The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, September 28, 1917, Image 2

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The Forsyth County News. Published every Wednesday at Gumming, Ga. Ry J. R. Patterson. . ■■ ■" ■ - ■ '• ii ■ i—• SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. Per Year 75c. Six Month ; 40c. 'I In. h 25c. OFFICIAL ORGAN FORSYTH COUNTY. Entered at the Post Office at Cumming, Ga., August 10th, 1910, as mail matter of the second class. Advertising rates made known upon application. Cumming, Georgia, Sept, 28, 1917 Cotton seed fifty five dollars per ton. Miliary policemen are now patroling Atlanta Cotton (licking will be the order of the day for awhile now. Fodder pulling is about over in this neck of the woods and lots of it was saved. Corn is selling at $2.25 a bushel right here in September. It's a mean mosquito who would bile through a fancy drop stitch. Sure it is. Governor Ferguson of Texas has been im peached and dismissed from office. A lively fight is on over in Gainesville for May er and Council. Students from eleven states have entered Piedmont college at Demorest. Many Georgia farmers are appealing their claim for exemption to the President. Cotton jumped one hundred and ten points last Saturday. Letter jump. The allies are sinking submarines right along. Let ’em sink. One hundred and fifty nine negroes will be sent to the training camp from Brooks county October 3rd. We are thinking of moving to South Georgia They say money is so plentiful in that section it is in the way in the banks. ft,is r,unrig- of Can'cA s\. rp. j several car loads oil)mules to St Louis last week to be sent to France. There will be some lively politics down in the 4th district to elect a successor to Congressman Adamson. Sugar will drop about one cent a pound soon according to advices from Washington. Ihen we’ll try to sweeten up a little. It is high time these merchants around here were advertising their goods and Idling the pub lic know what they have in their shelves. 801 l weevils have made their appearance over in Barrow county. Stop Mr. Weevil, before you hit this territory. The State Market agent is urging the farmers to hold their cotton for at least twenty five cents a pound. . . / The latest “fakir” we’ve heard of is the ones down in South Georgia who are bleeding the peo pie for recharging lightning rods. It would tickle us good if you will call and pay what you owe on subscription and then a year ahead. All enlisted men in the army appearing at the gate of the Woodruff Fair in Winder will be pass ( ed in free of charge. This is patriotic and right, Thomas E. Watson has filed an appeal to the United States Supreme Court in the case Judge Speer turned down on a negro client testing the constitutionality of the draft law. Jim Strickland, a notorious whiskey maker, formerly of this county, was sent to the chain tang for tw lve months over in Gwinnett coun ty last week. * Hon. William J. Harris has announced as can didate for the United States Senate against Hon Thomas W. Hardwick, and you may look out for a hot campaign. A young man down in Pike county left sß.> in a load of cotton, and it was ginned with his bale He should save the seed of this cotton for plant ing next year. The provost marshal has passed an order al lowing any person dissatisfied with the exemp-j tion of any boy, to file an appeal and have the case reopened and passed upon. This is fail enough to all concened. Uncle Sam will put Germany to flight before another year. Just wait and see. Uncle Joe Reid of Hall county has 125 grand children, and sixteen of them are in the army. Several car loads of shorthorn cattle are being shipped into the state to encourage cattle raising Re sure to sow you a good patch of wheat this fall. Bread is high and there is money in wheat Our government will not discuss peace terms unless they conform to the policies of the gov ernment. Congressman Adamson has been appointed appraiser of merchandise at the port of New York The place only pays $9,000 a year. A man in Chicago, 111, has invented a machine that will pick as much cotton as five men. We’ll put Charlie Hendrix against 'em any old time. The cotton ginned in the United States up to Sept. Ist was 146,630 short of that ginned to the same time last year. W. L. Garrett of Sparta sold 120 bales of cot ton from this year’s crop at 25c per pound. He sold under contract signed during the spring. W. Trox Bankston of West Point is a candi date for congress to succeed Judge Adamson. Trox is a newspaper man and a good politician. A negro was arrested in Atlanta Saturday with a quart of bone dry in a hollow bamboo cane. That whiskey crowd is sharp, my, my. A sweet potato weighing eight pounds was raised at the Bellwood convict camp this season That’s a pretty good potato. An increase is reported in the buying of cot ton goods. Cotton ought to bring the farmer at least 25 cents a pound. W. W. Munday of Cedartown has been elect ed to the State Senate to succeed his brother who died recently. German agents have been at work in the Uni ted States for several years according to advices from Washington. The annual meeting of the old veterans will be held in Thomasville, October 2nd and 3rd, and they are welcome to all the Weekly Press As sociation left in that little city. Atlanta Bank clearings last Saturday were more than one million dollars more thap the same day last year. Vevily prosperity is on its way to the sunny south. Fifteen hundred girls entered the Gorgia Nor mal & Industrial college at Milledgeville last week That’s some school, and don’t you forget jit. Geo. Soloman ,a negro chaffeur of Atlanta, was bound over for manslaughter last week. He ran over a child and killed it, and he now has to suffer the consequences. That’s right, too. Mrs. Hoke Smith is ill with pneumonia at her home in Washington, and the many friends of her and the Senator, hope