The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, September 14, 1917, Image 1

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Vol. 9. No. 40. LOCAL AND PERSONAL The revival at the Baptist church closed Sunday night. Rev. F. T. Wills filled his ap pointment at Duluth Sunday. Mr. Walter Otwell spent a day or two in Atlanta last week Mr. Partee of Buford was a visitor to friends here Sunday. Miss Fannie Harrson spent a day or two in Atlanta last week Don’t forget our school fair the 9th of October. Dr. and Mrs. Marcus Mash burn were in Atlanta Tuesday. Messrs Vinvent Merritt, Olen Merritt and Roy Otwell were jn the Gate City Monday. Mr. Geo. L. Merritt is spend ing several days in Lexington, Ga., on business Mrs. Olen Merritt and child ren visited relatives in Norcross Monday. Your attention is called to the large ad of the Northeast Georgia Fair in this issue. I Don’t forget the Sunday school convention here Thurs day and Friday of this week. Mr. Major Nuckolls and fam ily and Mr. M. B. Rice spent the week-end with relatives in At lanta. Mrs. E. J. Tatum and little daughter of Atlanta are spend ing sometime with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kirby. Misses Mary and Grace Mil ler of Atlanta, who have been been visiting relatives here, have returned home. Lieut. J F. Echols, who is stationed at Camp Gordon, sjspent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. j. rv. ea=i.~— Mr. Henry Wolfe, who has been spending a few days with his family here, left Sunday for Lexington to resume his work Mrs. H. H. Summerour of Warsaw was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Marcus Mash bum one day last week. Miss Ellen M. Barron, who has been teaching in the coun ty this year, left last Thursday for her home in Lewisburg, Tenn. Mrs. J. B. Walker, who has been spending sometime with her daughter, Mrs. W. T. Ot well, has returned to her home in Atlanta. Mr. William Harris and two sons of Gordon county were here a day or two last week vis iting Mrs. Joel Webb and other relatives. , 1 Several new pupils, entered school Mon lay morning, and others may be expected al along. We have a good school and the people will patronize it Note new ad of G. W. Heard in this issue. He has some seed rve and seed oats for sale, ana J ... n Vi im ryt anu you had better call to see him i before they are gone. Mr. A. C. Kennemore ancl ( family attended the birthday dinner at the home of his fath er, Mr. W. H. Kennemore, near New Hope, last Thursday, and report a very enjoyable day. repon a vco , Mr R. A. Fincher who lelt this county forty one years ago, is spending awhile with rela tves in the county. This is his first visit to this section since he removed to Texas in 1876. The new garage building is nearing completion It will be a great help to the looks of the town, and a great compliment to the Ford agents in this coun- Mr Word Riden and sister, Miss Ruby, of Bostwick, Ga., are visiting Mr. J. E. Brooks and family and other relatives here. Word has been certified for service in the army, but has been exempted until December Ist. * - The Forsyth County News i For thoropgh bred Bershire pigs call on E. J. McGinnus, Al pharetta, Ga., route 1. I Mr. E. F. Smith spent last Thursday in Atlanta on busi ness. Mr. L. B. Edwards of Atlan ta spent a day or two last week with relatives here and at Cuba Miss Effie Black,-tone of At- lanta is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. J. T. Blackstone. Mrs F. T. Wills continues quite sick. We hope she will soon be restored to health. Miss Mollie Kemp has been spending several days in At lanta studying the latest styles in millinery. | Mr. M. B. Rice of near Beth el is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Major Nuckolls and other rela tives here this week. # j The new church building is nearing completion, and will I soon be ready for the people to hold their services Miss Ollie Merritt has been spending several days with her uncle, Mr. B. F. Pirkle, near Sil- ver City. Wanted: Girl to do cooking and general housework. Good home and pay to right party. Phone 23. j Fo r Sale, or will trade for smaller car, late model, five pas senger, six cylinder automobile Looks good—runs better. Ap ply at this office. Mr. Macon Durham, who has been in Roswell for some weeks with the Southern Bell Tele phone Cos., has returned to Cum erator here. 1 Mr. Scrip Maddox, who has been night operator at the tele phone exchange left Monday for Alpharetta. He will soon go to Camp Gordon to serve un cle Sam in the great world war. Mr Claude Benson of route 4 has sold his farm to Mr. J. D, Pierce of East Point, the price paid being $3,400.00. Claude will move to South Georgia this fall, and will possibly locate at Fitzgerald. ALPHARETTA ROUTE 1. Mr. Willie