The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, August 10, 1917, Image 4

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FRIENDSHIP. After ;i two weeks absence I will come again. Several from around here at tended the baptizing at New Harmony Sunday. Miss Lizzie Holbrook spent Friday afternoon with Miss lian Bramblett. Mr. Aaron Stapp and wife spent Saturday night near Cum ming. Misses Lillian and Lilia Bram Licit spent Sunday at Mr. Jno Bramblett’s. Mr. W.L. Bramblett left last Wednesday for Ala., where he went to see his brother. | Rev. V. V. Brady preached an excellent sermon at this place Sunday. The ice cream supper given at Mr. B. P. Roper’s Wednes day night seemed to be enjoyed /by all. Mr. Dolphus Stephens of Vir ginia is spending awhile with his father, Mr. W. P. Stephens Mr. Charlie Tribble and chil dren spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. W. N. 'frib ble. School is progressing nicely at this place under the man agement of three teachers, Mr ,J. B. Driskell, Mr. Noah Chad wick and Miss Louise Fisher. Say, Blue Eyes, what has be come of that program? Protracted meeting will be gin at this place Friday night. A Reader. SILVER SHOALS. Sunday school at th is place was well attended Sunday. Mrs. Martha Driskell and Mrs. J. B. Driskell and children spe-nt Wednesday with Mr. C. V. Driskell and family. Those visiting at Mr. Mack Cain’s Sunday were, Mr. Rich Cain and family, Mr. Harl Cain and wife, Mr. Minor Millwood and Mr. Early Wheeler. Miss Ella Nix and sister, Hat tie, spent Saturday night with Mr. A. H. Castlebery and fam il.y Mr. Gus Millwood and Miss Della Delian were married Sun day was a week ago. The cou ple have many friends who wish them a long and happy life. Mr. J. B. Crane spent Sunday at Mr. W. E. Nix’s. Misses Ruth and Eunice Jor dan spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mrs Jim Rundles Master Howard Wheeler vis ited Mr. Bill Wheeler, on route 4, a few days last week. Mr. Mac Cain and family vis ited Mr. J O Cain Saturday. Miss Stella Nix and sisters, Hattie and Ethel spent Sun day afternoon with Mrs. Nan nie Wheeler. Mr. Curtis Stewart spent Sun day with Hubert Wheeler. Mr. Virgil Millwood visited Mr. J O Millwood Sunday. Mr. Guy Bennett is all smiles 'it’s a boy. There will be a singing at this place next third Sunday after noon. Everybody invited to come out and let s have a good old time singing. Blue Eyes. ROUTE 8. More rain, better crops.^ Mrs. Flonnie Peeples of Tex as spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. R. T. William Mr. Hanna Bruton of south Georgia is spending awhile with relatives near here. Mr. Jess Coward of Tenn is spending awhile with his son, Mr. Bill Coward and family. Mr. Otis Patterson and fam ily spent Sunday with Mr. \\ il liam Coward and family. Mr. Bonard Milford of So. Ga., is spending awhile with relatives near here. Mr. Jim Tripe and family Sunday with Mr. Cowart and family. Several from here attended the picnic reunion at Mr. Thom as Milford’s Saturday, and re port a nice time. Mr. John Mcßrayer spent 1 afternoon last week with Mr. W. 11. Green and family. I’ll ring off by saying, good wishes to all. Billy. SHADY GROVE. Remernlvt toe singing at his place next Sunday afternoon. Rev. L. A. Henderson and family of Columbus are visit ing relatives in this part. Miss Bettie Conner spent Sun day afternoon with Mrs. J. A. Phagan. Mr. Audrey Parker and Miss Flonnie Hammond were happi ly married Sunday, Esq., E. C. Johnson performing the cere mony. Congratulations. Little Misses Nelma and Eth el Smith of Atlanta, are visit ing their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Smith. Master Glen Heard and sis ter, Margaret, spent last week with relatives near Buford Miss Azzie Benson spent Sat urday afternoon with Miss A manda Chumbler. . Mr. A. M. Day and family spent Saturday night and Sun day with Mrs. Jake Gravitt. Misses Lesie and Anetta Hol brook of near Buford, spent Fri day night with Mr. J. E. Heard and family. Aunt Betsy. In Loving Memory. Of our dear father, James E. Echols, who departed this life June Ist, 1917. He was 07 years, 7 months and 25 days old, and leaves a wife and 12 children to mourn his loss. He was a true Christian and a true and loving husband, and lov ing father. He joined the church upward of forty years ago and lived a true Christian life til God said ‘come ye bless ed of my father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. He was sick for only about three weeks and all was done for him that could be done by loving hands, and in his last breath he threw his hands up oward heaven and shouted, ‘“Glory, hallelujah, and with ,i smile on his face, we do thank God for that dying grace. Father, how, we do miss thee loving voice, and how sad it is to give him up, but God tells js that all things work togeth cr for good to those who love the Lord. And 1 will say to mother and brothers and sisters just to trust in the Lord and we will meet him someday in the sweet bye and bye where there will be no more shedding of tears. Father was so good to his hildren and always tried to jet them to do