The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, October 05, 1917, Image 3

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YOUR COUNTRY’S CALI. AMERICA IS FACING A GREAT CRISIS— but many of our people do not realize it. ....Thousands of Boys and Girls are facing a turning point in their careers—but fail to see the path leading to the ambition-crowned heights of success. Trained workers are needed today as never before. The future of America may depend upon their united efforts. Boys and girls who are equipped for efficient work can “help win the war,’’ while securing better positions for themselves and making rapid personal advance ment. The only thing standing in your way is lack of training. You will never get very far in this world at manual labor. Muscle is always re latively cheap. Brains are always at a premium and especially at this time, when so many po sitions must be filled quickly. You can learn our system of shorthand and typewriting in 8 to 12 weeks, and we will secure for you a good position. We have started thous ands of young men and women on the road to success in the Business World. Let us do as much for you. We give free courses, along with Shorthand or Bookkeeping, in Typewriting, ■ Penmanship, spelling, Business Law, English and Arithmetic. Our system of Bookkeeping is up-to-date and, when learned, can be used in any modern bus iness office. Don’t let any light obstacle prevent you from entering our Fall classes, September 3rd. Call and discuss your problems with us, or write us freely. You must remember that “Where there is a will there is a way”. We have shown the way in thousands of cases. Our years of ex perience is at your service. Give us the oppor tunity of showing you how you can secure the necessary training to fit you for one of the many good positions open to ambitious young people. Act definitely. Call or write today. Decide that you will train for efficient service—that you will hold a much better job next year than now—that you will make the most possible of your life. We will glady help you. Write for our journal. ..“FORWARD”, which points the way to opportunity for you. It proves there are many desirable openings in business. BAGWILL BUSINESS COLLEGE 31 Lfickie St., Dept. F—C. Atlanta, Ga. How To Use The TELEPHONE Did it ever occur to you that you might not be using the telephone in the right way? Do you speak sideways, above, be low, or six inches away from the trans mitter sjjjjftrour telephone? You should talk directly into the transmitter—not simply at it. Keep your lips about one inch from the mouthpiece. Speak in an even tone. It is not neces sary to shout. There is much that can be said about the proper way to telephone, but these little rules will help. IVhen you Telephone — Smile SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY J. E. PUETT, MANAGER. Subscribe for Toe Mews. In Loving Memory Of little Hoyt Gibson, who de parted this life July 11th 1917 Its little body was laid to rest at Pleasant View cemetery, Rev. V. V. Braddy conducting the funeral services. He was only one year and eleven months and sixteen days old when the Lord saw fit to call him home in heav en. We know not why the Lord took him from us so soon but the Lord knew best. Oh, how sad it fills our hearts no words can tell the sadness that fills our hearts when from little Hoyt we had to part. Lonely the hours since dear darling has gone but a brighter home than ours is now his own. His suff ering is now over and he is now enjoying the sweetness of heav en and singing the sweet songs of Zion. He has paid the debt that we all will have to pay some day. A precious one from us is gone, a voice we loved is still, a place is vacant in our home thatj can never be filled. Dearest' loved one we have laid thee in the peaceful grave embrace but thy memory shall be cherished till we see thy heavenly face, sleep on darling and take thy rest, God called thee home he thought it best, the golden gates are open wide a genie voice said come and an gels from the other side wel comed our Loved one home. Heaven now retains our treas ure, earth lonely casket keeps and the sunbeams long to linger where our lonving darling sleeps. Again we hope to meet thee when the day of life is fled and in heaven with joy to greet thee where no farewell tears are shed. Written by