Kemp and John nie Rogers spent Sunday after noon at Mr. William Hunter’s, Mr .Will Bruce and family spent last Friday night at Mr. Bill Chester’s. Misses Orene and Ada Spence visited at Mr. Carl Spence’s Sal urdav night ard Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Treada way visited at Mr. Jim Sew ell’s Saturday. Mrs Anna Goswick and child ren spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Cynthia Spence. j Dr. Hasty and family spent Sunday night at Mr. Joe Doss’. I Mr. Carl Spence and family , visited at Mr. J. B. Spence’s one night last week Lillian. BARGAINS Mens heavy work shoes water proof v 53.25 Full stock brogan. Women heavy shoes $1.75. Furniture Dresners $4.50 to $7.50. Bed Steads $2.00 to !>4.50. 5 drawer sewing machine 10 year guarantee $17.50. Second hand one horse wagon cheap. Second hand syrup barrels Highest price for barter. Hens 15c per lb. Fryers 23c per lb^ Roosters 30c. , Butter 30c. [Eggs 38c. I S. G. Cross Route 3/..:. Sunshine inThe Home, Power in The Life. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harris Entertained the Soldier Boys. I ’ Mr. and Mrs. Chas. L. Harris entertained informally at din ner last Wednesday at midday in honor of the first five select men chosen from Forsyth coun ty. The house wa3 prettily dec orated with flags. The center piece for the dining table was a large bowl of autumn flow ,ers displaying the national col ors. After dinner the table was cleared and the boys were pre sented with their comfort bags which they opened amid mucfi merriment. They voted each article most useful, and were loud in ftieir praises of the wo | men whose time and thought have already gladdened their hearts. |. The following young men ' were present: Messrs. Mark and Frank Hulsey, Harris Moore, Roscoe Echols and John Pruitt. It is a little remarkable that these boys were eager to go, had begged, in fact, that they might be the first to leave, so 1 anxious were they to have a part in crushing down a great wrong and thus bringing peace tp a now' suffering world. As they left the hostess gave them this parting thought tak en from the lips of a very wise mother, “If one boy comes back in safety, we shall never cease to be thankful. If our boy falls in the battle he will fall in the line of duty to his country, and he could not meet death more gloriously.” Roper—V aughan. A wedding*of much interest to the many friends of both the bride and groom was that of Miss Geneva Roper and Mr. Ralph Vaughan, which took place at the home of the brides parents, September 2nd. The ceremony was perform ed by Rev. J. M. Anderson in the presence of several relativ es and friends of the bride. The bride’s wedding gown was of white silk. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrsr C. T. Roper of Cu ba, while the groom is a son of Rev. and Mrs. V. K. Vaughan of Haw Creek. We wish them a long, happy and prosperous life. A Guest. In the District Court of the Uni ted States for the Norhem Dis trict of Georgia. Asa Court of Bankruptcy. In re, Mrs. Ethel O. Brice, Bankrupt, In Bank ruptcy. i The creditors of the debtor above named, a resident of Dawsonville (P. 0.) Ga., in the county of Forsyth, said district are hereby notified that she was on'the 3rd day of Septem ber, 1917, duly adjudicated bankrupt and that the first meeting of her creditors will be held at the office of Referee at i Lawrenceville, Ga., Sept. 14th, j i 1917. at 10 a. m., at which time ; the said creditors may attend, j prove their claims, appoint a trustee examine the bankrupt. and tranact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Lawrenceville, Ga., Sep. 4, 1917. N. L. Hutchins, Referee In Bankruptcy. M’S. E G. Propes died at. her home on route 4 Sund iv, a’d her remains were interred at Salem Monday, Rev. R. 11. Thompson conducting the services. We ex tend sympathy to the bereaved. -c - CUMMING, GA., SEPTEMBER 14TH, 1917. | 39 More Certified for Army. j In addition to the 37 names published recently, the local board has certified 39 more men, making a total of 76 found physically fit for service. They 'will send notices to 150 more men this week to appear for examination, and will likely have their quota by the last of next week. The following names have been certified as subject to ser vice : Frank Anderson Bacon George Wood i John Memory Turner William J. Lawson Riley Calip Millwood William Gordie Turner Clark Jackson McKerley Oscar Crane William Clyde Secrest Ernest Dooley Banister John DeWitt Pruitt ArnQld Jacob Hubbard Grover Cleveland McGinnis William Jackson Orr James Edward Buice Roscoe Edwards Lewis William Pruitt James Newton Payne Heard Orr Garrison Levy Green Lonnie Coldclough Denson * Nathaniel Pirkle George Samples Asberry Fately Grogan Hermon Densmore Emory Speer Hamby William Odis