right. Our dear father from us is gone,a voice we 11 hear no more, till we meet him on the jther shore, where we will sing and praise God forevermore. ( He had a smile and a good word of advise for every one he met. Written by his heart broken son, Raleigh W. Echols. CORINTH. Well the protracted meeting at Roanoke has passed with 2 additions to the church. Also the meeting at this place has closed with three addition, and the church greatly revived, and a lot of sinners convicted of their sins. We hope it will not be long until we can hear of them being saved fro mtheir sins not only those at C orinth, but everywhere. Rev. L. C. Watson was with Rev. J. W. in the meeting and did some good pre aching, also Bro McGee. Well, the war is stilled being talked of, and it is getting very serious, too. W e will have to make the best of it we can. O that all the boys who have to go is Christians. So if they do not ever return, we can hope to meet them above w'here there will be no more wars. May the | good, Lord touch the hearts of | our people, and may they all prepare to meet their God.. So if any one who read sthis nev reads their county paper any more, we hope that you will not forget this. A Subscriber. PEA RIDGE There was a large crowd at Brookwood Sunday afternoon, and we had some good singing. Miss Eunice Rutledge and Miss Ermine Garner spent the week-end in Lawrenceville. Mr. Carson Green spent Fri day night at J F Jordan’s. Mr. Garth Green spent last Thursday in Norcross. Mr. W. M. Allen’s children, who have fever, we are glad to say are doing fine. Mrs. W. T. Bagley and daugh ter, Mona, spent Thursday at Mr. W. M. Allen’s Mr. Jim Morton and family of Allatoona, Ala., spent Satur daya night at C E Bagley’s. Mr. C. T. Brogdon and fam ily of Larkin, Fla., and Mr. and Mrs. Dolphin Fields of Suwa nee spent Thursday at Mr. C. C. Bagley’s. Miss Beatrice Scales of Bar wick, Ga., is spending a few days with Mr. C. C. Bagley and family. Uncle Josh, I heard a girl say he other day that if you were to steal her clothes you could not wear them. Said you have about as nice a fit asthat streak field had that wore your pants off so. So my advice to you is to stay out of them clothes. Pat. ROUTE 2. Most everybody from this part attennded campmeeting at Shiloh Sunday. Mr. J. M. Tollison has return ed home after an extended vis it to his daughters at Chamblee Mr. and family visited his father Saturday night. Miss Mattie Heard spent one night last week with her sister Mrs. Velvie Holbrook Miss Ruby Stapp visited Miss Lizzie Holbrok Saturday night. Miss Maggie Sewell and bro ther, Cliff, of Drew, spent one day last week in this part. Mrs. Myrta Tollison aud Mrs L. M. Stapp spent Sunday in Cu ba. Schoo 1 is progressing very licely at New Liberty under the management of Mr. Willie Hawkins. Little Misses Daisy and Myr tle Holbrook and Minnie Sew ell visited Miss Clio Stapp Sun day. Mr. Will McPherson and fam ily visited Mr. Roscoe Smith and family Sunday afternoon. Mr. Harrison Tollison spent Saturday night and Sunday at Mr J. M. Tollison’s. Mr. Elmer Holbrook and family and Miss Mattie Heard spent Saturday night at Mat. Mrs. L. M. Stapp is spending a few days with Mrs. Kemp, near Cumming. Mr. O. G. Sewell and little son spent Saturday night with Mr. J. P. Holbrook. Miss Ruby Holbrook visited her brother at Drew one night last week. For Sale I offer for sale my farm near Gravel Springs school house, at a reasonable price. Good 4- room house and plenty of out buildings. See me at once. C. C. Bagley, Suwanee, Ga., route 2. HEARDVILLE. Mr. Ernest Stewart and wife /isited at Mr. StewartsFriday. Mr. J. C. Pirkle and family visited relatives near Alpharet ;a Sunday. Mr. W. T. Tallant has pur chased anew Ford. The guests at Mr. T. M. Fowl er’s Sunday were, Misses Eva Pirkle, Annie Bell Dawson, Al- ice Mae Fowler, and Messrs Will Hawkins and Alonzo Fow ler. Mr. Sam Cochran and family visited at Mr. John Pruitt’s Sat urday night. Miss Belle Sosebee visited at Mr. Claudie Fowlers Saturday night. Mrs. F. L. Hawkins visited at Mrs. S. P. Pruitt’s the latter part of last week Mrs. J. T. Dawson and child ren visited at Rev. R. W. Coch rans Sunday. Miss Bertha Fowler visited Miss Mandie Cape one night last week. Miss Gusta Pruitt visited at Mr. Claudie Fowler’s one night last week. Mr. Silas Evans and family visited at Mr. Isaac Sewell’s Sat urday night and Sunday. Mr. Edgar Estes and sister visited at Mr. J. C. Pirkle’s last Thursday night. Mrs. Sam Cape and children visited at Mr. John Pruitt’s Sun day afternoon: TO CLOSE OUT. A. K. Hawkes Spectacles, priced $3.00 to $lO.OO, to go at 50c to $4.50. 