The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, October 26, 1917, Image 2

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20per Cent Saved. Iror S ; %tv Days On and after this date for 60 days every customer baying goods at this store will be given a profit sharing cer tificate with each 25c purchase. These certificates will he accepted by ns at face value toward tpurchase of any article in our Special Novelty Department. Mothers! Listen! Is there a baby in your home under one year of age? firing it to this store. It will receive a gold ring. The supply is limited. Call now. Ladies* attention!* While they last we will present free with our compliments to eve-y lady calling at our store a teaspoon of Rogers' well known make. GEO. W. HEARD, For | Weak j Women • i In use for ever 40 year i! ; Thousands of voluntary j letters from women, tel’.- ' ing of the good Cardui | has done them. This is ! the best proof of the value' j cfCardui. It proves that i Cardui is a good medicine for women. There are no harmful or habit-forming drugs in Cardui. It is~'fomposc:i only of mild, medicinal ingredients, with no tau after-effects. TAKE The Woman’s 1 'O2 You can rely on Cardu i. Surely it will do for you what it has done for so many thousands of other womenl It should help. “I was taken sick, seemed to be . . . , ” writes Mrs. Mary E.Ver te, of Madison Heights, Va. “I got down so weak, could hardly walk . . . just staggered around. ... 1 read of Cardui, and after taking one bat tle, or before taking quite ill, I felt much better. I took 3 or 4 bottles rt that time, and was able to do my work. 1 take it in the spring when run down. 1 had no appetite, and 1 commenced eating. It is the best tonic 1 ever saw.” Try Cardui. All Druggist J. td Edmondson & Pirke have a line of Schloss Bros. & Cos., “Clothes Beautiful” also Milton Och’s line of Gold Bond Cloth es; also the Wear Ever line of Boys’ Clothing. You will make no mistake when you dress you or your boys out in these famous lines of clothing. They have stood the test and are bet ter than ever. Give them a call and look them ev§y. Sale Under Agreement. Georgia, Forsyth County. By virtue of an agreement enj tered into between the owners' thereof, will be sold at public| outcry on the 15th day of No-, vember, 1917, at the court house door in said county, be- tween the legal hours of ten’ and two o’clock, 11-12 undivid ed interest in one hundred andl sixty (160) acres, more or less! of land, lying and being in the] state of Georgia, and county ofi Forsyth, and described as fol-i lows: (40) acres more or less] in the second distr : "t and first section of originally Cherokee now Forsyth county, known as and lot number eleven hund red and thirty nine (1139), al so onJ Hundred ar-d twentv (120) acres more or less in the second < Miict and first sect' ,nj of Forsyth county, known as land lots numbers one thousand 1 and eighty four (1084), one thousand and eighty three, (1083) ; one thousand and sev enty two (1072) ; all of said land lying in one body and to sold in one tract. Terms of sale cash. This 15th day of Octo ber, 1017. C. M. Lowe, D. B. Lowe, Queen Lowe, Lizzie Lowe, Eunice Buice, Lucy Lowe. Gergia, Forsyth County. Notice is hereby given that ap plication for an order to sell h certain Ford automobile, five passenger, motor No. 2080881, license No. 47576. has been fil- ed in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said Cos. Said automobile being seized upon the public highways of said county, and containing at the time of said