Hammod Hunter Grady Brady Guy Braswell Gilbert Solomon Robert Cams Guy Tumlin sr Worley C. Samples > Homer Webb Smith Martin V. Gilbert Mark Hulsey Lee N. Crow BETHEL 1 Fodder pulling is the order of the day in this part. Rev. W. H. Warren filled his regular appointment here Sat urday and Sunday. He was a- 1 gain called as pastor for the church another year. Mrs. F. T. Williams and child ren have returned home after a weeks stay with relatives near Cumming. Mr. W. L. Boyd and family spent Sunday with Mr. John Rice and family. Mr. Lee Floyd, wife and lit tle daughter, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wade Orr Sunday Several from here attended the singing at Shady Grove Sun day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Bagley of Bufdrd spent the week-end with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pierce visiter at Mr. T. W. Orr’s Sun day. Miss Bertha Thompson has returned home after an extend j ed visit to her sisters here. Mr Bryan Williams spent I Sunday night with relatives here. . Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Bagby spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs jW. F. Orr. | Rev Holbrook will preach at Bethel the fourth Sunday in jSept at eleven o’clock. Notice The Public school term for the year 1918, will be five months. We suggest that a Private term of at least one month be taught in connection i with the five months of Public 'school. This would give our | boys and girls six months of | Sth(>ol ' Respectfully, A C. Kennemore. j The Northeast Georgia Fair The business men of Gaines ville have organized a Fair As sociation with-a Capital Stock of Ten Thousand Dollars and plans are being made to hold a big Fair on Oct. 23 to 27th. The Agricultural Fair, where the ag ricultural and industrial resour ces of this section can be exhib- jited has long been needed and the step these men have taken means much to this territory. Fairs are now recognized as powerful factors in the up-build ing of our* country. The fairs held in other parts of the State have been well patronized and have filled a long felt want in advertising the resources of the State. We coneratu’ate the people o: Gainesville >n their foresight and bespeak for them the patro j nage of all North Georgia. In * letter from the Association we are told that the very best I attraction to be had will be on the fair fair grounds during the week. All shows will be clean, moral and up-to-date. No im moral shows or gambling of any kind will be tolerated and the people w r ho go to the fair will have the assurance that they will get their money’s worth. Several hundred dollars are offered to the farmers, farmers wives, boys and girls for agri cultural, live stock and handi work displays. A premium list giving all the information along this line may be had by writing J. 11. Hosch, Secretary, Gaines „lM| .■■--J parade of school chlldieff WH* Tuesday, Oct 23rd the first day of the Fair. Every school child in North Georgia who is there ( on that date and marching in the parade will be admitted to 'the grounds free. Gainesville extends a cordial | invitation to everyone in this section to visit this great expo sition. SHARON No singing at this place Sun day on account of Singing Con vention at Bethlehem. War does not keep the grin off everybody’s face. Mr. and Mrs. George Buice are wearing it now. —No won der: It’s a boy. Mrs. Alice Orr of Buford re turned home Thursday of last week, after a week’s visit to rel atives in this part. Mrs. Satira Moulder of Su wanee is spending a while with her son, G. C. Moulder. Power Cos. of Birmingham, Ala. Beatrice, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Bagley, we are sorry to say has typhoid fever. Mrs. Pearl Bagley spent Fri day afternoon with her sister, Mrs. Myrtie Buice. 1 Rev. Wiggins of Decatur will preach here next Sunday (3rd.) at 11 o’clock a. m., and at night all go har him. If you haven’t got anything do , come on and help me work the road. We’ll not work it much and maybe the Commiss ioners will “find” us some mon 'ey. Uncle Josh. Notice There will be all-day services at Pleasant Grove camp ground on the third Sunday in Septern ber. Everybody is invited to come bring your s mg books and enjoy the day. Don’t forget ' well-filled baskets. X. X. X. Tax Levy for 1917. Georgia, Forsyth County. Court of Ordinary, sitting for County Purposes. It is hereby ordered that (70c) seventy cents on the one hund red dollars of taxable proper ty of said county as per Digest for the year 1917, be and the same is hereby levied for coun ty purposes for the year 1917, viz :- To pay jurors, bailiffs, sten ographer, 08c on the .SIOO. Sheriff and nonresident witnesses q6c on the SIOO. Support of paupers 03c on the SIOO. Books and stationery 01c on the