she will be restored to health. I tt is probable that a warrant will be issued for ' Lafollette. United States Senator, in a few days, on account of a speech he made in Minnesota last week. The government intends to stop the anti draft propaganda if they have to resort to the courts to do so. The Southern Ruralist of Atlanta refused to aid in selling the liberty loan because the gov ernment is intending to increase newspaper pos tage rates. The ideas of he Ruralist are absurb Newspapers ought not to mind hearing a reason able portion of the expense of carrying on the war. From The Macon Telegraph j The Germans now say they are sorry they in vented poison gas. The British and French sold iers made them sorry when they began feeding them some of ther own medicine. An investigation of the Bernstorff movement may reveal some of the things you ve been sus pecting but just simply couldn’t bring yourself to believe. Martin Mason is taking a trip on his honey moon through lowa, Colodado and California, his wife looking after the farm and family.- Clinton (la.) Advertiser. When a fellow tells you he regrets he couldn’t stand the examination for the army, as nothing would suit him btter than to be in the trenches in France, why, that’s a sign he thinks you are an eask mark and will believe anything you’re told. That new Haig offensive must be very annoy ing to the Tuet newspaper war experts, who had just gone out of their way to explain it couldn’t be done. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE 3Farm?ro Sc iUmljantH Sank Located at Cumming, Ga., At The Close of Business Sept., 10, 1917. Resources Liabilities Demand Loans 4 200 00 Capita , Stock p aid In 25 000 00 Time Loans 19'.) 220 ;>3 g urplu3 Fund> , 0 <h )4 03 Overdrafts secured 2 00 Undivided Profits, less Our- Overdrafts unsecured 2 262 SI rent Expenses, Taxes Paid Bon is and Stocks owned by bark 00 ' 00 [)jc Unpaid Dividerd3 32 00 Banking House 6 500 0i) Indivjdua , Depositg subject Furniture and fixtures 2 347 26 65 797 16 Other Real Estate 2 632 63 Tjme Certificateß 86 387 18 Due from Banks and Bank- Billa Payable 60 000 0 0 ers in this State 7 131 51 Due from Banks and Bank ers in other States 5 908 69 Currency 1 202 00 Cold 60 00 Silver, Nickels, etc. 619 42 cash Items 2 645 38 Sundry Clllectians 75 00 Revenue Stamps 114 10 TOTAL " 238 120 36 TOTAL 238 120 36 STATE OF GEORGIA, FORSYTH COUNTY. Before me came R. E. HOPE. Cashier, of Farmers & Merchants Bank who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank, as shown by the files in said Bank. R. E. HOPE. Sworn to and subscribed'be fore me, this 17thday of Sep, 1917. OLEN N. MERRITT, c. N- P. 20per Cent Saved. For S3xtv Days On and after this date for 60 days every customer buying goods at this store will be given a profit sharing cer tificate with each 25c purchase. Thess certificates will be accepted by us at face value toward the purchase of any article in our Special Novelty Department. Mothers! Listen! Is there a tyaby in your home under one year of age? Jsring it to this store. It will receive a gold ring. The supply is limited. Call now. Ladies Attention!! While the} last we will present free with our compliments to every lady calling at our store a teaspoon of Rogers’ well known.make. •GE’fa'W. Heard, _ Come To The Southeastern FAIR ATLANTA, GA. October 1.3, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 i-;; ’pi i.t v? jhi ’fw i" i , u v. ii. t i Grand Circuit RACES Fastest horses in America will compete daily for prizes aggregating $34,00Q; Horse Show; Cattle Show; Swine Exhibits; Poultry; Agricultural Display; Horti cultural Display; Educational Exhibits; Women's Work; Dog Show. Seventh Annual Georgia Corn Show; Boys’ Corn Club Contest; Girls’Canning Club Contest; Boys’ Pif Club Contest; Boys’ and Girls’ Poultry Club Contest. Midway, Larkland, Clean Fun and Frolic, Fre Vaudeville Attractions, Free Brass Band Concerts, Free Fireworks Nightly. $65,000 In Prizes You Can’t Afford To Miss It! ' 'V i i •< ... \ \ -w* This is the famous / You’ll see her If | smiling face in sort of place, drinking. z iij z = i / Chero-Cola ] **ln a bottle — i Through a straw" : : r • : z j CHERO-COLA purity guarantees you against nerve rack, sleepless nights or other had after effects. Just a wholesome, refreshing, thirst = quenching beverage. = FORD UNIVfRSA? CAR To get the maximum of service from your Ford car, it must have careful attention from time to time; a little “tuning up” to keep it run ning smoothly always adds to its power and en durance. To be assured of the best mechanical service and the use of genuine Ford materials, bring your car here where you get practical Ford experience, and the regular Ford parts. Ford prices, fixed by the company, are the same every where. Touring Car $360, Runabout $345, Se dan $645, Coupelet $505, Town Car $595 —all f. o. b. Detroit. On display and for sale by [STRICKLAND WISDOM, Agents ’ [Forsyth &%Dawson Counties. You ted !M Suffer t-rom Catarrh You have probably been in the habit of using external treatments to relieve your catarrh. You have applied sprays, washes and lotions to the mucous sur faces of the nose and throat, have been temporarily relieved, and then wondered a short time after, why you were troubled with another attack of catarrh. You should realize that catarrh is an infection of tho blood. This fact has been agreed upon by specialists in catarrh troubles, and has been proven in the laboratories of the Swift Specific Cos. S. S. S., which was dis covered over fifty years ago, will cleanse your blood of the catarrhal poisons and will thereby relieve you of the dripping in your throat, the sores in your nostrils, spitting, hawk ing and bad breath. All druggists carry S. S. S., and the physicians of our Medical Depart ment will cheerfully answer any let ters which you may write them in regard to your ease. Swift Specific Cos., 305 Swift Building, Atlanta. Ga,