter. Pigs fer Sale. I have a few cross bred Berkshire and Poland China pigs for sale cheap. Call at j once. Howard Jackson, Cum j ming Ga., route 5. Free Air. e have just installed a free air station for the convenience and accomodation of the auto mobile public. All auto owners whether customers of ours or not are invited to make use of it save your back and your pump by using free air at the Cumming Garage. Ihe Cumming Garage has a heavy stock of the best makes °1 automobile tires. Save mon ey by buying your tires now be fore anther advance in prices, which we believe is due in a few days. STAR ROUTE Well most everybody is up with their work. Mrs, Maul Phillips and child ren and Mrs. Hamp Edwards and two little children spent Sal urclay and Sunday at Mr. S. B. W right’s. Mr. Louie Poss spent Satur day night at Mr. .1. L. Samples Mr. Dewitt Fowler and wife and daughter, Marie, spent Sat urday and Sunday at Mr. T. G. Smith’s. Well, “Old Daddy” took in the big July singing at Haw Creek and it sure was fine. Those visiting at Mr. S. B. Wright’s Saturday afternoon were Mr. R. P. Crawford and wife, and Mrs. J. L. SaSmples and grandson, and Mrs. TB. Fowler and sons, and Mrs. Horn er Wood and Miss Gladis Law son. Mr. Issoe Samples spent one night last week at Mr. Maul Phillips. Mr. J. L. Barnes and family went to Beaver Ruin meeting Saturday and report a good time. Well as most everybody went to the singing there wasen’t very much visiting so I will skidoo. Annual Singing at Sharon. According to adjournment from annual singing of last year, the 1917 annual singing will be the second Sunday in July, (all day) Leaders and singers every where invited to come. We most especially invite all chick en raisers to come and bring the chicken with them. Troy Buice, Pres. Geo. W. Buice, Sec‘y To My Friends And Customers. Since opening up mule, bug gy and wagon business here in Cumming, Ga., three and one half years ago it has certainly been my motto to hand you the very best mule, buggy and wag on I could buy for the money. I have tried out buggies from several different factories and experience proves to me that J. G. Smith buggy of Barnes ville, Ga., is decidely the best that I have ever had on my floor I have sold five cars of these out and I find that every buggy out is an advertisement for my bus iness. I have arranged to have Mr. Jones, the salesman from whom I buy Smith buggies to spend Saturday, July 7th, here and he wants to talk to every man in this county if he can about Smith buggies on that day. Come to see us if you possibly can and let us show you the strong points of the J. G. Smith buggy. G. W. Wilbanks. Exchanged by Mistake. Some friend of mine having hung his rain coat up in our store, on getting it made a mis take and left his and got the writers, coat light tan color made by Hodgman Rubber Cos. Coat got too large for the wear er the one left too small for the writer. Please return mine and get yours. Thi3 exchange wasi made in February or since that time. T. J. Pirkle, Notice. I have just taken in another pasture and it has got enough grass for 25 head of cattle. It is the best pasture I ever saw. Rates from 25c to 75c per month. W. H. Montgomery Bang! Goes Ambition. Another pathetic little feature of everyday life is the way a man at twenty-one will start out with abso lute confidence that he is destined to be a leader of men and at forty will regard himself as a reasonable success if he can keep from being a goat.— Ohio State Journal. Take Time. Fraud and deceit are ever In a hur fake time for all things.—Frank- r or Lagrippe Coughs, Use holey's Hoiiey and lar For Many Years the Standard Family Cough Medicine for Old and Young It’s quid in action, just a few doses help, it stops tiie head-splitting, rack ing cough that tears at your chest and lungs and seems to flay your throat. £* ,// . x ►,Jr - • .-■ •‘Oh, for a bottle of FOLEY’S HONEY and TAR to fctoi> thi; awful coughing.” The Human Factors In Good Service There are three parties to every tele phone conversation —the party calling, the trained operator, and the party who answers. All three share alike the respon sibility for quick and accurate telephone service. The calling party should give the cor rect number in a distinct voice, speak ing directly into the transmitter, and wait at the telephone until the party an swers or the operator reports. The called party should answer promptly. Patience on the part of the telephone user and the telephone operator is also es sential to good service. j IV hen you Telephone — Smile SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE #W%i AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY J. E. PUETT, MANAGER. ( \ Stop Rfeensratisa ft Before It Takes Hold Ijfl. You can do it by keeping your blood clean. The I///V iijUjiK C 1 .1, kidneys filter about 500 grains of uric acid and JW, other salts from the blood every 24 hours. When yjGgAtycb vS there is more than the kidneys can remove, it is -WV''X7 1m \ deposited in muscles and joints, and painful rheu- WiMW// matism follows. S. S. S., for 50 years the most m efficient of all blood tonics, will keep the blood A,k pure and prevent disease. At your druggists. r Jf tL SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, GA. trcT S.S.S. Will Sfesg Disease ■ ■■— —is i ■!■■■■ in nnimnii uunu- —Emory University Academy— Prepares boys for entrance to all leading colleges, universities and scientific schools. Able faculty. Homelikosurroundings. Physical train ing. Moral and religious welfare of students carefully safeguarded. Discipline, based on truthfulness and honor among students, is kind but firm Spacious grounds and splendid bnili.ings. Steam heated dormi tories. Hot and cold shower bathe. Electric lights. Separate beds. Large library. Fine gymnasium. Low rates. Before placing your son elsa kerc, read our catalog. A. M. HUGHLETT, A. M., LL. L\, Headmaster, Oxford, Ga. ©VQF =* Sfl j?G.i Q up)” Every Housewife or "fw fl Mother is ever under that Nervous S trains-. Mil f . i c. i wliicn so often results I 1 -5 wA ~irr~cr i in Headaches, Dizzy ! Sensations, Faintness, ' (/;• VI Depression and other f Nervous Disorders. S Dr. Miles badly run down. "1 bad become greatly run down Iti V P j' J 8b P.nd inv nerves were in toiriUlo *’ A 4 *■* rondil i bad frequent head aches - id became very weak ana • *v i t r% 11 mo 3 unable to do anything. I is Highly Recommended ik ~htv.uie Dr. mil* n"- “ J in . I .'MI Lrgan to-feel better, • 5. , /-_ , n - r. W.e quieted. I re lit buCIl rf v{ .,.,.,j Mtrf -.gtb. and have since .. omin.- i Dr. Miles' Nervine IF FIRST BOTTLE FAILS TO to irai.j !my friend' wl.o have U; .] •• -itisfartory result*. BENEFIT, YOUR MONEY WILL \f • I : v '-..S WIIITIXiCK. j be REFUNDED. IT- IL .adv.'iy. 3 henecUdy. X. T. Il heals the inflamed mucous lining of your iliroal and bronchial tuber.. For ■ill coughs, colds, croup, whooping | cough, bronchitis, tickling throat and hoarsness, for children and for grown person , use I'oi l i's Honey aid Tar Compound. 25c, 50c and SI.OO sizes. Rea l what a user says: R. Ci .Col lins, c..postmuster, liarnegat, New Jersey writes: “Fou y’s Honey and Tnr soon stopped the severe lagrippe cough that completely exhausted me. It ci n’t be local.” Safe and reliable. Remember the name, I'Ol.f.y's Honey and Tar Com pound, and accept no subststute.