SIOO. Other lawful claims 12c on the SIOO. Public bldgs and bridges 40c on the SIOO. Total 70c on the SIOO. 1 It is further ordered that the lax Collector collect said a mount and pay the same over to the County Treasurer for county purposes as aforesaid. It is further ordered that the Tax Collector of said county collect the sum of fifty cents on the ($100) one hundred dollars of the taxable property of Cum ming Public School District as shown by the tax digest of said district for the year 1917, as levied by the board of trustees of said school and the County School Commissioner of said -to tK C .fVn an<t pay the same over 11 is further ordered uuu , Tax Collector of said county col lect the sum of 20c on the one hundred dollars of taxable pro perty of Mayfield Public school ! district as shown by the tax di gest of said district for the year 1917, as levied by the Treasur -1 er of the Board of Trustees of I stid district, and the County ! School Commissioner of said county, and pay the same over to the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees of said school dis trict. This Sept. 10, 1917. W. J. Tidwell, Ordinary HOPEWELL. Rev. B. G. Hughes preached here Sunday. Mr. W. B. Hughes and fam ily spent Sunday at Mr. T. W. Barron’s. Mr. Wesley Wallis and son, Claude, of Texas, are spending awhile with the former’s fath er, brother, sister and other relatives here. Miss Vinnie Singleton, who has been with her grand father here the past year, has return ed to her home in Westminster, South Carolina. Messrs Mark and Frank Hul sey left last week for Camp Gordon to begin their military training. I Mr. Walker and cousin of Jackson county were recent vis itors at Mr. J. B. Carruth’s. j Mr. Paul Hughes, who join ed the Ambulance corps early in the Spring was called to Ft. McPherson a few days ago. Mr. Walter Hughes visited Mr. J. F. Wallis and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Wilkins of Shelby, N. C., who have been visiting Mrs. Amelia Wallis and other relatives here, have re turned home. Rev. C. F. Hughes of Nor wood visited his father here a few days ago. Cosette 75c per year. BRANDYWINE Do you love your country? Do you love your parents? Do you love your God? The folks from here are get ting their share of the govern ment money from Camp Gor don. The much needed rain fell here last week It did much good. Did you sow that turnip patch and some rye for your chick ens to eat this winter? If au want something good for your chickens and hogs plant or sow a small place in rape It grows rapidly and will come again after- you cut it off. When Paul was persecuting the church of Christ he thought that he was doing God a ser vice; even so the grand jury that would not continue our county farm agent thought that they were doing the county ser- vice. , The last Quarterly Confer ence of the Alpharetta charge will be held at Midway on the third of November. Mr. Lee James and family of Atlanta are visiting his father, Mr. John James. Mr. Homer James is here also. Mr. and Mrs. C). I’ Ezzard spent Sunday at the former’s sister, Mrs. Maude Westbrook of Cherokee county. What is a free government? Is it a place where every one does just as he chooses? If it is then you do not need any of ficers, court houses or jails. You must not put any restraints on us at all. You must not ask us to our roads ment, but iTra the idea ot * great many people just at pres ent if they really mean what they say. Do not forget to meet at the court house next Saturday af ernoon to help complete the ar rangements for our school fair You come and have a say inthe kind of fair we shall hatfe. Last Friday morning Mr. John James went to the stable to catch his mule when for some reason it became unmanageable and turned around in the stable and in so doing it caught Mr. James against the side of the stable and mashed him up very badly. With assistance he got ito the house and medical aid was called at once. Drs. Hun ter and Hasty responded and did what they could to relieve his great suffering. For awhile his life was despaired of but he has rallied and now has a fight ing chance for his life. We hope I that he will be restored to his wanted health. Appreciative. “Boys are in Barracks here from three states and my com fort bag and its contents are far superior to any thing yet pro duced.” The above was written by one of our Forsyth county boys who left for Camp Gordon last | week. We feel sure that the ladies who have had this work in charge will be glad to know that the bags are appreciated and so well thought of by the boys. For Rent: One good three horse farm, home ’-dace of the late W. T. Little mile from Duluth on Chattahoochee river. Only a responsible party need apply. Will be in Duluth next Saturday. G.L. Veal. Lawrenceville, Ga