35c cases to go at 18c. Highest price paid for Barter. Eggs 30c; moulded butter 30c; friars 20c to 25c lb Hens 13c lb. Roosters 35c each S. G. CROSS, Cumming, Ga., route 3. LOST: a gold cross, black engraving, one small diamond setting, at Holbrook camp ground. Valuable to me as a “keepsake”. Finder kindly com municate with, Edith Whitaker, 27 Rosser St, Atlanta Ga. Notice to Overseers. The Road Overseers of Bells District are hereby notified and required to put their roads in first class condition by August 15th, 1917. E. J. McGinnus, D. W. Thomas, H. L. Jones, Commissioners. Notice to Overseers. The Road Commissioners of Coal Mountain District are here by notified and required to put heir roads in first-class condi lition by August 20th. J. L. Norrell, J. S. Hughes, L. W. Wofford, Commissioners. Land For Sale. I offe r for sale my home place near Sharon church, con taining 160 acres; about 80 a cres in cultivation, balance in timber and pasture. Good build ings, etc. Will sell all or a part at a reasonable price. Willis Thompson, Suwanee, Ga., route 2. NOTICE. Mr. T. J. Pirkle, of the firm of Edmondson & Pirkle, will give a demonstration in can ning at the* court house park, on Saturday, August 18th. Everybody invited to come put and see how easily fruit and vegetables can be canned and saved for the market. S. J. Smith, County Demonstrator. Notice to Overseers The Road overseers of Duck town district are hereby noti fied and required to have their roads put in first class condi tion not later than August 10th A. J. Lummus, Bennie Henderson, N. S. Hawkins, Commissioners. Dr. R. L. Hunter will be in Cumining during Court week for the purpose of doing dental work. Crown and bridge work a specialty. Office over Bian non’s store. See Harrison, Tollison, route 2, for anything you need in the lumber and cattle line. Attention! Uncle Sam needs thousands of stenographers, typewritists end clerks at Wash ngton and in other cities throughout the country. . Salaries range from S9OO to SI2OO per year, for either men or women. You can do your part to help win the War by preparing to work in one of the government’s thousands of offices. We can train you for Civil Service examinations which are given weekly in Atlanta. The Busness World is almost begging for trained office help. Business men are offering large salaries, to competent stenographers and typdwritists. The demand will be much greater irt the early fall. Now is the time for you to begin your training. You can learn our easy system of shorthand in Bto 12 weeks. Hundreds of students have mastered the course in two months and were prepared to fill responsible positions. ..You can do as well as they have done We need 100 students to prepare for positions that will be open in September. In order to se cure this number, we are offering a Special Sum mer Course at a greatly reduced rate.of tuition. You cannot afford to miss this opportunity. It will cost you nothing to investigate. Fill out and return the coupon below and we will tell you something that will interest you. Address, Bagwell Business College. 34 Luckie St., Atlanta, Ga. Fill out and return this coupon to-day. Bagwell Business College. 31 Luckie St., Dept. F—C. Atlanta, Ga. Gentlemen: I am interested in your Special Summer Course and desire to know what it w-ould cost me. Please give full particulars. I desire to learn Shorthand-Typewriting, Bookkeeping- Penmanship. (Please underscore which you de sire) . Age Name Date.. Address The Human Factors In Good Service There are three parties to every tele phone conversation —the party calling, the trained operator, and the party who answers. All three share alike the respon sibility for quick and accurate telephone service. The calling party should give the cor rect number in a distinct voice, speak ing directly into the transmitter, and wait at the telephone until the party an swers or the operator reports. The called party should answer promptly. Patience on the part of the telephone user and the telephone operator is also es sential to good service. When you Telephone—Smile SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE /fWli AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY vL|S|J/ They Let Him Sleep #OO 00 “ Since taking Foley Kidney Pills 1 believe I am entirely cured and 1 sleep soundly all night. ** H. T. Straynge Take two of Foley Kidney Pills with a glass of pure water after each meal and at bedtime. A quick and easy way to put a stop to your getting up time after tim© during the night. Foley Kidney Pills also stop pain in back and sides, head ache, stomach troubles, dis turbed heart action, stiff and aching joints and rheumatic U pains due to kidney and bladder ailments. y\l/b ■>) GAINESVILLE, GA., R. R. No. 3. Mr. H. T. Straynge s*y: "For ten years I’ve I ( /! been unable to sleep all night without getting ■*. //[ up. Sometimes only a few minutes alter NA] t f jf // going to bed id liave to get up, and I tried ("Trf f everything I heard of for the trouble. Last n 1 / # fI year I tried Foley Kidney Pills and after " nd> Fine f taking one battle I believe lam entirely tt w~.rr-w '> cured ar.d I sleep soundly all night.” since I took FOLEYKIMEYPILLS! _ Tide. To give all a chance to try Foley <S Co.'s family remedies, Don l IVIISS I ms. sen j to Fo ; ey & Cos.. 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., this clipping and Sc, with your name and address written clearly, and they will mail you trial package containing samples of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, Foley Kidney Pills and Foley Cathartic Tablets. ,