seizure, whis key, the sale or possession of which is prohibited by law. This notice is given in accord ance with section 20 of the Acts of the General Assembly of Ga. approved March 28, 1917. W. T. Merritt, Sheriff. If you are in need of house paints, roof paints, or lubricat ing oils of any kind, save your order until I call and see you. I can save you money in this line and give you the best goods to be had. A. B. Fowler, Heardville, Ga. Seed Wheat. i I have about 75 bushels of seed wheat for sale at $8.25 per bushel. ■ • - • HEARDVILLE. Gee, how cold these morn ion trs are? Misses Gusta Pruitt at)d Ber tha Fowler visited Misses An ne Bell and Maud Dawson Sun dav. Mr. Wm Pirkle and mother visited at Mr. .T. K. Brooks near No v rrnss Sunday. Mr. M. V. HawVins and fam il v visited at Mr*. F. L. Hawk ns Sunday. Mr. Fdd Timms and wife vis i+ed at Mr. Ernest Stewart’s Sundav. Mr. Clauclie Fowler and wife rrd Mr. Arthur Sosebee and family visited at Mr. Sam Capes Sunday. Mr. Dennis > T ix and wife visited at Mr.— Fowlers Saturday nioTii and Sundav. Dr. W. W. Pirkle and fami ly and Mrs. Abe Wyatt visited Mr. Ernest Stewart Sunday af ternoon. Mr. Ernest. Fowler and fami ly visited relatives near Duck town Sunday. Miss Annie Bell Dawson vis itpd Miss Era Pirkle Saturday afternoon. Brown Eyes. ROUTE 2. Well, Mr. White just keeps pounding Dir. G ’een. Looks as if he meant to kill him before he nuits. Mr. Buddie Bolden of near Hopewell motored down to see his son. Duffy, Sunday p.m. Mr. Luther Green of Atlanta £-000+ Monday of last week at Mr. Bill Greens, who has had a stroke of paralysis. Mr. Doll Charles and family' snent Sunday at Mr. G. E. Mc-j Coy’s. i Mr. F. H. Vance and family spent Sunday with Mr. D. E. Martin and family. Mr. Homer Chadwick and family spent 1 night last week with relatives near Frogtown. Those visiting Miss Sarah Hood Sunday afternoon were. Bertha and Blanche Pilcher I Clarice and Gladys McCoy. Mrs. J. B. Bvers and child ren spent one day last week | with relatives near Mat. Mrs. J. D. Martin of Atlanta, and a son of Alabama snent one. day last’week with Mrs. G. E. Monroe. Mr. W. L. Poole and family j snent Sunday at Mr. Charlie! Coffee's. Mr. .T. C. Stenhens and fami ly loft Sundae' to visit her fath er. who is sick, at Jasner. Blossom. COAL MOUNTAIN. Mr. End Tallant and family and Mr John Nnrrell and daug ter spent sometime recently at Mr. Marion Hooper’s, near Mid way. Messrs Joel. Ravinond. Gas and Charlie Heard. Misses Flor ence Heard and Pearl Norrell, and Fso. Norrell attended the Fair in Atlanta last week. Mrs. Ethel Renson snent last Tuesday with her brother. Rev J. I. Forrist. Mr. Ben Castleberrv. wife and daughter spent Thursday night with Rev. G. W. Forrist and family. Misses Belle and Jennie For rist spent Saturday night with Bertha and Nettie Tidwell. Mrs. Alice Wheeler and da ugh er. Ona. spertf Sunday with Mrs Milton Tidwell. Don’t forget that next Satur day and Sundav are reguler meeting days. Everybody try to come o*t asd be with *e. STATEMEN F OF THE CONDITION OF THE lank of (Humming Located at Gumming, Ga., At the dose of Business Sept. 10, 1917. Resources. Liabilities. Demand Loans 1 00 Capital'Stock Paid In, 25 000 0 Time Loans 125 973 48 Surplus Fund 16 90 Overdrafts, secured 697 8b Undivided Profits, less Current Overdrafts, unsecured 300 00 Expenses, and Taxes Paid, 1 Banking House, 6 500 00 Individual Deposits subject Furniture and Fixtures, 2 095 09 to Check 20 201 75 Other real estate 2 575 00 Time Certificates 49 382 31 Due from Banks and Bank- Bills