The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, October 26, 1917, Image 8

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Alpharetta, Route 1. Mrs. Eliza Pendley and Mrs.l Julia Sew 1! and children spent one evening last week with Mrs. Salih- Burgess. Mr. Carl Spence and family t visited at Mr. T. S. Bennett’s Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. Emery Chester and fami ly spent Saturday at Mr. Bill (theater’s. Mrs. Eliza Pendley spent Sat ui’da v night and Sunday at Mr. Aaron Hudson’s. Mr. Will Bruce and family spent one day last week at Mr. Bill Chester’s. Mr. Bill Chester and family and Mr Emery Chestera nd fam ily spent Saturday night and Sunday at Mr. Joe Chester’s. Mrs. Willice spent Sunday with Mrs. Eunie Smith. Misses Laura Mae and Thel ma Hasty - pent Sunday at Mr. Jim Sewell’s. Mrs. Anna Goswiek and chil dren, Miss Fannie Stow and Mrs. Mrv'ido chesf.'-r .ml chiV ren visited Mrs Cynthia Spence Friday afternoon.. Mr. and Mrs. ,T. H. Hasty spent Sunday at Mr. Joe Doss’. Lillian. Silver Shoals. Mr. Editor, will you let me drop in a line, I nromiso not to stay long. Dr. and Mrs. G. P. Brice were in Gainesville 1 dav last week. Mr. Paul Dover is on the sick list this week. Hope he will soor. be out again. Mk-> Ruth Jordan and broth! or. James, spent Saturday night; with their sister, Mrs. J. E. An- 1 di m on, near Oscarville. Feople around here are about done making syrup. Miss Ella Nix spent Sunday wiih her grandmother. Miss Mamie Millwood visit ed at Mr. T. R. Brice’s Sunday. There were a fe" v attending ♦ h*• singing at New Hope Irom here, and report a nice time. ,Misses Rubv and F.urh-e Jor dan visited their sister. Mrs. A1 ice Delong Sunday afternoon. Success to the News. Blue Eyes. In the D'strVt Court of the Unit ed States for the Northern Dis trict of Georgia. Ire r*e Frank Qrav, Bankrupt, No. 5994. in TANARUS) rjkrvntrv. ,\ petition for discharge hav jn® been filed in conformity with law bv above named bank r"pt and the Court having or dered that the hearing upon s 'ld petition be had on Novem ber 24th. 1917. at ten o’clock, a, rn. at the United States Dis trict Court Room in the city of Atlanta. Georgia, notice is here by given to all creditors and (ther persons in interest to ap pear at said time and place and show cause, if anv thev have, why the prayer of the bankrupt for discharge should not be granted. O. C. Fuller. Clerk. Notce. All parties owing me note or account please meet them prompt, as nv expenses have G at led the 'a ave;.", am 1 . the ones l owe say they want their money. Please don’t wait for to send after i! 3 or 4 tunes Suppose I waited for you to send after me several times when you wanted mv services, would you wait for me to come Divas you wish to be done by, and I will be content. Your Friend & Servant. R. H. Bramblett, M. D. SHARON. Several from this part attend ed the Fair in Atlanta Wednes day and reported a nice time. Mrs. Hattie Terry and child ren visited at Mr. J. W. Terrys Thursday. Mr. B. F. Gantt and family spent one day last week with Mr. J. D. Buice and family. Misses Nettie Spence and Al pha Buice visited Miss Eber Ech ols last Wednesday. Mis - Edith West of Gaines ville is visitng at Mr. Carl Pow ell’s. Those vsiting at Mr. Lester Kidd’s Sunday were, Mr. Curtis Smith and family. Mr. Clyde Dempsey and wife, Mr. Oscar Mall and family and Mr. and Mrs. Swift Hall, Mrs. J. W T . Thompson, Mrs. Magdalena Buice and children and Mrs. J. 1). Buice and daughter, Delpha Yes. Hill Billy, I should think the dav of the fair would be a nice time for the correspond ents’ meeting. However, lam anew comer to your cheerful page, and do not know very much about your meeting, but I trust it will prove to be a suc cess. Misses Clara and Bell Buice are visiting in Gainesvlle. Lttle Genevieve Buice visited her grandmother, Mrs. J. D. Buice, Wednesday. Mrs. Lester Kidd is real sick at this writing. Next Saturday and Sunday are regular meeting days at this place. MAKES RAPID HEADWAY. Add this fact to your store of Knowledge. Kidney disease often advanc es so rapidly that many a per son is firmly in its grasp before aware of its progress. Prompt attention should be given the slightest sympton of kidney dis order. If there is a dull pain in ihe back, headaches, dizzy spells or a tired worn out feel ing, are if the kidney secretions are offensive, irregular and at tended with pain, procure a