his heart-broken mother, Mrs. Lou Gibson. PLEASANT VIEW. Rev. C. A. Bagley preached a very interesting sermon here Sunday. Remember next Saturday and Sunday we will have Revs. 1 i Dempsey and Wallis with us j and hope to see all the members ! present on Saturday. i Rev. Braddy has returned from South Georgia and re port a very pleasant trip. | Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gunter spent Sunday with Rev. V. V. Braddy and family. Rev. J. J. Dempsey and wife spent Sunday with Mr. A. A. Thompson and family. Aunt Kate Langley w r as sick last week but she is better now. ! Mrs. J. P. Barnett was sick last week but she is better at this writing. If God is for us who could be against us? Then if God is not for us we must be in pretty bad shape, but I want to say he is for every one that will repent believe and be baptized. Mrs. Lucy Fagan is visiting her daughter, Mrs. D. S. Glover this week Say correspondents why not lets h ive a correspondents meet ing of! the 9th of Oct as most of us will want to be at the county fair. We can get together and set a meeting any way Mr Editor I have selected some very important scripture for our many readers and I ask all to look it up and read every word of it and I hope some will be reading it, and all the corespondents that read all of it tell us in your dots next week. Will give the Chapters and verses: Matt 7:1 Rev. 12:10 Gal. 5:15 Matt. 7:3-5 John 12:47, Rom. 14:4. 1. STOMACH TROUBLE Mr. Marion Holcomb, of Nancy, Ky., says: “For quite a long while I suffered with stomach trouble. I would have pains and a heavy feeling after my meals, a most disagreeable taste in my mouth. If 1 ate anything with butter,oil or grease, I would spit it up. I began to have .regular sick headache. 1 had used pills and tablets, but alter a course of these, I would be constipated. It just seemed to tear my stomach all up. 1 found they were no good at all for my trouble. 1 heard TKEDFORD’S fffffffffffffff recommended very highly, so began to use it. It cured me. i keep it in the house all the time. It is the best liver medicine made. 1 clo not have sick headache or stomach trouble any more.” Black-Draught acts on the jaded liver and helps it to do its important work of throwing out waste materials and poisons from the sys tem. This medicine should be in every household for use in time of need. Get a package today. If you feel sluggish, take a dose tonight. You will feel fresh to morrow. Price 25c a package. All druggists. ONE CENT A DOSE u m "‘SibMsb pjßqq tfffW Every Housewife or m \y{ * \ # Mother is ever under 'iOfv A that Nervous Strain.-- Nj which so often results i.i— in Headaches, Dizzy Sensations, Faint noss, Depression and other If Nervous Disorders. Dr. Miles badly run down. TO T ¥ T,T V 1 "1 h.Td b.Fomp gTeaiiy run and '-n r . Ky S JL and my nervs were in terrible V 411 " I had freiiii-ut >.rad stilies ar.<l beenme very and • t t i r* ?! LMiablp to do anytbiDg. 1 is Hi&hiy Kecommendeci b-iught a bottle or nr. uiuv/ x^v- J ine. I ponn to feci better, in Cznu** nv dp: were q-i. H-d. I te iii UcUJ covered i,.y nnd hove si.iee recommended Dr. Mills' T'ervino tF FIRST 30TTLE FAILS TO to many of my friends who I ;.ve used it with -to*v t nils.* BENEFIT, YOUR MONEY WILL FIIANCSS WH IT' * A K. q£t REFUNDED. 179 ilroadway, Schenectady, I s !. Y. A Victrola —the finishing touch to your kocreauo n •j After a hard “sescion” at tennis or golf if is good to hear the music of the Victrola. It “touches the spot’’ to sink in a comfortable chair after strenuous exercise, while the world’s foremost artists jury and sing the music that you !• vc best. You can have a Victrola praeiic . . upon your own frrac. Drop in and ask us about it today —and v. hi!o you're here v.e..! h"o '.our favorite artists entertain you. Victors and Victrolas .*lO . . '.'(JO. / f ’ Y Pilgrim-Esses Furniture Cu., j *\ Gainesville, Ga. r V ' ■; a-W .•/ %£/ % Peter 2:23 1. Sam 16:7. Luke 16:15. John 7:24 Gal. 6:1. Rom. 2:1. 1. Cor 11:31. James 4:11. Titus 3:2. Luke 6:37 Matt. 7:2 1 Cor. 4:5. Ps. 18: 25-26. Hill Billey. Fur. for the Children. Soak a cupful of b- if (5 pf-rs #ver night. They then can be <.. :y pierced. At the prime tim • pro vid; a box of oidcn toothpick:-: 1 ; combining the fvo your children ; ’] : ..<i amusement iby the hour in m ’ ing playthings of iev ry description