Payable, including Time era in this State, 3 9SS 15 Certificates representing Bor- Due from Banks and Bank- rowed Money ers in other States, 408 00 Currency, 00 Gold, 455 00 Silver, Nickels, etc. 795 42 Cash Items, 186 07 Clearing House ... ~, Total 145 679 07 fotal 140 679 07 STATE OF GEORGIA—COUNTY OF FORSYTH. " ™ ™ Before me came S. H, Allen, Cashier of Bank of Gumming, who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of s lid Bank as shown by the books of file in said Bank. S. H. ALLEN, Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 19th day of Sept, 191 1. K. A. Kemp, C. N. P Forsyth Cos., Ga. They Let Him Sleep 1 - believe / am entirely cared and I ( 7T 7} sleep soundly all night.' H ' T ' Strayngt / ‘take two of Foley Kidney Pills with a glass of pure iMy*-’’’ yj/’' water after each meal and at X bedtime. A quick and easy \ I 00 way to put a stop to your | \\o Jjrpn y&J/yO ° o o o*' getting up time after time ° °°o O during the night. 0 Foley Kidney Pills also stop 0 \) /O® ° pain in back and sides, head -700 X) ® ache, stomach troubles, dis- _ O turbed heart action, stiff and *0 O 0 V. aching joints and rheumatic 0 pains due to kidney and ✓n, s/ -'! S bladder ailments. r\ L) ft 3? k 1 VJ 1 Vu (M.V \~g G A INKS VILt.E, GA., R. R. No. 3. Mr. Of \V /T’'"* f H. T. Stray np; **>*: “For ten years I’ve v T W >'^| V | ; /J been an: :>*ja to a'.! night vithoi t get* in* V / > / [ Ean.ct’n.r • only a L.vv minutes aitei \\\ . P'l R// p\nj; to tr'l I'd ha- tr get up. I tried (yil / c '-’ jf everything 1 het-ui of lor rh-- trouble. Lnst V j f / y . i tT':d P. '.y Kidney and alter •* r~. ' 'Pint* 1 C sr r.~ !v v'e I be'irve I arrf entirely :vi J f > c C'-i ~nd I iie.p acanaly all night.” SOICCZiCO.’C -■ <' 5, p ,m* *7*? • t.; riv- aR bc' lzr zc to try Co.’s fc:? .!y remedies, yon t ftliSS I Lio. .. ' lc ; lo y .. ol Avr., Chicago, this, clipping and sc, with your name a: b . he sw. i t ele - ■ t and they will mail you trial package containing samples of Fcl ;-’o 1- ■icy and la. Compound, .‘oley .C.dney Pills and Fcley Cattailic Tablets. fofsoin’s Hotel Bullard & E-nnelt, Prop ra., . v ["• • > 16 1-2 Marietta St,, Atlanta, Gr.5M Rob Bennett, one cf the Proprietors, is an old Forsyth county boy, anc he and be delighted to have has triends to drop around to see him when m the city. This hotel hr? 1 ((n kit (dekd. paint ed, and put in up-to-date condition by the present management, and deserves your patronage. In the District Court of the Unit ed States for the Northern Dist of Georgia. In re: Benjamin H Turner, Bankrupt. No. 6020 in: Bankruptcy. A"p etTtion for’dischar gcTha v ing been filed in conformity with law by above named bank rupt and the Court having or dered that the hearing upon I said petition be had on Novem her 17th, 1917, at ten o’clock, 1 ! a. m.. at the United States Dis i trict Court room, in the city of Atlanta, Georgia, notice is here by given to all creditors andoth er persons in interest to appear at said time and place andshow j cause, if any they have, why ! the prayer of the bankrupt for 1 discharge should not be grant ed. , O. C. Fuller, Clerk. Wood's. Sccdi 1 Rosen Rye The most vigorour. p-w*--. irg cad productive ct fkc< Ryes. Sfooj.-i out I'.c’ tcr.: - perier qii-.’.Ky cf pr.-Jn. destined, in cr.r opin'; \ r fake the place of c.i ever Rye. Wood’s F alftatalog Giver. fr!l r rii or \ * * * tion, ami aiM) ic r. i,bou ■ . . SEED WtiEAT, C/.TB. RYE, and Other Set ; for Fall Sowing, Write fr r Catalog prijcr r i any Sctxis required. t. v,\ wocd a sc?-:::., SEEDSEOU - ' •>.