good kidney remedy at once. Thousands recommend Doan's Kidney Pills. Read the state ale at below: A. N. Shackelford, jeweler, I.awrenceville, Ga.. says. “I can honestly recommend Doans Kidney Pills. I used them for an attack of kidney trouble and they gave me more benefit than any other remedy I ever tried. They are surely excellent:" Price 60c at all dealers Don’t simpy ask for a kidney remedy get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the ,:,ne that Mr. Shackelford had Foster Milburn Cos., Proprs., Buffalo, N. Y. adv. Georgia, Forsyth County. Notice is hereby given that : implication for an order to sell certain Ford automobile, five 1 passenger, motor No. 565695, i use No. 29622, has been fil ed in the office of the Clerk of •> Superior Court of said Cos. Said automobile being seized u ii the imbFc high- -avs >f s.ufl county, containing ai tne i'e of said seizure, whiskey, the sale of possession of which i prohibited by law. Yhc owner of said car not be-1 ir,.r known, this notice is given ir icordance with secton 20 of ) l,c Acts of the General Assem bly of Ga., approved March 28th, 1917. | W. T. Merritt, Sheriff. Our year begins on August Ist of each year and ends on July 31st of the next year. Last year we sold 93 Ford Cars. Our estimate was 114 Ford Cars. Our estimate this year is only 96 Ford cars. We never get over 90 percent of our estimate. We have already sold and delivered 12 Ford cars on new es timate. We would have sold 50 more cars last year could we have gotten them. This year cars are scarcer than ever. The demand for cars is almost twice as great this year as last. You can see where this is leading us to! We may be able to get cars this winter, but we must have the orders for same in advance. Take warning and if you intend to buy a Ford car next summer have it delivered this winter. This is no idle talk. We want to sell them worse than you want to buy them, and we know that if we don’t make our deliveries between now and Spring that we can’t get the cars and will lose tht sales. Strickland & Wisdom AGENTS, EORSYTSI AND DAWSON COUNTSES. Edmondson & Pirkle never had such a strong line of shoes as if is reason shoes thaPwill g:ve yon absolute satisfaction n every j articular. Se .i them, before you shoe your family for, the winter. It will be to your in terest. For Sale. 1 have for sale a few bushels of choice bearded wheat, and will sell at $3.25 per bushel. V. V. Braddy, Gumming, Ga.. route 6. —i i Want a nice Calendar for the coming year? Just come in and pay up and we will give you one See notice on page 3. Cal! on Edmondson & Pirkle for your seed wheat, rye and oats, Appier, red rust proof and Burt. All good varieties for sowing for fall, and don’t neg lect to sow pinty of small grain Edmondson & Pirkle have on hand a good lot of nice feathers • i -oss of Special F’eather Pillows to go at 40c that weigh about 1 3-4 lbs each, guaran teed all new feathers and sani tar'-. Alex Vaughan has a good home on Atlanta Street, good bermuda pasture with running water, in fact, an up-to-date place, which he wants to sell at a reasonable price and on good terms. Call to see him. fffffffffff Cfrflft. < V A .. -jr •% Net Contents U fluid Drach?j ALCOHOL-3 I’ER CENL 1 .|' Preparation for As s i ;r. i 1 n 1 i ml the Food hy Reg ula - tiiu>j hcSiJf.ui.lisan(l Thereby Promoting Digestion ' Cheerfulness and Rest. Contains 1 neither Opium, Morphine nor Mineral. NotNakgotic Pumpkin Seed \ \ I Alx Smta PnduUi Salts APsfSml 'Zm'zLscj* : bird AW (i.uifu ! Sugar /Tutor ' A helpfnTitomody for , Constipation awl 9> arrh ° c ;.. v! IVvc-ishrossnWt ; Lor.s of Sleei’ ji resulhn $ j facsimile Sidnam^ of j j ; J 1 ~~ ' ■ r *"-T~ .~ 7r- fV!?- : c oS"*o*T l’™ V Sv'fciU !v oa v 1: '.sT'Vs. OS . ' Oc v ,‘i /"W /' - c i/ . ■ - < ... i. It <-■_ tn hum or i cepouso. N.iti ctm'P m nr rn *> n : l> i- / j . , \ / oc • . i . VAtl I; NA Xp O >7O A • • i<’ c . c. i i c do v,c i!i*> Dr. Samuel I’lft r t j 1 / rente ti:o u hi ,*imu o ; jo dg ventre c cijtirWioa.fcbrtpt* ini*. i-m i tr ntc QIC SUMNO / . j ! • o.r .n. gj. trrZrcX:’- ww y()k. / *4 r : h Exaa. Cory o'. 'Vrapper. is j il ivi jjT 11111 Sj^ y rlv sal fra For Xnfrnts ard ChiMuen. * wnTi m i- . v ijjr j.nn— n Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always 1 1 \ Bears the /Jjf $ Signature//Jr r r \\ r A p*' lh Sn , s si ft 0* bsß ;lj For Over Thirty Years THI CINTAUR COWPINY NEW YORK CI T Y,